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Posts posted by Zoser.7245

  1. > @"xxXLightningXxx.8476" said:

    > "Mirage Cloak: This trait now reduces the mirage's endurance by 50 in competitive modes"


    > Mesmer main for 7 years. Never mind the debatable changes to chrono over the years, but this?


    > Thanks Anet, looks like it's time for me to leave the game.


    Yes, it's ridiculous. That is a big nerf in both ways defensive and ofensive. Leave you too vulnerable and mirrors don't help as you almost never reach them when needed in the right moment. They literally killed the Mirage in competitive modes as they did with the Chronomancer. How to make a specialization clunky in one step, remove half of the endurance in a game where dodge is a vial basic feature of its combat. Add that they also removed the stunbreak making the grandmaster a joke with a single dodge so a single clean of two conditions every 8-11 seconds as a grand master, at the cost of waste your dodge, lol. Is more a complement to remove control conditions when you need to dodge more than anything else. If we have vigor, others have Vigor+ and even 3 dodges and higher movility. The mesmers i know from my server will not play Mirage anymore, as they already don't do with Chronomancer since the balance team killed it and probably reroll. Not sure if few ones will accept act as portal bots with core mesmer instead of play something more funny and rewarding. I doubt it. Well, let see how the final patch notes come. But with that change, what they did with Chronomancer, etc, sure that i'll avoid to play any mesmer in competitive mode.

  2. > @"Levetty.1279" said:

    > Condensed patch notes:

    > Removed Mesmer from PvP


    > Still pleasantly surprised they found a way to give Mirage a **2nd** drawback without it effecting PvE so everything turned out better then I expected. Was hoping for bigger shakeups across the board on all classes though since we are never going to get another Elite Spec and this probably won't stop whine about Mesmer that will eventually seep into PvE patch notes.


    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > I crunched some numbers and new GS trait might actually lower damage for example, kekW

    > I'm interested how, the berserker nerf seems stupid considering they claimed they were trying to buff Greatsword.



    Yes, it's very interesting how they have removed Mirage from competitive modes without touch it in PvE. Very elegant!!! Very simple. Leave it with a single dodge nerfing its defensive and ofensive capability, remove the stunbreak and laugh how clunky it is now. Another one to the trash with Chronomancer. As i have readed in some posts, mirrors aren't the solution as you usually can't reach them at the right time and distract you more than helps. If they were so useful they'd have nerfed them too. Anyways, with the improvements in other professions, even Mirage in PvE will be subpar now. Only for clean trash moves with the runes that recharge endurance and watch some nice numbers from confusion in few bosses, that is all. Well, that and the portal!!!!! BUT BUT BUT we have a PORTAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I wonder how the balance team accomplish to encourage me each time more and more to play other professions. Amazing! Well, at least i'll have some fun finding new builds to other professions as for my PvE Mirage nothing will change. Of course, i'll add our fellow profession to the blacklist of competitive modes after the next balance patch as i already did with Chronomancer, even if the core mesmer could work on low-medium ranks, it'll probably be obliterated against the untouchable gods. As Chaos, etc, was already nerfed. Sadly that seems the reality. We'll see in the final patch notes how we end...

  3. They are no going to do that. That will need reword not only traits, plus all the weapons skills and ambushes. A great part of your aoe, range and tagging are from your illusions. It'll be a disaster with their small actual team working in a lot of things. Better remove the profession than make it undesirable to play in any game mode. Although watching the amount of votes and the few people that still play the profession it'd not change anything and continue empty.


    The latest balance patches show clearly that they are throwing darts and doing things without a lot of sense. Seems a group without ideas doing something with the purpose of show that they did something.... With changes that have a clear filling purpose. That is. I even saw some upcoming changes with the only purspose of address a thing that only matters in zerg but then ruinning a skill or skills out of the zerg while you are travelling or doing content and fighting in WvW at small scale or solo in the same game mode. Ruin a skill for a single situation without think in a global solution it has no sense. It's ridiculous. And things like that are coming for more than one profession.


    At this point and watching that, i prefer that they don't touch and destroy/ruin more things from mesmers. Nothing good has been done for us in a long time.


