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Posts posted by BeLZedaR.4790

  1. I probably write this for nothing bur meh I’ll do it anyway.

    Here’s a thing,

    What goes down now is that the patch lands on the season start. This has a few major issues:


    - No patch is perfect. In no game a patch lands and it doesn’t have exceedingly high power builds on it and/or it unexpectedly destroyed or impacted builds intended to remain intact.

    - The season just started, and having these imbalances from a patch that just shipped lose people their placements can rise frustration.

    - People look at the leaderboards as “oh he’s just playing the new broken shit” and rightfully so. This removes the legitimacy of the competition.


    So here’s a solution with a nice few pros. Make the patch at the end of the season, as soon as possible, same day. Then make a small one when the season starts. So why is this good?


    - offseason is no longer irrelevant and boring, it actually serves as a ground to test the new meta before next season, and and know what you’re getting into, make a build etc.

    - serves the off-season as a free PTR with no effort to anet. People can give feedback on broken things before they affect the ladder and have them fixed by season start. This way maybe things like today’s meta wouldn’t happen.


  2. well I don’t care about rank anymore for same reason, but in previous seasons I wouldn’t try at all if not for the titles.

    So how about instead they actually ban the few that ruin it for the many?

    People will say... “But then the game will be dead cause no good people” which may be partially correct but now that the competition willbe legit new people will care to get good and replace them (assuming balance will stop to suck out the fun with garbage decisions and designs).

    Probably best to stop the cause, not the symptoms.

  3. Well invulnerability is only as good as the damage in current meta.

    They’re annoying, yes, but removing them without addressing current damage levels will make fights last 10 seconds at the max.

    Also I don’t see your issue with blocks aside from aegis spam firebrands.

    Immunities are pretty low on my list to be fair, far below things like scourge or mirage melting people by face smashing down on kb with no animations to offer counterplay.

  4. Balance might get better, but is the power level of everything forever gonna stay higher? Definetly yes, if you just look at HoT. They kept buffing things into viability rather than nerfing what's broken, for the most part. Even though it still is a high skill game, with the exceptions of the new specs that are still not addressed (hopefully will be on next patch...) and offer braindead gameplay.

  5. I've heard some rumours that some of your servers are now under Amazon, and that it was causing issues for some people in term of latency. For the first time today I experienced this issue myself, and it was absolutely unplayable. Can we can a clarification what is going on with this, and is this something that is going to be resolved if it actually is the cause for said issues?

  6. I think it is legitimate to ask for help by public awareness and criticism when the authorities or in this case CS doesn't do anything on a severe issue. Unless you like to silence people like a monarchy, which it seems that you do. You know which post i'm talking about I'm sure. Also I'm pretty sad the only communication we get is basically "stop complaining". But hey, idgaf anymore, I just play far less because game's far less enjoyable now and that's fine by me, there are enough games out there.

  7. Sadly Anet doesn't see the benefit of making it's population happy, so instead of telling my friends who look for new games, "I really enjoy gw2, it's fucking amazing", I recommend some other games instead, because as much as I love the game I despise it just the same.

  8. There are so few players in legendary it's a little absurd when legend > top 10. So should it just be reduced again to 1700 or something?

    Honestly I like better the idea I've seen elsewhere to have bronze-plat and when you're top 100 just have the 'legend' badge with your ladder position number in it. Makes more sense to me. If you're saying not all top 250 deserve the badge, then why count them anyway, just reduce ladder to top 100.


    I guess you could call this rich people's issue though, balance is more demanding of a fix than anything right now.

  9. When in the hands of a bad player, mentioned specs simply carries them to higher rating than they should have and in legend queues I have people with 0 rotational knowledge or mechanical skill who just spam stuff and get rewarded for it.

    When in the hands of a good player, they make these players near undefeated by anything else. Good spellbreakers can survive 1v3s way too often. Good scourges wipe teams in seconds.

    Sad we gonna have to spend the rest of the season like this because we never have balance patches often enough.

  10. They don't quite work together you know. This was to be expected though, I suppose.

    Quick look on some of the issues I found in my 10 minutes of testing before trying to duel my (balanced)scourge friend and giving up on this shitty spec:



    Shortbow skills are bad / don't work.

    The #2 can hit all 3 times only if enemy stands in place. If the enemy is strafing it will hit 0 to 2 times, which makes it preeeeeetty bad.

    The #3 doesn't hit all 7 times ever. It's bugged as hell, best I could get it to hit was 3 times I think.

    The 4 and 5 seem ok.

    Even if the 2 and 3 actually worked the SB has no defenses whatsoever and does way less pressure than mace/axe to compensate for that.


    The utilities:

    Main problem with all of them: They die easily and can be CC'd. solution should come in option to trait summons for stability (engis have it for gyro why not rev?) and give them extra health like mes illusions have with signet.

    The heal after buff seemed ok actually.

    The bleed buff summon is purely made for PvE, obviously. It should atleast attack itself, to make it more than a Sharpening Stone (ranger). which, yeah, was never actually used in PvP...

    The one that applys vuln/cripple should attack all targets simultaneously and not split (maybe reduce the number of attacks for this). Currently it scales way too badly on multiple targets. Would be nice if it applied chill instead of cripple but might be broken. (Right now it's trash so I guess it's a way to start getting it out of that state).

    The one that Dazes seem fine.

    Cost on elite is too high, It's a decent buff but not THAT decent, especially considering you can't get enough use of it yourself because you're stuck on this legend not like you can use

    hammers now or smth.


    Class mechanic (F# skills):

    First one should also heal self for each stack of KF.

    Second one should actually hit and burn should last longer, to justify 35 energy.

    Third I don't even know why you keep throwing alacrity on rev, But the larger area should be baseline and the trait (duration increase still in trait) should make this also pulse something in addition, can't find what exactly atm to fit with this nicely.



    All just felt like lackluster choices on all 3 slots.

    As I mentioned I'd like to see an option for stability and extra health for summons as a GM instead of Lasting Legacy, and move that somewhere else. In other slots too I feel just the overall power level of the traits is a bit low, compared to other specializations in rev or other professions as well.


    I hope it gets some love, I want a new spec too.

  11. Leave alone the fact that it's a spec made for PvErs with no consideration for utility or sustain to make it anywhere near viable in PvP (or wvw for that matter), that's not what this is about.

    Glint was already the only legend rev has that basically replaced energy costs with cooldowns on utilities. All other legends have at least 1 skill that can be "spammed" becasue that's the original design of revenant. On glint it made sense because it was an elite spec so it was supposed to bring a new way to play it, but why is renegade the same shit basically? Worse, it has both CDs and energy costs?

    In addition to the fact they're all underpowered it's actually kind of funny.

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