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Posts posted by VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.

  1. the problem is, many weapons only look good if you go for a certain dye theme. Mesmers, rangers, thieves and necros? They have plenty of good options. Mesmer-purple is also the standard stuff you get from plenty of legendaries and legendary auras.


    I do not want purple.


    But if you want say a sylvari with lots of greens - you are totally out of luck. The nightware stuff is mostly purple, or blue-ish. The daydreamer stuff looks silly. The verdant weapons look flimsy. Bioluminiscene is blue-ish again.


    Not dyeable would not be a problem, if there were a wide array of options. But sadly, between 'grotesque' and 'stupid looking' there aren't many options. And those few options are mostly only good for dark or purple schemes.

  2. > @"Little Howl.5231" said:

    > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > > @"Little Howl.5231" said:

    > > > > @"Ooops.8694" said:

    > > > > > @"Little Howl.5231" said:

    > > > > > Quite simply, the performance using DXVK is sub-par compared to running Windows 10 using the d912pxy. After running performance benchmarks in fractals and wvw, pvp and general i'm seeing differences of 40-50 fps in lots of situations.

    > > > > May i ask for your specs or more precisely how many fps you consider normal when running under Windows 10? Because my rather old pc runs at about ~50-60 fps normally with about 10-15% less running on Wine, so a loss of 50 fps under linux sounds incredibly strange.

    > > >

    > > > I'm not talking about Windows 10 native dx9 vs Linux with wine or dxvk ( vulkan )

    > > >

    > > > I'm referring to running GW2 in DX12 with the d912pxy on Windows 10 and the performance gap against running on Linux with DXVK is HUGE.

    > > >

    > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/110553/want-to-use-directx-12-dx12-for-gw2-heres-a-guide-on-using-the-d912pxy-on-windows-10#latest

    > > >

    > > > i7 6800k @ 4.5 Ghz

    > > > 32 Gig 3200 Mhz DDR4

    > > > 512GB Nvme SSD

    > > > AMD RX 5700xt

    > > >

    > > > Playing on 165Hz freesync monitor vsync OFF @ 1440p resolution

    > >

    > > and at the same time, you are running windows. Poor you.


    > Ok I'll bite. It's a shame people associate so strongly with an idea that they become so biased that their logic is completely flawed.

    > Poor me, my Gw2 experience is optimal. ?



    for you maybe. But for me, being forced to use windows on my home machine, would be a total show stopper.


    I have enought work to do every day because of windows, I don't need that crap when I am home. It is that simple. So I loose some fps. Do not care.


    Your optimal is not my optimal.


    And you missed that point Zen made with the Mangos.

  3. > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:



    > Weaver's still got damage, not particularly hard to learn. Start off in marauders and swap in berserker pieces as you get comfortable with the defensive cds


    and rev does as much damage AND pushes boons like there is no tomorrow at the same time, has weapon swap and works in rage AND melee.

  4. > @"Little Howl.5231" said:

    > > @"Ooops.8694" said:

    > > > @"Little Howl.5231" said:

    > > > Quite simply, the performance using DXVK is sub-par compared to running Windows 10 using the d912pxy. After running performance benchmarks in fractals and wvw, pvp and general i'm seeing differences of 40-50 fps in lots of situations.

    > > May i ask for your specs or more precisely how many fps you consider normal when running under Windows 10? Because my rather old pc runs at about ~50-60 fps normally with about 10-15% less running on Wine, so a loss of 50 fps under linux sounds incredibly strange.


    > I'm not talking about Windows 10 native dx9 vs Linux with wine or dxvk ( vulkan )


    > I'm referring to running GW2 in DX12 with the d912pxy on Windows 10 and the performance gap against running on Linux with DXVK is HUGE.


    > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/110553/want-to-use-directx-12-dx12-for-gw2-heres-a-guide-on-using-the-d912pxy-on-windows-10#latest


    > i7 6800k @ 4.5 Ghz

    > 32 Gig 3200 Mhz DDR4

    > 512GB Nvme SSD

    > AMD RX 5700xt


    > Playing on 165Hz freesync monitor vsync OFF @ 1440p resolution


    and at the same time, you are running windows. Poor you.

  5. > @"Ooops.8694" said:

    > > @"Little Howl.5231" said:

    > > Quite simply, the performance using DXVK is sub-par compared to running Windows 10 using the d912pxy. After running performance benchmarks in fractals and wvw, pvp and general i'm seeing differences of 40-50 fps in lots of situations.

    > May i ask for your specs or more precisely how many fps you consider normal when running under Windows 10? Because my rather old pc runs at about ~50-60 fps normally with about 10-15% less running on Wine, so a loss of 50 fps under linux sounds incredibly strange.


    maybe he had vsync on in linux and off in windows.


    That said, I do not give a damn about windows performance.

  6. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > It's not a GW2 thing nor is it an AWS thing.


    > [WoW](https://www.google.com/search?q=wow+lag+site:eu.forums.blizzard.com&tbs=cdr:1,cd_min:2/1/2020,cd_max:9/9/2020)

    > [ESO](https://www.google.com/search?q=eso+lag+site:forums.elderscrollsonline.com&tbs=cdr:1,cd_min:2/1/2020,cd_max:9/9/2020)

    > [FF14](https://www.google.com/search?q=ff14+lag+site:forum.square-enix.com&tbs=cdr:1,cd_min:2/1/2020,cd_max:9/9/2020)

    > [bDO](https://www.google.com/search?q=bdo+lag+site:www.reddit.com&tbs=cdr:1,cd_min:2/1/2020,cd_max:9/9/2020)


    > I can keep going on and will likely find the same results for just about every single game online which doesn't have a dedicated network connection for its players. All of them will have the same complaints as the ones being made against GW2. I guess the servers for every online game are failing...


    > I also found an [article](https://www.npr.org/2019/01/03/678803790/berlin-is-a-tech-hub-so-why-are-germanys-internet-speeds-so-slow) about how terrible Germany's infrastructure is; this is where the servers are located. In Europe, several ISPs were hit by [DDoS attacks](https://www.zdnet.com/article/european-isps-report-mysterious-wave-of-ddos-attacks/). Obviously this would affect those there. Another online gaming company has [reported](https://www.pcgamer.com/riot-covid-19-game-ping-valorant-latency/) that the COVID pandemic has affected their players' pings. NY Times did an [article](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/26/business/coronavirus-internet-traffic-speed.html) about how COVID is affected the internet.


    > So it's kind of weird for people to dismiss and just go "oh it's the servers". Sure, it could be; there's always a possibility. Unfortunately, there's more evidence pointing elsewhere. I actually got some lag spikes for the first time last night and it turned out to be originating in Colorado when I traced it.


    well some of the infrastructure in Germany is dreadful. If you are a private citizen. But the exchange in Frankfurt is extremely powerful - and AWS is directly peered there.


    That said, I play Warthunder a lot - and if you think some lag here and there is bad - today I had two games with sporadic 30% packet loss and one complete loss of connectivity to the server.



  7. > @"Loken.7684" said:

    > Please can we stop linking non-english speaking worlds with international worlds.


    > Many of the people who play on those worlds do so because they cannot or do not want to speak English. It causes a huge communication issue for BOTH worlds included in the linking.


    well, GH has been linked with german servers several times and it was never really an issue.



  8. > @"Clyan.1593" said:

    > Remove Zergs:

    > - new max squad size is 20


    really bad idea


    > - Going close to a member of a different squad reduces movement by 80%, debuff called "mist repulsion" (distance has to be tested)


    even worse


    > - By joining a squad armor is dyed to commander's tag color


    to make people who have spent ages on their dye balance quit in disgust?