    I don't see this as a representative survey today. Because there will be more votes of those who want the worst for the mesmer favoring their professions more than anything else, about all from competitive modes, and there isn't enough real mesmers for vote and defend the profession in a public survey.

  4. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > The Devs did actually state that the Warclaw was introduced (and available) to entice more PvE players to WvW.

    > You'll find lots of Dev information in Guild Chat. :)


    In that case, better to spend a few minutes, or a few hours that I really doubt that more is needed, to return something useful to the warclaw in PVE splitting game modes or those PVE players attracted to WvW will end up quite angry seeing their beloved new mount is the most useless mount that has been seen in PVE. At least, they should return a longer jump in PVE and adjust the damage of 1 appropriately to that game mode, even considering 5-10 objectives instead of 3. Or what they imagine that could improve it without make other mounts less useful, to avoid that part of the people who have gone to get it instead of continuing to visit WvW, complete the mount and probably play there again, decide not to return because they feel scammed ... disappointed, a waste of time or as you want call it. And those who still don't have it, change their opinion and forget it instead go to WvW to try it and get the mount, knowing that now is useless in PVE where they usually play.


    I imagine that at some point, they'll do it in PVE. And perhaps, in the future with more time, tweak it in WvW too, to make it feel better after research appropriately how to do it and hopefully this time testing its functionality better on the WvW maps and its impact...

  5. I don't see it for tomorrow. But with the remove of the servers/worlds in the future, it makes sense a place where all can meet, make alliances, etc. Armistice is s a formal agreement of warring parties to stop fighting. So the "Arcemice Bastion" is potentially a place for make alliance and prepare the war, with its own search engine where you can announce your guild, language preferred, ubication, etc. So guilds could find old allies, affinity and coordination. Then those alliances asigned and merged, by several variables, like equal the size of the final ones in the break or peace periods, etc, like it'll be with the single players not vinculated to WvW, by languange, country, etc. Perhaps it's the signal that show that alliance upcoming in the future. I imagine it should have a chat too and well, better that it's been well moderated.... Or perhaps close that area while the war is on and the alliances are already done.

  6. Well, it works for dailies and i use it for crafting. My adaptation to the changes is still in progress, I theorycrafted and tested in the mists three builds for firebrand, soulbeast/ranger, and renegade. And probably i'll give a try to holo and scourge. In WvW now i use mainly my daredevil, but who knows in the following weeks. I changed my hybrid build for my mesmer but i didn't like the results. So yes the changes we suffered made me open my mind and update and create other professions. I'll come back in the next balance patch and i hope it'll be good enough to update my mesmer and recover the good feelings I had playing it.

  7. > @"flog.3485" said:

    > By design it is a defensive phantasm. The current iteration is imo way better for two reasons:


    > -the light combo field are now much more consistent because you don't have to aim your curtain skill 4 at long range like before.

    > -Now let's look at the utility. Untraited it blocks projectile, traited it reflects projectile. What is the point of having this sort of utility if the phantasm spawns so far away from you ?


    Because now depending of the distance, you need to run to the warden's dome to avoid damage from your target, examples:


    - Before, he spawned at your target absorbing or reflecting his projectiles till your enemy run/dodge and and leave the area or kill it. Now he spawns between you and your enemies, as not all projectiles fly to you in a straight line, do an arc and fly about the dome, or they can be in an higher position/terrain, so you could receive damage from your target.


    - Another example is the siege and defenders on the walls in wvw. Now you can't cast your warden about them to destroy the abandoned siege or kill defenders on the walls, and when the siege is firing you, you'll receive the damage till you reach the dome, because of course your warden will be now unusefull less if they are as noob to target your warden instead you till you reach the dome.


    All depends of the situation, of course, but my feeling is that we have lost a lot more that anything else, globally, including it's old AoE capability/damage, but improved defensively as long as you have the dome close by.

