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Posts posted by darksome.1697

  1. > @"Ryo.5824" said:

    > I just want to point something out. While it's a great job for those who haven't logged in, the rewards are actually for people who doesn't tend to use forums and didn't notice the rollback. To those people they might've spent rediculous amount of effort trying to grind something, but actually lost the process. It makes sense to compensate them because in the end, they actually lost progress.

    > If you guys feel like compensation should be given to all players due to time lost during maintainence, it should be a complete separate issue one instead of discussing on this.


    Finally a few people with some common sense, thank you Ryo, lordkrall and Zulvio. I was about to give up on this community.


    And to the rest of you feeling entitled to get extra rewarded, even though you were not really affected (other than potential playtime lost, which we all were affected by) because you were sleeping or at work - I have two examples:


    1. You and some friends decide to go on a holiday. You can't take the same plane as them, because you have to work that day, so you decide they should go on an earlier flight because they can, and you will join them later taking another plane. They go to the airport in the morning while you're at work, and find out that their plane is delayed. So they sit around at the airport all day, while you're working. The airline can't seem to fix the plane, so they contact everyone on later flights to let them know they shouldn't go to the airport because they won't be able to fly that day. Since you're still at work, you decide to go home after work and finally when there's no more news, go to sleep. Your friends however who has been stuck at the airport all day, gets compensation for this. The airline gives them a free dinner and a hotel room for the night. The next day, you show up at the airport because now the plane is fixed so you can travel. The airline decides everyone should get a free meal on the plane because everyone was affected by this delay. Now, you get offended by this free meal "reward" because your friends got a free dinner and a free night at a hotel, demanding to get a free dinner and a night at a hotel too. Really?


    2. One morning there's an outbreak of fire in a store you frequent. You could have been at that store at that time, but you're at home sleeping, so you're not there. You wake up and watch the news, and see that there has been a fire at the store, so you can't shop there for the next 24hrs. The people who were in the store and affected by the fire outbreak get compensation from the store, a free lunch and some vouchers. You feel you should also be compensated because you could potentially have been there. Really?



  2. > @"Kaida.1478" said:

    > > @"darksome.1697" said:

    > > I'm sorry for you guys who didn't play and lose anything (except your potential playtime, which we all lost) feeling you need to be "rewarded" in the same way those who did actually spend time playing and did things *during the time that was wiped*


    > Actually, I'm just advocating for fairness here.


    > The people who actually lost things should get something I agree, but people who logged in and lost nothing are also getting the mount. Where do you draw the line? People who logged in and lost 1copper? People who logged in and lost nothing?


    > There is no way to tell what people lost, so they are giving to everyone who logged in during a certain time - But that still means there are people who lost nothing that are getting a mount - this is not fair. Either everyone who had a really kitten day of not being able to play / worrying if their stuff would be restored should get it or they should set a value on the amount you needed to have lost to get compensation and dish them out manually.



    You're right, you could potentially just have logged on, and decided to stand still in Lion's Arch or wherever for a few hours or even a minute doing nothing in-game during the time before the rollback and the time the servers were reset to, and not lost anything. I have no idea how Anet is finding those entitled to receive the skin, so I'm not going to make guesses. I was merely trying to explain what time we're talking about here, since it seems the OP and the others feeling cheated on a "reward" thinks Anet is rewarding people for logging in and playing after the rollback happened. And that is not the case.


  3. Thing is, there was a number of hours lost between the time it now was reset to and the time the rollback happened, which you don't seem to understand. Not the server downtime. Not the time after the rollback happened. "I stayed away after I heard about the rollback". Yeah we all did, but that's not the time lost we're talking about here. We're not talking about anyone logging in and playing *after* the rollback happened, but before it happened. There's a number of hours there where people played, when no-one knew of any problems even though they were there, and that time and whatever they did in the game, is now gone.


    I'm sorry for you guys who didn't play and lose anything (except your potential playtime, which we all lost) feeling you need to be "rewarded" in the same way those who did actually spend time playing and did things *during the time that was wiped* (which they won't ever get back). And once again, no, that's not the time after the rollback. A skin is a meagre compensation, but it's something at least. Everyone will get "rewarded" with a bonfire for the potential playtime being lost.

