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Mighty Cole.7849

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Posts posted by Mighty Cole.7849

  1. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > Dismounting skill should absolutely dismount both players. You're obviously acknowledging the problem a non-mounted player has vs a mounted one, so creating a situation where two mounted players results in one mounted and one dismounted doesn't make things better, and it just promotes trolling.


    > Dismounting in this fashion should also put both players into combat so they can't just remount.


    I agree with this 100%. There should be no debate about it. If you don't dismount both players, you're not fixing the problem, you're just creating a new one.


    > @"Magolith.9412" said:

    > > @"Genuinetheo.6591" said:

    > > Warclaw makes roamers stronger. Didn't kill it in the slightest.


    > I think what *you* meant to say was:


    > "Warclaw made roaming far less fun for roamers with balanced builds and encourages really cheesy and/or extremely high-damage ranged builds. Really killing the fun unless you're a zergling... which I am."




    I couldn't agree more. :angry:

  3. I think it has the potential of being a good skill that would work well with other spellbreaker skills and traits. It just needs some fine tuning. As it stands now, it doesn't offer enough to justify dropping another utility for it.

  4. I would recommend removing the cast from Imminent Threat to make this skill synergize with the new Winds of Disenchantment. Right now, the skill is totally useless. No spellbreaker that I've ever encountered uses it. The skill is just not strong enough to justify dropping a stance from your utility bar. But, if it could be used from within your WoD, it might be a little more viable. IDK. Anyone else have an opinion?

  5. Spellbreaker was never designed with the intent of being a DPS specialization. It is a utility class. It's main goal is to prevent enemies from applying boons, while stripping boons and providing CC's. Hence the name "Spellbreaker". I agree this patch *might* drop your DPS some, but in an organized party with a Firebrand by your side, you'll become so much more useful to your teammates then you ever were back in the "Yolo Winds" days.


    We've entered the Mobile Yellow Ball of Death meta. :grin:

  6. @Solori.6025 and @Ferus.3165


    The next time you encounter one of these absurdly strong warriors, you should try the following:


    1. Kite the warrior

    2. Bait out the warriors cooldowns

    3. Dodge/interrupt the burst skills

    4. Use the terrain to your advantage

    5. STAY FURTHER THAN 130 units from the warrior as much as possible


    Once you've mastered that, come back and let us know how powerful warriors are.

    Hope this comment was helpful. :grin:


    EDIT: I'd like to apologize to my fellow warriors for sharing step by step instructions on how to defeat our unbeatable profession.

  7. Honestly, I didn't notice an increase in instagib builds during the last event. Maybe it's because the players that wanted to use the event to farm folks with cheese builds were really bad and got instagibed themselves. I don't know. All I can say is, the event was the most fun I've had in WvW in a long time. My play time almost doubled that week. Furthermore, before anyone says, "You only liked it because you played **(Insert Profession/Class here)**", I'd like to mention that I cycled through almost every class during that week and had a blast with every single one of them.

    I guess each to their own, but from my point of view, it's something I'd like to see more often. :grin:

  8. Full Counter **was** a great skill that would punish enemies for mindlessly attacking the spellbreaker. This nerf was completely unjustified. Before the patch, players didn't want to be hit by Full Counter (it hurts!). Therefore, they began to learn how to evade it. Skilled players figured out ways to bait the spellbreaker in to wasting it. Now, thanks to the wounderful logic that prevails, players can go back to spamming buttons without the fear of reprisal. If you have protection and stability, you probably won't even notice that you've been hit by Full Counter.

  9. > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

    > Winds of Disenchantment was changed significantly for WvW because it was contributing significantly to prolonged area denial.


    > To dig a bit deeper - In particular, the removal of the initial pulse was done to create an opportunity for counterplay. Previously the effect for WoD hadn't even formed before it was stripping boons from people in its radius. By removing the initial pulse, if someone can react very quickly they have a chance to get out of its area of effect.


    > The new duration was chosen because it is one that can be waited out without entirely halting all momentum and adjusted to while still providing a very powerful effect.


    While you're digging deep, how about fixing the animation bug that makes WoD reappear after the skill has ended. I believe this gives people the impression that the skill lasts longer than it actually does.

  10. This is a big kick to the nuts. If there had been a reduced CD or maybe a reduced cast time it would have made the skill feel a little more balanced.

  11. > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > Good on that little gorilla DE for not standing toe-to-toe with the larger and stronger SB gorilla! He gonna go far in the banana kingdom, perhaps tactical strategist.


    He has the potential to become a **T**actical **S**trategist, but unfortunately, he's still an **A**ggravated **S**imian **S**pecialist.

    (In game, I refer to them by their acronym) :tongue:

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