  8. The big difference after testing is that, **he appears near you and then jump/teleport to a calculated position between you and your enemies depending where they are in relation to you and your target, not on your target**, plus before the patch, he was an AoE phantasm doing Damage (12x) against 3 targets in his damaging area or in other words he hit three enemies at the same time 12 times each 12x3= 36 hits in total. **Now he is a pseudo single target phantasm or a pseudo aoe one...**, he throws a single target axe or perform his melee animation hitting only 12 times random enemies or a single one inside his range 12x1 = 12 hits in total. **A big nerf in total damage against multiple objectives**. They increased the damage 22% against a single enemy, but it is a diluted damage between several enemies. Use it against a group of mobs spreaded, or goto the Heart of the Mists, where is the golem in movement, put yourself far from the static golems and select one as your target, when the golem that moves comes near you, or at some distance cast your warden, try it at different positions of the golem.


    We have lost his real AoE, and now often, how he starts throwing the axes here and there over the enemies ... usually ends doing nothing relevant for your when he should has focused on one of your enemies and kill it or better kill 3 like before, an enemy killed doesn't hit you anymore... you know. But what we have now is a pseudo single target phantasm, imagine... It doesn't matter if you are in the mid of a group and cast it, he'll only hit a single enemy with each axe.

  9. Ok, but do it to all professions-specializations to be fair (none instant skills in pvp/wvw, all counterable and cancellable till be executed) and improve the AI of pets, illusions, etc, alloving them to avoid damage areas (even precasted) in several ways when they detect that probable damaging areas will land, for example, if is a ranged illusion or minion, to stop or move out of it and attack from outside the AoEs. If it's melee, cast their traited buffs (protection, aegis, blur or none) and then being summoned where it should and attack or jump quickly on your enemy knowing that they are receiving damage, of course, with it's own AoE's areas advising the enemy if proceed. Being fair with players, fair with their pets , illusions, AI tools, etc. All happy right...? Ah and all together in a megapatch... to avoid bad experiences for some temporally, because in our game that usually means months.

  10. My feeling is that the buff to the Duelist's Discipline is the band aid to the Scepter in it's bad state, as iDuelist is the usual companion. I don't know if they was afraid to band aid the scepter like they did with the axe or probably they were out of time to rework it, with the iMage being more or less stronger, buff the iDuelist indirectly was the band aid for those who equip two dual weapons sets for hybrid/condition builds and Duelist's Discipline a must trait now. Who knows what they want to do with all our skills related to confusion in the future... all this is a big mess.


    The Scepter need now a rework if they don't revert the confusion in pve, but they must split pve and wvw/pvp, not like the axe. Be afraid of the possible result (warden?, axe with a single condition easily cleanable?, ToT?). I hope that this time they make the right decisions more calmly and see what happens.


  11. Well, at least this proves that when they want to do it fast they can. Next target, i mean, next chapter: "Confusing Images and friends..." Perhaps Cry of Frustration will survive as a vestige of antiquity. Who knows. I really hoped that they reconsidered it and kept the confusion but improved enough with all the feedback they have had from all of us. Although Karl already warned of the plans they had for some weapons, so probably this was planned even before the balance patch or Is this really an emergency bandage? Now it's done.

  12. > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

    > > @"Zoser.7245" said:

    > > > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

    > > > > @"Heika.5403" said:

    > > > > > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

    > > > > > > @"Heika.5403" said:

    > > > > > > > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Heika.5403" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"Heika.5403" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > Everyone is looking at this the wrong way IMO. The problem isn't that the DoT does too little. It's that the punishment does too little in PvE. Making confusion a boring DoT for pve would be a step backwards. Increase the Burst to make it so well timed bursts of confusion can actually keep up in DPS with other builds, and it would be fine.

    > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > The npcs do not attack often enough and many times they will die under the attack of other players before your confusion causes them significant damage, which means that you lose that farm.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > Nobody cares about NPCs, since any build can handle them, even current axe. This is only a relevant issue for high level fractal content and raids.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Do not generalize, I care and I am sure that many players also, especially those who do not play elitist modes, I mean hardcore...

