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Posts posted by cryorion.9532

  1. Of course there are more skills that need improvement/update. These are just ones that I picked to give some suggestions on how to improve them.



    [To the Limit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22To_the_Limit!%22 "To the Limit")

    - reduce or completely remove its aftercast


    Reason: The aim of this change is to make the skill smoother to use in rotations. There is no reason for the aftercast to be on this skill. It has 1 second cast time which is long enough to get interrupted for counterplay. This is QoL change.


    [stomp](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stomp "Stomp")

    - increase damage in PvP/WvW slightly and in PvE significantly by at least 200%

    - remove gaining stability on skill activation part, stability for each enemy struck remains

    - add downed target finishing: downed target that is struck with the skill closest to its center is finished


    Reason: Stomp is probably the least used physical skill due to its long cooldown and for what it currently provides. In PvE it deals very low damage (while in Berserk, fully buffed, full berserker gear and meta build, it deals roughly 6-7k damage which is less than axe's autoattack Chop skill).

    The aim is to make Stomp attractive choice in Physical skill set, even when it has longest cooldown from Physical utility skills;

    possibly be part of dps builds thanks to damage increase (slight in PvP/WvW and significant in PvE) while also providing Peak Performance buff if traited;

    smoothly integrate it into rotations and give it nice synergy with changed Head Butt (mentioned below).

    Added finishing ability is meant to make the skill more attractive in PvP/WvW and removal of gaining stability on activation is meant for better counterplay. Finishing 5 foes at once (target cap of the skill) would be too strong, that is why only one downed foe that is closest to the center of the skill gets finished.


    [Outrage](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Outrage "Outrage")

    - remove Berserk duration increase (both 1 second and 5 seconds if stun is broken)

    - change the skill to give 10 adrenaline and 25 endurance when stun is broken


    Reason: This skill was reworked in a bad way which later resulted in nonsensical Head Butt change. The aim is to make this skill more useful as stunbreak during fight against enemy ccs, rather than to use it mostly to break Head Butt's stun.


    [Head Butt](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Head_Butt "Head Butt")

    - remove own stability removal on use (and damage increase associated with it)

    - change Berserk duration increase from 2 to 4 seconds


    Reason: Head Butt was already doing good damage so there was no reason to buff it. Removing all stacks of own boons, especially defensive ones is a very bad design (except Natural Healing spellbreaker skill which seems reasonable for what else it does). With this change, Head Butt can be used in combat with stability (e.g. from Stomp as mentioned above) to increase Berserk duration without getting self cced and without losing multiple stacks of stability (just like before the stability removal change). Increasing Berserk duration bonus from 2 to 4 seconds is to equalize increases across rage skills, just like Wild Blow and Blood Reckoning which also have 20 seconds cooldown and to compensate for removed Outrage Berserk duration increase.


    [blood Reckoning](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blood_Reckoning "Blood Reckoning")

    - change Berserk duration increase from 2 to 4 seconds


    Reason: This change is meant to equalize increases across rage skills, just like Wild Blow and Head Butt which also have 20 seconds cooldown and to compensate for removed Outrage Berserk duration increase.


    [sundering Leap](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sundering_Leap "Sundering Leap")

    - add 1/2 second daze on this skill

    - add adrenaline gain per target hit as follows: 10 adrenaline per dazed target and 5 adrenaline per target that resists


    Reason: This skill is like Stomp skill among Physical skills, least used Rage skill as it doesn't provide much in combat compared to other skills. This should be more of utility/mobility skill rather than damaging skill. The aim of this change is to give the skill some control over enemies with certain trait synergies (e.g. Body Blow, Merciless Hammer or Sundering Mace) and to generate adrenaline. Added daze on the skill would also make it worth using outside of Berserk, depending on situation.


    [Rupturing Smash](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rupturing_Smash "Rupturing Smash")

    - change the AoE shape of the attack to full circle


    Reason: Current AoE shape of this skill is very impractical, making the skill annoying to aim and land as desired (especially when target is very close to caster of the skill). Circular indicator is way more practical and useful. As the target cap remains 5, the skill doesn't become too strong.



  2. @"Sobx.1758" You fail to realize, that no one wants cooldown reduction in this thread, just adding option which seems quite reasonable and very situational. If warrior has option to rally from killing target in Vengance, what is wrong with suggestion to add 100% chance to rally from chamption/legendary tier mobs? Killing a mob of such tier should be rewarding for warrior to give them 100% rally in Vengeance. Do you think that suddenly there will be warriors rallying from champs all around presistently?


    The issue is about you rejecting the idea with only argument being "arguably one of the strongest from all the available". Maybe next time be more constructive and write why exactly is OPs idea not good idea, where would it break the game or cause imbalances or anything specific. What is wrong with improving your chances of survival while in Vengeance as currently the vast majority of uses results in defeat? It is specific criterion which only applies on a very specific situation and it is reasonable. Or is it unfair for other professions?


    You do this in most warrior threads btw, I read your comments in other Vengeance thread and there was literally 0 constructive feedback to posted suggestion, only "because it is already strong"... what an argument.

  3. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > snip


    Yes. The skill is strongest if you live long enough to activate it, if you manage to kill something and if you also manage to get lucky (25% chance). Wow.

