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Posts posted by Pacificterror.7805

  1. > @"ChiYuri.6943" said:

    > I think that this is completely awful. I literally bought my Intel Macbook Pro last year. Before purchase, I checked to make sure that GW2 would still run on my Mac. For them to stop support and abandon an entire user base is ridiculous. I understand that they don't want to try and code for the new ARM processors, but what about the users who still have the Intel Macs? We're just hosed? I've been playing Guild Wars since around 2005 and was a tester for the 2nd one and have been playing ever since. Long term players left to rot... just because of the system we choose to use. I have to say that I'm completely furious at this decision.


    I place the blame solely on Apple tbh. There's only so much support ANet can provide for a game that has no monthly subscription fee. Sure, a better option to some would be to leave the Mac client working for the time being - with no guarantee that it would continue to work as updates on systems and the game itself advanced - but that would leave people in the lurch suddenly without any sort of warning.


    There are still feasible options for Mac users to continue playing GW2. Dual boot (installing Windows as a second OS), VM, etc. Yeah, it sucks to not just work out of the box, but that's 100% the fault of Apple.

  2. I've been given the impression that for WvW, Revenant is the better option (out of the 2) although can be more difficult to learn to play "effectively". Since you already play on a Revenant, I don't see you having as much of an issue in that regard - that distinction is something I see given to people looking at starting fresh on either.

  3. Searched up "Warriors of Hades GW2" on the net and the first thing that comes up is this thread (lol)...It's either not an active guild or they are an active but small guild with no web presence.


    You'd typically see guilds talked about either in this forum, on the GW2 subreddit, or various sites where guilds put up bios about themselves).

  4. I put PvP although that's not the only thing I'd hope for.


    I have never tried PvP in GW2, but I feel like the mountains of negative feedback from people that actively DO play PvP is enough to know it needs a change. I myself really want to get into playing some WvW at some point (I have way too much to do on my noobie main already to worry about learning a new gamemode right now) and it would be nice knowing that the PvP gamemodes aren't riddled with problems that some people just put up with.


    Another thing I'd really like to see is the addition of a new profession. What kind? I have no idea - but having yet another choice would be awesome and just might be the motivation I need to start another character (although I still have so much to do on my first!). Sure, there are some great professions already, but they each have their own drawbacks or deterrents and more versatility in selection never hurts.

  5. I personally prefer the Asura race, although lately have been intrigued by the Charr. That's because they both look the least human, though...I tend to shy away from humans (and, in games that have them, exos if there's a choice to not be one) in fantasy games - though I'm in the minority on that I think.

  6. The OP has probably been answered enough but I'll answer based on my experience as a primarily solo player (at the moment).


    This game is definitely solo friendly although depending on the content happening in area it is beneficial to have other people cooperating around you (not necessarily in a party but doing the same event etc). If I'm stumped on something on a map and want to ask a simple question, people in the area always chime in with a helpful reply and I've seen numerous people ask for help with a particular HP etc and people always raise their hand to help out (I've even joined in for two despite being quite horrid - although I also needed both the HPs and we managed to smash them easily enough).


    There are some HPs etc that are not soloable (no matter how awesome you are - but people in the area are generally good about jumping in to help out with those if you ask in map chat).


    Regardless of any of it though, I love the game and I never feel like I NEED to be playing with other people.

  7. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Pacificterror.7805" said:

    > > I've only played PvE, but I'm a returning new (and very casual) player.

    > >

    > >The one thing that makes me feel like I won't be a heavy participant in WvW is the timing element surrounding when rewards are issued....I play very casually, sometimes an hour or less at a time, so missing out on rewards for a session because I wasn't on for X minutes more when they're handed out would be a bummer.


