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Posts posted by Garimeth.8725

  1. Back to the OP:


    BUG: Unrelenting Criticism applies to weapons other than axe. I am getting bleeds while using my scepter, took off the trait no more bleeds. That being said... Please change the trait to make it also apply to scepter intentionally, makes it a much better ranged condi weapon because i have a cover condi.

  2. > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

    > > @Garimeth.8725 said:

    > > > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

    > > > It is indeed a venom, it scales with your own stats now.

    > > >

    > > > > @Noah.4756 said:

    > > > > I also noticed that the application of Ashes of the Just from Quickfire and Tome of Justice nr. 5 don't stack. Not sure how it works when you have multiple Firebrands applying it.

    > > >

    > > > That's true for venoms, as well, so it's to be expected.

    > >

    > > Has anybody actually tested this? When I was having a few people help me in the mists on Friday this is not what it looked like to me, but granted I didn't give it a very rigorous testing.


    > It was confirmed in a qT video.


    > And you can test it on your own, go next to an ally that's fighting and give them Ashes, you will see burning numbers from the enemy and the damage will register in the log as your own. In the demo, it counted as the ally's damage and you didn't see floating numbers.


    I know i see the numbers as my own, its whether it is based off of my stats I am questioning. When i use it I see some burn ticks that are far lower than my own. I'm going to go double check in a bit.

  3. > @Noah.4756 said:

    > > @Arcaedus.7290 said:

    > > How do you think they're going to nerf this though? My guess is that they'll change the f1 bonus for the Legendary Lore trait to provide might rather than burning and/or nerf burn durations on ToJ skills. I really can't see them nerfing the base burning application of the f1 skills because they don't actually apply all that much burning by themselves. It's mostly synergy with Legendary Lore and Ashes of the Just buff.


    > Legendary Lore is not the problem afaik. Correct me if I'm wrong, but my impression is that Ashes of the Just registers as the Firebrand damage when it should be applied to the DPS of whoever else get's it. It's like as if the burn application from Sun Spirit would suddenly count as Druid's damage. I'm estimating Ashes of the Just adds about 20k to our DPS which translates to about 4k per person which does not feel that crazy compared to how much a Druid, Warrior or Chrono can buff the party.


    This. Everybody is saying that it's like venom, but I do not believe this is the case. Every time I have given out the quickfire buff it seems to me like the damage that goes out is not nearly as good as my burning, but I could be wrong. And also yes it shows on your screen like it's you doing the damage.


    My thing is this: everybody is acting like this is insane, but how much dps is GOTL worth?

  4. > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

    > It is indeed a venom, it scales with your own stats now.


    > > @Noah.4756 said:

    > > I also noticed that the application of Ashes of the Just from Quickfire and Tome of Justice nr. 5 don't stack. Not sure how it works when you have multiple Firebrands applying it.


    > That's true for venoms, as well, so it's to be expected.


    Has anybody actually tested this? When I was having a few people help me in the mists on Friday this is not what it looked like to me, but granted I didn't give it a very rigorous testing.

  5. > @juno.1840 said:

    > Yes it is so much better now than on vanilla mesmer at gw2 launch.


    > I do wish there was an auto-prepare when out of combat because it is easy to forget and enter Combat with nothing prepared!


    This and losing them when i enter water are my only two problems with the preparation, if they'd boost the aoe range I would be super happy with them. Though honestly i feel like the heals on the healing one are a bit weak - other than more quickness i can't see myself bringing them over shelter or RTL.

  6. > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

    > > @Brutaly.6257 said:

    > > 1. Fix mantras so they have 600-900 cone and skip the aoe radius (120 isnt enough in any game mode).


    > Please no. Cones don't work with a melee spec. In pve, you will have to step back and outside the range of your target, dropping your damage to 0, so you can hit your allies, and have to do that every 12 seconds. If axe has 300 range like its visuals would imply, it wouldn't be that much of a problem. Mantras need to be 240-300 AoEs around your character.


    > And since I mentioned axe, it feels extremely clunky to hit your enemies with the blue axe, but not damage them. The visuals don't match the attack range at all.


    As negative as rabbit usually is, I have to agree here. A cone would only benefit Firebrand's standing behind everybody waving their scepter at the enemy, and since axe is the new weapon, the mantras should support a melee playstyle as well, they need to simply be aoe with a better range - shouts are better at getting the job done currently.

  7. > @MidnightO.8632 said:

    > How do you all feel about ditching a torch for condi FB? I'm honestly getting kind of sick of it and with the amount of burns FB can use it might just be viable. You could always pad out your roation with the burning mantra if need arises. Torch feels a bit like overkill with axe to me, I would rather take sword with torch for some moblity and blind (and it does seem to do a bit more damage, though that could just be burst).


    Dude, you can totally ditch torch. I've even thought about it myself. It will drop your dps, sure, but its not going to make it suck. The build I posted above was getting 9 burn and 6 bleed stacks just from symbol and AA on a single target and hitting physically for around 400 or 500 a hit, make it aoe and it goes up even more. If you do shield and have the quickness on aegis trait, which I do, it makes shield that much better. I personally am not a fan of running double melee weapons on any toon though, so I'd still have scepter in my other hand, and I prefer shield or torch with scepter over focus. Also while I like focus, I feel it just doesn't synergize as well as shield or torch. I might run axe/shield and staff, but staff is basically a melee weapon now, which means I will almost never use it.