  4. > @"sdluca.4706" said:

    > Im having the following issues (EU):

    > long times to log in

    > frequent crashes between map changes.


    > Everything else works fine, so i guess the problem is not on my end.


    I'd advice against putting anything up for sale on the trade post (unless it works for you - which is interesting if it does). I have all your issues, plus items I try to sell on the trade post disappear.

  5. Yep, same here. As soon as I go to another zone I get a whitescreen after about one minute of loading with the "The game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time." message. Code=42:5:7:718:101. Logging back in after a while, my character is placed in the middle of the map I was leaving. Trying to log out gives a blackscreen for about 30 seconds, then the same message but another code. Code=42:4:7:279:101.

  6. Just tested this again, and put 1 Strawberry on the Trade Post for 50c. Got "An Error Occurred." and then the "Quantity cannot be less than 1" error, and the strawberry is gone from my inventory and it's not showing up on the trade post either, so the trade post is still not working.

  7. > @"Noseless.6317" said:

    > Just tried listing something and once I saw the error message and the item was missing, came here to look for possible info. Will raise a ticket as well.


    I did the exact same thing yesterday. Put an item up on the TP, got the ERROR. Item is gone from my inventory, and it's not on the TP either, and not in my history (or Selling tab). Today when I logged in, someone had bought the item overnight and I had the gold waiting on the TP. So it actually *was* added to the TP, it just didn't show for some reason. Something is clearly up with the trade post, so I'm staying away from it until there's some official news.

  8. > @"SunCat.7839" said:

    > well the rollback is over, they ignore my ticket completely … ( they read another one related to server crash... ) I am still stuck unable to play cause I have tried yesterday, when everyone else was fine, of course my issue had nothing to do with any rollback … so it is a trading post issue and I really have no idea how to report this, to have them at least notice it :((


    I would suggest writing a ticket anyway, using the new rollback category there. I have/had a similar problem to you, I've submitted a ticket and will stay away from the Trade Post for now, it seems quite unreliable at the moment.

  9. > @"Ikkeman.9280" said:

    > Just logged in half an hour ago. Everything is as it was 2 days ago.

    > Did anyone get their xp/gold/stuff back after the server maintenance? Or should we all resort to writing tickets?

    > Or the rollback is final and there's nothing we can do?


    You will need to write a ticket for these things now, they even added a special "rollback" category to select.

  10. > @"Jeffrey Redoran.2081" said:

    > Well, at least we can still log in the forum, so let's be patient and optimistic! *getting sweaty palms*


    Funny! Most of us could *not* log in to the forums during this, so we couldn't post here either to let you know we couldn't log in to the forums.



  11. > @"Desenga.2135" said:

    > Please have a look at the other posts there is been an issue, Anet is working on it and it is like the 1st time in 7 years that this has happened just be patient they will sort it out



    It's actually the second time in 7 years, but yeah, they're working on it, so fingers crossed...


  12. I just wanted to say that I've tried this build for about 20 matches now, and you're right about it being dull, but effective. The only way I'm getting top stats ever is on revives, when teammates fall over around me, or objective defender if someone comes along solo to try to take the node and they keep trying for a while. But mostly I don't get any top stats at all, which is disheartening at the end, cause people tend to think you're not doing anything :P

  13. > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

    > > @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

    > > When I leave Warclaw my pet remains stowed 50% of the time and I have to Bond with Pet then de-bond in order for the pet to un-stow.


    > I been having that one for ages now way before this patch dropped for past months.


    Odd that, it has never ever happened to me before this patch, but after patch my pet stayed stowed and wouldn't budge after leaving the Warclaw until I got out of combat. It happened closer to 80% of the time. Wonder why you had it for so long, and how it spread to affect those of us who didn't before. In any case, it needs to be fixed pronto.

  14. Been doing Teq at an earlier hour (EU prime time) lately and while it hasn't crashed, it's been lagging like kitten. People can't get their skills to trigger, meaning the damage phases are close to failing every time. Thing is, the lag causes Tequatl to just stand there doing nothing when it should be attacking - which is the only thing saving the attack phases to be successful. I've filed several bug reports on this, and posted on the forums, have yet to see any acknowledgement from Anet.

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