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Posts posted by cryorion.9532

  1. > @"alcopaul.2156" said:

    > lel?


    > kitten is this stuff?


    > flurry is useful coz of immobilize.


    > the damage and condi are just bonuses, which still has significant dmg because of full zerker gear.




    Uhm... you let Flurry finish its cast? Or you immediately weapon stow it after procing Megabane Tether and immobilize? Or was it sarcasm? I am confused.

    You really think that people in current balance will happily wait for your Flurry to finish its cast and eat that super amazing damage with some bleed stacks? Oooof...

  2. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > > > berserker is useless in pvp

    > > > > they want new playstyle yet they completely gutted the new hit and run playstyle within the first month and now berserker still plays like warrior/spellbreaker but two times weaker, specially when you have your entire class mechanics triple gated by 30 hit points energy, 15 seconds CD and 5 seconds CD, really good balance design anet, unbelievable

    > > >

    > > > The 30 points of adrenaline can be gained by using one of 3 skills. Double tap F1. BMode plus a burst that comes with a DPS boost. ITs up to you though if you want to take one of those 3 skills though.

    > >

    > > does it matter tho, you are just changing the 30 hit point gate to one utility skill gate, which is still ridiculous


    > Not really. You have options. Use them or stop QQing.


    Not very good thinking about the issue, though. For example: Why changing Flurry burst when you can just use other weapon which is more useful? "You have options. Use them or stop QQing."


    Imagine if e.g. Soulbeast had to fill some bar somehow in order to be able to merge with pet and this merge would last 15-20 seconds, they would not be able to exit it at will and it would have 12-15 seconds cooldown. That is basically Berserker. Now I am not saying to make Berserker work exactly like Soulbeast merge, but some better control over it would be nice, without stupid designs like Head Butt self stability removal only to make HB+Outrage combo consistent... welp. The issue is not Head Butt self stun inconsistency before HB change. The issue is Outrage adding 5 seconds to Berserk duration if it breaks stun. If Anet removed/reworked this instead, there would be no need for silly self-weakening HB rework. It is also a bit annoying that there is no directly visible indicator for Berserk duration, only hovering with mouse over Berserk buff icon. What about some nice thin line above adrenaline bar that indicates Berserk duration properly? Something like this: https://imgur.com/5VitvZy



    Another Berserker rework suggestion:

    Berserker has now fixed duration (normally 15 seconds, 20 seconds if traited) and CD is 10 seconds. You can exit Berserk at will (but only after 5 seconds from Berserk activation). If you force Berserk exit, the CD will be increased to 15 seconds. The effect of forced Berserk exit can be something really good, think of releasing all the contained rage at once theme, e.g. big aoe damage with launch cc and some burn stacks. It is counted as a burst skill and the cast time is 1 second to give it more counterplay. This way, it is up to player to decide, if it is worth to force exiting Berserk for its special effect at the cost of being weakened for longer time (longer Berserk CD). If player does not decide to force exiting Berserk, it lasts normal 15/20 seconds and has CD of 10 seconds. Rage skills need to be adjusted accordingly.

    **The idea behind this rework is to make Berserk more accessible and also to have better control over it depending on situation. The new forced exiting mechanics is to allow exiting Berserk earlier and put it on longer CD, being out of Berserk for longer time BUT also being able to use next Berserk sooner than waiting 15+10 seconds if not forcing the exit. In other words, if you force the exit after 5 seconds from activating Berserk, you can use next Berserk 5 seconds sooner than if you wait 15 seconds in Berserk and then another 10 seconds out of Berserk.**

  3. Some sarcasm ahead:


    Same as other old fractal reworks, 0 fun value, no challenge, just pure, high grade annoyance.


    Mai - just camp on boss, spam heals, spam cc and dps, 0 brain required


    Swampland - 284902489420 mobs to kill with irrelevant champs, super fun and engaging fractal with very challenging mechanics, just stack with group and no need to think


    Molten Boss - just skip to bridge, kill 2 mobs, then rush into corner, kill 28940820974092724 mobs (super fun and engaging - especially those protectors which can protect enemy npcs through walls far away... ugh...), then just kill champ (which is not that bad), kill another 28490824 mobs and then hardest part of whole fractal, kill 2 legendary bosses - oh also there are more adds but they are so irrelevant, I guess it's fun and challenging part for parties where everyone is using soldier gear


    ANet's scheme for old fractal rework: add 4948565971423 trash mobs (and now ones which you can't rally off, mobs that you have to kill since they can catch you up as fast as friendly npcs, mobs that have broken damages and abilities, spam weakness, chill, cripple and other conditions to make things more fun and challenging, right?).

