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Posts posted by Doghouse.1562

  1. > i was lazy to start second account everyday. but when i read this all it’s free gold. thanks for confirm it. i will take that few minutes for this from now. it’s unfortunately i can’t start 2 accounts at the same time with one pc. :)


    You can and I do. I have several things that I do most days in the two accounts simultaneously, on side-by-side monitors (e.g. Matriarch in Verdant Brink for Amalgamated Gemstone - takes maybe 10 minutes including remembering to log on at roughly the right time, and nets about 1g 70s extra per a/c per day). I've even on occasion taken both into a fractal, with friends (not usually worth it, mind; the downside of having to control each one separately usually more than outweighs the advantage of an extra set of skills and an auto-attack, for me at least). There's a limitation, in that only one session can be windowed fullscreen, but frankly that's minor.


    The only thing making it tricky to run multiple (native) copies of the game is that you need to kill one Windows handle (AN-Mutex-Window-Guild) after starting each one before you can launch another. I've a script that someone else cooked up a few years ago that does that. If you want to try, do a search on the handle name; you'll turn up plenty of hits, both in these fora and elsewhere. Or you can use, e.g., GW2Launchbuddy (a similar search comment applies).


    Oh, and with regard to **Moira Shalaar**'s comment (just above) - if you run two sessions, you only need to stock ONE home instance between all of your accounts, if you feel the inclination to have each one loot that daily (that's another of my own regular things I do). Party up, enter on the correct account, drag the other one in. Simple.

  2. Anyone else seeing this? In summary - NPC mobs sometimes disappear or shift location as I near them.


    For the last few days I've been running around on a mid-level Revenant in open world, frequently using Phase Traversal as a closing move to pick off mobs I pass along the way for XP. About half a dozen times so far I've used the skill, and noticed as I closed that either my target or a nearby mob I had my eye on as a next target has either moved position or even simply vanished (and we're not talking mobs with stealth abilities here - they've been all sorts of things). Just now I attempted to close with a Moose in Dredgehaunt Cliffs. The skill appeared to execute fine (Phase Traversal graphics are a slide from place to place, not a blink, so I'd notice if I were displaying as going to the "wrong" location), and I arrived where I expected to be - only to find that the Moose had "magically" blinked several feet sideways and wasn't in melee range.


    I've not seen it happen with mobs until I get close to them; I've checked my ping when it happens and it's invariably showing as being in the sub-60 area; and I haven't seen any of the usual signs of a client sync failure (such as other players seeming to run in a straight line and then blink elsewhere as the client catches up). But whatever's going on, it's disconcerting and somewhat breaks immersion when it happens.

  3. There's a degree of confused use of terms in the Personal Story journal, but the bottom line is as above - no, they won't get credit. You can play Seasons and Episodes within Seasons out of order, but you have to work through the individual steps within each Episode in sequence to get credit for them.


    Practical tips, though - and this is important -

    1. **make sure that anyone who hopes to get story credit, or achievements, actually has the right step set active in their Story Journal**, and

    2. **make sure that they're at the same point in the step**, if there's anything that has to be done in Open World (such as talking to some NPC or another).


    The game won't credit them with the step if they're not set up correctly - even if they've actually done everything that precedes it. Nor will it stop them taking part, or warn them when they enter. And you'd be surprised how often my group gets to the end of a step, only to have someone admit that they didn't get credit, even after all this time.

  4. > @"Kovac.4372" said:

    > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > > First impressions are well and good, but if you’re not using the full traitline, your “review” is kinda pointless.


    > Getting there will take some time xD



    Is this your first character into HoT? If it's not - just look for an HP train, and go get those expansion HPs - they're worth 10 each, remember.


    I'm an alt-oholic. I have roughly 4 dozen lvl 80 characters, all fully-trained. From repeated experience, I can tell you that it's not hard to fill out both the HoT **and** PoF elite lines in an evening or so, **provided** you can get the character into the zones and have the basic masteries to manoeuvre around once you're there.


    P.S. Of those characters, my go-to, do-anything open world/PS characters are both Reapers - but Sc/D Sc/F viper builds. Probably not meta, but still. Almost unsquishable; not the highest dps but quite decent, and even do more damage healing whilst downed than standing up. About the only time they die is if they're absolutely swamped.

  5. Ah, OK. Took me a while to understand what you meant by "novelty box" - I was poking around in the Hero tabs, not down at screen bottoms. It's not exactly big (and I presume it's new). If I'd seen that, I wouldn't have needed to ask the question. (My eyes and mouse cursor never go down there - all my skills and mounts are on mouse buttons. Nearest I get is when I'm changing utility skills.)



  6. > @"dunnberry.2964" said:

    > Returning player just started back up again few days ago. Nearly 2000 hours in the game. I stopped playing shortly after heart of thorns came out and never did much of it back then. Im mainly a wvw/pvp player but did a decent bit of pve(100% map complete, decent most dungeons and world bosses, low fractals). I have heart of thorns but not POF(yet). What are some key things in the updates over the last few years i should know about? Also one big thing is how do these elite specializations work and how do i unlock them?


