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Posts posted by Oogabooga.3812

  1. > @"steki.1478" said:

    > That's not how competitive games/game modes work though. Especially not wvw because queues exist.


    Queues exist?


    I jest. At reset queues exist. Even on my "most-hated" server, queues rarely pop up during the week; maybe for an hour on one map during NA.


    I, for one, would love to see higher rewards in WvW to encourage more participation, especially from casuals. They'll learn the game mode if they stick around; but they won't stick around due to constant death or losing if there's hardly any extrinsic reward and much better ones from other game modes.


    WvW should not be elitist, especially with the diminishing population.

  2. 2 suggestions:


    The condition damage scale from the elite stages needs to go down (Afflicted was especially brutal). Our poor ele just couldn't live past a few seconds with his low health pool.


    Once all elite krait are dead, the dead of the group ought to revive a la Nightmare fractal,


    Otherwise I'm fine with the changes.

  3. If you can survive on berserker reaper, then that's all you'll need for a power build. If you want to experiment with other builds, then simply acquire another set of weapons, armor, and trinkets when you can afford them. My necromancer currently has 3 sets using 4-5 builds: full marauder/berserker for all PvE (reaper), full dire for WvW (scourge), full healer set for fractals (scourge).

  4. Absolutely give WvW a serious go! There is general safety in numbers; solo roaming isn't the way to start off. Just know that there are big differences in the way people build their stats and traits depending on who they are running with:


    Zerg - often choosing between full tank, full support, full damage, full condi; that is oversimplifying, but you get the idea

    Small groups (3-10 ppl) - if there is a team comp, everybody will usually have to do some of everything, unless it's just a random group of.....

    Roamers (1-2 ppl) - you'll find PvP builds, meme builds, silly builds, troll builds, experimental builds, etc. Most important is the ability to survive/escape, as roamers are almost always outnumbered in a fight and will flee at the first sight of a large group.


    If you want to learn the strategies of sieging, follow a commander that likes to take down structures aka "ktrain commander." If they are an experienced havoc commander, they'll know all the good spots to set up siege. Many zerg commanders don't know or care to know the best spots.


    Just know that since you don't have PoF, you'll have some difficulty keeping up with groups without the mounts.

  5. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > @"Dinas Dragonbane.2978" said:

    > > > @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

    > > > Been playing and commanding since launch of the game. Do you think anyone in their right mind give any kitten about PPT and overall, flipping towers/keeps?

    > > >

    > > > WvW is massive PVP aka large scale player vs player. People who care about the game mode are here to fight enemies, not slap gates all day long and call it a GG if they climb a tier.

    > > So then.... was the game more popular when the majority of the wvw community's focus was on ppt, or nowadays when people say it's all about fights?

    > >


    > it was more popular when it mattered - by having tournaments.


    Tournaments will never be held again because of match manipulation, burnout from overplay, and poor rewards.


    Even now, the lack of reward makes the game mode stale. I understand why they won't make great rewards, but they ought to, since PvE and PVP offer much greater incentives to play.

  6. True Shot's damage is more than fine for its cooldown and it needs the tell to have counterplay; however, what could happen is adding vulnerability to all targets hit.


    Deflecting Shot should definitely have the knockback be baseline. That itself would make the GM trait choice more interesting; of course, Heavy Light would need to be totally reworked into something longbow related, such as having a successful longbow crit hit removing movement-impeding conditions and/or adding swiftness.


    Symbol of Energy does need rework. No one is going to place it on themselves for vigor, and the cast time is a bit too long for the tiny radius. I'd rather it be like a circular melee-ranged swipe action that does a 1/4 sec daze on those it hits and creates a blinding symbol at your feet.

  7. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Oogabooga.3812" said:

    > > BG is a _symptom._

    > >

    > > What would you do if you are tired of empty home and/or enemy servers, constantly losing in fights, have little idea of how to attack an objective, always losing at a matchup, when _magically_ the #1 server says it's open and welcoming all comers.

    > >

    > > Why wouldn't you want to move from a desolate server to a prosperous one if you can afford to do so? Wouldn't you want to experience a server that helps fight loneliness, that has people looking to fight or die (and that willingness being a main reason they win), and that has a winning tradition?

    > >

    > > Just look at professional sports teams and the players that move to or stay with the winning team for a pay cut.


    > I’m still made at Kevin Durant lol


    He did prove how valuable he is.


  8. BG is a _symptom._


    What would you do if you are tired of empty home and/or enemy servers, constantly losing in fights, have little idea of how to attack an objective, always losing at a matchup, when _magically_ the #1 server says it's open and welcoming all comers.


    Why wouldn't you want to move from a desolate server to a prosperous one if you can afford to do so? Wouldn't you want to experience a server that helps fight loneliness, that has people looking to fight or die (and that willingness being a main reason they win), and that has a winning tradition?


    Just look at professional sports teams and the players that move to or stay with the winning team for a pay cut.

  9. I'd like to see an experimental week where certain hard CCs (push, pull, knockdown, knock back) immediately take people off the mount with the respective effect intact; it would be as if one aimed for the rider. Maybe include a 1 second afterimage of the warclaw continuing on without the rider.