    Add champs that block progress (which is kinda understandable, but like why putting it in every rework now... how original), add phases to final boss to prolong combat duration (would be ok if the combat itself wasn't boring/annoying as hell). In case of Aquatic and Molten Furnace also remove break bars so there is no damage bonus when breakbar is broken.


    Also, notice how instability rework did not solve anything, but added more annoyance instead. The old Social Awkwardness was probably the most annoying and hated instability. Now what? We have like 2-3 more annoying ones instead. Wohooo, super fun!


    Sarcasm turned off now:

    100 and 99 CMs were salvation of FotM. Those CMs are what the peak of endgame repeatable content should look like! It is still fun after all this time (after getting above 1k 100cm kp), it was challenging when doing it like first 20 times. The challenge of course drops when doing certain content so many times, so that is why fun aspect is crucial to keep this repeatable content enjoyable.

    The instabilities rework we got few months ago, was underwhelming, non-creative and resulted in annoyance and unfun of some daily clears. Take for example Frailty, Outflanked, Boon Overload or We Bleed Fire instabilities. Those instabilites do not make things challenging at all. They just force players to use healers in most groups who deal with the negative effects of instabilities. What about positive effects of those instabilities? The positive effects are pretty much useless and they don't contribute anything to fun gameplay. Mists Convergence instability spawns enemies which are really annoying in certain situations (rabbit stripping mistlock singularity, tentacle spamming aoe cc, Mossman throwing axe and making one stuck in combat for longer time, ...), but when it spawns ally npc, it is useless... like... completely useless.

    Instabilities need another rework and this time, much more effort and creativity needs to be put into it. Instabilities are very important for especially non-CM fractals, to keep them interesting, enjoyable and fun. Removing instabilities would result in fractals getting boring after a while. However, there should be option to do any fractal without any instability but with no or very little reward after completing it.

    Anyway... please less aids reworks and more fun gameplay :)

  4. Head Butt stability removal gives self weakness if used in fractals with Vengeance instability.

    It is very easy to replicate. Just use Berserker and Brave Stride trait that gives stability when entering combat, hit any mob in fractal with Vengeance instability. As soon as your stability pops up (it can be any source of stability at the begining or during combat, Brave Stride is an example for easy replication), hit anything with Head Butt and you will apply weakness to yourself.

    Enemy type/tier does not matter, it works even on objects.


    In short: If you use Head Butt with stability in fractals with Vengeance instability, you will also apply weakness to yourself.

  5. > @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

    > How to fix hammer :

    > - Buff all base damage to compete with damage that Greatsword offers through speed. GS and Hammer should be polar opposites of each other since they are the only two two-handed War melee choices.

    > - Move current Hammer 3 to replace Auto Chain 3, and make new Hammer 3 a thrust attack that gives 300 range non-cleave knockback. (Use Sword 3 animation)

    > - Increase the effing range (apply this to GS too) so that the obviously longer two handed weapon has a higher reach than a stupid dagger. (In fact make this true across the entire game. I'm not sure why range mechanics are completely avoided for melee weapons.). If the animation actually looks like it should hit, then it should hit.

    > - Bring back confusion. If it was really "useless" then there was no reason to remove it. As far as I'm concerned its a bit of free extra damage. If this was useless, then so is Sigil of Air/Fire, and also Body Blow bleeding. The "Useless" argument is even more dumb the better your Might generation is.


    I also think that confusion on hammer was not that bad at all to be removed. Imagine alternative berskerker condi build (for all game modes) which stacks confusion and main weapons are mace/torch and hammer. Rupturing Smash (hammer berserker primal burst) could be given some confusion stacks, like 5 in PvE and 3 in PvP/WvW. Even autoattack chain could get 1 stack of confusion (or if traited with hammer trait). Plenty of possibilities.

