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Posts posted by Garimeth.8725

  1. > @"Cave Rock.4869" said:

    > > @Garimeth.8725 said:

    > > Forgot to mention, with that set up I can give out 11 stability, 11 aoe condi cleanses, 8 aegis, 2 projectiles absorbs, quickfire every 10 seconds, and a good deal of personal dps, plus whatever healing ToR adds up to. That's alot of support to have on top of solid dps. BTW ToC let's me still contribute to dps when specced to give quickfire with stab and aegis.


    > Hey again Garimeth and Miyafuju! After a long deliberation on Garimeth's build i kinda of have to agree with Miyafuji on this one. Garimeth your build is attempting to be both condition damage and condition duration based whlist still attempting to be supportive and durable at the same time. That is a lot to focus upon and be good at all the time. Now the issue lies in the fact your build wants to support also, it does the support with boons and damage prevention which i get and like a lot because that is kinda of the way i like to build my Guardian/Firebrand also. But the issue is with the fact it has no healing power. So if you do get damaged in any way from power or condition you going to find it hard to get back to full health quickly, overtime it is possible with ToR but not in the middle of a fight.


    > But having said they you would survive quiet well in a roaming or small scale fighting situation and on top of that you could do some nasty burns. So i kinda have to go with you on the small scale fight and Miyafuji on the WvW blob fight situations. So if you can manage to avoid those kinda of zerg fights then i think you have a reasonably solid build.


    > My best advice though would be to spend more focus on one way of fight and don't attempt to be a jack of all trades and a master of none. Master one area of focus and you will do really well. By the look of it, expand upon your burning ideas for now and then when you get that additional gear you spoke... may be branch out at that stage only.


    > Cheers for the ideas from Cave Rock and Bluevoltron42.



    Again, I'm not suggesting using ToR mid-fight. I only use ToR during phases where our zerg is regrouping. The rest of the time I am there for aegis/stab/condi cleanse, and dps - just like on my normal frontline build. The key to tomes is timing, not gear.


    I think you all are seeing the armor i'm using since switching specs i.e. my budget thrown together condi set. It will eventually be dire/trailblazer's I just don't have the gold to buy all new gear sets for all my characters. Same with my weapon sigils and stuff - I am throwing together a wvw set based on my pve stuff because i'm broke lol.


    I'm not really having any issues with this, just trying to share the strategy I have been using for tomes that has been working for me.

  2. > @Falseprophet.1502 said:

    > I'd start with a more consistent class, one where ArenaNet actually has a vision or an idea for what kind of role that class is supposed to play


    That'd be ele and ele only then lol.

  3. I agree with Knox and Sorin. My cleave is very good, and I run virtues not zeal - I also think, at least solo, my single target dps is better with virtues than zeal as well. As far as sustain? If you are good with your timing and repositioning (in pve anyway) ToR can give you and your party almost a full reset. 5, then 4, 2 if you have condis, otherwise kite and space out your spams of number 1 to get the most out of regen. I have more sustain on FB than I do on core guard, and more than DH because burn build can kite better, though I do miss wings.

  4. > @Miyafuji.1340 said:

    > Your build is very similar to mine, except you don't even run any energy sigils so you have only 2 dodges. TBH playing like you described ended up for me by getting instantkilled by 20+ necros nuking the spot, warriors pushing in with winds of disenchantment, and with your lack of dodging on your build (none of the firebrand skills are strong enough to counter what I mentioned), I cant imagine you surviving the enemy pushes providing they are strong enough.


    > That is the issue of firebrand, the lack of sustain when the entire enemy blob bombs you. Its support skills are ok in keeping alive someone that gets tickled, not blob bombed.


    > Edit: I just noticed your build is also lacking on armor and hp, so it would probably go down even against non-condi bombs. Dunno really....


