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Elementalist Owner.7802

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Posts posted by Elementalist Owner.7802

  1. Spellbreaker winds does not need a nerf. Right now any decent group will take a **maximum** of 1 warrior per party. Any more and they'd be doing themselves a disservice. If you nerf winds, warrior falls out of meta again.


    There is so much room for counter-play: dodge rolls, stun breaks, superspeed, better positioning... And on top of that it's not an easy skill to use effectively. Play a spellbreaker in wvw and then come back. You'll quickly realize that winds is not as powerful as you think.

  2. > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > Hello everyone,

    > Posting to get some clarification on what the "expected" role is for a mesmer in WvW. I'm still very new to the environment and want to make sure I'm doing something meaningful for my world. As I understand it, mesmers make great roamers, i.e. flipping caps and taking down those singular guards. They're often good at picking off stragglers on larger blobs. But I was once assigned in a zerg to stick next to the commander and guard him as I was told they were great for that. That was a bit different, but I liked it. It was also a role I didn't know about. Are there any other things mesmers can be useful for? I am currently playing a Power Mirage.

    > Thanks for reading.


    Condi mesmers are among the best roamers because trailblazer stats are so powerful. Some groups still take a single minstrel support chrono in GvGs because a well placed gravity well inside a warrior dome can win the round easily. However, since the recent balance patch nerfed distortion share, and because firebroken (firebrand*) is so powerful, I would say support chrono has fallen out of meta.

  3. Everything needs to be toned down. The power creep that comes with every expansion has made the game unplayable. Too much sustain and defensive abilities, passives are out of control, condis are still too strong... Power creep might be good for PvE but in PvP everything is so powerful that it has become a facerolling clown fiesta.

  4. In the situation you describe there's really not much you can do. If you can hold the point in an outnumbered fight, and the bots on your team can't even secure another node with number advantage, you are on a team with people who cannot be carried. Unfortunately due to low population you will constantly be put on teams with these people. If the poll had an option that said "stop wasting your time, just exit the game and uninstall" I would have picked that.

  5. > @"Carighan.6758" said:

    > > @"Elementalist Owner.7802" said:

    > > It's like you ignore the part where it's WvW and there are dozens of enemies, you can't possibly keep track of every ability that every player is using. Which is fine until you add a one-shot kill ability.


    > You waited 10-15 seconds to be one-shot.


    > **Which DPS spec has not killed you in that time yet?** Because that's the total time needed to get to the point where it deals that much damage.


    What do you expect someone to do in those 10-15 seconds? You know the thief is stealthed and can one-shot you at any random point in time. You cannot predict when *exactly* the shot will be taken. So now you have to stop whatever you're doing and be **100% focused** on not getting one-shotted. Yes, you can outplay it, but you have to essentially stop playing the rest of the game to focus on it. When there are so many abilities and mechanics in the game (especially in WvW) it is NONSENSE to make your players focus on ONE attack or get instantly killed.

    With other DPS specs in those 10-15 seconds you can react to taking damage, and god forbid you don't react to one single attack, you still have the ability to recover.


    For some reason there seems to be this idea that I'm suggesting you can't avoid getting one-shotted. Obviously you can avoid it easily, but that's irrelevant to the point I'm making.

  6. > @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

    > > @"Elementalist Owner.7802" said:

    > > https://i.imgur.com/DRUdQod.jpg

    > > Just want to thank whoever thought of the brilliant idea of putting a one-shot kill ability into an open world PvP battleground where fights can have dozens of players on each side and where everyone has at least 10 skills on their bar. It has created such interactive gameplay, such as getting literally one-shotted through 3300 armor and 25k health. I'm having fun just thinking about it! Thanks balance team!


    > wow.. [this discussion again](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/17435/50k-hit-sad "this discussion again")..

    > Yeah yeah, please keep pretending thieves/deadeye is op, ofc he's the most op class in the game because thief is anet's favorite class so they make him op af.. yeah yeah..