    > @"Cave Rock.4869" said:

    > Hey Garimeth, that idea about selecting the bleeds trait over the extra pages is certainly a good point. Why not do more condition damage outside of tomes (it would save you pages)? should be the question that many might consider with this trait. That is especially true in the open world whilst continuing the story or completing the PoF zones. But in WvW you may well just need those pages to stack up the burns for best burst damage potential. But i guess these are the choices that we have to make with trait selection, some times it just comes down to personal preference over what is better etc.


    In WVW the pages wouldn't even be so much for the burning as the extra buffs from TOR and TOC. I think that a situationally aware frontliner can use a build like this:



    To push with the front line, stick on tag and keep stability up, but then when the push is resetting or reforming plus out tomes and heal and protect the recovery phase. We'll see. Honestly I really wanted Hallowed Ground to give quickness on every pulse, not sure if its WAI or a bug, but I'm a bit disappointed.



  8. I actually really like axe, but I haven't even stepped into wvw yet and I can see it will have issues staying on target. I also really like mantra of truth for cover condis and defensively with blind, and in pve the blind for break bars. I want to use staff, but if the range stays as it currently is I will probably use scepter/shield.


    I like the idea of a blink mantra, because otherwise right now I feel like i will need to bring JI or MI in order to get back on tag if I'm caught out of position. I like both of those skills, but losing the blink on sword 2, the leap on sword 3, or the f2 on DH hurts, because now I have to dedicate a utility to it.


    Granted I didn't wvw tonight, so I may feel differently when I get in there, but I noticed the lower mobility even in pve so...

  9. After playing around live I changed my build to this:


    Unless I spec into concentration I don't have enough quickness to make hammer feel good with how mantras are working, I just don't feel comfortable building my character around quickness and quickfire, hallowed ground is only giving quickness on initial cast not every pulse, which really reduces the effectiveness of my original build idea.


    I haven't taken it anywhere but open world and LS so far, but I did decide that the condi emphasis is better than the retal RI thing I kind of wanted to do. Gets 9 stacks of burning just from auto attacking, I open with mantra of potence to stack that higher and have the axe trait so symbol dazes. Use the pull to grab more enemies into the symbol and get some aoe PW procs going, I usually save purging flames for a combo condi clear and dps or i use it from a distance on a pack of mobs to open the fight.


    That said I did a few things people may think to be odd:

    1. The axe trait for bleeding instead of more virtue pages. I honestly just switch into tomes and burn through them asap then back out to fighting normal again. I do so much damage (in the content I've taken it into) that I'm better off killing stuff than camping my tomes for support. I suspect in WVW I will spec for the increased pages and just pull back from the frontline.


    2. Also I went with shelter for my heal because after playing with the mantra one... well it sucks. I would run it with the quickness on heal trait, but mantra range is too low for me to reliably proc it on anyone but myself.


    3. Quickfire: Man I want to like this trait, but 10 seconds cooldown is too long, and I feel like it unreliably procs, maybe just due to the range of abilities i am trying to proc it with (mantras). I may run this with shouts in wvw, we'll see.


    4. Elite: man I love the mantra elite. So much stunbreak.


    For wvw most/all my carrion gear will probably be changed to dire.

  10. All game modes:

    Mantra ranges need to be bigger:

    Mantra ranges are better, but still too small to be useful even in melee they are difficult to use. I am playing an in your face condi stack melee build and I have to be RIGHT on top of people to give out my quickness, even just being on opposite sides of a mob sometimes is enough for it to miss. I love the mantras, but for giving our quickness through aegis and stability, right now its easier with shouts, which makes me sad.

  11. So this is the build I am thinking for Firebrand. Right now its just a general PVE build, but I think I can make some tweaks for it to be in WVW as well.




    The goal is retaliation uptime for personal dps via the radiance line, while putting out a high uptime of stability and Ashes of the Just.



    Hammer: I've always liked it and with the huge amount of quickness I have, plus hallowed ground, I can have pretty high uptime on group stability, protection, Ashes, quickness and retaliation. Anything stuck in my ring of warding is going to have a bad day. I can also self combo for aoe condi cleanse pretty regularly.


    Sword/axe: I'm undecided here. I will probably go with sword if I keep the focus on power damage, but I could easily tweak the build to be a burning build as well.



    Here is where I need help. This build could easily be either a condi/power/or hybrid build. Right now I want to go hybrid with low crit chance and high ferocity to take advantage of the Radiance buffs, but I'm not sure what my best bet is. Additionally, when I take this in WVW, I gotta give up some offense to frontline, so I will probably have to pick one or the other. Any advice on this is appreciated.



    What, no scholar? No scholar. I'm not a fan, I'd rather have the constant 7% from flame legion or 4% from ogre, than a 10% that I know I will almost never have. In WVW I'll probably run durability, but I may try something else out.



    Depends on if I go condi, power, or hybrid.


    Any input is welcome.

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