    I took it out into reset last night when there were larger numbers of people playing and I wasn't as successful as I had been when I made my previous post. I am used to playing frontline core guard and having full soldiers, and I haven't finished getting my dire set for this build and that hurt me last night. I didn't have an experience as bad as what you are describing, but it's definitely a lot less forgiving of me getting out of position than core or DH, and not having DH f2 makes it much harder to get back INTO position.


    That said other than my gear (not having my dire/trailblazer's gear yet) and not having f2 from DH, I can honestly say there weren't any times that I died that I wouldn't have died on one of my other two builds. The blob condi bombs you're talking about, I died to those, but there's nothing in the other toolkits that could have saved me the times I died either.


    IME the supports are better for repositioning your own zerg, I.e. you've pushed, they've pushed, both sides are still up there is some distance between you all and the tag is gathering his group. Use ToR then. The only other time its good to do is like big open field battle in a boss room where its a free for all. ToC is only useful on the initial push in for the 5 and 4, and popping 1 for quickfire procs (if traited) or keeping up stab on everyone around you. The rest of the time I just play like normal unless I see a good opportunity to burst bomb with ToJ.

  5. I really enjoyed DH, but I always liked burn guard and FB is very fun. I like axe (thoug I wish the symbol was TAD faster, and as a wvw frontliner the mantra range is not such a big problem for me as I hug the tag anyway. I enjoy having an on demand toolkit for whatever is going on. I will say that I have to have more situational awareness as my FB as I can get dropped much easier if I get isolated from my team. I have not tried FB in spvp.

  6. > @"Sorin Noroku.5342" said:

    > > @Garimeth.8725 said:

    > > I also capped at about 22-25 stacks of burning in my testing, but I also noticed I had higher sustained dps using axe with the rad and virt line than I did using either scepter or axe with the zeal line. Also important is that I did not have allies to use quickfire on - I believe that is still going to be a significant increase in dps. Curious if anybody else had similar results with the two traitlines and weapons, as I am not really a raider and my rotation is probably not perfect.


    > I'll be testing it tonight personally with mesmer buddy for bodies for the quickfire and justice 5 ashes. Prior to this, I hit 40k finish and spiked at 45k. If i can finish in 35-38k range, I think I'll be okay personally. (Though now I'm wanting that weaver nerf and soulbeast minor nerf)


    Yeah I'm interested in your results. I don't have a dps meter so I have no idea what my actual dps is I just noticed the amount that my burns ticked for averaged higher total damage with the virtues line than zeal, which surprised me. I also wonder if unrelenting criticism is better sustained dps than the extra 3 pages now. When running around I'm pretty frequently hitting unbuffed bleeds of about 800 to 1k a tick, probably not better than the 3 pages, but worth throwing it on to see. I bring it for the daze on symbol in open world.

  7. > @accelerated.3581 said:

    > > @Garimeth.8725 said:

    > > Forgot to mention, with that set up I can give out 11 stability, 11 aoe condi cleanses, 8 aegis, 2 projectiles absorbs, quickfire every 10 seconds, and a good deal of personal dps, plus whatever healing ToR adds up to. That's alot of support to have on top of solid dps. BTW ToC let's me still contribute to dps when specced to give quickfire with stab and aegis.


    > What runes/armor stats/etc.


    I use the same gear as in pve right now with some minor changes so its not really optimized, but here is what I have on:



    I frequently swap out PF for WoR and SYG for retreat. Not having RF took some getting used to as well. For the gear I'm sure it could be better optimized, and a little over half my gear is exotics not ascended.


    I will add, cause it occurred to me after I posted, I am not in a t1 server running in full squads against full squads all the time so that could also be a factor between our different experience.

  8. I also capped at about 22-25 stacks of burning in my testing, but I also noticed I had higher sustained dps using axe with the rad and virt line than I did using either scepter or axe with the zeal line. Also important is that I did not have allies to use quickfire on - I believe that is still going to be a significant increase in dps. Curious if anybody else had similar results with the two traitlines and weapons, as I am not really a raider and my rotation is probably not perfect.