    > Look at how they are given. Skirmish tracks from the wiki are the ones where time is an issue. [skirmish Track Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_reward_track)


    > The standard reward tracks can be progressed gradually. [Reward Track Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW_Reward_Track)



    Thanks for the info, good to know. Even with how I previously thought it worked, I was intrigued enough by WvW to eventually give it a try but reading that has made me happier about it :)

  8. I've only played PvE, but I'm a returning new (and very casual) player.


    I fumble so much with fighting in PvE that I think PvP would be a very bad idea for me. WvW does sound intriguing (but complex) and further down the track I may consider giving it a go (I really want to unlock my current Elite specialization, get my first mount and progress further on some Mastery points). The one thing that makes me feel like I won't be a heavy participant in WvW is the timing element surrounding when rewards are issued....I play very casually, sometimes an hour or less at a time, so missing out on rewards for a session because I wasn't on for X minutes more when they're handed out would be a bummer.

  9. AFAIK, outside of WvW and the option of EU vs NA, your chosen server is irrelevant? They updated to a 'megaserver' system where the instance you're playing in isn't necessarily solely with people from your chosen server. They also apparently prioritize putting you in instances with guildmates, even if they are from another server (as long as you are both EU or NA).

  10. > @"Waffels.9748" said:

    > > @"Pacificterror.7805" said:

    > > > @"Waffels.9748" said:

    > > >

    > > > > @"Uden Reavstone.3426" said:

    > > > > As a new player, you should NEVER use a level-80 boost until you levelled a character or two the old fashioned way. With that said, the best way to do this is by exploring. What I like to do is map complete my race's starting zone, then its city, then its level 15-25 zone. Then I explore LA and the cities, starting areas and level 15-25 zones of the other races. By this time, you'll either be level 80 or close to it.

    > > >

    > > > Don’t know if I’d say I’m new. I currently play WoW so I already have an idea on how this game is. If anything it’s just learning what spells I have and/or which build works for me.

    > >

    > > I think the reason people advise against using the boost, at least on a profession you haven't already leveled to 80 before previously, is because they strongly suggest you get used to/comfortable with that class first....so even if you're familiar with GW2 on an Elementalist as an example, they'd recommend you not use a level 80 boost on an Engineer.

    > >

    > > I feel like a good middle ground is boosting a "straightforward" class (or at least straightforward for Core content) - and even then initially only doing that to unlock quality of life stuff like the Mount (since once it's unlocked you can use it on any character) and maybe the Glider if you don't find it too painful doing Verdant Brink while unfamiliar. If I ask people in the community which professions are the easiest to get the hang of, they either say Warrior or Necromancer (Core Necro anyway)....based on that, I boosted a Warrior (as my main is a Necro) just to mess around in level 80 content between progressing my main.


    > I don't know if I would say any one class is easier then another. All classes have set skill/abilities that are already assigned a key. It's more of what play style do you like (Dps ranged or melee, healing or tanking and what's easier for you as a player to manage.


    Apologies if I came across as sounding like some are easier than others....I more meant that the general consensus is that some are more intuitive than others, while some take more time to get into the groove with.

  11. > @"Waffels.9748" said:


    > > @"Uden Reavstone.3426" said:

    > > As a new player, you should NEVER use a level-80 boost until you levelled a character or two the old fashioned way. With that said, the best way to do this is by exploring. What I like to do is map complete my race's starting zone, then its city, then its level 15-25 zone. Then I explore LA and the cities, starting areas and level 15-25 zones of the other races. By this time, you'll either be level 80 or close to it.


    > Don’t know if I’d say I’m new. I currently play WoW so I already have an idea on how this game is. If anything it’s just learning what spells I have and/or which build works for me.


    I think the reason people advise against using the boost, at least on a profession you haven't already leveled to 80 before previously, is because they strongly suggest you get used to/comfortable with that class first....so even if you're familiar with GW2 on an Elementalist as an example, they'd recommend you not use a level 80 boost on an Engineer.


    I feel like a good middle ground is boosting a "straightforward" class (or at least straightforward for Core content) - and even then initially only doing that to unlock quality of life stuff like the Mount (since once it's unlocked you can use it on any character) and maybe the Glider if you don't find it too painful doing Verdant Brink while unfamiliar. If I ask people in the community which professions are the easiest to get the hang of, they either say Warrior or Necromancer (Core Necro anyway)....based on that, I boosted a Warrior (as my main is a Necro) just to mess around in level 80 content between progressing my main.

