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Posts posted by Cobra.6509

  1. > @"Hynax.9536" said:

    > > @"Cobra.6509" said:

    > > Tbh here these last 2 collection, talking about Skyscale and Vision, was the collections Anet put some effort to make it logic with game and players. It does requires some effort but it is all in reach of us. I am that type of player who hate to farm so i will be out of a map soon i Finnish my achievements. Tho i had almost all the mats required in my storage.(and what i didn't had i could buy from TP). True I have to farm for my achievements some time, for example 1000 mobs x3 its why i still play the last map(amazing map btw, gg Anet). Asking us those 6 astral weapons are the only mistake they made because requires 3000 of a material you cant buy from TP. Its a mistake, they cant change it back so we have to live with it. But all others requirements are OK so we should congratulate Anet for both collections.


    > Then ANET's error was that you can't throw gold at the problem to solve it? kitten what is wrong with you? The point of a legendary is to take some kind of effort to have it, and NO farming gold is not an effort, it shouldn't even be a thing. It does not matter if it takes you 120 days doing hearts or 3 days in a crazy run for brandstones, it is a legendary and should not be a stupid task that anyone can do but still accessible to everyone.

    > Then players come to the forum complaining the story is garbage, that GW2 is boring, but when we got something that is supposed to entertain us for days you are crying cus you can't just buy the world or rush the content on a single day.


    > The only ANETs error here is : akili got bugged for days now leaving a lot of players not able to complete the achievments.


    Its not that simple, i am OK with 250 map currency required for Skyscale and another 100 same map currency required for Vision, the quantity : 350 its there, if you dont have it might requires 3-4 days to light farm those maps multiply by 6 maps id say its there, manageable.......but 3000 its different game so id like to have another way to get them. Anyway i think asking us to farm Istan its bad for Anet also, its split the playbase between 2 maps, its downgrading the Dragonfall becouse all players are now in Istan, farming old content. And not to forget the multi-loot squad for meteors made by rude commanders add more sorrow to Anet customers. And we are speaking here about collection, making legendary doesn't stop there and I think what It is after the collection make a legendary legendary.

  2. Tbh here these last 2 collection, talking about Skyscale and Vision, was the collections Anet put some effort to make it logic with game and players. It does requires some effort but it is all in reach of us. I am that type of player who hate to farm so i will be out of a map soon i Finnish my achievements. Tho i had almost all the mats required in my storage.(and what i didn't had i could buy from TP). True I have to farm for my achievements some time, for example 1000 mobs x3 its why i still play the last map(amazing map btw, gg Anet). Asking us those 6 astral weapons are the only mistake they made because requires 3000 of a material you cant buy from TP. Its a mistake, they cant change it back so we have to live with it. But all others requirements are OK so we should congratulate Anet for both collections.

  3. > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > i thought the two three month thing was more of a ideal goal than a "this is when we will release new episodes at any given time!" Guaranteed!




    We thought this also....and 2-3 months cadence was OK with an expansion behind. Expansion and LW episodes(every 3 months) combined were OK like new content. But now without expansion only with LW episodes, 2-3 months will feel like forever.

  4. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > and oceans of salt from ppl who are mad that you rested their progress


    > Yep. Best way to kill a game is to announce a sequel while it's still going.


    not working at a sequel, not working at game itself, shout both (non)actions in your customers face, layoff 1/3 of your staff....is best way to ....?

  5. Expansions

    Mini expansions : make a little story, with a collection, with some achievements, and reward you with something at the end: a special node, a nice skins or utility items.

    - special node gives you , materials to make food/utility primers, ....idk make them last 2 hours and enough for 3-4 seessions /week

    - nice skins, i have all 3 legendary backpacks , i dont need them but I worked hard because are nice, i would pay for next backpacks if they are nice and locked behind a nice story

    - utility items that help you with the game, for example something eats your food/utility keeping your buffs up all the time,

  6. Overall LW episodes are new content, that we get for free, but also something they can sell to new players later. Very good compromise here. You can argue about the quality or quantity, this can be changed. Imo, 2 larger maps / season were you stack all the story and all other features will result in 2 very nice maps. People will be forced to stay longer there and a lot of people in same place means fun. Like Silverwastes or DryTop where I go every time there is a daily although I have nothing left to achieve there. True might be a nightmare to make such maps, sure its easy to start a fresh new map and build there 2-3 months move to another fresh map and repeat.