  9. Forgot to mention, with that set up I can give out 11 stability, 11 aoe condi cleanses, 8 aegis, 2 projectiles absorbs, quickfire every 10 seconds, and a good deal of personal dps, plus whatever healing ToR adds up to. That's alot of support to have on top of solid dps. BTW ToC let's me still contribute to dps when specced to give quickfire with stab and aegis.

  10. > @Miyafuji.1340 said:

    > In WVW, exotic gear + top food > ascended gear with public saffron. By top food I mean the non-tradeable mussel soup or gnashblade, aka those that give you -10% damage taken from both power and condi. That alone gives you more than the whole ascended boost from exotic. Never underestimate food and utilities.


    > As to answer your previous question. I actually am an occasional videomaker and I was recording those days so its recorded somewhere, but the effort of cutting a processing it, meh. You see, skillag has been a problem in WVW for years and it was never fixed, so what is there new to report.


    > The problem is that FB is spammy class, and you cannot spam in skillag. For example, fight starts and boom, I get hit by huge condibomb. Imagine Im on a core guard. I hit F2, boom, instantly condi cleansed, bit of healing to everyone around, people around also cleansed. Imagine Im on DH and I hit F2, a little slower, but added mobility so I can chose where I land to heal and cleanse, and the heal part is much stronger. Now Imagine Im on Firebrand. I go to F2, that pulls my tome, then I have to do 5 to cleanse and then I have to do something else to heal. To heal equally as DH wings I would have to spam heals on Firbrand for few seconds... and din a cone in front of me! So most would miss anyway. Now in theory it does not look as bad as in actual combat, but add even the tiniest skillag to all your clicks and you will be wrecked, you will die to the CC and condi before you even get there. And even if you do half the party may be dead cause its all too slow. Iv told enough in the previous posts, unless its seriously changed or buffed there is no way to really make it work in WVW.


    I gotta be honest this has not been my experience at all. I feel like core guard on steroids. This is how my experience usually goes:


    I roll into the frontline with the tag with my ToC out. I open with 5 and 4, and strategically place 1's on tag to keep up stability on him and those near him, and if necessary I throw out number 3. When ToC is out of pages I swap into axe if we are close, or scepter if we've pulled back. If scepter then I drop symbol and throw out aegis from shield 4 for quickfire. If axe then I just start cleaving. If we pull back for a reset or another push I pull out ToR to drop 5 and 4, and use 2 if there is condi bombing going on. I supplement condi cleanse with the cleansing mantra (because it's instant cast and affects people around me, and I hug the tag.) If the enemy pushes I also use purging flames. I do not go into ToJ unless we have the drop on the enemy to open with a huge burst, otherwise I save it for mid push if we haven't reset.


    I'm running Rad, Virt, FB, and my skills are Shelter, cleanse mantra, SYG, purging flames, and elite mantra. Mix of offensive and defensive gear. Axe/focus; scepter shield.

  11. So I am alting warrior, coming over from ranger at launch, and DH guard in HoT. I'm still maining my FB, but I like power builds and a charr spellbreaker seems fun to me.


    So far I have not unlocked all of SB and am running core war while I get it. I feel super squishy. I swapped over to healing shouts, I have a PVT trinket on from WvW, and idk... I'm sure I'm doing it wrong, but I feel like my damage is ok - not FB or DH damage, but not bad. I just feel so squishy though even with 20k hp - I am getting constantly dropped or downed in PoF events or open world stuff that I can easily solo on my guard.


    This is what I have been switching between:

    Tankier, but slow to kill, set-up:



    Dps set-up (what I would like to work):



    Any help is appreciated. I know people say that power war is in a bad spot, but I am pretty sure part of my problem is just not knowing the class.

