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Posts posted by Teratus.2859

  1. > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > As it stands atm this whole fighting on 2 fronts thing is being more set up as our fault..

    > I don't see this is in any way being set up as our fault. There's been no point so far where we got the blame for any of this.


    Not to us players, but the the people of Tyria.

    It's easy for us to know Jormag bad.. but to others who have had the luxury of living normal lives and not being on the front lines of the dragon war it will be far less apparent.

    There could be plenty more like Bangar out there among the other races.. in fact realistically id say it's probably a certainty that there are plenty of people that would easily succumb to Jormag's manipulations as it spreads it's territory and influence.


    Among the Norn the Sons of Svanir.. among the Charr the Dominion forces.. I would bet heavily on there being a very strong possibility some Humans would be foolish enough to follow that same trend.. and we've already seen the Asura are willing to work with Jormag and the frost legion against Primordus as well.


    I don't think it would be that hard for Jormag to put the idea in peoples heads that Jormag is only our "enemy" because we keep going after it.

    That's what I mean when I said this is being set up as our fault.

    We had a choice to avoid fighting this way and we refused, so having to fight 2 dragons instead of just 1 is something we choose to do, ergo technically it is our fault.. even if it was the right thing to do.

    Jormag being Jormag and all.. lying with the truth is pretty much something it is especially proficient at.


    > What I find more likely is that, from what we know based on how many mastery points were added to the game map, there are 10 DRMs.

    > * Chapter 1 gave us 3 DRMs

    > * Chapter 2 is giving us 4 DRMs

    > * Chapter 3 will likley give us the last 3 DRMs

    > * That leaves Chapter 4 without its own set of DRMs. I've heard that there have been updates to the map area around EoTN, which fits with the original IBS trailer which ended with a large army standing in front of a structure, presumably the Eye, with Jormag's forces marching on it.



    That structure isn't the eye of the north, it's actually old concept art of a norn lodge that has been around for years.. even before Gw2 came out if I recall correctly..

    It was one of the original Gw2 wallpapers that you could download and you can still find it near the bottom of the wallpaper section onf the official Gw2 website.


    And the specific wallpaper itself.



    They must have reused this art for the trailer because as far as I can tell it looks identical.

    But I'm no developer so I can't tell you if there was a reason for reusing this specific artwork or whether it was to just save time or just because it looked cool.. but as many others have said in the past, these kinds of trailers are often featuring details that do not accurately represent the game (in that same trailer for example.. land spears and Jhavi using a shield as a Necro) so it's best not to take everything you see in them literally.


    > I find it more likely chapter 4 will invove some final showdown at the Eye, and either Primordus lives, and then moves down to Cantha to take out Bubbles, absorb its power, and become the Dragon of Dragons so to speak, or with Primordus and Jormag's deaths, and their energies rushing off to Aurene and Bubbles, we have to go down there to end it once and for all, with Aurene sensing a disturbance in the force as she did when Jormag woke.



    I strongly expect there will be a showdown at the Eye as well but it's the aftermath of that fight that I am curious about.

    I do not want Primordus to be killed off this quickly, that much i've said a number of times now and I will be very disappointed if Anet take that road.

    That said while i'd accept it I don't want to see Jormag wiped out this quickly either and would much rather have the finale of End of Dragons become a massive 4 way battle between the last 4 Elder Dragons.


    That said, there are plenty of ways to theory craft how we get to Cantha but very little to solidify any of them with the canon of the game so far.


    > Primordus living and going down to Cantha would fit with the EoD logo, which, unlike all previous logos, shows two dragons. One underwater, and one above water. Primrodus and Bubbles? Jormag and Bubbles?


    I'm glad you also feel the logo is relevant as well.

    Trailers have shown us much in the past but also mislead us a lot as well.. a prime example being the gigantic leviathan world boss teaser in the Manifesto trailer that never made it into the actual game (remedy that one day Anet please!!! lol)


    But logo's.. Gw2's logos have always been on point and featured an elder dragon that is related to or visually shows up in that expansion.

    Core Gw2's generic dragon.. I'd say it represents Zhaitan since he ended up being the first one we went after.

    HoT, Mordremoth.

    PoF, Kralkatorrik.

