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Posts posted by darksome.1697

  1. > @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

    > 1. **To separate regional drops**. First, we want to separate regional drops more clearly, so players get jungle loot in the jungle, desert loot in the desert, and so on.


    Well, that one failed. I just got an Elonian Firelight rare from a rare UNID doing Shatterer in Blazeridge Steppes. That is, as far as I know, still core Tyria. I think it might be time to read these patch notes as coming from politicians... hence the wording "we **want** to", which is not to say that they actually did, or will do.

  2. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > Hey folks,


    > I talked to one of the designers on Chasing Tales, and they did some investigation into the bugs being reported. Looks like the issues with both rifle and axe have been noted, replicated, and confirmed and fixes should be rolling out in an upcoming build.


    > We're sorry for the issues that you're having and will get that all tidied up ASAP.


    I can confirm that the the rifle can now be completed after the patch, even for those of us who were stuck on Deadly Accuracy. Thanks guys!

  3. @"Gaile Gray.6029" Rifle achievement "Chasing Tales: Deadly Accuracy" is still bugged, and for those of us who have completed the other Rifle achievements first, we're stuck. As people have pointed out above it seems you're locked out of Deadly Accuracy if you completed the other Rifle achievements before it, as Deadly Accuracy and Preemtive Strike awards the same item (item called "Chasing Tales: Deadly Accuracy") on completion.

  4. > @"Firion Corodix.4510" said:

    > This happend to me too, but thankfully somebody in the area knew how to fix it. **You won't get a plate drop as long as somebody who already has the drop is still in the room. Those people need to leave in order for others to get the drop.**


    This is the problem. And now people have started to linger around with their plate on the back in the room so that no one else gets it.

    It's a griefer's paradise now. And no word from Anet on this. Awful.

  5. > @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

    > I have done 64 Legendary bounties today, and have received exactly 0 Intact Mosaics. The drop rate on these must be ridiculously low.


    Got to agree with you there OP, I've actually never seen an Intact Mosaic drop from a legendary bounty, only from the chests people mention above, so it has to be an abysmal chance there.

  6. One guy taught me a way to gather bots in Orr, especially easy in Cursed Shore since that's where they run them down to for script-based farming (you see new ones every single day running through Orr to Cursed Shore, no mounts): Tag up. See them come to you within a few minutes (it's in the script). None responds or says anything, none is on a mount. The real players that might show up can be counted on one hand. Tag down. See them move away from you after a few seconds and continue on their path. Tag up - see them come to you. Tag down - see them go. It's an eye opener.


    And for those of you who said training mobs onto bots is risking being reported, of course you should make sure it's a bot first. I've killed a fair few that way, but it's not worth the trouble since clueless people run past and res them within minutes, no matter what you tell them, and as soon as they stand up they resume the same pattern of actions, exactly the same way they did for hours before.

  7. > @"Deepcuts.9740" said:

    > > @"darksome.1697" said:

    > > Believe me I have reported a few hundred afk bot farmers, and they're still around, the same chars in the same spots, day after day, week after week, month after month, even one in Frostgorge Sound that's been there on and off for over a year now, so afaik, afk bot farming is considered fair and allowed. Sad but there it is.


    > A few hundreds? You must be "seeing" things and just like to report stuff.


    Better believe it. Most of the time they stand in packs of 5-6, so it adds up pretty quick. 30 days a month, 5 bots a day...150 in a month, so it's probably a lot more than a few hundred. I'd post the screenshots, but it would get me banned (unlike the botters).


  8. Great video showing off the interesting Immune To Conditions/Perma Swiftness & Regen Weaver build I've met so many times in PVP lately.


    Looking forward to the immediate "WTFOPLOL" nerf to ele traits that this rune interacts with. It took less than 24hrs for Anet to nerf necros after rune of Sanctuary was introduced, let's see how long it takes for the ele trait nerf.

  9. > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > I’m watching the sigil price drop as we speak.


    Yep, seems to be crashing now, which is a bit odd considering "no one" knows what it'll take to craft these once the new system is in, or if the recipe is one of the rare rng drops which you won't see unless you get it off of the TP. Could even be worse than the current asking price tbh, but I guess the barons figure it's time to get out now, which is a good thing for those who held out.

  10. Getting this error too as well every few minutes today.


    "The game client lost its connection to the server. Please wait a few minutes before restarting the client and trying again. (Code: 7:11:3:191:101)"


    Tried traceroutes to different GW2 servers I've been on and they all stall after decix. amazon.com (


    traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets

    1 dsldevice ( 1.106 ms 0.697 ms 0.742 ms

    2 ti3053a430.ti.telenor.net ( 1.702 ms 1.583 ms 1.610 ms

    3 ti3163c360-ae67-0.ti.telenor.net ( 32.533 ms 32.298 ms 35.121 ms

    4 ti3003c400-ae2-0.ti.telenor.net ( 31.762 ms 31.729 ms 31.457 ms

    5 ti9006b400-ae2-0.ti.telenor.net ( 32.749 ms 32.256 ms 32.216 ms

    6 decix.amazon.com ( 32.431 ms 32.244 ms 32.461 ms

    7 * * *

    8 * * *

    9 ( 33.934 ms ( 32.796 ms 32.702 ms

    10 * * *

    11 * * *

    12 * * *

    13 * * *

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    15 * * *

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    18 * * *

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    25 * * *


  11. Every few minutes I lose connection to the server while playing today, it worked fine yesterday. Tried PvP and it worked for about 3 minutes, then nothing happens and I realize I'm going to be kicked back to character select screen. A minute later sure enough, I'm back at the char select screen. Tried some PvE, same thing. So I did a trace route to the server (quickly managed to do /ip) and this is what I get:



    traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets

    1 dsldevice ( 1.309 ms 0.708 ms 0.650 ms

    2 ti3053a430.ti.telenor.net ( 1.703 ms 1.604 ms 1.593 ms

    3 ti3163c360-ae67-0.ti.telenor.net ( 32.457 ms 32.418 ms 32.272 ms

    4 ti3003c400-ae2-0.ti.telenor.net ( 32.658 ms 32.440 ms 32.987 ms

    5 ti9006b400-ae2-0.ti.telenor.net ( 32.473 ms 32.346 ms 32.200 ms

    6 decix.amazon.com ( 32.383 ms 32.362 ms 32.353 ms

    7 * * *

    8 * * *

    9 ( 33.695 ms * ( 32.995 ms

    10 * * *

    11 * * *

    12 * * *

    13 * * *

    14 * * *

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    25 * * *



    Anyone else have connection issues?

  12. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > @"darksome.1697" said:

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > > > @"darksome.1697" said:

    > > > > > like with the nerf on Rich mining nodes that went from 10 hits to 8 in a recent patch without a single word anywhere.

    > > > >

    > > > > There never was a nerf like that. You must be using different tools now (which gather at a different pace).

    > > > Actually, there was a change: we used to need four 'whacks' to finish harvesting a rich node: 3-3-3-1. Some of the newer tools took only three 'whacks': 4-4-2. With the introduction of glyphs, they updated _all_ infinite tools (maybe non-infinites, too?) to consistently use the 4-4-2/three-whack version.

    > > >

    > > > Some people thought they were losing two hits because they thought they were still getting 3 hits on the first & second swings.

    > >

    > > Your explanation almost covers the unannounced change they did. I have always used my Watchwork Mining Pick, before the change and after the change. The change I'm talking about is most notable when you get the Daily Gatherer on mining nodes. Before the change, you only needed 1 single Rich node to complete it (or the Guild Hall mining node). After the change one rich node (or the Guild Hall mining node) is no longer enough to complete the Daily gatherer.

    > >

    > > And for me, the nerf on the Winterberries in the home instance is baffling. Like others have stated, people invested 50g on that node, and then they decide to nerf it more than a year later? The inconsistent node treatment makes buying these nodes a gamble, almost like loot boxes.


    > I'm still getting 10 hits, *with my Watchwork pick* on Rich nodes (except the strangeness of SW, of course).


    > About the 50g for the node. We still get exactly what we purchased - a node giving 5 berries per day.


    > Now, I'm also low-grade annoyed that they changed this, especially as it's inconsistent (several other nodes progress their dailies, but they don't finish it on their own), but we can't claim that they changed what we purchased. They changed the Daily achievement. The effect is really the same as if they'd raised the daily to 6 berries.


    If you're getting 10 hits with your Watchwork pick without the glyph granting you an extra hit in occasion, does that mean that it is only My Watchwork pick that somehow changed to only getting 8 hits?

  13. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > @"darksome.1697" said:

    > > > like with the nerf on Rich mining nodes that went from 10 hits to 8 in a recent patch without a single word anywhere.

    > >

    > > There never was a nerf like that. You must be using different tools now (which gather at a different pace).

    > Actually, there was a change: we used to need four 'whacks' to finish harvesting a rich node: 3-3-3-1. Some of the newer tools took only three 'whacks': 4-4-2. With the introduction of glyphs, they updated _all_ infinite tools (maybe non-infinites, too?) to consistently use the 4-4-2/three-whack version.


    > Some people thought they were losing two hits because they thought they were still getting 3 hits on the first & second swings.


    Your explanation almost covers the unannounced change they did. I have always used my Watchwork Mining Pick, before the change and after the change. The change I'm talking about is most notable when you get the Daily Gatherer on mining nodes. Before the change, you only needed 1 single Rich node to complete it (or the Guild Hall mining node). After the change one rich node (or the Guild Hall mining node) is no longer enough to complete the Daily gatherer.


    And for me, the nerf on the Winterberries in the home instance is baffling. Like others have stated, people invested 50g on that node, and then they decide to nerf it more than a year later? The inconsistent node treatment makes buying these nodes a gamble, almost like loot boxes.

  14. @"Gaile Gray.6029"

    Can I just ask you, seeing I finally managed to get to the "Forearmed is Forewarned" part where I went through the portal and am supposed to pick up the arm, I am standing in Kourna at the portal and the quest log still says "Enter the portal." and there is no arm anywhere to be seen. Did you remove the arm, or is this a bug where the game won't recognize I went through the portal at all?


    Edit: Ported back to the Highlands portal and went through a second time, and then it worked. 1.78s poorer, but it worked.

  15. Haven't even managed to start the new LS, yet people who took the day off and logged in early in the morning managed to do the whole thing and get the mount.


    Me? I just waited 10 minutes for the sand storm in Dry Top only to get extreme lag and get kicked out, and now I can't login with any of my characters. This really points to the amazing Amazon servers not being able to handle the game, doesn't it.

  16. > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

    > > @"nalladae.9208" said:

    > > > @"Anjo.3170" said:

    > > > The patch was for a Fractal server crash. Cant believe they considered that a priority over the LS crash. Should be all hands on deck for LS.

    > >

    > > AFAIK they've got different teams working on different content/issues, I guess the guys from fractals got their bug fixed first, that's all :)


    > Can't all teams work together just for the time to fix serious bugs like this one?


    @"nalladae.9208" please tell the teams who you know are working on different issues that we are rooting for them.

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