  6. > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > snip


    Oof, those numbers can be reached easily with banner berserker :) Sorry but DPS berserker is really not comparable with e.g. dragonhunters or soulbeasts who can reach 60k opening bursts. Power berserker has solid dps, not fluctuating that much (since it doesn't have broken dps peaks) except when getting out of berserk and that is why it is not overperforming at all. Bannerslave berserker on the other hand, can reach relatively close numbers to DPS berserker and provide banners, so... I have made thread about this issue that can impact balancing in the future if anet decides to go the easy way and just nerf weapon damages/trait bonuses that both banner and DPS builds use as they are 99% identical.

    Also, just because your end dps is higher than dh and/or other dps doesn't mean berserker is overperforming. Your logs only show that dpses in your party/squad need to check their gear and practice their rotations much more (also, in Arkk log, the DH got 3 skull mechanics, which significantly affects their dps, you got 0) :)

    Everyone who claims that DPS berserker is overperforming should join competent group and see those numbers for themselves :)

  7. > @"TheBravery.9615" said:

    > > @"cryorion.9532" said:

    > > Yes, let's complain about everything because we can't block/dodge/evade/etc in this spam clown fiesta balance, right? You can interrupt the skill right at the beginning or at its very end, it is not easy but it is possible.

    > >

    > > You know what would be healthy for this game and its gameplay? Removing/toning down significantly all this evade/cc/invul/boon spam nonsense that was introduced with HoT elite specs and then amplified with PoF elite specs even more. This way, there would be no need for evade on Bull's Charge and the counterplay would be simpler, everything would be simpler and required more brain at the same time, how ironic. Unfortunately, after all those years and what we have been through, I don't see that happening.


    > We should just give everyone a stick


    That's a silly simplification. Was core gw2 like everyone playing with stick? There will be always a flavor.

  8. Yes, let's complain about everything because we can't block/dodge/evade/etc in this spam clown fiesta balance, right? You can interrupt the skill right at the beginning or at its very end, it is not easy but it is possible.


    You know what would be healthy for this game and its gameplay? Removing/toning down significantly all this evade/cc/invul/boon spam nonsense that was introduced with HoT elite specs and then amplified with PoF elite specs even more. This way, there would be no need for evade on Bull's Charge and the counterplay would be simpler, everything would be simpler and required more brain at the same time, how ironic. Unfortunately, after all those years and what we have been through, I don't see that happening.

  9. I agree that the sword core burst is kinda outdated. Since the burst cannot be used with Berserker anymore, I would suggest power oriented rework of the burst.


    What about this: new sword burst is basically Final Thrust but with 1/2 second cast time (bonus damage when used on targets bellow 50% HP still remains). Sword 3 (old Final Thrust) is replaced with new skill, a sword throw that immobilizes enemies and deals either medium power damage or stacks bleeds (animation is same as sword 4 skill). Sword 4 is changed into single target 1 sec stun/daze skill (with some swipe animation, similar to daredevil staff 2 skill, but without movement part; or just hilt smash with off-hand sword). The 4th skill could also apply weakness. Also to add, change sword 5 2nd part of skill, Adrenaline Rush, to give 10 adrenaline instead of just 3. Same for mace :)

  10. @"Lan Deathrider.5910" ANet stated in the previous patch notes "We considered enhancing the banner skills, but we don't want banners to be alternate weapons that take away from a player's normal weapons", so I don't think it is very realistic to see banner kits in the future (even though it could be interesting and possible solution).

    Alternative way to differentiate banner and dps builds (without nerfing anything) is to "force" banner builds to take Tactics for apealing buffs/bonuses the traitline would have after its rework. If someone thinks that it would make banner warrior even more mandatory everywhere, banner warriors are still wanted and prefered in most squads/parties, so...

    As I said before, I don't mind current damages, it feels good, fun and enjoyable. But in the long term, from past experience, ANet almost always nerfed what was performing well.

  11. @"DoRi Silvia.4159"

    Your position on dps list at metas shouldn't be indicator whether DPS Berserker is good or not compared to other dpses. That is just too situational.

    Difference between banner and dps Berserker builds is relatively small for what banner builds provide to group. Basically, banner builds have 3k less average dps than DPS builds but provide 100 power, condition damage, precision and ferocity to 10 people including yourself.