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > But why would you even need to change anything for open world play, when the axe or anything else is already sufficient for the easiest part of the game?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Because as a developer and professional ethic, you must balance taking into account not only the different game modes but all the players whatever the content they play equally, without segregation of any kind. Everyone has the right that the improvements made affect them positively. It is my opinion being one of them.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > No, not really. The developers can balance for whatever mode they want. You as a player, a minority player, have no right to demand that the developers make a specific weapon slightly more viable in a specific mode where everything is already viable. You have tons of tools as a mesmer now to get through open world pve. There's no reason that your specific needs should make things unfun for the vast majority of players playing raids, fractals, and PvP modes.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Also, the suggestion that anet is acting unethically is dubious at best.

    > > > >

    > > > > Are you playing with my words without no sense? I made a premise about how the developers in general, not specifically of this game, must be impartial for all players when program and balance the content, without made any accusation or suggest anything as you seem to be insinuating I said.

    > > > >

    > > > > In any case, I have clearly stated that when changes are made, it should be ensured that it is for the benefit of all players without favoritism because all players have the right to have fun and things can be improved for some game modes without harming others. And one of the reasons why split the balance between game modes is good, as they are doing. It doesn't matter if raid/incursions or pvp is played by a minority, they are equally important, but not more or less than others. I claim just the opposite of what you say I said. I do not see what's wrong with that, or you did not understand what I tried to say or you try to turn around what I really said in your favor.

    > > > >

    > > > > About the confusion, they should consider revert the change in PVE, at least temporally and study better what to do in the future, and if possible colaborating and taking into account the players opinion. I hope that they give us good news or a solution about this soon.

    > > >

    > > > No. Let's examine the core premise of your argument.

    > > >

    > > > "Developers should balance for all players without any favoritism"

    > > >

    > > > This is not true. Take it to the absurd. Pretend that I am a player whose goal is to complete the entire game and be competitive in pvp and pve without using anything other than auto attack. It would be ridiculous to assume that anet should balance the game for me. It is likewise strange that you should expect anet to balance the game for you. You are a player who does not participate in wvw, fractals, raids, or pvp by your own admission. Further, by your own admission, you will not use the effective power builds for your chosen gametype. Instead, like me you insist on inky using certain tools.

    > > >

    > > > Base on these, you're in an extreme minority. Balancing the game the way you want it would make it less fun for a majority. So why should anet choose you over many?

    > >

    > > I have the impression that you are wrong believing that some specific content must be the reference for balance the skills, sounds like a segregation to be honest aside split pve/wvw/pvp.

    > >

    > > When you design a game like gw2, you entablish limits and values for the builds and base stats (attributes like power, condition damage, toughness), equipment, etc and how all scale for each level. Then you create the formulas to entablish the behavior and scalability of the, damage, conditions, boons, buffs, and the skills to make them unique and test them for adjust the initial numbers in a test environment. But after that when you start to implements the content (maps, events, fractals, etc) **is the content what is in reality balanced/adjusted to be more or less challenging but realizable within the established limits for each level including the mechanics designed to work with specific skills**, not the skills ajusted to the content created, about all with a fixed maximun character's level and equipment cap, because if you not balance the "high end" content trying to make it challenging, the tendency usually ends with the increase of the necessary damage and stats to accomplish it and that would be unacceptable. When you balance the skills, conditions, etc, you don't do it based on the content, you do it to adjust them inside the determined limits if they are overperforming or underperforming about what was expected. In this case taking into account the competitive wvw and pvp modes splitting it properly. And if something is not working as intented, instead of balance the numbers, you can change it's behaviour (formulas) to a new one which implies a redesign. Of course, along the life of the game and to expand it properly those limits can be updated a bit.

    > >

    > > In the end, the developers will decide how they want to balance their game. The simplest thing to do about the confusion would be to revert or improve it in pve which is what seems more reasonable to not have to change a lot of things, but they, in principle, seem to prefer the opposite so we will have to wait and see what decision they make.


    > I am having extreme difficulty understanding you at this point. If I get your position wrong, then please understand that it is due to the broken nature of your English.


    > That said, I think I agree mostly. Pvp, pve splits are fine. But the pve side of the equation should not be made unfunded for raids because you want a passive dps option for open world stuff. You can literally run anything in open world pve and succeed, and it is not competitive, so balance is not a relevant consideration there. Raids and fractals however are more difficult, and builds matter. They are also the majority of pve content that people actually do.


