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Posts posted by Oogabooga.3812

  1. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Oogabooga.3812" said:

    > > I like the suggestion of EWP being only available if the place is contested and outer wall is down.


    > 'And' or 'Or'?


    > With towers an 'and' would be self defeating. Pop the waypoint and the enemy is on top of you.


    > Damage threshold is tough for towers because all it takes in contesting, or hitting the wall a little bit.


    > 'Outer being down + contesting is a decent place for reps and the castle though.




    For towers, I think anybody should be able to pull the ewp, since they aren't as valuable an objective. For keeps and the castle, however, outer being down and contested waypoint would be valid enough to pull. If a member of the guild is pulling, they should have permission to pull the ewp whenever they'd like.


    Unfortunately for the castle, this means a troll pull could happen much easier.


  2. > @"atheria.2837" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > First get rid of Desert BL.


    > No.


    > Many of us like the Desert BL.


    > A lot.


    Since a lot of commanders refuse to play the desert, it has become a roamers/havoc paradise where they could potentially greatly impact the war score. It is often the least likely to have a map queue on reset nights, which is good for those who couldn't get into their chosen borderlands.

  3. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > > @"Oogabooga.3812" said:

    > > Alpine and Desert Borderlands. What should be the third?

    > >

    > > How about Orr and water? Fight over a water keep, an undead keep, and the garrison be a pact fortress.


    > Can't forget to have it littered with undead that cripple and immobilize just like the old days.


    Just like the desert is littered with saurian creatures in the middle, stalkers in the NW, and sand lions in the NE.

  4. My guildies think the server doesn't register the client side that I've completely faced my target. I know how to switch to melee weapons, but that isn't the issue here. My issue is skills that when activated, activate **nothing** and then give you a cooldown as if _something_ happened. This used to be an issue with Mesmer sword 3, if you were out of range of a target - no clone would appear, but the skill would go on full cooldown anyway. Anet reworked that skill so that it wouldn't activate/trigger cd unless you were in range.


    But even if I face the wrong way, shouldn't at least an arrow fire in the wrong direction anyways instead of doing nothing but starting interrupt/full cooldown? If it registers that I was facing the wrong way, why should there be a cooldown, since **nothing** happened?

    Not using action cam, by the way.


  5. Anybody having issues with the longbow not firing skills, yet going on either the 3 second or full cooldown? I manage to put some distance between me and foes (600-1200 range), fully turn around, push buttons, and nothing happens but a self-interrupting cooldown or even worse, the full cooldown.. Really annoying and often deadly when they are charging you and you're trying to survive using hunter's shot or point blank shot.


    It's even more annoying if your target hugs your butt. Nothing comes out at all; shouldn't at least some sort of firing arrow happen even if it misses?


    A couple of separate solutions:


    1. Have skills 2-4 auto-face your target.

    2. Have no cooldown if the server says I wasn't facing my target, but rather a dialogue that appears saying,"target not available."

    3. Have just autoattack auto-face the target.


    Whatever the solution, it's just not right that when you activate a skill, nothing happens except a cooldown.

  6. The logic of having an easier, training mode is plain. Then when easy mode gets boring, people move to hard mode, knowing most of the mechanics. Fractals is the perfect example of why we have so many playing it at all tiers and why finding a good PUG in t4 is so easy. I've joined t1 fractal groups just for fun and to help newbies along, and they appreciate the help.


    If you don't want to play easy mode, then don't. Just like you wouldn't begrudge players from playing only t1 fractals, don't begrudge those who only want easy mode raids.

  7. Difficult request to resolve, but I understand what you mean. Going around in circles can get boring. What kind of quests are you talking about?


    When the desert bl was first introduced, it had a huge gathering quest in the middle of the map that when won, lightning cannons would strike all enemy doors. People complained that it was too much: too powerful, too long, too bothersome, too frequent, and so Anet took it out. Similar thing was on the alpine bl when it had a huge lake in the middle of the map: saving quaggans from kraits would send quaggan mercenaries to nearby keeps and the center temple would be claimable, sending lightning strikes to all enemy structures. I don't know if users complained about that, but they replaced both with the bloodlust shrines and shrunk the lake to a moat.