    Now, I am not saying that I don't like this, it feels good to have nice dps and also provide banners. But in the future, how long do you think this will last before ANet decides to nerf it? And the point of this thread is to discuss how to adjust banner builds without nerfing DPS builds at the same time since they are almost identical.

  12. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > @"Misterred.1873" said:

    > > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

    > > > Why though, they make more if you upgrade to the outfit

    > >

    > > Because they will lose players if they keep doing stupid stuff like this


    > Probably not. You can wear whatever armor you want with the infusion.


    Is that an excuse for celestial infusions/zodiac armor being garbage compared to the outfit's effect? Just update textures on infus/zodiac and problem solved, everyone is happy.

  13. @"Lan Deathrider.5910"

    There is only one banner trait, Doubled Standards trait, which is in Discipline, but it only improves banner effects for you. Tactics traitline rework is meant to be support oriented, reducing banner build damage output (by taking this traitline instead of Strength/Disicpline) and improving its support capabilities. There would be no nerf to damage directly. Just different banner build would be optimal for group.


  14. ANet is doing the same mistake they did in the past, buffing damages, just to nerf them in 6-12 months. As banner Berserker damages are so high now again, almost rivaling damages of condi banner Berserker in the past, that was nerfed, I can see all the nerfs in the future already. Banner Berserker builds are almost identical to DPS Berserker builds. Damage difference between banner Berserker and DPS Berserker is relatively small. The biggest issue is that currently there is no way to nerf only banner Berserker damage without also nerfing DPS Berserker damage at the same time.


    In order to reduce damages of banner builds without nerfing Berserker dps builds overall, there are 2 options:


    1. nerf primal burst skill damages and buff utility skill damages to the point where all 3 utility slots are crucial for maximal damage output - this way, bannerslave won't be able to deal similar damages as dps builds and also splitting banners between 2 berserkers wouldn't be that appealing - this change would have to be PvE only for obvious reasons

    2. rework Tactics traitline and make it appealing to use for every banner/support build - this way dps builds will remaing unaffected (not taking into account buffs from reworked Tactics) and banner builds would have their damages reduced significantly due to either no Strength or Discipline traitline


    Option 2 would be better due to making banner builds more support oriented, rather than just nerfing its damages.

    From the previous balance patches, ANet nerfed banners to make banner builds less mandatory for raids/fractals, which failed since raid squads and most fractal parties still want banners. Is it even good idea trying to remove banners from meta as banners were designed to provide bonus stats? What would be their use otherwise? Why not make proper support banner build instead, that would have less damage and better group buffs? Tactics rework is a great way to achieve that.


    The key points of Tactics rework are (keeping also other game modes in mind):


    1. improved banners - range, stat bonuses, pulsing boons (e.g. regeneration on all banners OR each banner would pulse designated boon in set interval), ability to pick up banners at distance (e.g. 1-2 second channeling to remove banner that is far to get 60 seconds back), etc

    2. improved shouts when traited (10 targets)

    3. improve/merge/swap less used and underwhelming traits and add new ones if needed (e.g. moving longbow trait Burning Arrows to Arms traitline)



  15. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > @"cryorion.9532" said:

    > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > Well, I've been using HB+Outage and Wildblow in my static FotM group. HB with stab up and Wildblow hit as hard as Decapitate, +15k-28k, depending on buffs/debuffs and breakbars being broken. I wouldn't call it power creep myself, but my group's weaver and myself are consistently close to each other in DPS with those in my rotation.

    > >

    > > The thing is, how consistently are you going to get that HB's 50% damage modifier? Having stability up every time you use HB+Outrage is not very realistic. Usually you get stability when it is needed so you remove it all with HB.

    > > Also, Wild Blow's damage is roughly 2/3 of Decapitate (20k vs 30k) with realistic buffs including warrior buffs and it is on 20/16 sec CD. Are you not using Signet of Might or physical skills if you are using Outrage and Wild Blow at the same time? Because both SoM and physical are quite important if not essential for a power dps build.


    > Well My static has a support FB in it, so stab flies around. I have SoM up. I've found that traited physical skills didn't add much to my overall DPS numbers, after all you are taking time out of Decap spam for a low damage animation and aftercast. It would matter for Raids, sure. But in FotM things melt too quickly for it to matter.