  7. > @"bbop.9706" said:

    > If there is no expansion then there will be a mass exodus. Then after that it will be a dwindling player base of loyal die-hards.


    > No expansion = RIP GW2.


    > I sincerely hope that is not the case since i have invested a lot of time and money into this game and i love it :(


    There is no expansion. If there is even half of an expansion, the lay offs wouldn't be necessary. They(Anet) bet on a bad horse. We(players) lost.

  8. Anet can't make a subscription right now because they don't have anything to sell. For next to years they have only 6 hours new content / episode and 7 episodes planned = meaning almost 2 days of new content for next 700 days. And maybe some nobody wants/needs things like mounts in WvW, races with beetle on old maps or swimming infusions. Lets face it this is a nightmare for us, GW2 players.


    ArenaNet started as a company of 10 employees, including Mike O’Brien. It grew to 60 as it released its first game, then 135 as it worked on a sequel.

    Now, five years into the life of Guild Wars 2 and more committed to the game than ever, ArenaNet employs more than 400 people. And as the company has slowly learned lessons about its own game and figured out how it needs to be structured to succeed, those employees have shifted into two groups: a live team, working on updates and patches and events, and a smaller separate team working on the Path of Fire expansion itself."



    I wonder what the smaller separate team who worked for POF, was doing for last 1 year and a half. LWS4 was the same as LWS3 quantity wise, so those guys must have been worked at something else.


    One thing its sure content wise, LWS5 must deliver much more than LWS4, because 6 hours of new content every 3 months for next 2 years is a nightmare for a gamer.


    So first I want to know about LWS5, GW3 its not important right now. At least for me.

  10. To ask your question : there is something in the works. We all know that at any given moment half of entire Anet team is working for next expansion. So at this time there is 1 and half work of a expansion. Now looking at Q4 earnings i bet we will see this work in 2019. I cant imagine a whole year with 4 x Q4 earnings for Anet. Now returning at what Mike Z is saying, seeing that it will not be an expansion between LW4 and LW5, Id say We will get the next expansion thru LW5 episodes. Episodes which we will have to buy. Using POF as a reference here how I think it will be;

    - Episode 1: Crystal Oasis Map + mounts (Team expansion work)

    - Episode 2: Desert Higlands Map + elite specialization+griffon (Team expansion work)

    - Episode 3: Elon Riverlands Map + Istan Meta+whatever we farmed in LWS2 map. (Team expansion and team LW working together)

    - Episode 4: The Desolation Map +Beetle+ Sun refuge + Armour Collection (Team expansion and team LW working together)

    - Episode 5: Domain of Vabbi Map + Weapon Collection + whatever we will get to farm in S6. (Team expansion and team LW working together)

    It will less work for Anet, so they can trow some dungeons, open world bosses in every map and a longer story.

    At the end we will have 5 maps with plenty to do, instead of 11 maps that are empty right now.

    Obvious they will charge us something like 10-20 euro / episode, ...and instead of 30 euro we will pay 50-100 euro.

  11. I have the hat, i like it and I use it on my main. Imho this nice item should be available for everyone. This is my opinion but is not why i posted today. I want to share with you guys a little story : Yesterday somebody started a conversation in /s chat about my Celebration Hat and how my Asura looks like a little scared boy. Other players got involved, I played along making my asura bigger, greener, was fun. At some moment i said that i never bought a glider or an outfit because i'm cheap(which is true lol), second after i've say it a mail come from Anet with a pair of Wintersday Earmuffs attached and a message : please don't be cheap. The email got himself deleted once i take the item, so i don't have a screenshot. Yesterday my Celebration Hat made my day.

  12. I' ve seen this in Aion, it was a ghost town....only a few enjoy it, 99% kept(paid for) their mansion/home for specific buffs and space storage.

    For me there is 2 ways player housing can be brought in GW2 with some success:

    1. A special Home Instance where a player can place their mansion/castle/home/ whatever and various items already in game from guild hall. This instance would have the utility of a home instance with nodes and such so home owner can invite others to enjoy his work. You can add a bunch of things here, collections for home(Anet can sell skins for homes), mastery for special nodes or NPCs. Anet can make a mini expansion only for this.

    2. Guild Hall is so big. Every guild member should get a space inside where he can place a home. I think it will be fun to run around my guild hall and enjoy my guild mates work.