  12. > @"Sorin Noroku.5342" said:

    > > @Garimeth.8725 said:

    > > > @"Sorin Noroku.5342" said:

    > > > If a nerf was to come to firebrand, I see it in the form of nerf to AotJ. Changing the active stacks from 3 to 2, and the trait stacks from 2 to 1, would nerf the damage enough to bring it into line with other dps classes, without outright killing it.

    > >

    > > See I would just make it so the cooldown was to the target, not the firebrand's application. So any given player can only benefit from AotJ once during the cooldown period. This accomplishes two things. First, it eliminates any problem from stacking firebrands in a PVE setting. Second, it let's the firebrand in open world pve or wvw give out alot more quickfire if they want to blow their CDs, because different people would be benefitting from it each time.


    > Hitting different people doesn't effect their dps more. Its an application. If you couldn't hit the same target again later you would run out of people in smaller groups and kill their dps. If you leave the "cooldown" off, you have what we have now. If you remove the single use of the ashes venom per person with the buff, you cut FB's burning by 2 stacks per person (5 people, 10 stacks). 10 stacks of burning removed will drop their dps to be closer to soulbeast and weaver (thinking about 42-43k dps if they nerf ashes like this), yet still keep it as a competitive dps build. The build has little to no CC for raids, and its truly raids where it hits these insanely high numbers. In open world "meta event" sized parties last night, I ran my dps meter, yes I was high on it, but I wasn't so far ahead no one could compete. I sat at 10k where others were at 7-9k dps. (Doing the legendary bounty in Crystal Oasis). If I had 10 less personal burning stacks, I think I could've been right along with them.


    > Also as was said before, if you put a cooldown on the person who gets the ashes venom, you'd have to do the same for thief venoms too, and doing this would mean you cannot run more than 1 firebrand in a group PERIOD without having one completely JANKED on dps. Already in raids I have to watch to see if I have the venom buff on from another firebrand before applying mine.. and even my own traited and active ashes overwrite each other... so If I apply quickness after I used the justice 5 ashes, I just wasted a stack of venom period.. No burn application... And if the people who got my ashes wasn't attacking, I wasted it there too.


    > TLDR: Ashes is the issue for firebrand dps, if it's to get a nerf, I hope its here and not say "burning reduced by 1 second" as raiders would actually see a 2 second loss per burning stack, which could drop their dps down to 36k (which sure, its in line with others, but others also bring breakbar damage, where firebrand doesn't have it. So why take a firebrand and have issues with break when you could have break AND 2-3k more dps?)


    I agree reducing the stacks would be much better than reducing the duration.


  13. > @nvmvoidrays.2158 said:

    > > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

    > > So, remove the only good grandmaster?

    > >

    > > There already is a mantra trait, you know, how about you buff this one instead.


    > no one will take that mantra trait because the second tier already has two better traits. plus, the mantra trait isn't even that good. reduced recharge is standard, but, the final charge immobilizes. oh boy.


    Rabbit's whole point is that it would be better to make our bad traits (the top row) better as opposed to reducing the efficacy of the good ones. I have to agree, The axe trait is *ok* but both the mantra ones totally suck.

  14. > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

    > > @Garimeth.8725 said:

    > > By most accounts I'm seeing here, the problem is the quick turnaround on quickfire - not the fb's base dps. My suggestion leaves the skill mostly unchanged, it just affects the frequency with which an individual player can benefit. This neither leaves the problem unchanged, or limits guardians to not playing their class.


    > Quickfire is part of firebrand's personal dps, so you can't seperate the two. You do leave the problem unchanged, because you suggest that firebrand continues to do this amount of damage, but cannot stack.


    > > As far as not making it into a sub-squad because there is already a FB there... you mean like practically every other class? Who is bringing another druid, or chrono, or cPS?


    > Those are suppost classes, we are talking about firebrand, a pure dps class. All other dps classes can be picked freely.


    > > It would put FB in the exact same position every other meta build has: having a seat at the table. People will bring the best option, and they prefer unique bonuses - like for example celestial avatar. My proposed change let's FB keep quickfire, keep good personal dps, but not make it the obvious choice to just bring FB for all your dps spot.