    I'm not saying deadeye is "op" I'm saying it's cancer in WvW

    It's actually really weak in pvp. I want it to thrive in pvp and get buffed in other areas, but the one-shot kill is kind of toxic in a game like this.

  7. > @"K THEN.5162" said:

    > Though I don't really PvP, I'd imagine it'd go something like:

    > Scourge

    > Scourge

    > Firebrand

    > Scourge

    > Spellbreaker

    > Scourge

    > Scourge

    > PvP bot

    > More scourge

    > Match manipulating Daredevil


    > And insert pro player alt here... That also plays SCOURGE


    Spellbreaker is actually kinda terrible now. It's supposed to be a duelist class so it's inherently terrible on teamfight maps like Legacy of the Foefire. On top of that it's hard countered by scourges and mirages, and stalemated by firebrands/bunker druids, all of those classes being top picks right now.


    Imo the top 50 is going to be tons of scourges, firebrands, and mirages.

  8. > @"Cynz.9437" said:


    > The so called one shots come from extremely glassy build which has basically nothing. You can do the same with ele, war, engi etc. (ironically those still have more surivival than glass thief). Why do you not complain about those? Classes are usually not balanced around wvw because of how messy and chaotic the mode is. In pvp/pve DE is a joke, even one shot build.


    > While we are at it, in fps games i can shot enemies with headshot as a sniper. Glass DE is basically a sniper. What is your point?


    My point is, GW2 isn't a FPS.

    I haven't been one shotted by any of those classes so I don't have any input there. But you're right, sadly the balance team doesn't consider WvW. I guess that's the root of the problem.

  9. > @"Kirin.7306" said:

    > use reflect lol


    > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > If the deadeye hits you with it at full malice, you deserve to be one shoted.


    > @"Urejt.5648" said:

    > Dont whine. It takes 30 seconds to prep such nuke and that nuke is easily dodgeable by dodge, aegis or immunity


    > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > That is like complaining about jumping off cliff without glider and dying to fall damage. You had plenty of time and tools to do something about it. It has huge tell too and long warning window.


    It's like you ignore the part where it's WvW and there are dozens of enemies, you can't possibly keep track of every ability that every player is using. Which is fine until you add a one-shot kill ability.


    To all you thief mains saying "lol learn 2 doge" okay then, lets just make every attack a one-shot kill then. Why not? You can dodge so that makes it okay, right? We can just rename the game "Call of Duty: Guild Warfare" sounds like a great plan to me.

  10. > @"Aridon.8362" said:

    > >and lets be honest, none of you would make the grade for that guild.

    > My guild can and I can prove it. Or at least my guild is getting at that level. Also Visceral Effect, KnT/KnM, Os Guild are all already at those levels.



    vE sure, but those other guilds you mentioned don't even gvg lol. Are you an eu player?

  11. https://i.imgur.com/DRUdQod.jpg

    Just want to thank whoever thought of the brilliant idea of putting a one-shot kill ability into an open world PvP battleground where fights can have dozens of players on each side and where everyone has at least 10 skills on their bar. It has created such interactive gameplay, such as getting literally one-shotted through 3300 armor and 25k health. I'm having fun just thinking about it! Thanks balance team!

  12. Not from a balance standpoint, but mesmer has to be the favorite because it's Arenanet's baby. When they made Mesmer back in GW1 it was a concept that hadn't been done in any other MMO. Warrior was your typical warrior. Ranger was your typical hunter class. Monk was your typical healer/priest class. Necromancer was your typical dark mage/warlock. And elementalist was your typical mage. But mesmer was something completely different.


    Mesmer also has some of the most interesting mechanics like the way clones work, portals, moa, continuum split, etc.

  13. There's also a lot of boon denial in the meta so stomping with stability is harder. Stomps are still useful in rare situations, such as when the enemy rez beats out your teams cleave, that should give you plenty of time to stomp but still, you'll need some type of invuln.

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