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Everything posted by MasterTigen.8290

  1. > @"illutian.7630" said: > BTW: ESO had no trouble at all migrating existing accounts to Steam, maybe ask to see their notes. ;) It's primarily an issue of how monetization works for games that are on Steam. Specifically, any purchases (games, expansions, or microtransactions) made through games provided by Steam have I believe around a 30% cut that goes to Valve. It's not that they CAN'T migrate accounts, it's that they don't want to because that means veteran accounts for which Anet normally gets 100% of purchase proceeds from now make only 70% of what they used to. Once players are in-game, what client they use doesn't really matter on the user side as everyone occupies the same space and has access to the same features. Getting the game on Steam is purely to give the game exposure so that people who hadn't given the game a shot are getting advertised to on a platform that allows them to immediately download it if interested. Anet is likely willing to take a lesser cut on those new players if they assume that the number of players they get through Steam that they wouldn't have gotten otherwise is greater than the potential losses in projected profit they would have made from new players who would have been willing to go through the old client but now will go through Steam instead; I doubt they're willing to gamble their existing customer base though.
  2. WvW updates definitely. It was one of the major things that was/is genuinely unique to GW2 that gives a good grab-bag of both lite PvE alongside both lite and more hardcore PvP fights. If handled correctly, it has a little bit for everyone while having the added bonus of having both direct and indirect interactions/effects on other players. That dynamic component of player-player interaction can serve as a near infinite wellspring of interesting content/experiences with only minor additions here and there to shake up the meta, WAY less in the long term than what would have to be put into making the normal PvE content interesting long-term. Right now it's marred by a long list of problems. Sub-optimal profession balance, stale map metas, bots/hackers, general performance issues during larger battles (even on fairly modern PCs), lag problems (which _has_ gotten better recently, but the standard for tolerable latency is higher in PvP than it is in PvE), and just a general lack of content additions to make people come back and see what's changed; WvW is still largely the same gamemode that shipped with the base game back in 2012 and carries many of the problems that were prevalent even back then. GW1 managed to live so long in "maintenance mode" after new content stopped dropping in large part due to the thriving PvP community; that part of the game still remained dynamic even while the rest of the game became frozen in time. While I don't think things are so dire in GW2, it's definitely an important step in getting people engaged with the game again looking into the long-term. ...and while I hate to be the one banging this drum yet again, **please let us have the alliance system**. It's not a fix-all for WvW's problems, but MAN is it a strong first step.
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