    > That is why the confusion change should not be reverted. Dps confusion is boring for those modes. Make confusion stronger by increasing the burst however, and it becomes interesting. If this wouldn't work for open world pve, that is hardly relevant, because everything else already does.


    > Making a majority of pve players have less fun by reverting confusion to its boring dot form, in order to cater to a minority of pve players who already have more than enough options is dumb.


    Knowing that Karl mentioned that they consider confusion more a hex condition, probably the'll test it improving the "Damage on skill activation" like you say, plus other alternatives, for me it's ok if the result make the confusion good enough again in pve, if they see that not, revert it only in pve will make it works again because the alternative mentioned by Karl and their plan was move weapons like Mirage's Axe toward Torment, rather than Confusion. I don't want to lose the confusion as it fits perfectly with the mesmer, but if they do i'll adapt to whatever they give us if it works well.


    Updated: It's done...: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/27909/9-2-18-update-notes

  13. > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

    > > @"Heika.5403" said:

    > > > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

    > > > > @"Heika.5403" said:

    > > > > > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

    > > > > > > @"Heika.5403" said:

    > > > > > > > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Heika.5403" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"atlashugged.7642" said:

    > > > > > > > > > Everyone is looking at this the wrong way IMO. The problem isn't that the DoT does too little. It's that the punishment does too little in PvE. Making confusion a boring DoT for pve would be a step backwards. Increase the Burst to make it so well timed bursts of confusion can actually keep up in DPS with other builds, and it would be fine.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > The npcs do not attack often enough and many times they will die under the attack of other players before your confusion causes them significant damage, which means that you lose that farm.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Nobody cares about NPCs, since any build can handle them, even current axe. This is only a relevant issue for high level fractal content and raids.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Do not generalize, I care and I am sure that many players also, especially those who do not play elitist modes, I mean hardcore...

    > > > > >

    > > > > > But why would you even need to change anything for open world play, when the axe or anything else is already sufficient for the easiest part of the game?

    > > > >

    > > > > Because as a developer and professional ethic, you must balance taking into account not only the different game modes but all the players whatever the content they play equally, without segregation of any kind. Everyone has the right that the improvements made affect them positively. It is my opinion being one of them.

    > > >

    > > > No, not really. The developers can balance for whatever mode they want. You as a player, a minority player, have no right to demand that the developers make a specific weapon slightly more viable in a specific mode where everything is already viable. You have tons of tools as a mesmer now to get through open world pve. There's no reason that your specific needs should make things unfun for the vast majority of players playing raids, fractals, and PvP modes.

    > > >

    > > > Also, the suggestion that anet is acting unethically is dubious at best.

    > >

    > > Are you playing with my words without no sense? I made a premise about how the developers in general, not specifically of this game, must be impartial for all players when program and balance the content, without made any accusation or suggest anything as you seem to be insinuating I said.

    > >

    > > In any case, I have clearly stated that when changes are made, it should be ensured that it is for the benefit of all players without favoritism because all players have the right to have fun and things can be improved for some game modes without harming others. And one of the reasons why split the balance between game modes is good, as they are doing. It doesn't matter if raid/incursions or pvp is played by a minority, they are equally important, but not more or less than others. I claim just the opposite of what you say I said. I do not see what's wrong with that, or you did not understand what I tried to say or you try to turn around what I really said in your favor.

    > >

    > > About the confusion, they should consider revert the change in PVE, at least temporally and study better what to do in the future, and if possible colaborating and taking into account the players opinion. I hope that they give us good news or a solution about this soon.


    > No. Let's examine the core premise of your argument.


    > "Developers should balance for all players without any favoritism"


    > This is not true. Take it to the absurd. Pretend that I am a player whose goal is to complete the entire game and be competitive in pvp and pve without using anything other than auto attack. It would be ridiculous to assume that anet should balance the game for me. It is likewise strange that you should expect anet to balance the game for you. You are a player who does not participate in wvw, fractals, raids, or pvp by your own admission. Further, by your own admission, you will not use the effective power builds for your chosen gametype. Instead, like me you insist on inky using certain tools.