    And End of Dragons.. there are 2 in the logo, one of which is clearly a representation of the Sea dragon.


    I am agreed with you on this point, I am certain that End of Dragons will definitely feature multiple dragons and one of them will definitely be the sea dragon.

    What I am not certain on though is how we get from where we are in the story currently to fighting a completely different dragon in a foreign country miles to the south..

    That is a massive hole for speculation and leaves me pretty excited to see where the Ice Brood Saga takes us.

  2. I've never seen it so much as Jormag want's to be our friend but more Jormag want's us to help it achieve it's own agenda.

    Jormag is a manipulator and a deceiver, it's just what it does and what it's best at doing.


    It knows we will never think of it as an ally or benevolent like Aurine yet it still spends it's time trying to get us "on it's side" and make us question whether we are doing the right thing.

    I think for the most part Jormag just wants us to stay out of it's way.. it doesn't want to fight Aurine but it does want to control her.. and we being Aurine's Champion grants us certain privileges in the sense that Jormag doesn't want us dead either.. for now at least.


    As it stands atm this whole fighting on 2 fronts thing is being more set up as our fault.. Primordus being the big bad and then the enemies of Primordus also fighting amongst themselves rather than working together.

    To the ignorant people of Tyria this could easily evolve into a problem for the commander, specially if Jormag attempts to convert more people by spreading propaganda around that it wants peace and to save the world and we are the evil ones getting in it's way and stopping it.


    This wouldn't be a new direction at all either.. we saw something similar with Balthazar returning and being a giant hole and people still followed him because he was a god.

    Then there was Joko and his brilliant speech before he was forcefully introduced to the bowels of a dragon.

    And lets not forget the fact that we have in the past spared the lives of Primordus, Jormag and Kralkatorrik from Balthazar who intended in killing them all.

    Add to that we are the champion of an Elder Dragon ourselves and there was that whole narrative that drove Bangar to do what he did.

    Jormag could very easily manipulate all of that information to turn people against us..


    Who knows, perhaps that's how we'll end up in Cantha after IBS.. Jormag turns Tyria against us and we either get exiled or are forced to flee..

    Unlikely I know lol but that was fun to think about.

  3. Vlast exploded.. and Traherne was twisted and corrupted physically into Mordremoth..

    Neither of those conditions I would say are reversible, especially this long after they died.


    If you could just erase deaths like that then why not Glint?, Why not Snaff?, Why not Zhaitan?.. it's not a good idea to mess with that stuff in my opinion.


    That said I would like to explore more into the afterlife concepts of this universe.

    During Kralkatorriks reign of destruction we saw not only some of the chaos he waged in the mists but also countless fallen heroes, including Eir, Gwen and Snaff rallying around Glint and fighting against Kralkatorrik from beyond the grave.

    We may not have seen them but Vlast, Traherne, Tybolt, Sieran, Forgal, Riannoc, Brechnar Ironhammer and countless others could have been there as well.

  4. Still all for it, i've suggested this idea a few times in the past myself.

    Would be nice to have some new mastery abilities that combine HoT and PoF masteries together and require points from both expansions to unlock, would give us something to spend all those useless extra points on :)


    Griffons using updrafts is one of those cases with X Mastery and Y Mastery just fit together really well.

    Skyscale regaining flight time when inside an updraft would also fit well as would mounts regaining stamina when running over one of those recharging mushrooms.

  5. > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > Tengus are from Cantha right?


    Only some Tribes were, other Tengu tribes lived elsewhere in Tyria before many of them unified and built the Dominion of Winds.

  6. > @"Akethon.5108" said:

    > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > > > Well Anet did have a bunch of projects going on and they all got canned so I highly doubt you'll ever see an official GW2 VR spinoff..

    > > > >

    > > > It doesn't have to be a spinoff. It can be some other story. Like before Orr went down and the Gods still in Tyria.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > That would by definition pretty much be a spin off.

    > > It wouldn't be part of the core Gw2 game.. but a separate product in it's own isolated stand alone story but based in the same universe.

    > > It could be technically a sequel or prequel but it wouldn't be a Guildwars 3 nor would it be part of Guildwars 1 or 2.. so it would be a spin off because of that.