  13. For me it will be something to buy between ls4 and ls5. I guess Anet realizes that after this lame expac called POF, they should bring something substantial on the table for next expac and i think they need more time. But they need money also, i cant believe they will survive another year and half only with gems sale. So my guess is that between ls4 and ls5 Anet will throw a mini expac with optional things like this new home instance, maybe some new nodes, some NPCs tied with this new home instance, nice collections to acquire all, a big chunk of AP and access to new ls5. All these for idk.... 20 euro....maybe less.

  14. Every new player should know that for 50 Euro you will get 2 years game content. In this 2 year Anet will add another 3 months of game content, more if you buy the next xpac. Lets make a list what a new player should do in these 2 years:

    - Max level meaning soft cap + all masteries

    - Lvl 80 in pvp

    - Lvl 350 in wvw

    - Lvl 100 in fractals, this implies that u have at least a toon full ascended(also implies that having at least 2 crafts at max)

    - 20 k AP to do that you must complete almost all the achievements in the game, events included.

    - 1 legendary weapon gen 1

    - 1 legendary weapon gen 2

    - 1 legendary Armour set (whatever pve, pvp, wvw one).

    You will have to repeat some of content in order to farm your ascended gear or achievements or levels but it will hardly feel like a grind.....

    Also very important : a part of buying past Living World chapters, is not required to spend more money.

    Let's face it GW2 is a good deal.


  15. I Have Royal Terrace wich is the best. Nice layout and most important : instant and no cost access to Wintersday, Lunar Year and since this year SAB. Also I have Lily, but I am use it only to cut costs of travel from old maps to POF and LS4 maps. Also I dont find important return back option, now with shared inventory you can set your toons in such way you dont need to access NPCs for days.

  16. Same here....what about my lost time ??? its not m fault this instance is still bugged after a week ...now i will lose another 30 minute to do all over again...and btw...i cant fight Lonai, i just cant manage her damage......i just dps her, retry when I die, dps again ...why the fights with the bosses are so poorly designed?

  17. For me the quality of POF is below everything in this game.

    Bounty, such good idea, such poor product. Legendary bosses,..... well when I say legendary I think about Teq, TT. Not even one legendary bounties come closes. There are joke if you compare them with Teq or TT, they even doesn't come close with Shatterer or Jormag.

    Events on the maps.....imo.....best map there is Silverwastes, anyway you go, anytime you go, something different going on, reward are nice, achievements are nice. The POF maps are not anywhere closer with SW although Anet worked at these 5 maps for like 18 months. And you can see there is something wrong in lfg where basically you can find SW squads 24/7 but no even 1 squad doing something in POF. Not to mention here metas in HOT , that are always ON.

    They say we made the maps explore able. But its not true, you can explore POF on the back of a month, if you stop a second you die unless you kill 1 kkk mobs.

    So why I should go to POF after I finish all there ?? i cant imagine an answer.

    But what bothers me much than low quality of POF is the low quality of everything else new added to this game. Last 2 fractals are a shame if you compare with the older ones. So my question is : where are the guys who made TEQ, TT, First fractals, First raids, SW, DT, HOT maps ?? It seems they are gone and the replacements are very low level.

  18. Something. Anything. Thanks Anet.


    To spice up things in this new WvW :

    1. A ladder board for alliances. A badge or a special outfit can be earned only while your alliance is in top 5.

    2. An alliance can chose another alliance with who they will fight next season. (real guilds war)

    3. A guild can leave his alliance during seasons, same guild can join the opponent alliance same season.

    4. Guilds, players can join alliances after they have sorted during season. Seeing that players and small/non affiliated guilds can be sorted with 2 alliances in same world.


    I know, last 2 suggestions can unbalance the worlds but imagine the drama hence the life such features will bring.

  19. 1. An item who will keep me buffed all the time. Account wide. The item will have start and stop tab, and i can designate the food and utility from my inventory. Until the stack is not finish i am buffed ( I always forget to restart my foods and utility).

    2. An item like a notepad for crafting recipe. I can select 10 recipe I am interested in and I can check them from a separated tab in crafting window. If previous I selected a recipe with my tailor, in this notepad, i can craft that recipe with my leatherworker(different toon, wich is not a tailor). A recipe can be deleted when If is not needed, and brought back if needed. .......would save a lot of time.

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