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Posts posted by BeLZedaR.4790

  1. As soon as you make anything other than the win relevant for rating people will play for that instead of the win.

    People just need to learn to not be whining losers and that the game is not lost after the first fight or the first 5 minutes even. My best comeback was after 450 points behind on legacy.

    An l2p issue or rather mentality issue of players and not a flaw of the system.

  2. Lowest ping wins xDdd ofc you need decent net to function but it has nothing to do with that. Game’s perfectly playable on my 100 ping.


    It comes down to the fact you don’t know how to do enough damage (practise a cleave rotation maybe?) or res if you’re bunkerish. Or, stomp if you have stab. Yes that is a thing most people don’t do enough on stab builds these days.

    If the fight rolls out evenly as you stated and you ended up losing the downed battle you or someone on your team wasn’t contributing to preventing your own downs from rallying the enemy or finishing the enemy.


    But keep blaming everything else but yourself I’m sure you’ll end up in legend like you obviously deserve.

  3. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > @"RainbowTitan.6901" said:

    > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > > Sorry mate, you're late for the Scourge hate train...

    > > > That ship sailed and arrived to port. Class already nerfed to death.

    > >

    > > Lol wat.

    > > Each game ive got 2+ guyz who can use shields to cover +~50-100% of their health.

    > > Each game this guyz can use their aoe to reduce my and my comrades health for ~50% hp.

    > >

    > > And this is already nerfed.. Lol.

    > >

    > >


    > I'm assuming you're playing low bronze or something. That's where people that ddidn't get the memo live.

    > If you're dying in scourge shades now, man you're doing it sooo wrong.


    Scourge is still meta in plat3-legend queues. And ats.

    Nerfed but still auto lock when a good player uses it and has FB.

    Forgot to mention it’s still braindead as fuck. So even if it wasn’t meta but still A tier it’s too much for a 0 effort build. And it is infact still S tier.

  4. > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > No this guy isnt playing the game, he plays vs npcs in stronghold. I get more challenge from the kitty golem than him.




    Also conditions ain’t the problem, scourge in specific is with how braindead and effective it is.

    And condi mirage while managable now is still annoying with elusive mind still untouched.

  5. You pay the fact your enemy knows you’re never gonna burst heal. Yes that has value of it’s own.

    Also the signet has more play to it vs condi heavy builds where you might use it a few times and when you do can be important.

    Maybe it can be nerfed slightly again, but the issue of warrior sustain is spellbreaker not heal sig.

    Also the other heals could use some love to make them more attractive over the signet.

  6. > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > To be honest spellbreaker in this moment is one of the most balanced specs.

    > Warrior in every single game is the starter beginner class pretty straightforward to play and not that risky, but it is not that simple to master.


    > A noob who tries spellbreaker can just rekt other noobs only, it can't handle 3 people like a druid come on, you leave in a different universe or in low bronze leagues.


    > Certainly has good sustain to hold 2 people for a while but at some point he has to leave, druid can hold 2 people forever if he is good enough. So please now don't talk as spellbreakers as bunkers because this explain why you have problem with them, l2p issue.


    > The sb prenerf was capable of this thing but not the actual one, scourge on the other hand even in the hands of a bad player paired with a firebrand was able to get you up to plat 3 no problem.


    > And warrior skills are so easy to dodge and counter, if you get stunned and have zero stunbreaks that's your problem, not sb fault, this is what warrior always did, stun and get the most damage immediately after since the beginning of the game and how? **Only at melee range wow**, you can actually kite, use cripples, wow... didn't know this?


    Sb is only ‘balanced’ because in this game it means OP as fuck but not god tier.

    But this thread is from pof launch idk who bumped it.


  7. > @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

    > > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

    > > When in the hands of a bad player, mentioned specs simply carries them to higher rating than they should have and in legend queues I have people with 0 rotational knowledge or mechanical skill who just spam stuff and get rewarded for it.

    > > When in the hands of a good player, they make these players near undefeated by anything else. Good spellbreakers can survive 1v3s way too often. Good scourges wipe teams in seconds.

    > > Sad we gonna have to spend the rest of the season like this because we never have balance patches often enough.


    > What is sad, people who play with tanky gears/builds and complain that other classes are getting away. OMEGALUL



    I play full glass rev what u talking about?

  8. > @"Halikus.1406" said:

    > > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

    > > Rev is skillful now


    > Don't make me laugh...

