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Posts posted by cryorion.9532

  1. Yeah, I tested killshot few weeks ago in wvw while waiting for balance patch and its damage is really underwhelming. Not only it is telegraphed af, it also doesn't really punish people who don't pay attention unless they are full glass, 11k HP...


    I like the idea of shotgun rifle warrior, with some spicy closer range bursty cone attack (similar to engi's Blunderbuss). However, at this point, I am a bit sceptical that Anet will pull off interesting and useful weapon reworks...

  2. What about this:

    Banners take 1/2 second to cast (except Battle Standard that stays at 2 seconds cast time). Now, you know that revenant heal bubble skill, Ventari's Will? Banners would work similarly, where after placement, there would be a skill flip to aoe ground targeting and you can change their position (600 range). There would be a new trait in Tactics traitline that would apply small damage (like Full Counter damage in pvp/wvw) in small radius (130-180) AND leap finisher, both at the end of banner position change, providing combo field effects to warrior and allies, depending on combo field. Basically, the flip skill would be enhanced.

    Picking banners would be much easier as well, in situations where you can't run to them (mainly in WvW). This is more about practicality rather than convenience.


    Changing banner position would not refresh (nor change) its cooldown. Banner position change flip skill should have instant cast time for best synergy, most important is to choose proper cooldown on it. The travel speed of banner could be same/similar to Ventari's Will. In order to see how much time is remaining for a banner to disappear after placement, there could be added skill border indicator just like ammunition skills have.


    Now imagine Winds of Disenchantment with moving your banner in it to cc an enemy you just stripped stability from. Or when you need some extra heal so you "rally" your banners on you while being in water field, etc. Active, big brain gameplay :)

  3. You get 819 barrier per stance BUT only from Defiant Stance and Endure Pain/Defy Pain. Barrier is not applied when using Berserker Stance or Balanced Stance including lesser version from Last Stand. So go get that juicy 1636 barrier from activating both Defiant Stance and Endure Pain at the same time... very well thought rune design, indeed.

  4. I see no issue with removing rally completely in WvW/PvP. Some professions/builds can rally much more frequently which obviously creates unfair environment (basically, spamming aoes gives higher chance to rally when downed). If someone gets downed, they should be penalized for it and not insta rally because some random enemy they tagged just died. We should be glad to even have this downed state where one has still chance to get ressed and continue; in other games when your hp reaches 0, you die and bye.

    Also nerf res speed in combat in pvp/wvw to give finishing/ressing utility/elite skills more weight.

  5. Berserker was "good" right after its rework, when it dealt such high damage, that people standing too close were getting annihilated and no one expected such big damage from a warrior... people cried, anet nerfed, people learned how to deal with berserker, anet nerfed even more, now berserker is where it is /shrug


    Utility and class mechanics always available is the reason why spellbreaker is so much better than berserker. This is my conclusion after playing with various builds in wvw in the past 4 months, waiting for balance patch we just got... yikes... nothing has changed except my hammer build got buffed because of Mending. #balance

  6. This balance patch did not solve any issue with warrior. No 300 sec cd trait changes, useless buffs that are too situational, offhand weapon buffs won't make them suddenly usable... like think about it, is damage the reason why sword and mace offhands were bad all this time? Cripple pulse on sword 4 is really not enough, they would have to add some better synergy with cripple like getting fury or might per cripple, etc.


    Sad and disappointing how they suddenly changed the powercreep reduction mentality and buffed professions that didn't need any buffs (or at least tone down other overperforming things at the same time)... like wtf...

  7. > @"Rekt.5360" said:

    > > @"cryorion.9532" said:

    > > Hey, at least spellbreaker will be able to outdps berserker in pve by removing boons /s

    > >

    > > If you have serious and well thought ideas about Berserker (and balance overall), you can send them to CMC on discord. He said that on latest anet wvw stream. Maybe we can push through some interesting changes like with new Brave Stride :)


    > Can you specify which discord in question that is, and how one can go about joining it? I am interested.


    There isn't specific server, just account. You will have to find it yourself though, there are some twitch streamers (e.g. Angeels, Roy) that know the account name and shouldn't be hard to get it if you really want.