  10. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > I ran Risen Howls burn Dragonhunter build 2 resets ago (for the friday reset). Full ascended and ideal stats and runes/sigils etc.


    > Mind you we are talking:

    > - 1 Full 50 man squad full of meta classes with 2 supports per party (minimum 1 Firebrand)

    > - a second spillover squad with 1-3 support Firebrands (around 10-15 people strong) all meta builds


    > That's what Dzago/Gunnar was fielding 2 weeks ago. **I was the only offmeta build in the squads** (I usually run support FB or warrior).


    > What burn guard is strong against:

    > - not organized blobs or groups of players asleep

    > - siege (even suicide yolo into a grouped up siege position will make it near impossible to defend the siege against your damage)

    > - downstate enemies as well as ressurectors going for downs

    > - choke denial

    > - personal stability and defensive cooldowns make the build quite tanky compared to other full damage classes


    > What burn guard is weak against:

    > - range 900 is VERY limiting against well lead blobs. You will notice not being in range a lot

    > - corrupts

    > - weak against good roamers, but if you do get some braindead warrior to stay on you while you drop damag ein yourself, you can win

    > - high movement situations and open field fights until first downs


    > All that said, it's a really fun build. Definately something I enjoy running in public blobs. Absolute no-go for skrims or when running WvW internal raids.


    I've been trying it out with mostly carrion gear in small groups (2-5). Here are more details for those of you interested in trying it out:


    * Vs. lords, camps, and other NPCs, the damage is extremely high (I saw 18k burn ticks!) even without WvW infusions on.

    * Vs. most ranged players, it is at an advantage since you can quickly make them run out of defensive cool downs and dodges.

    * Vs. most melee or short ranged players, it is a 50/50 split as you can get out-DPS'd on a quick burst, condi overwhelmed, and/or cc chained; if you do manage to get your AOEs down on your location, they will die if they don't back off.

    * Vs. zergs, it can bust them if their healers are not on point; you do tag almost everybody for loot if they wipe

    * Big advantage is that while retreating, you can lay down very hurtful AOEs behind you to discourage chasers


    Overall, I'd say it's a welcome new version of burn guard. Although high on the squishiness scale, if you are not the first focus of group attacks, you can win outnumbered fights. I definitely wouldn't run this as a solo roamer.

  11. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"enkidu.5937" said:

    > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > > @"enkidu.5937" said:

    > > > > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > > > > So they flip a paper keep 5 minutes later...

    > > > > No, they hide in T3 structures after their zerg breached a wall or door and lost the fight. After some minutes theef ports his buddies directly to the lord.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Which.... is no different then Mesmers hiding and doing the same thing.

    > > >

    > > > Difference is, Mesmers had to be somewhat more sneaky back in the day.

    > > >

    > > > Now, there is a second class that can do it.

    > > Did Mesmer have perma stealth? No? Did he have shadow melt to counter unveiled? No? Did he have an invisible portal? No? So what could be the problem with the actual theef portal . . .

    > >

    > > > Leave a scout by the Lord. Or in the keep to watch.

    > > . . . to watch what? An invisible theef, placing an invisible portal? The only thing the scout can see is a Mesmer portal popping up at the lord and 2 seconds later the enemy zerg jumping in.

    > >


    > Ahh well. Again, it’s been added so this must be how Anet wants the game to be played. ?


    I am part of the problem. ?


    I felt like a secret agent running around the inner t3 keep while scouting the scouters, hiding in the broom closet again when EWP was pulled on our first attempt, only to resume scouting the scouters again as they tracked our group movement around the keep.


    When the scouts finally were distracted elsewhere, we did a 5-man successful infiltration on our 2nd try.


    Was worth losing all participation for that half hour of crawling through the air ducts.

  12. GS on power ranger is very very strong for all game modes, especially on soulbeast. AA 3 is a dodging animation that is underestimated. Doing a Maul-Hilt Bash-Maul combo can devastate enemies even in competitive modes. I've killed many a backstabbing thief with Counterattack (although I don't understand why an opponent that triggers it can dodge your hit). Swoop is a fantastic movement and cleave skill although slightly buggy if the terrain doesn't like you.

  13. The expansion packs and Living Stories that go around them add a TON of PvE content: story, achievements, raids, new maps, collections, special acquisitions such as mounts. That's where everybody is, and it can be overwhelming. I play pretty much everyday but I still have not come close to finishing the PvE content available, but that's also because I mainly do WvW for the social and dynamic fighting aspect.


    In terms of replay value, each character you have can go through the story as well; I've only had 3 of my 9 characters do so, working on the 4th. Every class has their own specialization weapons and achievements that will take much playing to get. So depending on how many different characters you bother to play, there can be some or a metric ton of content to go through.


    It can be overwhelming, but before you think that there is too much to do before you feel caught up to everyone, know that GW2 is designed for the casual gamer in that you can feel like you can still be effective as others even if you don't have all the new shiny stuff (except for mounts because they made movement incredibly easier).

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