    > Base on these, you're in an extreme minority. Balancing the game the way you want it would make it less fun for a majority. So why should anet choose you over many?


    I have the impression that you are wrong believing that some specific content must be the reference for balance the skills, sounds like a segregation to be honest aside split pve/wvw/pvp.


    When you design a game like gw2, you entablish limits and values for the builds and base stats (attributes like power, condition damage, toughness), equipment, etc and how all scale for each level. Then you create the formulas to entablish the behavior and scalability of the, damage, conditions, boons, buffs, and the skills to make them unique and test them for adjust the initial numbers in a test environment. But after that when you start to implements the content (maps, events, fractals, etc) **is the content what is in reality balanced/adjusted to be more or less challenging but realizable within the established limits for each level including the mechanics designed to work with specific skills**, not the skills ajusted to the content created, about all with a fixed maximun character's level and equipment cap, because if you not balance the "high end" content trying to make it challenging, the tendency usually ends with the increase of the necessary damage and stats to accomplish it and that would be unacceptable. When you balance the skills, conditions, etc, you don't do it based on the content, you do it to adjust them inside the determined limits if they are overperforming or underperforming about what was expected. In this case taking into account the competitive wvw and pvp modes splitting it properly. And if something is not working as intented, instead of balance the numbers, you can change it's behaviour (formulas) to a new one which implies a redesign. Of course, along the life of the game and to expand it properly those limits can be updated a bit.


    In the end, the developers will decide how they want to balance their game. The simplest thing to do about the confusion would be to revert or improve it in pve which is what seems more reasonable to not have to change a lot of things, but they, in principle, seem to prefer the opposite so we will have to wait and see what decision they make.

  14. I really was considering change my gear to a power due to this because I lost a lot of effectiveness in my builds now, but I like the hybrid builds and take profit of conditions too, as a fan of scepter and liking the axe, pistol, torch, etc... I'm sad that they simply didn't made a split keeping the confusion as it was in pve. As they prefer keep it conceptually... and **Karl told us that they are going to change our weapons's skills in the future** keeping us in the actual state, I refuse to update my Mirage, so from now till the announced changes in the future, and I hope they include the scepter too in pve, my Mirage is again relegated to only crafting purposes, with perhaps some time for gather materials. Sigh... what patience we need!


    The good news is that they will update our weapons skills to restore the diversity that we have lost in pve, at least being as viable as we were, I hope. But confusion generate us a lot of collateral problems, shatters, utilities , Jaunt... we lost too much. They still have a lot of work to do with us about this.

  15. > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

    > Please retain the whole message when copy/pasta-ing:

    > Moving Confusion to have condition damage contribution ticks made it a damage-over-time condition in addition to its 'hex' style punishment of using skills. We needed to make a choice as to whether or not the condition was going to be used as spammable DOT, or rarer/shorter, with more potency. We've decided to push Confusion to be burstier and once again focus on punishing skill activation. The reason for keeping any dot component is to message that you're under the effects of the condition, so you can be informed of it without looking at your buff bar.

    > With that said, we'll be moving weapons like Mirage's Axe toward Torment, rather than Confusion, as soon as the process allows.


    Keeping the confusion as it was in pve would have been preferable till the future changes are made, now we have to suffer the consequencies.


    Please if instead of change the confusion for pve you decide to change our weapons's skills, don't forget update the scepter too, at least for pve or in all game modes if you want to maintaing the same skills between pve/pvp/WvW, but confusion generate us a lot of collateral problems, shatters, utilities , Jaunt... we lost too much.


    Thanks for letting us know about future changes.

  16. > @"OriOri.8724" said:

    > > @"Zoser.7245" said:

    > > > @"Cantatus.4065" said:

    > > > > @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

    > > > > > @"Levetty.1279" said:

    > > > > > Yeah the lack of CD reductions especially with the trait removed is disappointing.

    > > > >

    > > > > I definitely agree with that. A lot of the phantasms have really long cooldowns that aren't justified by their effects anymore. Anet definitely needs to take a look at the cds on a lot of phantasms and weapon skills.