    Other people have mentioned mounts from PoF; one thing I'd say is that the latest Living Story pretty much demands them.


    Elite specs are basically just the same as any other line, but a little more so (affect things like your Profession Mechanics). Getting access to them is trivial in principle.

    1. Level to 80

    2. Fully train all core Skill and Specialization lines.

    At that point the HoT and PoF specialisations are unlocked if you have the relevant content. You then train and use them just like any other Specialization, with Hero Points. The only big difference is you can only put them onto your third specialization line.

  7. > @"Quacky.5391" said:

    > I came back to GW2 a few days and have no idea what I'm doing in terms of endgame anymore. I know mastery points are a thing etc, but where to find them is beyond me.


    If you open your Hero panel (shield and sword at screen top left) and click the Achievements tab (Anet logo at panel left) you'll see MP icons (coloured versions of the Masteries icon on the bottom tab at panel left) against the various entries, showing you all the different game places you currently have unclaimed Mastery Points available. Drill down under the various headings to find out the detail. Central Tyria MPs are Red, HoT are Green and PoF are Purple. Unsurprisingly, you can click on the Masteries tab to see what you've currently got trained, points earned but unspent and so on.


    I suspect that anything under any part of the game you haven't unlocked (e.g Living World episodes you haven't bought and didn't log in for) won't show up, but I could be wrong. But anything you don't yet have access to ought to be listed under the relevant content entries in the GW2 wiki. And Dulfy is, as always, a good place to go if you need help getting anything specific. Just be aware that older stuff may well be out of date, in that quite a few Open World things that pre-date mounts are **way** easier to do with them .

  8. > @"Xantcha.3748" said:

    > Thank s for the help all.


    > That XP thing may be the stupidest thing I've see in an MMO. They won't let me spend the XP because I don't Have Masteries, but lock those behind a bunch of lvl 80 content (personal quest, LW2 and first part of HoT).


    HoT and beyond (Personal Story and LWS2 predate them).


    But. Masteries aren't really about XP. And they're definitely not "freebies" that longer-time players than you got handed out to them like sweets. They're also locked behind Mastery Points that you'll need to play that content to earn, to unlock the Masteries you need to progress the content (in other words, they're intimately tied in to the content you haven't done yet). By the time you have enough of those to fully-train the Masteries, you'll have the XP as well. My advice is, don't sweat it. "Unspent" XP is almost totally irrelevant to the game.


    (I **can** understand your frustration if you're specifically looking at playing the latest LS, because, yes, you **will** need some of the Masteries in that. And maybe it's a bit remiss of ANet not to consider that aspect of things. But if you've logged in, you've at least unlocked the episode; you just can't complete it yet.)

  9. > @"Yuyuske.7182" said:

    > I did this on my Reaper yesterday and it was _the most painful thing ever._ I did it on my Mirage today and it was cake. Speed boons are an absolute must, and any blink / teleport abilities you have are a godsend. Just trying to plod through with normal run speed is suicide. (I don't know if block / aegis works for classes that have that; something tells me "no.")

    Yes; I also did it on my Reaper, and I lost track of how often I was downed/killed. Got there in the end, but not until I'd swapped out one of my utility skills for Signet of the Locust (movement boost) **and** burnt a Repair Cannister to actually have some armour left to keep me alive. About the only good thing was that on a few occasions she downed me but didn't finish me off, and I was able to heal faster than I was tacking damage from the gas effect. But to say I was glad to see the back of the episode is an understatement.


    **Then** there were the achievements to defeat her within the time limit (I'd barely finished the first phase at that point) and to defeat her without ever being hit... yeah, like **that's** going to happen with my Reaper...



  10. > @"Galeskyring.9617" said:

    > If you have both pof and hot's slots then your cap is 22, those 2 slots don't count to the cap so with max allowed shared slot purchases (because the gem store won't show it if you cap out) then you you will have 24 in total. If you are unsure then just buy 1 at a time and the store will cut you off when you hit the cap.


    I wish I believed that it would cut me off, but I've worked with software way too long to trust to code. And it seems unlikely that the limit is actually 22 including the expansion ones - I think Gaile was trying to say one thing and unintentionally managing to say the exact opposite. But I'm not a fan of being "bleeding edge", so I'm unlikely to try it until I've either seen someone saying they've definitely got more than 22 slots, or ANet clarify it, or (most likely ) a few days pass without howls of anguish and outrage from people complaining that they didn't get the slots they paid for. Ah well.



  11. OK, so the patch notes say:

    "Three additional Shared Inventory Slots may now be purchased from the Upgrades category of the Gem Store... ...Each account can have up to 22 Shared Inventory Slots at this time. **This limit is not affected by the Shared Inventory Slot provided with the Level-80 Boost with the purchase of Path of Fire or Heart of Thorns™**."