  12. If you're itching to use the boost, I suggest you use the boost on an alt. You can use that alt to unlock the first mount, maybe gliding if you're having fun on it....and then you can continue to level your main as normal and have access to both of those unlocks (they're account-wide).

  13. > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > One aspect to keep in mind is that leveling a character is very different to playing a level 80. The weapons/skills, utilities, and traits can be very different, expecially as you won't have enough hero points to unlock the elite masteries.


    > There are quite a few leveling videos on YouTube, as well as videos of people using their level 80. The comments on YouTube videos can be very helpful, particularly when people are asking about why certain weapons/traits are used.


    I can definitely attest to this.


    I recently hit level 80 on my main and made the journey into Verdant Brink to unlock Gliding. The fighting and metas etc are much more intense (or should I say insane?!). Luckily, Verdant Brink is a popular area and this game has a really helpful community so although I was in over my head, I had a good time and was able to contribute toward the metas at least a bit (when the big dragon boss started blasting us I did die at least twice - a lot of people died it looked like - but it was awesome to see it die in the end and get a huge chunk of XP).

  14. Highest I've seen on a gaming laptop is the RTX 2080 Super. I myself have a gaming laptop with the RTX 2060. Looking into it, it appears there are laptops coming out as early as next month that have things like the RTX 3080. Nice.


    Looking at gaming laptops in my part of the world, it looks like at your price point you'd land a machine with an RTX 2070....if you start looking into specific machines, make sure they have a great cooling system because laptop components do degrade rather quickly - especially when heat is involved. For that reason as well as specs, I tend to suggest the Acer Predator Helios 300 to people....it's a great lineup of machines which on paper look the same as or similar to many others but they have a more modern cooling system than a lot of the gaming laptops I see on the market.


    I also notice the Predator Helios 300 is releasing a RTX 3080 version next month with a 240Hz display....if the US price point holds true conversion-wise for what you'd be paying in Europe, you'd be getting a great machine for a great price.

  15. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > If it does work out for you, then perhaps you can appeal to Microsoft to bring Windows XP back?


    Jokes aside that'd be great....in my line of work, there's some software I use that requires me to keep machines that have Windows XP in conjunction with our Win10 machines.




    To address the OP, I understand where you're coming from but at the same time I'm surprised GW1 is even still running. As you can/people apparently do still put money into the game, yes you should have access to support for issues, but I question why the game is still going when GW2 has been around as long as it has.

  16. > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > Go for full Berserkers if you feel comfortable with it. Remember to take Life Force traits/Signet so you can spam Shroud. If you're a little less confident but still want good DPS you can swap in some parts of Valkyrie or maybe even Soldier's.


    > Just keep Power maxed, crit rate 40% minimum (without Fury), and have some Might stacking.


    > Marauder's is superior, and you don't need to craft it. You can get stat-selectable gear boxes for Exotic armor from Verdant Brink, stat-select Rare weapons from Bandit weapons off the Trading Post, and stat-select Ascended trinkets from LS3/LS4 maps. Don't worry too much about the quality differences, anything above Rares is fine for any game mode (except Fractals, which require Ascended gear).


    > If you're not too confident and would like a tankier option, Reaper and Scourge builds can live forever while doing good DPS with Minions, especially Reaper which can create alot of Minions with Lich runes, Eternal Life trait and "Rise!" Shout. They can tie Carapace stacks to these builds and have alot of armor as a result, often 4k+ with the Sigil of Momentum. Cavalier/Knight's gear mixes up well for this.


    > For condition builds, make sure you have Chilling Darkness and Deathly Chill traits, and the Carapace traits related to Poison. These kinds of builds probably work best with a Carrion/Rabid mix, or even Rampager for glassier damage.


    > Remember that armor & weapons are half your stats, and trinkets are the other half.


    > You can use http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/ to buildcraft.


    Thanks so much for the wealth of information on alternative build options.

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