    > >

    > > Nothing wrong with a spin off though, there are plenty of great spin off games out there.

    > > Some have even spawned their own iconic franchises such as Donkey Kong Country, Mario Kart and a more recent one, Hyrule Warriors.

    > > Definitely not a negative thing ^^

    > You are right. I really do think that GW on VR sould be their next goal after finishing off GW2. Something in 5 years time or so. Maybe one more expansion for GW2 and then try out the VR world. Either that or GW world will die in 10 years or so. Unless there is miracle. Specially, if i am right, with all new MMO RPGs coming out for VR this year and the next, that will take alot of people out of the PC screen based MMO. And the better they become the more people go for them. So Anet should take advantage of their background and experience and lack of good VR MMORPGs at the moment. But again. I am a nobody and most likely the Devs wont even look at this thread. But is still good to dream.



    I dunno what the future holds for this franchise.. but the possibility for spin offs is huge.

    I don't know if there will ever be a Gw3 and at the present point in time I really don't feel like there needs to be one nor do I think there is enough of a reason to move on from Gw2 and make a proper successor, I know a number of people do call for it but I don't agree with them at all.


    As far as a VR game goes I really don't know.. the market on VR is growing and I think it will be pretty big one day when the technology is far more advanced and a lot cheater and accessible, but at the present time it's still pretty small overall.

    Personally will never get onboard with VR because I just don't like tech and I have no interest in the experience it offers.

    I'd rather have my games on a TV or monitor with a keyboard and mouse or controller in my hands, it's just my preference :) I know there are plenty of others who also feel the same way as well and have no interest in VR.


    If Anet did ever make a VR game in the Guildwars universe there are a number of us who wouldn't play it and Anet would loose some players, but they'd also potentially gain players as well.

    I think that's the biggest consideration any company makes when they consider this kind of thing.. how many player's they will likely loose compared to how many potentially new players they will gain, as well as costs and time and other factors..

    In the case of VR I don't think it's quite there yet for a lot of companies to justify.. that doesn't mean they won't invest in it, just that they're a lot less likely to for now.

    Specially when there are other markets out there that are far easier to get into and potentially a lot more lucrative, In Anet's position.. Consoles and Mobile for example.

  7. > @"Akethon.5108" said:

    > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > Well Anet did have a bunch of projects going on and they all got canned so I highly doubt you'll ever see an official GW2 VR spinoff..

    > >

    > It doesn't have to be a spinoff. It can be some other story. Like before Orr went down and the Gods still in Tyria.




    That would by definition pretty much be a spin off.

    It wouldn't be part of the core Gw2 game.. but a separate product in it's own isolated stand alone story but based in the same universe.

    It could be technically a sequel or prequel but it wouldn't be a Guildwars 3 nor would it be part of Guildwars 1 or 2.. so it would be a spin off because of that.


    Nothing wrong with a spin off though, there are plenty of great spin off games out there.

    Some have even spawned their own iconic franchises such as Donkey Kong Country, Mario Kart and a more recent one, Hyrule Warriors.

    Definitely not a negative thing ^^

  8. > @"Solanum.6983" said:

    > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > Seems this chapter is more based around Jormag's minions.. kind of odd that the Dwarf's make an appearance now since they are far more involved with Primordus.

    > > One more faction coming too.. Tengu? I hope it's the Tengu.

    > >

    > > But these factions really don't feel like anything yet tbh.. I don't feel like i'm building a multi race army to stand against these dragons because I can't see that progressing in the game yet.

    > > Hopefully we'll get something that does show this in part 2.


    > The Release page says the next faction will "Float your way on February 16th" so I assume that's the Exalted since the Dwarves and Exalted where shown fighting in the first half of the trailer.

    > The Skirt and Tengu where shown as part of the "what the Future holds" section which Is most likely for Chapter 3 in March.


    Yeah that makes sense, they're bound to keep us waiting for the Tengu specially since the Tengu been sitting back for so long xD

  9. Seems this chapter is more based around Jormag's minions.. kind of odd that the Dwarf's make an appearance now since they are far more involved with Primordus.

    One more faction coming too.. Tengu? I hope it's the Tengu.