    > What is so skillful about porting and pressing sword 4 for the so called burst dmg in comparison to all the preparations we had to do to proc equilibrium for example?

    > This is exactly why I'm not playing rev anymore, because I don't like the path that anet is taking with my class making everything "easier".

    > In case you have a short memory this is what they said when they gutted it:


    > "We also took a hard look at the Invocation trait line and removed several of the **harder-to-use** traits based on energy thresholds"


    > I've said this countless times for people who say "rev is fine" to me but rev still has the most glitched weapon since it's creation to this moment, very poor synergy between specialization trees, it's easily pressured by condi dmg, very poor customization with it's utilities, an archaic system like energy gating our every action from weapons to utilities, 0 weapon diversity for it's builds, completely dependant of it's elite spec "Herald" since launch which makes core builds completely null, etc...

    > So if you think that "Rev is fine" PLAY with it for a week at least and then come back to say that it is fine.


    > I completely agree with those who say that a buff to condi cleanses like cleansing channel and legend swap would bring life back to us revs but this is not even half of the issues that anet has to fix, which they could've already fixed by now if they weren't busy reworking mesmers the class that has a place anywhere in any game mode at any time.

    > I don't want an OP / easy-to-play class, I want a class that I can have fun with without the feeling that I always have to do 10x more than my oponents to perform well.


    I said rev is skillful because of the exact thing you said that you have to put in double the effort compared to other classes to kill people.


    Aso I know what it’s like, I was top 10 as rev only for quite some time, but haven’t recovered from a loss streak yet feels kinda bad kinda dgaf.


    Was it more skillful with eq? Yes. Agreed.

    It still is though.


    Why i advocate rev doesn’t need buffs despite it’s severely underperforming?

    Because I don’t like powercreep.

    I want nerfs to the broken shit ( will never get i know ).

    I guess it’ll just get buffed to broken levels as well and then “all viable good balance” LUL.


    Also wtf happened to my poor condi rev thx to the abomination that is scourge feelsbadman with gun.

  9. > @"brannigan.9831" said:

    > No, when one class is below just about everyone else its not that everyone else is too good and the one class is fine. What is more feasible from a balance stand point boosting one class or nerfing everyone else? Boosting one class of course. And yes Rev is bad its played the least by far I don't even need to go into the nuts and bolts of revenant the fact they are played the least shows they are bad. People individually can be quite dumb but as a group they are quite smart so when the wisdom of the crowd is that Revenant is weak it is almost certainly weak in reality.


    And this attitude is why we power creep up more and more and more and more...

    Rev is skillful now, and is very strong compared to most off meta builds (except direct condi spammer counters that can cause you trouble). Other classes are just so strong that the gameplay is dumbed down (scourge, fb, holo, mirage, druid, sb).

    No rev played rev for the braindead gameplay and wants to get powercreeped to keep up. I want nerfs to the braindead broken shit.

  10. > @"pah.4931" said:

    > > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

    > > > @"pah.4931" said:

    > > > There is no option for "Make ranked a 5-man team only thing and all other PvP is unranked and focuses on fun and rewarding players' time."

    > >

    > > > @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

    > > > This is not a discussion about 5 man queue so don’t make it one.

    > >

    > >


    > But it's an incomplete poll. Solo-queue, with any sort of "ranked" system, is garbage ... to make a legit poll, you need to have all the options possible. And since you don't have "remove solo-q ranked completely" ... I had to voice my choice :D


    This poll is not about reverting duo or solo completely. It’s only about the restriction for plat 2 or higher to only soloq that came with s9.

  11. > @"Alcazaro.7618" said:

    > please change shedule for mAt to Sunday, i know a lot of people including me which are never able to play it. Saturdays are here for meeting friends or going out with gf, since youve to work/study during the week.


    Sunday is my monday (first working day). Sat is the only day everyone is home for sure everywhere.

    It’s one in every 4 weeks that you can instead play seriously with your team. And you still got sunday. Won’t be perfect for everyone I guess.

  12. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > @"nortask.8351" said:

    > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > We're working on several AT enhancements right now, as you mentioned.

    > > >

    > > > One thing we're looking into that we've only briefly touched on before is adding a couple daily tournaments that reset immediately when finished.

    > > >

    > > > Current design is that once 4 teams signed up, it would start a timer to give a few more teams a chance to sign up. Once the timer ends, the tournament would start with whoever was there.