    So what does this mean? I'd read "limit is not affected" to mean that it's a **hard** limit - 22 slots via **any** route. Yet I already have 21 slots, including the two from HoT and PoF, and the BLTC says "You can buy 3 more at this price". So BLTC says "you can have 24".


    I'm an altoholic, so shared slots are like gold to me. But I'm reluctant to spend money to find out that I can buy 3 slots then only use one of them. Has anyone already tried? DO you get capped at 22 - or can you reach 24?

  12. Just tripped over what I assume to be a bug that (used with care) makes some of the trapped corridors near-trivial to move along.


    The traps that knock you backwards currently do so **relative to your facing**. So, if you back into one... ...suddenly, you're through it. Albeit briefly knocked down, and possibly taking damage from other sources.


    In a party just now, I was repeatedly able to reach and rez the instance owner. Even though he couldn't make the traps visible for me.

  13. > @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

    > The only destructible Joko statue we ever see here is during the story step that occurs in this location. During normal play, there are no mini-Joko statues (the larger statues are not destructible), turning the second half of the heart into a giant rat hunt as that is the only other way to advance the heart beside crop clearing.


    There are at least 6 small statues (10% of the heart each):


    >! 1. In a barn due north of the Palawa's Benevolence POI (western end of the central group of buildings)

    >! 2. In a wagon outside a barn north of (and across the road from) the first one

    >! 3. On the roof of the barn just in front of the Jackal Portal

    >! 4. Inside the building north of Arkjok Kennels POI, to the right of the door as you enter

    >! 5. In the barn at the far eastern edge of the village, at the southern end

    >! 6. On the ledge above the door of the building south-east of the Palawa's Benevolence POI


    There may well be others; those are simply what I found on a casual scout around just now (plus one I tripped over a few minutes later). Together with a clean run of the crops, that's 132% of the heart. No need to go near a rat.


    (There's also the one from the story, but whilst it's visible, it can't be interacted with.)


    _Edited for clarity and to put locations in a spoiler; also added another statue_



  14. > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > Have you even tried? I mean, I know it will either say it'll over write it or that another skill uses it, but looking in my own keybinds, I've got 'V' as Dodge *and* Mount Ability 1, and 'B' as WvW Panel *and* Mount Ability 2. When mounted, the mount skills you have bound will override the other binds, but since you can't use your weapon skills while mounted, it wont matter. Do you get what I'm saying?


    > There's a BIG difference, if the command you're trying to bind shows as RED ("You will overwrite"), it will remove the bind it warns you about to reassign it, if it shows as YELLOW ("Used by *insert other bound skill*"), it'll be a situational bind, such as, while mounted.


    Just to chip in to say that I was vaguely aware of this, but I hadn't really thought it through - thanks for making me. I use a gaming mouse, and I'd never found a sensible place to bind the mount skills, so they've always been "keyboard only" for me - which doesn't really work (I find myself forever looking at the keyboard at critical moments to decide which button to press).


    What I've done now is bind them to the "2" and "3" keys - basically, putting them on the action bar where they ought to be (but without icons) - and on the related buttons in my mouse, where I can get at them without thinking hard. Seems to work well. I've kept the "V"/"C" bindings as alternatives for now, but I really doubt I'll use them.

  15. > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

    > > @"Kyuuketsuki.2675" said:

    > > It is still bugged. I've been trying to get this event done for Redeeming IG-6417 for 4 days. At times I've spent even an hour trying to see if the Subject S would move but nothing. It is still the same as the screenshot posted by Esoliken. Please Anet, fix this!!! Oh, and before I forget, I keep getting in same map over and over, the last number of the map IP is 61:0


    > If you can, immediately after reset is one of the most active times on the US servers for that map; you are most likely to get a "fresh" map instance then.


    > Clearly this is not a solution, but it is a work-around that got me my Subject S and, thus, backpack. Until ANet fix the underlying issue, hopefully this is sufficient.


    Still bugging (for me, at least) as of today (June 29). Event progressed all the way to the fight with the security golem(s), which were successfully defeated - then just sat there.

  16. > @"DawnSketch.7105" said:

    > I'm in the new map now and messing around. I'm almost positive it was the HUGE influx of people all trying to load it at once that broke things for a while.


    Yup. Forget bugs; load has to be THE main cause.


    When new content drops, there's simply no point in trying to play on Patch Day Evening. Hope usually triumphs over experience, and I almost always try anyway; so far (which is to say, every content update since launch) I've always ended up finding something else to do instead.

  17. > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

    > I, also, have been hit by this. Can't tell if it is a bug or not, but it sure feels like one. At least I can sit on the key if I can't use it, I guess...


    Until and unless someone comes in here to say that they had the problem but it cleared, I'd say it's pretty certain that it's a bug.

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