    But these factions really don't feel like anything yet tbh.. I don't feel like i'm building a multi race army to stand against these dragons because I can't see that progressing in the game yet.

    Hopefully we'll get something that does show this in part 2.

  10. I assume you mean "playable" race but since you didn't specify ;)


    Atm the race I am most looking forward to seeing in Gw2 (which currently doesn't appear in the game) is the possibility of seeing Oni in End of Dragons.


    Oni are a race of Demons that once served in Kanaxai's Nightmare Horde.

    We don't know exactly where they come from but some Luxon's believe they were once humans who dug too deep into the Jade sea and were driven insane and violent by the horrific nightmares Kanaxai unleashed on them, eventually being twisted and corrupted into the deadly Oni.


    It is not confirmed however that the Oni are/were humans so there is plenty of wiggle room there for them to get more backstory and a different origin we can discover in Gw2.

    It is my hope that after the events of End of Dragons and if we finally do conclude the Elder Dragon story in this expansion then as we move away from Dragons I want the story to starts focusing on Demons for a little while, expanding on Demonology lore in the Guildwars Franchise and naturally taking us underground to finally explore the depths of Tyria.


    Demons are a really cool creature type in the Guildwars franchise but they have been very underused in Gw2.

    Deimos, the 2 Eater of Souls and the Legendary Imbued Shaman (fractal boss) are the only major notable Demon bosses in Gw2 with a couple of other Demons in the Dhuum raid.

    There are also Imp's and Fleshreavers which are technically demonic creatures in this universe as well and are the most common types of Demons we see in Gw2.


    Back in Gw1 however there were tons of various demon type creatures filling up the game's enemy roster including Oni, Margonites, Dryder's (Demon spiders) Many different types of Torment creatures, Titans (I really want to see these guys again in Gw2 as well) and Stygians, as well as other Demonic creatures.


    Expanding into Demon lore could also mean expanding upon Nightmares and Shadow creatures too which is another creature type i'd like to see more of in the future.

    Demons and Shadow beings are quite strongly linked together since they tend to originate from similar dark places within the mists and could easily be mistaken for Demons, but they're not Demons.. Nightmare's are their own thing.

    Notable Nightmare creatures in Gw2 are.

    Shadow Behemoth, The Voice (Fractal Boss), Menzies Shadow Army (Dragonfall map), Abyssal's, Aatxe, Twisted Spirits and of course our own Necro's Shadow Fiend minion.

    There are a good bunch of shadow/nightmare creatures in Gw2 although they are used sparingly and mostly little more than canon fodder for us to fight against with little to no actual background or lore on them.

    I'd like to see this remedied as well and would love a big Gw2 story ark based around Demons and Nightmare creatures.


    A large story campaign based around Menzies would be a very good way of doing this since we already have a setup for it in Gw2 with Balthazar's death and Kralkatorrik's rampage in the mists which resulted in a physical chunk of the Fissure of Woe being transported to Tyria and allowing Menzies Shadow Army to manifest there.

    This could easily be expanded upon to create a story about Menzies attempting to invade and conquer Tyria.

  11. > @"sorudo.9054" said:

    > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > > @"MarkVonPlay.7391" said:

    > > > GW1 and GW2 are two completely different games. I think both games can exist co-existent.

    > > > It would be nice to see Guild Wars with modern DirectX 12 and Raytracing. It also would be great to see a new campaign. There is so much landscape, that isn't explored

    > > >

    > > They already do co-exist as both games are still alive and well, Gw1 is just over and finished as a project and is no longer supported in terms of new content etc.

    > >

    > > > I'm sad to see, that World of Warcraft is still in development and get new campaigns and GW1 not. Please Arenanet: Give GW1 new life.

    > >

    > > The difference here is there is no World of Warcraft 2..

    > > If Blizzard decided to make a new and better sequel MMO then WoW would not longer get any new content once that sequel is released.. just like Gw1.


    > yet they made WoW classic.....


    That is quite a different thing.. Classic wasn't a "remake" but more of a re-release, and again there is no sequel to WoW either only expansions so it's the same game just in different builds.

    What OP is suggesting is remaking/remastering Gw1 and creating new content for it which is a lot more than WoW did by releasing classic.