    Yes, physical skills are in general annoying to use for PP buff since most of them have annoying aftercasts and have horrible damages. For opening bursts, PP buff helps a lot, though. Also, when things melt fast, thre is not much reason to use outrage/headbutt combo to prolong berserk for that long. I would say it would be better to use HB+O combo in longer fights (raids) than in fractals. But in raids, I rarely see stability that would align with HB+O combo. The point is that this damage bonus with stability on HB is rather situational and I don't think it justifies making selfstun during combat unavoidable (you have to use stunbreak or you will get cced for 1 second) and I also don't think that ANet made this skill to have another drawback. Having 1 sec self stun on the skill is and always was the drawback, so...

  16. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > Well, I've been using HB+Outage and Wildblow in my static FotM group. HB with stab up and Wildblow hit as hard as Decapitate, +15k-28k, depending on buffs/debuffs and breakbars being broken. I wouldn't call it power creep myself, but my group's weaver and myself are consistently close to each other in DPS with those in my rotation.


    The thing is, how consistently are you going to get that HB's 50% damage modifier? Having stability up every time you use HB+Outrage is not very realistic. Usually you get stability when it is needed so you remove it all with HB.

    Also, Wild Blow's damage is roughly 2/3 of Decapitate (20k vs 30k) with realistic buffs including warrior buffs and it is on 20/16 sec CD. Are you not using Signet of Might or physical skills if you are using Outrage and Wild Blow at the same time? Because both SoM and physical are quite important if not essential for a power dps build.

  17. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"cryorion.9532" said:

    > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > If they were to remove the selfstun, the duration of (enemy)stun itself would be also nerfed.

    > > > Anyways it basically boils down to this:

    > > >

    > > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > >it is clear that Anet WANTS us to have a drawback to the skill that forces us to take a trait or utility to negate it.

    > > >

    > > > And tbh warrior shouldn't have any problems with playing with the skill in the current form.

    > >

    > > Or maybe they did the change purely to make Head Butt -> Outrage combo more reliable as part of PvE rotations? Because before the change, people complained that HB -> Outrage combo is inconsistent due to random stability sources during combat. Which resulted changing the skill to remove own boons which is counterintuitive when you want to prevent cc (1 sec self stun). Berserker is not unplayable now because of the change, but how about not adding inconsistent mechanics in the first place, so we can avoid having to fix them later with counterintuitive changes? Also, interesting that HB got 50% damage buff when used with stability and no one is screaming pOwEr CrEeP.


    > I don't see how that's "counterintuitive", it's a simple skill characteristic, you read it once, acknowledge and use it or not. Nothing confusing or counterintuitive about it. I also don't see how that has anything to do with "pOwEr CrEeP". Tell us and maybe people will start screaming.


    The counterintuitive part is that to prevent stun or any cc in general, you want stability. But now HB is the only skill that removes own stabiliy and gets you self cced even with 25 stacks of stability. How is that not counterintuitive? There are workarounds (we have to adapt whether we like it or not), berserker is not unplayable now, but this change wouldn't be even needed, if ANet didn't force HB -> Outrage combo on us, and reworked Berserk differently (e.g. no prolonging mechanics but instead shortening Berserk CD, etc).

  18. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"cryorion.9532" said:

    > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > > @"cryorion.9532" said:

    > > > > It is up to ANet to know how far they can push things.

    > > >

    > > > You don't seem to share that opinion when anet actually makes their decisions, but ok I guess?

    > >

    > > I am allowed to disagree with their decisions, but there is nothing else I can do other than accept the changes and provide feedback/suggestions.


    > Cool. What exactly was the point of writing "It is up to ANet to know how far they can push things" then? You can disagree with them but I can't comment on hilariously bad ideas because "it is up to anet"?


    It is ANet's game, they can do whatever they want and we can only deal with it and provide feedback/suggestions. ANet can take good things from suggestions that may be over the top and they decide how much they want stuff to be strong. No matter what we think would be better for the class/game, it is up to ANet to decide. So basically, just because you think some ideas may be overloaded/hilariously broken doesn't mean people that suggested them are "crying about everything" and their feedback is useless. The real question is, does ANet really care? :)

  19. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > If they were to remove the selfstun, the duration of (enemy)stun itself would be also nerfed.