    > > >

    > > > I would guess they're reluctant to reduce the cooldown too much since they're now clone generating skills. Though, even in that case, 30 seconds on iMage is way too long.

    > > >

    > > > If that is the case, could be interesting to see a trait that reduces the cooldown on all phantasm skills in exchange for them no longer summoning clones on expiration.

    > >

    > > They put us to trade off between "Shatter Storm", the potential of burst with torch if you properly manage their two skills, and "The Pledge". I'm agree that the cooldown is a bit high but ... if you nerf the skills of the torch we lose the surprise burst when properly done, and they are not going to split mechanics between game modes, only numbers.


    > ? Torch CDs are way too high for the effects that they have. the prestige can be argued its ok, because it grants stealth. But image is not worth a 30sec CD. It should be 24-25 base max


    Unfortunately we have too many unskilled players playing in competitive mode. I'm agree with lower the CD. But due to that it's like it is. A split between (PVE/WvW) and PvP will be belcome lowering the CD , in that split grouping... and successive patches with caution until reaching properly balance. Regards.

  17. > @"DuckDuckBOOM.4097" said:

    > > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > > > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

    > > > > @"Marcel.1857" said:

    > > > > Even on power mesmer i don´t think it will be enought dps to compete with the other classes. The confusion mirage was the only thing competing but now since anet switched the dps over time to on use it´s not a dps anymore less than 20k on cairn which has one of the highes attack raites in raids. In the patchnotes it sounded like it will only be in pvp/wvw but it´s actuall in PvE too. Maybe it´s a bug and it should only be in pvp/wvw like this but right now it´s a trash class for raids.

    > > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > Is 32,3k damage on a testing build not enough to make power mês viable on pve?

    > >

    > > Holosmith does more than that and better cleave on a simpler rotation with more frequent breakbar damage, and dragonhunter is dragonhunter (massive aoe burst, strong low cd cc and of course a conal invulnerability for your group) and provides utility.

    > >

    > > This power build provides little if no utility and does less DPS than condi mirage used to do.

    > >

    > > It also cannot redirect illusions for target swaps.

    > >

    > > It's definitely more fun to play than condi mirage, but condi mirage would have seen changes with cry of frustration becoming better if they hadn't gutted confusion in PVE.


    > Focus 4 pull and CS moa signet.... and you are saying that build has little/no utility? Swap the signet that is basically worth nothing for feedback and there is more utility there. Or just cast SoD for more CC. The build doesn't need to redirect illusions the way other mesmer builds in the past have had to. It's a clone shatter build which is aoe. It also doesn't lose DPS like the old mesmer builds for not having 3 phantasms up on new targets.


    Don't forget the cd on shatters, plus Phantasmal Wardern is now a single or pseudo single target phantasm, not an AoE one, plus Swordsman is single objective too... Do you know? All in all, we are talking about a single objective build far begind AoE builds like Weaver, Dragonhuner, etc. The trade offs are there anyways, not a chronomancer utility too.

  18. > @"Cantatus.4065" said:

    > > @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

    > > > @"Levetty.1279" said:

    > > > Yeah the lack of CD reductions especially with the trait removed is disappointing.

    > >

    > > I definitely agree with that. A lot of the phantasms have really long cooldowns that aren't justified by their effects anymore. Anet definitely needs to take a look at the cds on a lot of phantasms and weapon skills.


    > I would guess they're reluctant to reduce the cooldown too much since they're now clone generating skills. Though, even in that case, 30 seconds on iMage is way too long.


    > If that is the case, could be interesting to see a trait that reduces the cooldown on all phantasm skills in exchange for them no longer summoning clones on expiration.


    They put us to trade off between "Shatter Storm", the potential of burst with torch if you properly manage their two skills, and "The Pledge". I'm agree that the cooldown is a bit high but ... if you nerf the skills of the torch we lose the surprise burst when properly done, and they are not going to split mechanics between game modes, only numbers.

  19. Seriously they should have considered give swordsman a longer jump, like the first one, at his first attack with higher damage and a second jump shorter with lower damage considering that it's a single target skill. Instead of leave the duelist theme with a laughable second action hitting the air often in at least two game modes.