  12. > @"MarkVonPlay.7391" said:

    > GW1 and GW2 are two completely different games. I think both games can exist co-existent.

    > It would be nice to see Guild Wars with modern DirectX 12 and Raytracing. It also would be great to see a new campaign. There is so much landscape, that isn't explored


    They already do co-exist as both games are still alive and well, Gw1 is just over and finished as a project and is no longer supported in terms of new content etc.


    > I'm sad to see, that World of Warcraft is still in development and get new campaigns and GW1 not. Please Arenanet: Give GW1 new life.


    The difference here is there is no World of Warcraft 2..

    If Blizzard decided to make a new and better sequel MMO then WoW would not longer get any new content once that sequel is released.. just like Gw1.

  13. > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > I always avoided Macs anyway because I like building my PC's from scratch. Still, seems odd to me that Apple wouldn't want to provide some support for OpenGL as I'm sure a lot of their users are gamers.


    The same issue exists on Windows PC's as well although are far more forgiving.. take a look back at some older PC games for example and you'll find a bunch that either have a lot of issues running on modern tech or straight up don't work at all anymore due to some dead component that is no longer a part of modern PC hardware or some old software that is no longer used and supported etc.

    Off the top of my head Black and White comes to mind.. getting that running on a modern computer/OS is an absolute nightmare.


    It's a far more common issue on MAC's though for sure.. those things are just not built for gaming.

  14. > @"Akethon.5108" said:

    > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > Well Anet did have a bunch of projects going on and they all got canned so I highly doubt you'll ever see an official GW2 VR spinoff..

    > >

    > If you check most VR Games are being made by very small teams. And Anet already have most assets that could be reused. I don't think they can do it now. But for a future investment I think it's a great idea. Oculus Quest 2 have very good hardware and I think in the coming years there will be more and better standalone VR devices.

    > Check for instance Zenith VR. You will see what I mean. People are thirsty for a good VR MMO.




    What I mean is that since Anet already had a bunch of side projects get shut down not to long ago (and resulting in mass layoffs) I don't think they would start doing other side projects like this anytime soon.

    It's not about the VR hardware or anything like that, im sure it's more than capable.

    It's more about Anet's current focus on Gw2's continued development not on other projects that could end up being shut down like the last bunch were.

  15. Well Anet did have a bunch of projects going on and they all got canned so I highly doubt you'll ever see an official GW2 VR spinoff..


    Maybe they could work a feature like that into whatever game they are going to make after Gw2 but I dunno.. Vr is still a pretty niche thing overall and for many companies I'm going to guess there is usually a cost vs market size discussion coming into play every time they decide whether to go down the Vr road or not.

    Lot's of people like Vr but a good deal more either don't care about it/have no interest in it or they really dislike it..

    Either way I expect Anet would need a pretty significant amount of players pushing for Vr to actually get them to consider it for a future game.. specially if that game was going to be one of their major big projects like Gw2 is.

  16. Well the first thing I guess you can tell her is that she doesn't have to use any Elite Spec if she doesn't want to.


    My first and arguably "main" character is a Core Ranger that almost never uses Elite Specs.. I just prefer it as it is.

    As far as Druid goes, it may seem weak specially as far as the typical meta crowds go but for general PvE, exploring and collecting etc as you said your girlfriend likes to do.. Druid is perfectly capable of doing that with either a power or condi build.


    If she ain't planning on doing any hard group based content as a DPS character then Druid or Core Ranger is probably the best bet for her.

    And if she likes playing the healer role then she can adopt that playstyle in those harder modes too.


    As far as collecting stuff goes you really can't beat Ranger for that in Gw2.. you essentially have an entire pet collection quest with Ranger that is exclusive to that class alone.

    In fact that was one of the main reasons I choose the class for my first ever character all those years ago as well.

  17. > @"Alik.9651" said:

    > Actually, I need a clarify that do A.I. build count as bot? such as necro minions + auto GS#4


    As long as you are at your computer when doing it you are not breaking any rules.

    If you are away from your computer when doing this then you are violating rules and could be warned or suspended for it.


    That said a good portion of players will just report you on sight whether you're afk or not just for using this farming method.