  8. Those off-hand improvements... idk, are people suddenly going to killl enemies with mace offhand thanks to 5 more vulnerability and 6 might stacks?

    The cripple and might on sword 4 is interesting though. We shall see. Also, what about dagger offhand? That weapon is arguably even worse than sword offhand after the damage nerf...

    Spellbreaker buffs in PvE are weird tbh. Where in PvE is required such heavy and frequent boon rip to best utilise these changes that spellbreaker would do better than renegade or necro?

    Brave Stride will be useful, but I hope the stability will be granted immediately when activating it and not after the mobility skill finishes its casting. I wish they reverted Head Butt stability removal, this would be such nice synergy to prevent self cc...


    Best changes are Mending and Savage Instinct. I am surprised they made Mending so good which makes Natural Healing useless.

    A bit sad they didn't do anything with 300 sec traits and missing damage on some cc skills. Also, they didn't touch some overperforming skills on other classes (e.g. necro focus 5, etc). Better than nothing, but waiting 4+ months for another balance patch is big oof.

  9. What about 300 sec traits rework? What about some ccs and their damages? What about torment on rev? Why boosting boon removal damage in PvE on spellbreaker instead of boosting its damage directly to be more competetive with Berserker? Sword and mace offhand improvements don't seem to be significant enough to make them competetive with shield or axe. Why not giving mace mainhand and sword offhand blocks flip skills that can be used at will (like ranger greatsword Counterattack skill) for better skill control? What about dagger offhand? That one is a bit behind, too.

    Some warrior changes are nice though, like Mending and Savage Instinct, feels good.

  10. @"Opopanax.1803"

    Well ofc longbow isn't nowhere near meta builds (outside of PvE), but there isn't much else to do in this "balance" other than trying out crazy stuff.


    @"Lan Deathrider.5910"

    Imo longbow needs additional combo field, preferably on longbow 3. Poison field would be pretty good, sulphur themed. Pin Down CD can be reduced to 20 seconds. I agree on Smoldering Arrow to get radius increase to 240 units. Combustive Shot can pulse damage and burn ticks per second instead of every 3 seconds. The burning stack can be changed from 2 per hit to 1 to balance it.

  11. I've been playing with some builds in the past weeks in WvW and longbow spellbreaker is one of my favorite builds. The worst thing about longbow is that it is slow af, especially Arcing Arrow and Combustive Shot. If those aren't the slowest skills to land in the game then idk...

    Fan of Fire is fast, can crit for like 4-5k with sigil of air and fire in melee range and it also pierces. Pin Down -> Arcing Arrow -> Bull's Charge -> Fan of Fire -> weapon swap with Hydromancy sigil -> Arcing Slice.

    In WvW, longbow has good advantage of beind ranged (so you can avoid most of current aids) and having big aoes, soft target control is really handy and Combustive Shot + Magebane Tether have funny interactions, people don't expect it. Also, if there are enemy reflects up, the Combustive Shot is big enough to land right next to it and it will still hit targets. The enemy aegis strip is also useful.

    It is pretty good for what warrior has available atm, however it is still kind of gimmick weapon (except PvE berserker) that could get some love, like increasing speed on autoattacks, Arcing Arrow and Combustive Shot.

    Also started experimenting with chill spam through rune of Grenth, Ice Sigil, Hydromancy Sigil and Chili Pepper Popper food, but haven't tested it that much yet.

  12. @"Lan Deathrider.5910"

    Idk but 100 power + 100 precision + 100 ferocity + 7% damage + 360 ferocity when wielding 2 axes seems a lot better than 500 ferocity.

    I checked those Berserker changes, some are interesting but please don't touch Savage Instinct, that trait is so good and useful in some situations.

  13. @"Lan Deathrider.5910"

    In PvE, it is assumed that you already have 100% crit chance when fully buffed so Arms traits except Signet Mastery become useless. If we are talking about dps berserker to compete with other dpses in endgame content.


