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Everything posted by Helicity.3416

  1. I have a pretty solid understanding of most classes, and play all of them actively excepting Rev (I really don't enjoy the resource system). You don't really need to know every nuance of every build, just a general understanding of what they are trying _to do_, and what specific things you _have_ to avoid from them.
  2. To continue, the reason Deadeye has the Shadow Meld elite, is because they do *not* have access to the active defenses and evasion of Daredevil, and lessened access to the mobility options of both core and DD due to the added demand on endurance for applying stealth and having the rifle equipped. Fighting Deadeyes can be challenging, unfortunately their core design is not very counterplay friendly outside of using a target painter, and at the same time they mechanically **would not work** if you took away their strong stealth abilities. This is obviously not the best design, but I disagree with the incredible amount of complaining done by people who can't even be _bothered_ to look up how stealth mechanics actually work. I play Deadeye sometimes, and I kill Deadeyes on literally all my characters, it's absolutely doable. All you need to do is understand and play smart.
  3. I guess it's time (again) to explain to people how target painters/traps/watchtower actually work. Because "paint trap is instantly cleansed" is misinformation, and most of the replies in this thread display an incredible lack of understanding of the game mechanics at play. There are three *different* effects in play: **Marked** This is the effect applied by target painters/watchtower/sentries. _Marked_ targets are visible on the map to the team controlling the source of the effect. When you are _marked_, entering stealth applies _detected!_ **Detected!** This effect is applied when you enter stealth while _marked_ If you stay in stealth for _more than 2 seconds_ you will be pulled out of stealth and the _revealed_ debuff will be placed on you. **Revealed** This debuff prevents you from gaining stealth, it is applied by _detected!_ and various player abilities. The Deadeye elite skill Shadow Meld (2 charges) can cleanse _revealed_ Now, it is important to understand that Deadeye can _only_ cleanse the _revealed_ status. They remain _marked_ if hit by target painters (or seen by a sentry/tower) Therefore, if they use shadow meld to cleanse reveal, and re-enter stealth, they will immediately be _detected!_ again and _revealed_ 2 seconds later. Note that non-Deadeye thieves can not Cleanse the revealed debuff at all. It's important to understand these mechanics correctly! And once you do, you will realise that throwing a Target Painter on a Deadeye immediately invalidates their entire ability to actually play the game. "Oh but it's too much effort/hard to use a Target Painter" Well, then don't complain. For the low cost of 1 cheap consumable and 10 supply you can render them _unable to play the game, and probably dead_. If that's too much effort for you, that's _on you_.
  4. > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said: > Consider our current balance head is an elementalist main, it doesn't particularly surprise me anymore to see thief get the shaft patch after patch. At the same time, elementalist gets crowded out of all team roles in wvw, so he must not play that game mode at all...
  5. It's kinda sad to see the way Ele gets crowded out of every wvw team role. This balance team is straight up either oblivious to it, or they just don't care.
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