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Shailyn Slay.7234

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Posts posted by Shailyn Slay.7234

  1. *Everyone* has the same level of attributes in (structured) PvP, since gear is not actually used.


    Instead of gear (like in pve/wvw), in the PvP mode all stats/attributes come from a PvP specific amulet. This amulett as well as the runes and sigils you use never show up in your inventory and can instead be chosen in a specific 'PvP gear' menu, which can be accesses by one of th buttons in the top of the screen (when you are in a pvp area).

    The choice of amulet and runes/sigils determines which stats you have but not their quality, some specific combinations/options might be locked behind expansions or a one-time unlock.

  2. Welcome to GW2!

    I think you already have pretty good grasp on the game and more importantly you know what you want, so you I don't think there is anything you can do 'wrong' in general.


    1. World completion is not necessary. The only thing it's required for are legendary weapons and those are (super) long term goals, especially if you don't play a lot. If you really like exploration and the little story/lore elements the maps provide, sure go for it, but you can always revisit the maps later as well and forcing yourself to complete everything 'in one go' might indeed burn you out.

    One of the best aspects of GW2 is that you can always revisit (almost*) any content at any time, there is no 'worng' way to play the game - just do what you like most at any moment.

    *The only exceptions to this are the core personal story (for existing characters) and Living world season 1 both of which were done before the current systems that allow revisiting of story instances were in the game.


    2. Getting the Warclaw is probably the most spoiler free way of a mount so you'll be fine with that, for the raptor you'd have to play the opening instance of PoF (similar to how you got gliding). Other mounts are even deeper in the PoF maps/story.


    3. Exotic (=organge) gear is absolutely fine and sufficient for at least 95% of the game, the more important aspect is actually which stat/attribute combination on your gear you go for (and also don't forget to obtain trinkets/jewelery; those contribute a fair share to your total attributes).

    The only aspect of the game that absolutely requires ascended gear are *higher level* fractals. You don't have to worry about that though since playing the lower levels will allow you to gradually acquire some ascended items as needed.


    4. You can probably forget abut crafting for the near future. Crafting is only required for: ascended armor and weapons (though you can get lucky and get some from drops), legendary weapons and certain stat/attribute combinations for HoT & PoF. Especially due to that last part I'd advise you to at least keep all the materials your bank storage can hold, in case you ever want to pick up crafting for some of these stats.


    5. For the materials see above, if you're short on money selling crafting materials (on the TP) is one of the easiest ways to get gold though (most materials can be worth quite a bit, I'd always try to get as many of them as you can by salvaging or harvesting - independent on how you plan to use them).

    Personally I'm a hoarder, so I save both materials and various 'quest items' (which are mostly only needed for certain achievements) in case I might ever need them again - my bank space is pretty full ...


    6. The Copper-Fed-Salvagomatic is probably the best convenience item you can get in this game. Other good gemstore items are unbreakable harvesting tools (they come in a variety of skins and with possible extra effects), bank tab expansions and potentially additional character bag slots. (Additonal character slots are probably not very interesting for you right now).


    7. Have fun and don't worry! There's nothing you can do wrong as long as you're having fun. Do try out all the different things GW2 offers (world bosses, jumping puzzles, WvW, sPvP, activities, fractals/dungeons/raids, meta events, ...) and maybe try to find a nice guild to play with and just see what you like most.

  3. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > But since Team chat is _only_ used in WvW you could also keep it switched off without causing yourself any problems...at least until you go back into WvW and want to see it.


    This is not correct. Team chat is also used in sPvP, where you get put into a group which is neither your party (unless you play full premade unranked or ATs) nor your squad.



  4. Correct.


    There is never any effect of (potential) company on the character/person *starting the story instance*, for them the additional people just help.


    For the people (ie. you) who accompany someone else there is only an effect if:

    1) you have the exact same active story step (so for parts of the story this means you need to have made the same choices, but the different choice paths will meet up every now and then. In case you need to talk with some NPCs in the open world its important that you have done that before the instanced story step is started)


    2) you accept progress on *your* personal story (thereby accepting any choices made by the instance owner).

  5. > @"Bazooka.3590" said:

    > Possible solution:

    > - The algorithm should consider not just the actual rank but the overall level, the no. of games, the win/lose rate and the experience with the actual build.


    > - The algorithm should correctly define the player build role in the game.

    > It should check the player equipment and the most active role with this build based on the match statistics.

