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Shailyn Slay.7234

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Posts posted by Shailyn Slay.7234

  1. The most-given advice for players completely new to the game is actually to not directly use a boosted character, since doing so (and directly going into the expansions) puts you directly into the endgame - and since GW2 is much more skill-dependent than anything (esp gear) else, the lack of experience will lead to your exact state of confusion.


    My recommendation to you would be to start a 2nd toon and go through the whole levelling process: it will teach you the general mechanics of the game and how you can build & trait your character (once you figured that out you'll quickly become more accustomed with your boost character as well) - as a bonus you can even use the raptor mount on that 2nd character as well, since its an account wide unlock.

    You don't have to fear 'barren maps' at lower levels either: the mega-server structure together with the downscaling mechanic of the game (with some big events & world bosses also in lower level areas) pretty much guarantee people in any map (during prime time at least) - you can usually even ask around in mapchat if you're stuck with something or need help/advice.


    If you actually feel ready for endgame content I'd suggest to set your own goals and work in that direction: you can just play the personal story (from core, LS &/ the expansions) which will lead you through the respective maps, start preparing for instance group content (dungeons [not too popular anymore], fractals & raids - these actually will require you to properly gear up), try the PvP modes or go for certain collections/achievements to get that nice look you spotted somewhere.

  2. > @"Nerzul.6875" said:

    > You can cancel/restart races and minigames by clicking on the "cross" next to the timer on the top right. So there is already a way to do a "quick reset".


    Not a very well documented feature, but yeah exactly what the OP is looking for.

    I'm also using this for resetting the griffon adventures, since sometimes the reset pop-up doesn't show up properly when you land.

  3. Not sure if this is quite the right thread - but I don't want to open another one:


    I just noticed that the 'Escort Ogres to Queen nadjie' event next to the bugged instance entry was behaving wierdly: after the escort there was no dialog between the Ogres & the other NPCs. The same thing happened for me in the LS story - I walked up to the primeval queens and - nothing. No dialog, no way to even try entering the next instance.

  4. One thing about Guild Wars 1 is that it doesn't (in that sense) have a 'core' game: Prophecies, Factions & Nightfall are all individual campaigns playable on their own (and each allows access to Eye of the North). Prophecies was the first one to be released (so it only has the 'core' classes), but in principle they all count as a 'full game' on their own.


    Otherwise you are right that the Triology (Prophecies, Factions & Nightfall) + Eye of the North would give you 'full access' to the game - which combination you chose to get them is up to you, but from what you posted this exact one looks like the cheapest on Steam.

    Note that I didn't include the "Game of the Year Upgrade" into the 'full access' combination on purpose, since - from what I can see - it only gives you a couple of in-game items (weapons/skins & a summoning stone), so I actually wouldn't count it as 'core stuff' (as it doesn't provide any actual content). Something that *does* provide additional content is the Bonus mission pack, though that does not seem to be available on steam.


    As for your initial/first question:

    I'm of course not 100% sure, but I would really think that you can also use the account bought on steam through the normal launcher (once activated). Especially if you link your GW2 & GW1 accounts it will actually be only one account (with the same email & password; even if you initially register the GW1 one with a different email).


  5. I'm generally interested in an organised PvP group/guild. (I have a main guild, but almost noone there does PvP).


    I've been playing GW (1 & 2) for a long time, but never really hard-core. I've also just started getting into sPvP again (which I focused much more on directly after GW2 launch and in GW1), but I don't have that much time to play anymore (maybe 1-2 times a week, GMT+-1 evenings ).


    I main Mesmer (Shailyn Slay), but also got a Warrior & Guardian PvP ready. You can send me a message ingame if you want.

  6. Your account (and not an individual character) is tied to both a server and a region. The region (NA/EU) you can not change at all (at least I'm not aware of any way to do it). The region also determines what other players you play with in any content, while the server is only relevant for WvW (used to be open PvE as well, bu t that was changed years ago) - and even that will change at some point in the future.


    If you are a returning player your account will already have an associated server.


    You can change your server by:

    1) Paying Gems (prize depends on the population of the new server)

    2) Deleting all characters and then changing for free

    3) Free accounts are granted one free server change after an upgrade to the full version (might have to ask CS about it though)



  7. I wouldn't say there is a 'best' Prefix for any given class, since almost all classes can fulfill different roles using different builds. Additionally the builds & recommendations change a lot depending on the content you're playing (open PvE / high end fractals & raids / WvW).


    Sites like [metabattle](https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki "metabattle") will usually tell you which kind of gear a certain build requires (though there are often cheaper, but less optimal alternatives).


    In general (at least for PvE) the most popular choices are:

    - Berserker gear for Power builds

    - Viper gear for Condition builds


    For support/healing/tank builds you have different choices with Focus on Healing Power and Concentration, the most used ones (as far as I know) are: Harrier, Commander & Minstrel.


    I have now idea about WvW meta, but I'm pretty sure they use different things, since full on glass cannon isn't that viable there.