    > You said it yourself, you don't play raids. You are suggesting taking a dps slot, the slot that allows most classes to be playable in raids and reducing it to a single spec. The meta supports are problematic and create a stale meta, but at least, the only ones they competed with back in HoT is healer tempest and Ventari. It's only now that scourge, firebrand and renegade were introduced, that people started being more vocally against the support trinity.



    Quickfire is part of FBs personal dps because that's whose screen it shows up on, that's it. It's a DPS support ability that requires others to reach it's potential.


    I don't raid, but I'm suggesting party comp thing because i see alot of forum posts that make it sound like there are/were professions that weren't welcome period. My point is it seems like most of the professions suffer from a "play this way or gtfo" mentality in most areas other than open world. I'd rather see quickfire get changed in a way that makes it still useful than get removed or completely changed - quickfire and axe are my two favorite things about the spec.


    > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

    > > @Garimeth.8725 said:

    > > That's not true, it would only be for the dps firebrand as they have the condition stats to get the most out of it - the other firebrand, if there is one, could still be support,. e AotJ works just as well, if not better, using quickfire if your goal is use it every 10 seconds. I can get that just using mantras, heals, or shouts without ever pulling out my tome.


    > Quickness firebrand, if it becomes a thing, will still be condi based, either viper or seraph. Ashes would be weaker, but still very strong.



    > > As far as why stacking FBs is bad...

    > > How is it good for every raid squad to be cPS, Chrono, druid, and 2 FB?

    > > My proposed change would still leave FB as a very competitive DPS position in any content, better than now in wvw actually, while incentivizing bringing another class for DPS as well.


    > You know how you incentivise bringing another dps class? By having firebrand not do 48k, when other classes do 35k. Raids have been in the game for 2 years, balancing dps builds is the easiest thing, you only trip some numbers.


    > Instead, your suggestion puts an artificial limit that makes guardian players not be able to play their class because another firebrand got in the group first, while still leaving the problem intact.


    By most accounts I'm seeing here, the problem is the quick turnaround on quickfire - not the fb's base dps. My suggestion leaves the skill mostly unchanged, it just affects the frequency with which an individual player can benefit. This neither leaves the problem unchanged, or limits guardians to not playing their class.


    As far as not making it into a sub-squad because there is already a FB there... you mean like practically every other class? Who is bringing another druid, or chrono, or cPS? It would put FB in the exact same position every other meta build has: having a seat at the table. People will bring the best option, and they prefer unique bonuses - like for example celestial avatar. My proposed change let's FB keep quickfire, keep good personal dps, but not make it the obvious choice to just bring FB for all your dps spots.

  16. Posted from another thread:


    > @Garimeth.8725 said:

    > > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

    > > > @Garimeth.8725 said:

    > > > > @"Sorin Noroku.5342" said:

    > > > > If a nerf was to come to firebrand, I see it in the form of nerf to AotJ. Changing the active stacks from 3 to 2, and the trait stacks from 2 to 1, would nerf the damage enough to bring it into line with other dps classes, without outright killing it.

    > > >

    > > > See I would just make it so the cooldown was to the target, not the firebrand's application. So any given player can only benefit from AotJ once during the cooldown period. This accomplishes two things. First, it eliminates any problem from stacking firebrands in a PVE setting. Second, it let's the firebrand in open world pve or wvw give out alot more quickfire if they want to blow their CDs, because different people would be benefitting from it each time.

    > >

    > > And why is stacking firebrands a bad thing? This change would hard limit them to 2 per squad in raids, regardless of builds. Even support and dps firebrand would compete for the same spot.

    > >

    > > Actually, it might even be one spot, because if Ashes runs out of targets, it would start affecting the other subsquad.


