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Posts posted by lynspottery.6529

  1. I was running around the Reserve Power Core in the Reserve Generator Site area killing mobs, and all of a sudden I had flesh golems spawning all over the place. I ended up with over a dozen fighting for me. Submitted in-game bug report too.


    I have no idea what caused my flesh golem to spawn so many clones but it seems like a bug to me. Here is a link to the screen shot showing the problem: ![](http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b561/lynspottery/flesh%20golems%20clones_zpsd2mdyyhq.jpg "")


  2. Update: I deleted the folder that Inculpatus cedo.9234 suggested and entered the game again today. Attempted to make my purchase ....but it still is not allowing me access to purchase.


    _**Maybe Item bugged?>>**_ Recipe: Red Lentil Saobosa


    I've been trying to purchase this recipe for two days now without success. There is a continuous circling icon in the page for placing the order, but whenever I click on "Place and Order," the page grays out and nothing happens.


    Cannot purchase this recipe. Could it possibly be the recipe itself that is bugged? There are quite a few listed for sale on the BLTC

  3. It seems the BLTC is having issues again. I tried earlier today to purchase something but it failed to allow me access. Now just a few moments ago I am experiencing a lack of access again.


    I can open the windows and scroll through things, but when I select something to purchase, nothing happens. I have reported this using the in-game bug report, but thought to place it here as well. I asked around and some of my guild mates are having the same problem.


    But what's really odd is: why can I sell things on the BLTC, but cannot purchase?

  4. Ok, I finally was able to obtain the branch just a few moments ago. I had to stand on the npc's feet in order for him to actually accept the parts I was trying to give to him. I think he accepted maybe 1/2 of the parts I tried to fling at his feet. Other folks in this event today were really salty...cussing is a mild explanation to what I was hearing. lol


    Got my fingers crossed this gets fixed really soon for all those that still need it.

  5. Here's my feedback for LWS4, Episode 1 - Daybreak:

    Because I had already completed Eye of the Brandstorm and Under The Stars right after they launched, about the only thing I have to say about them is what everyone else seems to be saying: _Way too many visual effects in "Eye of the Brandstorm”: the brandstorm around us, the ligntnings, the energy domes; Too much happening at the same time in “Eye of the Brandstorm”. We are told to quickly destroy the crystals and then our characters says, "wait, was that Aurene?". Where? Player attention would be the on crystals; players can’t afford to look around or at the sky. Too many control effects in the boss fight for "Eye of the Brandstorm" quote from Erasculio.2914_


    3._**Champion's Dawn:**_ I was rather surprised to find this particular instance a walk in the park so-to-speak. Normally, I have difficulties with a lot of the story instances and have struggled to attempt them solo; which, of course, is impractical for me. I currently use my Ranger as my main character, however, even with the elite specialization and my combat pets, I still experience difficulties. But, I was pleasantly surprised with this one. I have to admit I did some research on this before I attempted it and found no glaring raging commentary. The humor was nice and I was grinning about the fact that my hurling a rock at him (with the added head-butting of my Rock Gazelle) actually worked. Enjoyed this one and liked that it was straight forward and short (compared to a lot of others).


    For the next three instances, I teamed up with a guild mate since he was getting ready to do them and knew I had not done these yet.

    4. _**Convincing the Corsair:**_ This was rather straight forward as well. Typical scavenger hunt style, but with the annoying yo-yo back and forth for the map locations of items needed. As a team, we manged to accomplish these small item collections rather quickly and without much fan fare. Although, it was nice having a partner since we ran into a mob of those fanged ibogas, which are most annoying if you get ambushed by them. Otherwise this particular episode was not that bad.

    5. _**The Hero of Istan:**_ Difficulty adjustment was not much of an issue with two of us, but I could foresee it being a problem had I soloed this one. The boss fight was a real PITA. I was involved in the meta event that fights those mobs and that boss was hard even with a large group. However, for just for the two of us, along with the useless AI companions, it was a chore. _My biggest gripe is still the same: _ The AI for those companions, who are supposed to be your allies in combat, is a **joke**. They stood around twiddling their thumbs and only managed to rez either of us if we got downed. They are worse than useless and I wish Anet would fix their AI to work better and actually engage in combat as they say they are supposed to do.

    6. _**The First City:**_ The entry to this instance leading up to the last fight was not as bad as I envisioned, however, there seems to be a bug with the first giant weight as it never stopped dropping even after I pulled the chain. Even my guild mate said it seemed bugged since he had done this story instance before on a different character. However, we managed to get through and collect all the chests along the way. The combat was annoying with the companions still not carrying their weight. The only thing they were good for was to stand on the stones we needed to stop the fire walls leading into the final boss fight.