    About those primal bursts recharing on hit, that would be surely epic but also op af in some cases. It would be also pretty big powercreep, making Berserk mode more flexible would be better imo.

  14. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > @"cryorion.9532" said:

    > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910"

    > > The issue with adding the damage modifier to Discipline is that bs builds would use it, too. Defense doesn't make sense and Arms focuses more on condi rather than power. The only logical reason is Strength that wouldn't be used by bs, basically. However, it is true that Strength already has a lot of damage boosts.

    > > Also, the banner trait that doubles warrior's stats makes sense in Discipline. Tactics banner trait should enhance group aspect of banners.


    > Except that Defense and Discipline already have damage modifiers in them, and in Discipline you can force it to compete with Double Standards so BS can't take it. Arms has 4/9 selectable traits that directly benefit power builds, heck it even has a potential 500 ferocity boost. Warrior condi has always been more hybrid in nature and not a pure condi class, and our core condi traitline is still configured like it, even our condi E-Spec is hybrid in nature. Adding in the 10% damage versus bleeding foes into Arms is still thematic and worthwhile to do. I'd even add a damage boost versus burning foes into Berserker at this point.


    > Banner trait used to be in Tactics, it should still be there an was more group oriented when it was there.


    But dps warrior also requires Doubled Standards, since that gives 200 power, prec, ferocity and condi damage, not much sense having to spec into Tactics to get this bonus to boost own dps. Condi berserker consists of roughly 10-15% of power damage, rest is condi damage. The vast majority of damage is coming from burning and bleeds. That is not really a hybrid. Boosting power would be very little beneficial compared to boosting condi.

    Arms has only signet trait that directly boosts power damage through ferocity stacks + in its current state, there is no reason to pick Arms for power builds in PvE, it will always be inferior to Strength when it comes to increasing power damage

    and inferior to Discipline, too, because of Doubled Standards stats and Decapitate spam which requires Axe Mastery.


    Would be nice to get some refreshing changes in next balance patch, but I kinda doubt it. For now, it is just decapitate spam until next expansion I guess?

  15. @"Lan Deathrider.5910"

    The issue with adding the damage modifier to Discipline is that bs builds would use it, too. Defense doesn't make sense and Arms focuses more on condi rather than power. The only logical reason is Strength that wouldn't be used by bs, basically. However, it is true that Strength already has a lot of damage boosts.

    Also, the banner trait that doubles warrior's stats makes sense in Discipline. Tactics banner trait should enhance group aspect of banners.

  16. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > Sounds more like warrior needs buffing and a proper support line.


    Well, in order for Berserker as dps to be more on par with soulbeasts, dragonhunters, weavers, etc, the spec needs higher peaks/opening bursts. Berserker would be broken if Anet just increased weapon damages to have that high burst because sustained damage would be also high af + that would also buff bs builds which wouldn't be very smart. Two things should probably happen:


    1. all banner builds should be forced to use tactics instead of Strength/Discipline - in order to distinguish banner and dps builds more, Tactics should be used with banner builds since the traitline is group oriented; that also means there needs to be synergy with banners somehow or else there is no reason to pick the traitline; banners could get condi removal effect for group on pick up for some situational help, but not sure if it would be any useful in PvP/WvW where people die on banners and res/stomp has priority over picking up...


    2. Strength should get another damage modifier with longer cooldown and short duration - the idea is to have this special modifier available when starting rotation or loop (or even every 2nd loop, etc) to make the burst spike, Peak Performance failed at this due to the nerfs it got AND due to Physical skills having cast times and aftercasts while doing low damages

    This change would also requite toning down Decapitate slightly. This way, Berserker would do higher openers/bursts at the cost of lower sustained damage. It doesn't have to be extreme + it would be nice if weapons other than axes would be required to achieve best dps, like greatsword... or hammer/offhand sword kappa.


    **Tl;dr:** make banner builds require Tactics to make them more support oriented and make power dps Berserker more balanced towards top dps specs


    When it comes to condi, not really sure what is Anet's intention since condi weaver and firebrand can reach broken numbers within seconds, completely ignoring what condi is supposed to be...