    > Anyways it basically boils down to this:


    > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > >it is clear that Anet WANTS us to have a drawback to the skill that forces us to take a trait or utility to negate it.


    > And tbh warrior shouldn't have any problems with playing with the skill in the current form.


    Or maybe they did the change purely to make Head Butt -> Outrage combo more reliable as part of PvE rotations? Because before the change, people complained that HB -> Outrage combo is inconsistent due to random stability sources during combat. Which resulted changing the skill to remove own boons which is counterintuitive when you want to prevent cc (1 sec self stun). Berserker is not unplayable now because of the change, but how about not adding inconsistent mechanics in the first place, so we can avoid having to fix them later with counterintuitive changes? Also, interesting that HB got 50% damage buff when used with stability and no one is screaming pOwEr CrEeP.

  20. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"cryorion.9532" said:

    > > It is up to ANet to know how far they can push things.


    > You don't seem to share that opinion when anet actually makes their decisions, but ok I guess?


    I am allowed to disagree with their decisions, but there is nothing else I can do other than accept the changes and provide feedback/suggestions.

  21. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > How did I exaggerate and where did I write they're perfect?

    > I don't mind tweaks here and there, but many people on this subforum try to -key word- overload warrior's kit so much that it's hilarious


    It is up to ANet to know how far they can push things. After all, all we do is just giving suggestions/feedback, some are better than others. I reacted to part where you said that warrior players cry so much about everything and want to have overloaded skills on every weapon, which is exaggerating. What if some changes people propose wouldn't be as overloaded as you may think?

  22. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > I think they should reduce the self stun to 1/2s or 1/4s. That would be balanced with the whole removal of ALL Stability thing.


    The thing is that removing own boons (and especially one that is needed to avoid negative effect of the skill) is bad design. Maybe ANet shouldn't add damage bonus when removing self stability and make it so you don't self stun yourself, when you hit target with Head Butt in Berserk, instead. The whole change and outcome is just because of Outrage prolonging Berserk for 5 seconds when breaking stun AND ANet wanting this synergy of Head Butt -> Outrage combo. If ANet left Outrage just as simple short CD stunbreak and leaving adrenaline gain on it, we would avoid this weird change. No need to buff Head Butt damages tbh, its cc component and adrenaline fill is perfectly enough. Instead, they could have put more effort into improving rage skills when used in Berserk mode, especially Sundering Leap skill which is rarely used for anything else except to prolong Berserk by 5 seconds (Super fun /s). Also Wild Blow could have some extra effects when used in Berserk. Maybe things could have been more interesting/easier to change without weird outcomes if ANet added way to exit berserk at will and remove berserk prolonging mechanics thus allowing to use rage skills for their utility instead of just prolonging berserk, tbh. There is a lot to it but it is very time consuming to go into details.

  23. Amazing how some people try to come up with options to deal with a bad change (the change was done mainly for Outrage + Head Butt combo for PvE rotations) instead of admitting that the change is fundamentally bad and trying to come up with better rework ideas.


    Before, we could prevent self stun with stability, now we have to waste stunbreak (and some people even mention longer CD stunbreaks... like seriously?). It is nice to take Savage Instinct but that doesn't change the fact that during combat, when in Berserk or Berserk is on CD, there is no way to avoid self stun without having to use stunbreak that could be used few seconds later from actual enemy cc.


    One would say that 1 second self stun isn't that big deal, but in certain situations, it is, my dear friend. With such mentality, why would anyone use stunbreak in general at all, when they can just wait 1 second, right?


    Thing that would make much more sense would be Head Butt doing extra damage when used while having stability (without this all self stability removal nonsense), that way it could be used also purely as dps skill, not only for cc/adrenaline gain.


    It is very counter-intuitive that in situations, where support stacks a lot of stability on you, you remove it all with Head Butt, still getting self-cced and have to use your own stunbreak to get out, just to get cced seconds later due to no stunbreak and no stability. But hey! That Head Butt dealt 50% more damage! Smart designs.

  24. Forcing to take Outrage to make Head Butt + Outrage combo work more reliably... but absolutely unintuitively remove all stability stacks that could be handy seconds later... common sense is lacking with this change. Damage buff is nice, but it should be the other way around, removing all stability stacks of target and getting damage bonus on targets with stability... oh well.

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