    > It should make identifications correctly like "wow its a tank defensive build not a dps!", "oh wow its a condi agressive and can't heal others!" etc...

    > Whit this information it should make correct conclusions which build setups can counter which ones by the newest game update.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/DrEmgcy.jpg "")

  6. > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

    > > @"felincyriac.5981" said:

    > > Unlikely to be changed, the technology just isn't there.


    > It isn't complicated, and in fact does exist in sPvP. There's actually a "Dishonor" status that prevents one from queuing for a match for a certain time.


    It's true that sPvP has a Dishonor system. However, that system only works for ranked/unranked matches, where you *queue* for a single match each. The sPvP hotjoin servers - as well as Dragonball and all other pvp-like activitites - don't implement this system, since they are continually running games, where people are free to join and leave.

    This also means that in oder to stop playing you *have to leave the game* - there is no way around that. Therefore just slapping the Dishonor system on top of it won't work - you'd get Dishonor just for taking a break between games.


    While I agree that the current state is not really satifsfactory, with the current technologies ArenaNet has, the only way to implement Dishonor in Dragonball would be the use of a single match queue (and even that would probably not work, since the matchmaker needs an MMR rating to construct teams). However, I also don't believe it's worth the Dev-time, that would be required to change the hotjoin system in a way that still leaves it as 'hotjoin' but also implements a usable Dishonor mechanic.


  7. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Shailyn Slay.7234" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396"

    > > This isn't about running multiple instance of the game at the same time.

    > >

    > > The OP is asking for a setup that allows logging into different accounts without the hassle of typing the username/password when switching between them (from one computer). With the disabled command line options, multiple installations might be one way to provide this.


    > And if you followed the OP’s posts, you’ll see that multiple installations is not an option for them nor a good idea anyway.


    The OP said multiple installations are not a good idea for them due to the excessive storage space it would require. I was proposing a setup that would not have this particular problem.

  8. > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > there was a lot of trial and error when these weapons first came out


    This, essentially.


    When GW2 was initially released, all people knew was that legendary weapons were a thing (remember we didn't even have a wardrobe back then, so no one knew what they looked like either). The only 'help' provided was that the (in case of gen1 exotic) precursor's tell you 'This weapon is used to craft the legendary weapon XYZ'. The mystic forge recipes for the other components and the final legendaries were left for the player base to discover. (There may have been some hints that the mystic forge is required, but I'm not even sure about that).


    In general this rule still holds for pretty much all mystic forge recipes - Arena net sometimes adds new skins/weapons (with or without announcement) and if they require specific mystic forge recipes, someone has to figure those out by trial (and error).


  9. Since the tavern is the first building you have to set up, i'd say it's doable (but not necessarily cheap) to get with 2 people - the fact that you can only do a few of the guild missions stays valid though.


    However, with only the [tavern](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Tavern "tavern") you can only unlock 2 of the [guild buffs](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Enhancements "guild buffs"), which won't be very effective (since the effect scales with the total numbers of buffs unlocked). To unlock all buffs you need to reach guild lvl14 and have all of the basic buildings (so it will be very expensive and take a lot of time for 2 people).

  10. Nope, my game is down as well - I didn't even make it into the first fight of the tournament though.


    First the queue/fight popup took quite a while, then I dismissed it after accepting. Then after a while of waiting the game kicked me into character selection and shortly afterwards out.


    After a couple of tries with the same error 7 code (at least I assume it's the same didnt write it down), It's now crashing with error 19:5:11:4827:101, whenever I try to log into a character (tried 2 so far, both stationted in the heart of mists).

  11. You are not "forced" to become Druid or Soulbeast (and I guess we could argue whether that is a beastmaster or not), unlocking and using the elite specialisations is in principle optional. As for your specific questions:


    >how much of the end-game content will I be able to do as a Ranger?

    Without elite specialisations you will you're probably not able to use any 'meta' builds (not sure since I don't play ranger), so you'll likely have troubles finding groups for raids or high level fractals, since most groups want maximum performance for the parts of the game. (You will also be at a disadvantage in any pvp mode).


    >Will I be able to get a mount?

    Yes, you'll get your first mount after the introduction mission to PoF, nothing else required (you need to be lvl 80).


    >Will I be able to get Legendary/Ascended gear?

    Yes, this is completely independent of specialisations


    >Will I be able to play through the episodic seasons of the Living World content as a Ranger?

