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Posts posted by Gryphon.2875

  1. > @"Brycar.2651" said:

    > I didn’t spot Garm. Good eye. Happy to see him.


    > I think the narrator is the Wolf spirit. Assuming that, why mention the Kodan can’t hear the spirits? Unless.... they used to be Norn that have permanently transformed to Bear but somehow lost their link to the spirits.


    Would that make Koda and the Bear spirit the same?

  2. > @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

    > I know I am offtopic here but.... the person that replied on january 12 replied on a reply post from May.... So I do not think the OP is still stuck with this (if even still plays) as the post was from 2018. This is like constant necroing this post for no reason.


    Yeah, we should stop posting on this topic.

  3. > @"anninke.7469" said:



    > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:


    > > They're not corrupted, ergo, they still have free will. Even if that will has been broken by conventional means. Like how torture will break a human, and a person will serve an enemy if it meant ending the pain and remaining alive.


    > Well, torture is exactly how I see what Mordy was doing to those who tried to resist it.


    > I think we probably won't agree on this matter, because our ideas of free will are too different. If the options are **X or suffer/die,** I don't see any free will in making the choice.


    Technically, that is still a choice, because you can choose to suffer/die, and some would, out of honor, stubbornness, spite, strength of will, etc.

  4. > @"Elden Arnaas.4870" said:

    > It seems to me like you really just want to be able to leave the open world to vendor/repair/manage inventory and then return to the exact same spot you were before? If so, you should know that there are no guild upgrades which allow access to the trading post. The merchant and repair anvil are very easy,(just gold and favor) and the scribe crafting station (for bank access) is not very difficult. You would already have guild bank access, as it's something you've already earned. But you won't be able to pick up anything from the TP in your guild hall.(Unless you use an item to summon the NPC) The Mistlock Sanctuary offers all of those services, including trading post access, and gives you the option to return to your original location. The permanent pass is 1000 gems in the gem store.(when available - not now, of course) And I think the WvW entry area offers all of those services as well, including returning to your starting point. And you don't have to buy anything for the WvW option. I'm pretty sure that the WvW area offers everything you need, and it wouldn't cost you anything to go in there and check.


    I use the PvP waiting room for bank/TP/selling, etc. Also sends you right back where you were.

  5. > @"coso.9173" said:

    > > @"arielwind.8921" said:

    > > I know that lots of western people like dark, creepy map, but to be honest I'm not fond of such maps, not feel like to play such places so long.

    > > Timberline Falls, Ascalonian fields, Bloodtide Coast, Sandswept Isles are the best for me. I'm just jealous sunny map, clear sky of FF14.


    > Oh I like those too indeed. But we already have some of those. Queensdale and most of kryta is sunny green fields, and grothmar Valley too.


    There's too much sunshine in the real world. Give me cold, dark and creepy any day.

  6. > @"Jimbru.6014" said:

    > Something like the Estate of Unrest from the original EQ. A creepy Lovecraftian mansion and its surrounding plantation, where you're glad the sun never shines because of what it might reveal if it did. The days are always overcast and every night is a waning moon of waning hope, full of undead and spiders and bats and everything that makes people's skin crawl. Place it someplace in Ascalon, make a Bad Place where something like the end boss of Deepstone resides, a place where even the Foefire went horribly wrong...


    OMG yes...

  7. > @"Danikat.8537" said:


    > Look at the mount licences: Anet apparently thought we'd like (or at least accept) buying random skins with no control over what we got. Players told them we don't like that and they changed future sets to include select licences so you can choose a skin. Players are happier and I suspect Anet get more money this way because people who would never buy mounts will do now. (I also think the select licences are too expensive, so I only buy them when they're on sale, another compromise.)


    > But if anyone is surprised at this point that GW2 gets free content updates and then sells some cosmetics and convinience items instead of bundling it all into paid DLC they haven't been paying attention.


    I only buy the mount packs... 2000 gems makes sense for 4 skins, not just 1.

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