    >This final boss fight is WAY way too much. I got thrown off the central platform early in the fight and fell to my death. I had to wait until there was a change for the game to finally raise me up so I could continue with the next phases of this last encounter. Here I have to echo other players' remarks "Boss fights - too many back to back spam / non-uninterruptible moves / aoes, too high hp pool." In my opinion it should have been called the "Nightmare from Hades" boss fight.


    Why can't we have a simple and less intense "story mode" so folks can enjoy the story and lore without all the intensity? Offer a choice of modes that players can select. Oh, and another thing, these 3 instances took over 2 hours to complete. I can imagine how long it would have taken had I attempted to solo them. Something needs to be adjusted on these. I understand some players really enjoy the difficulties in these but some of us just want to enjoy the story and lore. They are already repeatable for the achievements, make them repeatable for difficulty as well.

  6. This is getting old. I don't mind the collections for achievements, but so many are just not able to be sold even to the vendor while others you can. Why on earth only some collections are able to be sold but not others? Makes no sense to be so haphazard about these collections items. I really would like to know why.


    Would someone from Anet pop in here and explain this disparity?


  7. I would also like to point out that I have many exotic items that I just cannot break, sell/vendor at all. I can't even throw them into the Mystic Forge, although I cannot understand why these items are so restricted. The only option available is to "destroy" said items....and that is such a waste. I would love to see Anet remove those basic restrictions.

  8. I did that jp ONCE, and only once on my Ranger back when I was at level for that area. Fortunately for me I was grouped with several guildies and as we went through it together, it seemed like having a group just "made" it feel easier when it really wasn't. I shall never take an alt through there...I had nightmares about that place after completing it that one time. Of course it took us longer to do it as we had to start some area over again in order to progress, but you can see where I am on this.

  9. > @"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:

    > > @"Icdeadeyeslol.6703" said:

    > > Five times in a row I have the right ingredient on the last item to give the dam-F-idiot and he always says "Better luck next time". Why not give us more time?

    > > It should be, because I am a senior at 64yrs old and.

    > >

    > > I get more time with each, "better luck next time." I want him to say ok your an old man here is more time!

    > > And I'll stop yelling at you?

    > > Also the rabbit recharge is to long.

    > > He doesn't stay in place long enuf.

    > > DAM...after 30 tries I should just get the dam MP as my blood pressure going higher will give me a stroke or heart attacK...can't this old man get a break?


    > Youngster...

    > Only took me a few more than 20 tries... and a lot of cursing. You just need to learn to curse better.


    Thanks for a good chuckle on that "learn to curse better" comment. :3

  10. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > The NPC does eventually accept your parts if you keep trying.


    "Eventually" being the operative word. Every time I tried this event, we ran out of time because of the issue with the npc not accepting parts. So the time is what eventually caused the failure of the event even when we were trying to throw parts at this npc...

  11. There are only two other games I've played where I had a "sidekick" (champion or henchman) that actually was fairly useful when I went solo. SWTOR and WoW. Both games offer this npc helper and the stats/profession are not chosen by you but you can choose which one in your group of selections you can use. Both games offered these npc that had different abilities and skills from which you could chose. When I was playing those games I generally chose the companion that I felt would be most helpful for my selected tasks for my run. In order to swap them out, you needed to go back to your base of operations (class halls in WoW, or ship in SWTOR).


    However, since I've not been playing them for some time, I can't speak to how relevant they are currently. I just know that it was a good idea and the AI seemed to work pretty well when I used them. Sometimes that little bit of help is what kept me from dying in a particular intense battle or instance for my story. I would like to see that in GW2, but doubt Anet will implement them.


    After seeing how poorly the current AI works for our current story Heroes, I don't expect much. The current story Heroes offered up tend to stand around while the mobs and min-bosses in your instances pound on you. The only help I've ever really gotten was a rez when I got downed....but that is all. If that is an example of the "help" we could expect from any companion should Anet implement them, then I can do without them.

  12. > @"Jaime Angel.5310" said:

    > It is now pretty near impossible. There are never enough players around to achieve it - and yes LFG has been tried. The most ever seen there now is about 5-6 people which is impossible to achieve in the time available. I think Griffon for most remaining players is now a nearly impossible task.


    I managed to get my griffon early on in the segment when the mounts became available by asking my guild leader if it would be possible to pull together a guild group for it. Not only did that work, but just as soon as he triggered this legendary mob, everyone on the map flocked to the pyramid to join in. It was amazing how big the group got for this particular fight.


    Its not only folks who need the drop for the griffon fighting this legendary, but anyone for any reason. I got some decent drops from this fight which also helped in my mat farming for purchasing things to get some ascended gear. I always join in any legendary bounty that is announced on any map because its fun to do .....