    > - Upon entering WvW you get assigned to the "roamer population", colored white


    but I dont want to be assigned to anything


    > - Roaming / playing outside of a squad will downscale your level to 50 to ensure roamer blobs don't work against squads


    wow, more really bad ideas



    > If necessary reduce HP of structures to fit new party sizes overall dmg output.


    > Now we have more smaller battles around the map and the game mode is less AOE spamming but more individual skill.

    > Roamers can do their thing or - if refusing to join a squad - are useless.


    yeah, punishing roamers AND people who enjoy big fights at the same time. Any more really bad ideas?



    > Overall this will create a more dynamic battlefield, give more space to strategic thinking and coordination among the commanders.

    > Players will also be more spread out on the map, using up all the empty and bare landscape we have right now.


    nope, it wouldn't. At all. Everything would be even more locked 'go away, you are debuffing me' spam incoming.



    >The vast majority of people that don't enjoy WvW in the first place all complain about the same thing: That it's dull. They go in only to farm Gift of Battle.

    > One might say that those people don't belong in WvW then, but I would argue against that, especially since this mode is lacking popularity.


    A lot of people would do wvw, if the rewards were any good. But since you make more gold brainlessly farming Silverwastes, they do that while being bored the whole time. But it is profitable...




    So you actually hate wvw and want to utterly destroy it. Any more great ideas to kill the mode for good?

  9. > @"Obfuscate.6430" said:


    > The wiki does not include the little readables you find in the area you fight her. She used Ploint's Norn growth hormone on herself to become a massive asura. I mean that is technically gene therapy but also technically almost a hybrid!


    no, it is not. It is tchnically using hormone therapy. Not a hybrid and genetics play no role in it at all.



  10. I am ele main.


    Last night on reset I played rev in wvw. For the first time.


    Good damage, lots of boons, good health, no problems with condis or heals.


    Elementalist needs a massive buff. This is stupid. Rev can keep up weaver dmg, with negligible risk, without running glass AND shell out boons like there is no tomorrow, WTF? Anet WAKE UP.

  11. discord and ts provide much more than just voice AND their quality is a good check if it is your connection or anet's side of things acting up


    also moderation IS an issue.


    So, NO. Please no in built voice system. ANET focus on more important things and let the people who know how to do voice provide the solution.


    Besides, neither discord nor ts demand 'tedious' steps. you insert server address and you are done. If the server owner demands some kind of auth, well that should tell you why ingame voice is a bad idea.


    edit: I also played a game for many years before I came to GW2 that had builtin voice. Nobody used it. They all used ts instead. Go figure.

  12. > @"Halbarz.3854" said:

    > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

    > > Removal of PPT from the scoring system.

    > > Removal of the 1 up 1 down match resets.

    > > Make players unable to transfer for the first month of a relink.


    > I agree 100% that you should not be able to transfer for the first month of a relink


    then they either do not play at all or use one of their many alt-accounts. Fixes nothing.

  13. we do not need end of week rewards.


    What we need is:


    BETTER rewards. On par with fractals at least. Even if you double reward track&pip chest rewards fractals and lw farms are much better. So we should at least get that much. This would attract more players and maybe keep a couple of players from going off when there is a wipe or two.

    Combine this with pips for EOTM and more AP, and we could even attract the AP hunter crowd. Stacked servers are not so much of a problem, if every server is stacked and a bunch of people are hanging around in EOTM ready to jump in, if needed.

  14. that is not QoL. That is changing mchanics. Don't care about Anza. Arrow carts are horrible enough in their current state. No downstate - only forum warriors want it. In game most people voice a different opinion - 'I can't wait for this stupid event to be over'. No downstate is ultra toxic and would destroy the mode if made permanent




    no downstate is coupled with:

    nerf to corruptions

    nerf to rev overall

    nerf to mesmer overall

    nerf to warrior overall

    nerf to thief overall

    massive nerf to ranger overall

    removal of stealth

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