    If these are the type of quests you are talking about, I doubt anet would make map-wide, highly impactful quests again.


    There are currently pve events still on the corners of the alpine bl: skritt and centaurs. But they have no wvw meaning and therefore no one does them.


    The dredge, ogres, and frogs on EBG are moderately impactful quests, and people do them; some servers have scouts that covet them. These have perhaps found the right balance. Maybe anet could reintroduce mercenaries or some similarly impactful events on the borderlands then.

  8. > @"vaxjani.9073" said:

    > > @"Oogabooga.3812" said:

    > > Also, the special action Nova Launch skill gives you an aegis buff. So cast it while he's warming up his globe. Beach ball gets absorbed when you get hit by it.


    > This isnt safe tho. The safest is what Vinceman said, use it when you see the ball is disappearing over his head. Aegis doesnt really work because there is also a shockwave with the attack that hits you quicker than the balls, removing the aegis if you dont dodge or jump and both of these can make the balls miss you, making them spawn the AoEs.


    It's scary, but try it first. I usually jump in the air when the ball disappears, but 2 days ago I tried trusting the aegis buff and it worked.

  9. When I pug t4 fractals, my [build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRUQNAR7Ynk0Ad3gF1Au2A0biliBLuHOETiT/gZQMIKA8tKAA-jRiBQB+RXwmU/JZKxY2TAAAXEAto8IH7PwPNCnVJYAgDAuOAIFQf6tA-e "build") is based around chill and blindness, taking advantage of the synergy of Chilling Darkness and Deathly Chill.


    I know Carrion gear is not exactly popular, but I chose it because you can't help but take condi damage, sometimes VERY heavy condi damage (Social Awkwardness, Afflicted, Toxic Trail, Flux Bomb, Mai Trin, Cliffside). The large amount of vitality often makes me the last one standing, when I wish it doesn't have to be that way. What's also nice is that you can do more than a fair amount of face-tanking of mobs and bosses. The hybrid damage isn't gaudy, but there's enough that not even the DPS meter-running druids (why is it always druids?) will complain about your numbers.


    Running the blood trait line has some party heal support and HUGE rez support: I can't tell you how many times I saved 3 downed party members at once or pulled someone away from the middle of a flux bomb or Bloomhunger's angery-at-the-ground pounding.


    Spectral Grasp is a must for pulling trash mobs, making fights shorter and more efficient; also works as a strong CC. GS 5 pulls in the rest.

    The Well of Darkness and GS 4 helps blind the really powerful trash mobs, especially Urban Battleground and Volcanic; applies chill CC and therefore also bleeding.


    The last slot I vary depending on the fractal; epidemic is when you have lots of mobs; well of corruption if facing the No Pain, No Gain instability; corrosive poison cloud on the Underground Facility, Molten Furnace, and sometimes Volcanic; "Suffer!" for Cliffside, Mai Trin, and Afflicted instability; summon flesh wurm for certain utility situations like Thaumanova or Uncategorized.


    I've been running this build for quite awhile now; just sharing for anyone who wants to give it a try!


    P.S. For t3 fractals and lower, I change the blood line to soul reaping for higher DPS since the party usually doesn't need as much support. You can still stand side-by-side your melee brothers and sisters face-tanking everything!

  10. How about some experimental new golems? Anti-infantry golems like the Molten Firestorm in fractals, a party support like the Mark P Support Golem from CoE, or a ranged attacker like the Mark P Battle Golems.

  11. Here's a guess as to what happened:


    You knocked him back and did rapid fire, so he mitigated that with [Distortion](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Distortion "Distortion"), which brought up the "invulnerable" text,

    He then dodged to create a clone ([Deceptive Evasion](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deceptive_Evasion "Deceptive Evasion")), used [illusionary Ambush](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Illusionary_Ambush "Illusionary Ambush") to get to you, which created an additional clone with [self-Deception](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Self-Deception "Self-Deception "). Shattered with [Mind Wrack

    ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mind_Wrack "Mind Wrack").