  8. I can't comment on email-authentication randomly turning itself on (and I'd believe people saying that it can't happen), but I also had problems once (years ago) with not receiving the emails anymore. At that time CS looked into it but we couldn't figure out at which point the emails disappeared - the solution (proposed by CS) in the end was to switch my account to a different email address, which worked without problems.

  9. > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:


    > Ultimately, I support @"Raysson.2079" in the request that someone blocked by a member of an LFG group should not be able to join that group. It is absolutely a restriction that, for things like taxi for world boss groups, would cause some pain to people -- quite possibly including me -- but I think better for the overall game.


    I think implementing it like that would cause too much trouble - especially since you give trolls the option to block people from joining big squads (e.g. for meta events / taxis). A much better solution would imo be to restrict it to the block list of the squad leader / commander, that way you can still easily prevent trolls from (re)joining, but it's much less trouble overall.



  10. I mostly played PvP (and from my first character have been main mesmer) and I always loved annoying the hell out of people: I think the first pvp build I payed was energy drain and then later on PowerBlock / Diversion etc.


    The most fun team builds I played were:

    - 'd-way' in the nightfall beta, I think I remember screen shots of this build defeating the NPCs in HA within 5 seconds

    - 'Healing ball', 7-8 monks hugging together & spamming heal area - then spike enemies with Smite magic. Worked quite well up to the point where a chiking gas ranger come along ...

    - N/Rt Spike shortly after Faction release (i.e. when the ritualist Spirits gave full energy with Soul reaping). Endless energy for ridicoulus spike damage AND healing

  11. The above comments cover most things.

    Never forget that you're playing for fun, so consider what kind of things you like most (Lore/Story from LS & achievments, challenge from fractals, achievments, exploration, ...) and go for that. If you want to play high end content (t3 or t4 fractals/raids) you'll likely need to go into the expansions at least for access to elite specialisations (they are pretty strong, esp. on mesmer) - I'd generally recommend to play them anyway for the story ;)

    Starting with PoF right of the batch isn't so bad: you'll skip a lot of parts of the story, but if that bothers you just read up on the storyline of LS1, LS2, HoT & LS3 before. Gameplay wise PoF is much easier to get into than HoT.



    Another thing that noone has mentioned yet:

    If you don't have a guild yet, you might consider looking for one (e.g. here on the forum). There are of course lots of different types, but many 'general' guilds will not only repeatedly run a lot of the different contents, they also give you easy contact to more experienced players that can introduce you to these things and help out.

  12. You can buy cultural armor for any race (independent on your character) from the Cultural armor vendor in WvW (also costs less gold, but therefore badges).


    As for the Sylvary related achievment(s? not fure if there's more than one) in HoT: I think it's enough to have one sylvari character in the party to get that. At least I saw lfg's for that purpose at some point.

  13. I'd also recommend starting up a new character, just to get back into the game mechanics (which might not be how you rememeber them - so much has changed I'm not sure myself ...). If you buy HoT or PoF you'll also get a lvl80-boost each, which you could use to skip leveling if you feel you've had enough.


    Depending on your interests (and how much you want to invest into the game) I'd recommend to either:

    - Play the Story chronologically: there is a LS1 recap (though maybe you played that), then LS2 leads into HoT, which is followed by LS3 and PoF - LS4 just released the 2nd epsiode. Since you probably don't have the Living story seasons unlocked this will cost you Gems to unlock the previous seasons in addition to buying the axpansions.


    - Chose one expansion start with that: if you're not so much interested in playing the story chronologically I'd recommend going for PoF first. It is much more solo-friendly (HoT maps can be really confusing and have a lot of though enemies) and generally more casual then HoT - also the specialisations are (almost) all really nice and also quite strong.

  14. I've also had this bug a couple of times, I'm not sure if it was only in PoF maps tough. It definitely feels like this is somehow connected to graphic lags (like some textures not loading properly/directly and being 'invisible') and may have happened at the same time. It's also worth to note that mostly you can still control your characters movement when it happens.

  15. I think this is bugged - I also (accidentaly) activated the recipe on a character that isn't a jeweler and later on could not find it on the jeweler character.


    However, later on I was playing on my jeweler and a guild mate postet/linked the recipe in the chat, ab hovering over it marked it as 'You already know this recipe'. So apparently I have unlocked it on my jeweler, but can't find or craft it.

  16. I have no idea how to get to the one at Glint's legacy (a guildmate said its probably story realted, or maybe you need the Jackal).


    The one at Sanctum of Nabkha is doable if you have the bunny (I already had 3rd level mastery, but I'm sure if you actually need it). Just jump up the cliffs on the side.

  17. Hey, you'll need to be level 80 to play the expansions, but (especially for HoT) upgrading your equipment to exotic level is probably needed as well, since the expansions are mostly 'endgame' content.


    Since the pre-oder is now over it doesn't change anything if you buy the expansions right now - there are no benefits to be gained.


    Edit: I just remebered that both expansions come with an lvl80-boost item, so you could push your character to max level and try to jump into the expansion(s). I would advise against that however, as you'll be lacking the experience & gear to stand a chance in expansions. If you have friends/a guild it work for PoF though (which they will now be playing anyway).

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