    Yes, open world PvE - including the living story - is pretty much 'anything goes' in regards to build viability.

  12. I'm just ganna answer the PvP specific parts, since there more than enough good answers for the rest:


    > 2- How active is the player base ( Concerning my PvP addiction)

    There are usually enough players in pvp to ensure okay(ish) queue times. BUT, I wouldn't describe most of these players as PvPer's. Judging from other topics I read and ingame discussions, most people who took pvp really seriously are either not active anymore or play only in static groups.


    > 3- How hard is it to get into PvP ?

    You can just jump into PvP and if you know your class and have general awareness for tactical games you should be doing fine. The main problem is that most of the other players lack this tactical awareness and without a team queue this can make PvP very annoying. Some might say this is a 'git gud' issue, but I've been playing for a long time and do consider myself a capabale PvP player, but with only limited time to play it's almost impossible to significantly increase my rank, because it's really hard to fully carry a bad team.


    > 5- Are the expansions important in anyway ? I don't like finding my self beaten up in PvP or whatever because of some dude paying extra bucks.

    I would say yes. While there are some viable builds that rely only on the core classes, almost all 'meta' builds (especially in pvp) do use specialisations, because they have more versatile or reliable skills sets. If you mostly care about being competitive in pvp I would recommend PoF over HoT, since most of the PoF specialisations are pretty good in pvp.


  13. Personally I also always used forums to look for guilds.


    But if people really DO want a guild recruitment tab I'd rather put it in as a new tab in the LFG tool and not as part of the chat system. This has a lot of advantages:

    - No spamming even possible

    - Less time intensive for people posting (just put it there & do whatever)

    - Easier & more extensive overview for people looking

    - You post/look for your whole region (EU/NA)

    - Easy to implement


    I'm not sure if people with free accounts have access to the LFG, if not that's the only downside I can see.


  14. Everything that was already said is definitely a good choice.

    Additionally I would like to mention bank tab expansions & additional character slots - you'll probably not have a lot of use for the latter yet, but if Alts are something you like, you might still consider it.


    Another thing you can do is watch out for sales: unless you feel like you need something right now, you could make a list of all the things you want and then only buy them when they're on sale (usually around 20% less) - this would allow you to get a few more things out of the gems.

  15. Mounts (like all other Mastery dependent things) are indeed account wide.

    Unlocking them is pretty fast (you'll get the first one right away), you do need to level the respective masteries a bit to able to get to the next one and pay a bit of gold, but at least to me that wasn't an issue when I started with PoF. Also the experience needed is generally not quite as high as it is for the HoT masteries.

  16. 1) There is a 'new' highest tier of gear (asencended quality, pink), but its only ~5-10% better and therefore *not required* for anything but the absolute endgame (raids & high level fractals, which need the AR infusion slots). It's kind of grindy to get though, since it crafting it is time gated and other methods are very expensive.

    The "orange" gear (exotic quality) you have is perfectly fine for almost all content, you could even do raids with it if people aren't to uptight about it (you'll probably need to use other stat combinations though, to play the most efficient meta build).


    2) The only requirement for both HoT & PoF is a lvl 80 character (you don't even have to finish the core storyline), so you can probably jump right in. Be aware though that especially HoT has much tougher enemies, so you might want to get familiar with combat in one of the core maps for a bit first.


    3 ) The legendaries from core/vanilla have always required to (2 weapon specific) crafting professions at 400 (max level back then, now it's 500 due to ascended gear). With HoT the possibility to craft precursors (often quite expensive, potentially more than buying from TP) was introduced which does require crafting at 450-500 and is also the only way to acquire precursors for the newly introduced 'generation 2' legendaries.

    Crafting is also the easiest way to obtain your first set of ascended gear, but I wouldn't recommend to rush that - its a long term goal (and requires huge amount of materials compared to exotic gear).

  17. >I tried to log into Guild Wars 1 (It's linked with my GW2 Account)


    Is your (old) GW1 account registered to a different email address then your GW2 account?


    I'm asking because linking accounts actually changes your GW1 account name / email adress (and password!) to whatever you are using for GW2, since after linking you have essentially one GW account. At least for me that was not very obvious and when I tried to get back into my GW1 account at one point I stumbled upon this. Maybe CS didn't think about this since you directly asked to recover an account with your old email address.


    TL/DR: just try to use your GW2 login credentials for GW1 (you'll still need a GW1 character name I think) and that should actually work if the accounts are properly linked.

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