    > > >

    > > > The main difference between these and the normal dailies would be that the rewards would be very reduced to prevent farming.

    > >

    > > so you are just re-adding team queue...


    > In way, yes. But, I think in a way that addresses some of the weaknesses we'd have in just adding a team queue.



    I think that’s a nice way to handle this. Thought about the other points i brought up maybe?

  13. > @"Deathok.2914" said:

    > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > @"nortask.8351" said:

    > > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > > We're working on several AT enhancements right now, as you mentioned.

    > > > >

    > > > > One thing we're looking into that we've only briefly touched on before is adding a couple daily tournaments that reset immediately when finished.

    > > > >

    > > > > Current design is that once 4 teams signed up, it would start a timer to give a few more teams a chance to sign up. Once the timer ends, the tournament would start with whoever was there.

    > > > >

    > > > > The main difference between these and the normal dailies would be that the rewards would be very reduced to prevent farming.

    > > >

    > > > so you are just re-adding team queue...

    > >

    > > In way, yes. But, I think in a way that addresses some of the weaknesses we'd have in just adding a team queue.

    > >

    > Tbh I think if you would make another poll which asks if we would rather stick with soloq or get teamq back the majority for sure would vote teamq.

    > Soloq is unplayable. Period.

    > I‘m sorry but I don’t enjoy pvp anymore and I‘m not the only one. All top pvp players left the game this season. Not only due to bad balance but also because you destroyed the game mode which is team based with soloq. I get that it kinda was our choice but nobody thought this through and everybody regrets voting for that.

    > Nothing is more frustrating when you play a perfect match but you still lose because you have bad teammates or the enemies outcomp you.

    > Atleast give us duoq back. I didn’t understand why u removed that in the first place.

    > I‘m only gonna play pvp for ats now.


    Teamq in ranked is gonna make it joke again to queue without a team. I agree on duoq though.

  14. > @"Roeibi.8514" said:

    > Every update some classes get boosts and some classes get some nerfs according to what Anet thinks that needs to be,

    > the "boosts" some classes get make more people play it, and apear is "OP", and nerfs make people think that their profession now worth nothing.

    > Mesmer is not OP, you just need to learn how to face it and not to go rage over the clones, it maybe be a little in favors of the last updates, but next time your profession might get its boosts.

    > Also look at it as the other way around, everytime you play someone you think is better than you, either the profession makes it better or either the player, its just more expirience that makes you better, and learn more, eventualy get to a point you are much better against.

    > Same goes for Scourges, or Druids, or Guardians, learn to play against Conditions, Traps, Punishments, etc...


    > Also remember - spvp is a team play, if you go alone its not only 1 player might beat you, but 2. dont go alone, play with your team.


    So druid is same power level as weaver? S/D thief as rev? Thanks for enlightening me.

  15. Some nice features like special ATs and swiss are coming which is great, hopefully it’s out asap.

    Making thie thread so people can suggest more improvements to the system.

    Here are some of the things that come easily to my mind:


    1. More daily ATs. I don’t think 4 is enough, it often happens none of them land within the time I can play that day. This will also help the people who want to play 5 man competitive and not soloq.


    2. Weeklies. mAT is probably the best thing about this system and having smaller versions of it that are more serious than the daily ones and gives decent rewards. IMO the rewards should be just a little less than the mAT ones and without title/crown obviously.


    3. This kind of supports both my previous suggestions and it is to increase the rewards.


    As it stands right now dailies are only worth it if you place 4th or higher. That’s unrealistic for some people and quite discouraging. I heard more than once people especially gold and lower players “what’s the point if i just get stomped 1st round by full team with xxx legend titles” and especially if you get bad value per time investment.

    If hypothetically you increase the rewards overall, people are gonna be like oh I just win once and EZ 15 gold. That way you have more people participate in the more dailys you add and they still have incentive to play better for better rewards.

    However the rewards for losing first round should still be minimal to avoid exploiting the system.


    mAT rewards I guess are fine because they have the very unique crowns but the other stuff is worthless and might be worth to look at.


    4. An alternative to rewards increase to give incentive to participate is a teams leaderboards based on placements in each daily AT and the teams you beat in that AT. mAT should count for a lot more obviously and weeklies too if they become a thing. Possibly a season reset after every one or two monthlies.


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