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Posts posted by lokh.2695

  1. Hi, haven't found this topic on the front page so I decided to open a new one.


    For the past maybe three weeks, I'm having this random problem accesing my home instance. I use the home instance in the Grove(just got used to it, live with it if you disagree). And in the past few weeks it often happens that I have to try to enter the instance twice before succeeding. The loop is usually as follows:

    1) Approach the entry, get prompt.

    2) Klick on promt to enter instance.

    3) Loading screen.

    4) A few seconds of my char standing in the loaded instance(red border and nodes are present on the minimap)

    5) Get kicked from instance and placed back to the Grove

    6) Message in chat says: "InstanceCreate failed. Error=1036; Product=9; Module=18; Line=624"

    7) Try again and usually succeed to open an instance and enter my home instance.


    Nothing game breaking, as I can still "try again and hope for succsess", still something worth mentioning since it's rather new and consistent, I'd say it happens 2/3rds of the times I try to access my home instance.


    Thanks for your attention, have a nice day.

  2. > @"Esquilax.3491" said:

    > > @"SoPirou.5281" said:

    > > > @"Esquilax.3491" said:

    > > > Rumor has it's part of a forge recipe to create a Black Lion Convenience Store.

    > > > 250 Black Lion Commemorative Coin

    > > > 250 Mystic Coin

    > > > 250 Mystic Curio

    > > > 10 Mystic Tribute

    > > >

    > > > Has Personal Banker, Merchant, TP and forge rolled into one.

    > >

    > > Yeah, that's just a rumor. It cannot be Mystic Forged or used in a crafting discovery. I believe it's just another junk item to increase the amount of unnecessary things in BL chests.


    > Sorry I was more or lesstrying to make a bad joke there. That would add up to like $3000 USD


    Well...stranger things have happened...

  3. Come back if you want to, don't if you don't. The game is still great and by design it doesn't matter all that much about the overall population. Most of the content can be solo'd, and th content that can't still has its fans. I wouldn't care too much about "gAeM dEd"-crowd.

  4. DRM's are ok as part of the story, grinding them out for achievements is immensly boring as they are not challenging at all. If it wasn'tfor the AP, I wouldn't do them more thanonce per chr that does the story.

    (I know this first batch was ok when it comes to grindy achis, but I'm counting on a "do each DRM 100 times" achi at some point, given my experience with the "saga" so far)

  5. Hi there. I've been playing PvP on and off for the last six years. Played necros, engis, guards and warriors. I like to be a bit more tanky or the support of the team, because I solo-q and can't rely on having supporters randomly assigned to my team. I'm not into it for any high ranks or tournament wins, what got me playing this time is the legendary trinket, so beside the 20 tournament wins, I'm mostly in for the pips.


    So, with that being said. I'm looking for a new fun class to play. I want to play something strong and easy to grasp, braindead if you want to call it like that. So, what are your suggestions? What classes/builds should I try out and what should I avoid?

  6. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > Love it. Love it completely. As long we got plenty of inane chatter from the butler as they went around (with possibly some reactionary ones from us), this would be hilarious

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > When would you listen to said chatter? In the three seconds it takes you to you load into your home, click "gather all" then leave?


    > I think the idea here is that the butler would take as long time as the average player to gather instance, so for some people it would be faster to gather yourself.


    As I read the OP it's about getting things done faster and without moving. So: Port to home, click on butler to gather all, port out. While I wouldn't care much about the feature, I doubt ANet would generate lots of income from it. Think of the butler skins less like mountskins(which you see all the time, can show off in public and are a big thing of everyday gaming), think of them more like mail carrier skins(hardly noticeable, mostly a private thing no one thinks of). I doubt ANet makes bank from mail carrier skins or else they would have continued to release them.

  7. > @"Ogwom.7940" said:

    > 1. They were initially planned to be a playable race before vanilla's release.

    Which was back in 2012. Probably none of the original devs works at ANet anymore and the game has so much spaghetti code that they would most likely have to design from scratch so that none of the work done prior to 2012 counts for anything.


    > 2. They have a main city.

    No they don't. There's a place on the world map where the Tengu city would have been and there's lore behind said city, but the map isn't designed, tested or anything yet. So again, ANet would have to build from scratch.


    > 3. We don't necessarily need to have voice acting or a lengthy story mode, since I doubt many people enjoyed the vanilla core story.

    Let me tell you about the Revenant class, that was released with the first expansion and ANet decided to cut exactly those corners. Revs still to this day, don't get to use racial skills and not so long ago more than half of the classes skillswere locked underwater because "I doubt many people enjoy so why bother". Rev still feels like the fosterchild of GW2 classes to this day ad I doubt that designing a new race with that mindset would go down well with the community. After all people want to play birbs.


    > 4. We don't need to have voice acting for past content, Drizzlewood's release wasn't horrible without VA, and so many people skip dialogue in dungeons and past content from the vanilla game anyway. Just focus VA on new content.

    What about the people that like voice acting and the threads of people that demanded VA for drizzlewood sooner? Those don't count because you are not one of them?


    > 5. The have new improved model and animations since HoT which look really great.

    That's true, but is not argument for a new race to be implemented.


    > 6. Mounts, Elona, Cantha and Gliding all came true, regardless of people saying it wouldn't come.

    All these things added stuff to the game while a new race would stop mattering after an hour of gameplay. But I know...muh mounts...


  8. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > Love it. Love it completely. As long we got plenty of inane chatter from the butler as they went around (with possibly some reactionary ones from us), this would be hilarious




    When would you listen to said chatter? In the three seconds it takes you to you load into your home, click "gather all" then leave?

  9. I think I could name a few things, but when I come to think about it. It most of the time boils down to "stick with something and improve on it insead of trashing and replacing it with new stuff soon to be trashed and abandoned."


    Just as an example: Anet trashed dungeons for fractals, then fractals for raids, then raids for strike missions, then strike missions for dragon response missions. Maybe, just maybe, if they stuck to dungeons, the dungeons we'd have by now would be beter than the strikes and drm's we have now because devs could have concentrated their effort on quality and working with existing systems, instead of having to come up with a new system and then not having time for quality.

  10. > @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

    > > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > > edit: frankly they're being overly generous. _Mac players can request refunds for client or gem store purchases through the customer support portal. We will be able to refund purchases within a 30 day window of the refund request._

    > That is only eligible for people who bought the game in the past month. While i understand allowing refunds to mac users who have been playing a mmo for year would be ridiculous, imagine if you bought this game in November and just learned it is getting bricked after 3 months of play.



    Well, that's just bad luck then and the person would have to hope for the support team having some wiggle space for such situations. But the line needs to be drawn at some point, 30 days is reasonable.

  11. > @"Dragon.4782" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > No chance they being playable but probabely one of the allies we rep up get help from in dragon respons mission and buy stuff from.


    > The Devs once said that mounts were not an option. Now we have eight different mounts...


    The devs once said that there will be alliances in WvW adn we are waiting to this ay for it. So your argument is?

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