    We will have to continue testing builds and alternatives. I think the chornomancer has to win in some game modes respect to the Mirage when people thought otherwise. I guess the ***** will happen in the next few days in the forums. So be careful before spending gold changing everything, some adjustments could happen in the next few weeks and regret it.

  20. I still need to test lot of things and weapons I must test too. But... Do you remember when we was complaining about the static phantasmal warden? At the first time reading the changes I really though about a warden throwing axes to all nearly enemies at the same time like an extended area, but how it works now he attack "one" enemy each time with each axe, meh for my taste, although the funniest thing is that now our swordman root itself swinging into the air with his sword after his first attack hitting nothing while your enemy run to you. You not only you can dodge him and laugh later, plus in the worse case , how he runs against you more or less slowly if you can't dodge, block his first hit with calm , do a step aside and laugh equally watching him, as we tested in the arena. For static bosses is another story of course.

  21. > @"Robert Gee.9246":

    About Chronophantasma and with illusions remaining the same health. Depending of the situation, phantasms rarely survive to perform a whole attack, so imagine survive to perform two... while before you could use that trait to boost a combo of several shatters by itself or together with Ilusionary Reversion. So it's good for some situations (+pve) and bad for others when your phantasm die too fast, WvW, PvP... only been able to perform one shatter after he dies and the clone is spawned. If we are promoting the shatters... But ok, I imagine that not all can be perfect and we still don't have all details. All in all, thanks for the hard work, although I'm a bit afraid about the destiny of the confusion...


  22. > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > @"OriOri.8724" said:

    > > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > > > I'm overall excited for these changes as I much rather enjoy playing more interactive shattering builds, even in pve.

    > > >

    > > > However, I am also concerned people who are new to the game and play base mesmer are going to get hit pretty hard.

    > > > Additionally, with that said, know nerfs are:

    > > > 1. tides of time no longer produces quickness

    > > > 2. alacrity can now be corrupted

    > > > 3. Alacrity at 33% reduced skill recharges by 25%. Alacrity at 25% reduces skill recharges by 20%. This means alacrity is getting nerfed by 20%.

    > > > 4. Chronophantasm no longer helps with illusion upkeep and illusionary reversion is still nerfed because of it.

    > >

    > > Chronophantasma is going to be changed regardless. Phantasms can't be shattered after these changes, so that trait cannot remain the same. Wait to see what its changed to before you complain about it.


    > Gee already said that chronophantasma will now make phantasms attack twice before turning into a clone instead of once.


    Yes but at the same time he revealed that illusions will remain the same health. Depending of the situation phantasms rarely survive to perform a whole attack, so imagine survive to perform two... while before you could use that trait to boost a combo of several shatters by itself or together with Ilusionary Reversion. So it's good for some situations (+pve) and bad for others when your phantasm die too fast, WvW, PvP... only been able to perform one shatter after he dies and the clone is spawned.


    Aside, we still don't know the destiny of the confusion... So there are positive changes and others not as good or negative. But ok, patience, soon we'll get more news. At least, I hope that the global set of changes will be positive for us.

  23. What make Chrono unique is the combination of alacrity + quickness + cc but with the reduction up to 25% and knowing how low dps has the chronotank if the renegade can now share enough uptime alacrity "boon" and get the quickness to the raid from another dps specialization, the chrono will be dismissed immediately.


    It's too soon to made asumptions. A lot of theorycrafting and test for the next week. We'll see what happens. At the end, they have the key to change till the last moment a single trait or skill that change all. Only they know in what direction or future they want for the Chronomancer and it will also be necessary to see how the changes in the core mesmer plus the change in the confusion affect the specialization, not only in raid.

  24. > @"Robert Gee.9246":

    First all, thank you very much for your dedication. I really like that you are promoting the active play. I'm curious and ask you if possible: **Have you added at least one trait in the specializations that promotes the use of shatters?** For example, in a heavy clone based specialization like Mirage, the use of shatters to damage doesn't seems too plausible to avoid lose dps. But if you add some trait that buff the shatters, that force their use to maximize your dps and will promote their use together with the ambush. Idem for any other defensive option too.


    Thanks for you attention.

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