  13. I truly wish Anet would implement something like this. I would like to be able to swap between Berserker Power gear and Viper Condition gear, depending on where I am on the maps. But its frustrating to have to carry two sets of gear around with you just taking up bag space for something like this. I can swap out my stats on my legendary weapons easily enough, but not on my ascended armor that easily.

  14. > @"Mil.3562" said:

    > GW2 has already lost it's direction when Anet decided to go ascended 4 years ago : P


    > Not just bosses, it is not safe at all to park yourself even in the most remote places or even at some waypoints, if you need to afk for just a minute. Mobs will just spawned out of nowhere and attacked you. I think this is working as intended :/


    Yes, the first time I experienced this, I started just porting into my guild hall if I knew I only needed a short break. Then I got one of those mistlock sanctuary tomes which allows me to actually log off safely if I need a longer break but want to get back to where I was to continue what I was doing.

  15. > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > I hate the duration of the current debuffs. I can end a fight in 5-7 seconds but am kept in combat for 10+ seconds because the slow and poison/vulnerability durations are so long....and then some pat has come by or the mob packs have respawned by the time the debuffs wear off and I'm in combat again.


    This so much. Needless to say, this affect also prevents you mounting up to go on your way. I've been downed then recovered after a bout with a mob like this, but in order to get away, I have to "hobble/shuffly" away (and hope I can get far enough before they respawn) because I can't mount up to go on my way...still in combat which effectively eliminates mounting.

  16. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > If you're like me and you've done map completion a few times I'm sure you will agree that the single most annoying thing about it is completing the hearts. I absolutely despise them and I would pay almost any price to be able to skip them entirely.


    > In principle, I agree: hearts are fun once or twice, but subsequently, dullsville. In practice, however, they are one of the fundamental challenges in map completion & I think it would trivialize the accomplishment.


    > >

    > > We can already skip the incredibly annoying Hero Point Challenges.

    > The reason for that has nothing to do with whether they are annoying or not. It's so that people who primarily play WvW don't have to sully themselves setting foot outside the Mists simply to train up elite specializations.


    > So if you want to start a new thread to request that ANet offer a way to permanently unlock LS3-4|PoF heart vendors without repeating the heart each day... that I would support.



    I don't mind doing hearts for map completion on my alts after finishing it on my main, but I do feel irritated that in order to purchase something from a heart vendor in PoF now, you HAVE to complete the heart another time just to purchase from them. That is annoying. I don't mind repeating those I have fun with but give us the option when clicking on that heart vendor of either redoing the heart or purchase from their inventory.

  17. > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

    > I did it solo a couple of days ago after years. It' remember it was horrible, but I don't remember it was _that_ horrible. It's beyond believe they greenlit this sorry excuse of the final story step. As you mentioned: the rest of Destiny's Edge literally afk stand around and do NOTHING. I mean kitten? Also you alone 'kill' Zhaitan by shooting aka pressing 1 repeatedly for 2 minutes while the rest of the crew just stand around. It's absolutely ridiculous. I think they had to rush this. I am pretty sure it was planned that you fight him on the soil of Arah in an epic battle.


    > Luckily, PoF and HoT did it far better.


    There is still an issue with the "heroes" who stand around twiddling their thumbs while you get wailed upon by the mobs in these story instances. If the AI was fixed so that these "heroes" would actually participate as a team with you, it would make these story instances much better. As it is, I've given up expecting "my heroes friends" to actually step in and help me with any of the fights I've done in my story lines. In fact I did better with a couple of guildies to party up with and we ignored the "heroes" completely.


    About the only thing that they are helpful for are the times I needed to be rezzed in a single story instance I was soloing, because the mobs just overwhelmed me. That is when I realized that some of these story instances are not easily soloed by all professions. Some builds are much better than others and they are not all on the same profession. It would help if there was a better build balance so that whatever build you use, you have a chance to succeed without having to depend on outside help just to complete any particular step.

  18. > @"Darkon Ligator.9342" said:

    > 2 Things:

    > 1: Why not add a tab to the crafting stations that allow players to pick up items and crafting supplies purchased from the Trading Post?



    Adding a tab to crafting stations for the ability to pickup items from the Trading Post is a great idea. But what I really want is to see a way to sort crafting selections into batches you use all the time, similar to how the Favorites in the dye selection screen works.


    It would also be nice not to have to constantly close down all the different crafting levels every time I open up my crafting window. I would like to see it collapsed every time I open it instead. With one small caveat : keep open the selections you are currently working on until you finish with them.


    Having to constantly re-select what I am currently working on. Its a pain to go through this process every single time without a way to keep your selections on top until you are actually finished with them.

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