    So long as you at your computer though and can respond to any whispers you get from potential Anet employee's who are checking to see if you are afk or not you should have no problems.

  18. I don't know how limiting your hand issues are but i'll have to throw my vote in for a Minion Necro as well.


    I've been enjoying Minion builds for several years so if you have trouble with reaction time and the more precision focused controls that Gw2 is built upon then basing from my own experience with the Necromancer class, you might get really good use out of a more offensive tank focused Minion Master setup (Soldier stats i'd recommend), specially if you're just interested in playing the PvE game for story or enjoying the open world stuff.

  19. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > Living world is Anet's way of filling the game with regular content to avoid droughts between expansion's and keep people coming back and playing.

    > > Gw2 is for the most part a significantly PvE focused, story driven game that caters more to the casual player whom are the majority of this game's playerbase and due to that are also the ones paying the most into the gemstore and keeping this game alive.

    > >

    > > Catering to the majority is just good business in the end.


    > I like that you recognize this ... even if some players are spending the most time doing content they don't like (which is absurd ... but let's go with this for a bit) ... their spend is likely to be small compared to whatever players are reasonable enough to spend time doing content they DO like ... so a measurement of where people are spending playtime and it's relation to revenue is a very sound way for Anet to determine where to focus development to attract revenues from smart, satisfied players that play content they like.


    Even the time element isn't as big of a factor I don't think.. many casual players tend to take breaks quite often or just log in for their dailies or a few hours a week here and there.. or when they come back for the aforementioned living world releases.


    New shinies on the store tend to be enough for some to just think, "I want that.. I buy" while the players investing more time grinding and farming etc are more likely to use their stockpile of gold to get the new shinies, if they even want them at all.

    That's probably one reason why Casuals end up bringing in more money than the more active players.

    If it is true then how much you play Gw2 and where you spend your time isn't all that important in the big picture.

  20. Living world is Anet's way of filling the game with regular content to avoid droughts between expansion's and keep people coming back and playing.

    Gw2 is for the most part a significantly PvE focused, story driven game that caters more to the casual player whom are the majority of this game's playerbase and due to that are also the ones paying the most into the gemstore and keeping this game alive.


    Catering to the majority is just good business in the end.

  21. Being forced to go there for map completion and repeatedly being ganked by groups of other players.


    Another early memory was trying to complete Obsidian Sanctum and repeatedly being ganked by groups of thieves that would camp there and farm people trying to get the puzzle done.


    WvW used to suck so bad back then, most people hated the mode for good reasons lol

  22. They were only upgraded to the higher ascended stat rates, aside from that legendaries remained the same as they always were.. only other exception was when the precursor crafting was added which give you an alternate way of obtaining them.


    You have always had to grind for them one way or another, and outside of the skins and the ability to stat swap on the go there is nothing that special about legends.

    Plenty of players still don't feel like they are worth the effort, although the legendary armoury thing that is supposed to be coming will make them far more appealing to the average player since legends won't have to be swapped between characters anymore.

  23. I give up on ever getting one years ago.

    Some things have such atrocious RNG rates that it's pretty much impossible for some people to obtain them.

    I could do teq every day for the next 10 years and I feel completely confident in saying that I still wouldn't get a horde drop.

    So why bother right?

  24. > @"Westenev.5289" said:

    >Personally, I think projects lead by money and not by the passion of the developers is a problem with today's society anyway.


    Agreed, having been a gamer for the better part of 30 years i've been around long enough to see the great advances in technology which has lead to more complex and technologically impressive games, but also what I would consider a decline of quality, passion and artistic creativity that made so many older games so iconic and loved.


    Now i'm not saying new games are bad and old games are better and this definitely isn't coming from a place of nostalgia since I still own and play many of the old games I loved years ago and still love to this day.

    But I am saying there is a lot of weak, uninspired games produced these days sorely for the purpose of making a lot of money as quickly as possible by pandering to whatever is thee current thing that everyone is playing.. and that might be good for short term business gains but it isn't good for the integrity of the video game franchise's that are exploited for that purpose.

    This is one reason imo why we see some franchise's just gone.. and we've lost a good few over the last several years.. and others that have changed so much they are almost nothing like what they used to be.

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