    > That's not true, it would only be for the dps firebrand as they have the condition stats to get the most out of it - the other firebrand, if there is one, could still be support,. e AotJ works just as well, if not better, using quickfire if your goal is use it every 10 seconds. I can get that just using mantras, heals, or shouts without ever pulling out my tome.


    > As far as why stacking FBs is bad...


    > > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

    > >After you get your 3 supports (cPS, chrono, druid), you have 2 slots for dps. Firebrand currently is by far the best dps in the game.


    > > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

    > > And why is stacking firebrands a bad thing? This change would hard limit them to 2 per squad in raids, regardless of builds. Even support and dps firebrand would compete for the same spot.


    > How is it good for every raid squad to be cPS, Chrono, druid, and 2 FB?


    > My proposed change would still leave FB as a very competitive DPS position in any content, better than now in wvw actually, while incentivizing bringing another class for DPS as well. Not seeing a valid argument here going based off your own logic. Granted I don't raid, but going purely off of your arguments and the mechanics in place, I don't see a more simple or elegant solution that doesn't require a full rework of the trait, the tome, or the buff.


  17. > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

    > > @Garimeth.8725 said:

    > > > @"Sorin Noroku.5342" said:

    > > > If a nerf was to come to firebrand, I see it in the form of nerf to AotJ. Changing the active stacks from 3 to 2, and the trait stacks from 2 to 1, would nerf the damage enough to bring it into line with other dps classes, without outright killing it.

    > >

    > > See I would just make it so the cooldown was to the target, not the firebrand's application. So any given player can only benefit from AotJ once during the cooldown period. This accomplishes two things. First, it eliminates any problem from stacking firebrands in a PVE setting. Second, it let's the firebrand in open world pve or wvw give out alot more quickfire if they want to blow their CDs, because different people would be benefitting from it each time.


    > And why is stacking firebrands a bad thing? This change would hard limit them to 2 per squad in raids, regardless of builds. Even support and dps firebrand would compete for the same spot.


    > Actually, it might even be one spot, because if Ashes runs out of targets, it would start affecting the other subsquad.


    That's not true, it would only be for the dps firebrand as they have the condition stats to get the most out of it - the other firebrand, if there is one, could still be support,. e AotJ works just as well, if not better, using quickfire if your goal is use it every 10 seconds. I can get that just using mantras, heals, or shouts without ever pulling out my tome.


    As far as why stacking FBs is bad...


    > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

    >After you get your 3 supports (cPS, chrono, druid), you have 2 slots for dps. Firebrand currently is by far the best dps in the game.


    > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

    > And why is stacking firebrands a bad thing? This change would hard limit them to 2 per squad in raids, regardless of builds. Even support and dps firebrand would compete for the same spot.


    How is it good for every raid squad to be cPS, Chrono, druid, and 2 FB?


    My proposed change would still leave FB as a very competitive DPS position in any content, better than now in wvw actually, while incentivizing bringing another class for DPS as well. Not seeing a valid argument here going based off your own logic. Granted I don't raid, but going purely off of your arguments and the mechanics in place, I don't see a more simple or elegant solution that doesn't require a full rework of the trait, the tome, or the buff.

  18. > @LeDevil.5374 said:

    > Make it so that when justice is renewed we get the pages back while in tome of justice, beats stowing before anything dies. It wont help much in boss fights just in open world and maybe pvp and wvw.


    This, so much this.



  19. > @"Sorin Noroku.5342" said:

    > If a nerf was to come to firebrand, I see it in the form of nerf to AotJ. Changing the active stacks from 3 to 2, and the trait stacks from 2 to 1, would nerf the damage enough to bring it into line with other dps classes, without outright killing it.


    See I would just make it so the cooldown was to the target, not the firebrand's application. So any given player can only benefit from AotJ once during the cooldown period. This accomplishes two things. First, it eliminates any problem from stacking firebrands in a PVE setting. Second, it let's the firebrand in open world pve or wvw give out alot more quickfire if they want to blow their CDs, because different people would be benefitting from it each time.

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