    Assuming he was using axe, [Lingering Thoughts (axe #2)](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lingering_Thoughts "Lingering Thoughts (axe #2)"), another Deceptive Evasion, and then [Axes of symmetry (axe #3)](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Axes_of_Symmetry "Axes of symmetry (axe #3)") made all clones surround you and break your targeting, leaving you in perfect position for a massive shatter, either [Cry of Frustration](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cry_of_Frustration "Cry of Frustration") if you saw a lot of condis placed on you or [Diversion](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Diversion "Diversion") if you got interrupted and dazed.


    The 3rd phantasm/clone is probably coming from his off-hand weapon, most likely a torch for stealth.


    If this is how it played out, it probably wasn't a macro. There aren't many buttons to push for this sequence, and it is very humanly possible to do so quickly.


    The sword skills that he switched to do immobilize ([illusionary Leap ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Illusionary_Leap "Illusionary Leap ") followed immediately with [swap](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Swap "Swap")) and rapid attacks ([blurred Frenzy](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blurred_Frenzy "Blurred Frenzy")); he is watching for you to dodge twice to lay in that burst.


    A big help in surviving a clone army heading your way for a shatter is to dodge **_through_** them, not backwards. You'll have a better chance of dodging all of them that way. If you've survived the 2nd army, the shatter skills on Mesmer will be on cooldown, so that is the time to turn on him.


    To survive against the 3 rapid bursts, you need to utilize damage mitigation or delay that isn't one of your endurance dodges. [Hunter's Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hunter%27s_Shot "Hunter's Shot") on anything, be it ambients, neutrals, clones, or the enemy; timing your [serpent Strike](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Serpent%27s_Strike "Serpent Strike") or [stalker's Strike](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stalker%27s_Strike "Stalker's Strike") when you see the burst coming. If you've traited [stoneform](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stoneform "Stoneform") and it triggers, then you'd better be attacking with everything, since that is probably your last line of defense and your weapon set doesn't let you run away.

  12. It's not just warrior and Mesmer that look like thieves. The sword/dagger weaver looks like sword/dagger thief with its teleporting, high condition cleansing, medium damaging, vigor upkeeping, skill-dodging, decent mobility fighting style. Differences being no stealth and no boon strip, but many aoe fields plus aoe cc plus healing access plus stability.

  13. My thoughts on siege:


    Arrow carts: Damage and range are fine, but change the circle so that the further away you target, the wider the radius becomes, such that not everything in the wider circles would necessarily get hit, i.e. a set number of "arrows" that randomly hit spots within the circle like meteor shower.


    Shield generators: Lower the duration of the bubble and increase the minimum distance so that the user cannot bubble himself. Alternatively, make the radius of the bubble smaller the closer it is placed to the generator.


    Catapults: Revert to normalizing the damage. Also, please remove the set amount of time a shot can be in play: catapults shots fired from high ground should not mysteriously disappear after a period of time. By the way, why are there wheels on these things if we cannot move them? At least increase turning speed.


    Trebuchets: Boost the damage and, like others have said, ping the location of the hit on the minimap. Instead of water fields, how about throwing players? They would take the normal fall damage upon landing, of course, unless they glide in their territory. Limit 1 player per toss.


    Ballistae: Make the projectiles for skills 1 and 2 fire sooner in a similar arc to skill 3 and raise the height, like others have stated. Skill 4 is never used as intended, so how about a brief front shield that its design looks like it has? Such a shield would only block in the direction the ballista was facing when activated.


    Golems: Add two mastery levels; one for faster moving golems, and one for gliding. Alpha/Guild golems should move at the same speed as Omegas.


    My thoughts on schematics:


    Watchtower should be activated by tactivator and cost supply, having a time limit of 1 hour.

    Assault Rollers should be available in towers as well as camps in the banners category.

    Dolyaks should lose their invulnerability/speediness immediately if the camp gets taken.

    Hardened gates should be enough to remove Fortified gates.


    As much as I hate seeing a golem troll in a camp, it's a good strategy, and they're willing to spend the gold and supply for it. Also, t3 walls should have fewer hit points and therefore take fewer supply to repair. Alternatively, remove t3.



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