  17. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > It's a meme name, never said it's a "new meme", I'm well aware it's not. But the name itself is still a meme/joke and it's irrelevant.


    Open raid and T4 fractal lfg and see how many "bs" are there instead of "banner warrior" or "bw" or "war". Being called bs is not really offensive at all, but it shows the fact that banner builds are the only meta builds and every other build is inferior, either compared to bs build with its group buffing ability or compared to other professions and their elite specs. For example, play dps berserker in 100 CM fractal. Compare your burst with weaver/soulbeast/dragonhunter. Remember that these professions also have tempest, druid, firebrand support meta builds available. OR play condi dps berserker on Dhuum boss. Compare your bursts and damages with condi weaver/firebrand/regenade. Remember that those professions also have support builds that are meta.

    So now you can see that warrior has not much to offer except banners. Thus bannerslave. Few years ago, it was also PS with might share but that became obsolete with druid and firebrand/renegade support combo. Also don't forget that current banner builds are identical with dps builds (with one trait change based on encounter).

  18. Well, that is mostly because firebrand is overpowered.

    Nerf firebrand and every current outliner = successful powercreep reduction balance :)

    I am a bit afraid that instead of this, warrior will get buffs which makes whole powercreep reduction attempt a failure and just resets the cycle of endless "balance" clown fiesta.

  19. Bringing bannerslave to the next level, I see.

    I would prefer physical skills to be as F skills instead and you could choose one to have it available as F2. I doubt this will happen. Then warrior would have one type of utility skills less to choose from = new skills would have to be made = a lot of work to figure out balance, etc. There is little reason to spend resources on such big changes instead of new elite spec or just overall balance of existing stuff.


    I agree that warrior lacks utility compared to other professions (that's why warrior is so simple, there isn't much to choose from except what is already used regularly).

    A new elite spec could focus on adding more utility. Let's just hope Anet won't overdo it in firebrand style.

  20. > @"Atticus.7194" said:

    > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > > @"Atticus.7194" said:

    > > > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > > >

    > > > > It's fine guys, warrior is fine.

    > > > > CMC specifically said in stream that next patch is gonna be super small and only touch on birds and thief.

    > > > > move on guys.

    > > >

    > > > Why do you appear in every thread and go "Warrior is fine go away" and add nothing to the conversation??

    > >

    > > because there's nothing to add? tell me what else can anyone add? i'm sure the community has added enough already.

    > > i can literally rant about warrior's poor treatment since 2013 for days as a pvper , but yea.

    > > anyone can ever do right now really, is to tell the written truth and that's exactly what anet will think and do.

    > >


    > How about detailing a list of issues as you see them and potential solutions, or a comparative analysis of warrior vs other classes to illustrate flaws or at least if absolutely nothing else make your posts funny and original, cause just complaining is just resentment and no matter how well deserved it's not fun to be around.


    There was plenty of feedback over last months/years and if devs are not aware of what is wrong with the class they balance (underperforming skills/traits, skills that don't always work as they should, etc) then what can I say... incompetence?

    Stomp still didn't get its cooldown reduction. Battle Standard is still 240 seconds underwater. Rush still doesn't work reliably. Earthshaker doesn't hit reliably when there is small elevation in terrain. Rupturing Smash is very impractical to use in close melee range due to its aoe targeting.

    Also there are some obsolete skills (including their cast times and animations) and traits that are not used in proper builds at all, nothing is done with that or it just takes like several years... is that really competent balance?


    When the balance patch comes, I can't wait for things like hammer autoattack damage increased by 15% in PvE and Imminent Threat Taunt duration increase from 1.5 sec to 2 sec. Just what warrior needs. /s

  21. 1) You will lose effects if you transmute to other skins. Just like with legendary weapons, if you transmute those into normal ones, their special effect will disappear.


    2) Wing animation is on the chest piece. If you have only legendary chest piece equipped (and its skin not transmuted to other one), you will get the wing effect. If you transmute chest piece into other skin, the effect will disappear.


    There is also subtle white-ish glow around your character that is most intense if you use all 6 Perfected Enovy skins at the same time.

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