    Someone suggests something minor and very situational at best and suddenly expert appears and "vengeance 2 stronk, no buff, cuz powercreep(?)". If powercreep is not the reason of instantly rejecting the suggestion, then what is? Even though I kinda doubt Anet will change Vengeance skill, there would be nothing gamebreaking or too strong about adding base 100% rally chance on champion/legendary mobs. I don't see any issue with that. Do you?

  4. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > snip


    Your "arguably strongest" is basically heavy rng that doesn't work most of the time.

    The OP suggested to give base Vengeance 100% chance to rally when killing champion mob. Sad that there is trait for that and no one is using it... because it is completely useless as people rarely get the chance to use Vengeance in downed state (or it's just not worth it). You act as if this would be 200% damage buff to every warrior skill. :scream: 0mG P0w3rCr33p

  5. The only thing I hate about reworked Berserker is being unable to exit it at will and that rage skills are quite underwhelming (especially Sundering Leap). Also, reworked Head Butt is pure aids, I still can't get over the stupidity of this idea... :rage:


    To make things simple, if you want best damage as warrior, Berserker. If staying alive is problem or boon removal is required, then use Spellbreaker.

    As Berserker, use Strength and Discipline with Axe Mastery trait. Try to get to 100% crit chance so you can spam Decapitate as often as possible. Use double Arc Divider on enemy groups. Blood Reckoning heal is really good. Time it properly and you can heal yourself from 1 to 100% in 1-2 seconds if you cleave or if you are buffed. You gotta do big damage if you want to get the most out of this heal.

  6. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > Vengeance is already a strong downed ability, it doesn't need nor it deserves getting buffed.


    > Also:

    > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/87949/can-we-finally-please-get-a-better-dwon-3-for-warrior


    Oh right, so strong that realistically you get to use it like 1-2 times per week of playing when stars align and you are not killed before it gets off cd. I really doubt you play warrior enough to know how often you get the chance to actually use the skill from downed state and then even actually rally from it. Str0nk ind33d.

  7. It is mostly about the flavor, if you like smashing things.

    If you like physical, visceral combat, warrior is the best profession for this with Berserker making it even better. Sadly, some cool looking skills are very underwhelming (e.g. Sundering Leap, Rupturing Smash, ...) so you won't be using them that often. Physical skills are not very polished (except Bull's Charge), they feel clunky, have annoying cast times and aftercasts. Even though you have plenty of weapons you can use as warrior, only some of them are useful when it comes to either dps or utility. Not only warrior has pretty bad aftercasts on certain skills, it also has telegraphs and long cast times on skills that are no longer threatening, some skills are stuck in 2015 with ANet not doing anything about them and so on.


    I would advise you to try Berserker if you want big damage. Berserker has very smooth rotation thanks to axe skills, Axe Mastery trait and Decapitate instead of Eviscerate. Arc Divider (greatsword burst in Berserk mode) is one of the best cleave skills in game.

    Spellbreaker is more oriented on sustain, dueling and enemy boon management. Dagger skills are fast and well polished so it feels smooth to use them (however, in PvE, daggers are weak compared to axes when it comes to damage). Overall, damage output is not as high as Berserker but it's still high enough to kill stuff.

    Core warrior is vanilla, there are very few situations where you want to use it in PvE, either for frequent cc or if you want to erp as core warrior... :D

    I presonally like core rifle warrior in WvW, it's kinda glassy, very low sustain, gimmick but fun with new tactics traitline rework and Warrior's Cunning. It feels rewarding when you land those big sweet Kill Shots :)


    If you are PvE guy that wants to do big damage, then go with axe/axe + greatsword Berserker. Axe/axe is the best power dps weapon set warrior has atm, so you want to have it equipped all the time. Greatsword's burst skill (Arc Divider) has insane cleave so use it on enemy groups. Check build on metabattle, there are some variations, just make sure you use Discipline traitline and Axe Mastery trait. Axe/axe Berserker without Discipline traitline is a big no no. Also, having 100% critical chance is very important because of axe burst (Decapitate) spam. If you don't crit, it will reflect on your rotation noticeably.


  8. > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > @"cryorion.9532" said:

    > > Sounds like a fix :)


    > He's not talking about that kind of facing.

    > He is talking about the characters forward dacing direction is where the cor will cascade, even with a target that is in front of them.


    Yeah, I get it now, my bad.

  9. Well, it seems to be a very strong trait in certain situations (but also useless in some situations), making tactics finally worth taking over other more used traitlines.

    I am 99% sure it will be nerfed next balance patch to like 20-30% (as usual). Probably more reasonable would be 25% and it is stackable with "25% damage bonus against enemies above 90% HP" for some big burst builds. But at least there will be some hilarious moments for some time :)

  10. Berserker needs better rage skill effects imo, after rework and adrenaline removal, they are quite underwhelming especially in PvP/WvW (some where underwhelming even pre-rework) when it comes to their actual effects rather than just prolonging Berserk... is there anyone using e.g. Sundering Leap skill in combat except for its 5 second Berserk duration increase? How about making it heavy hitter, too? Or something more interesting and useful...

  11. The only thing that makes Dhuum fight annoying is greens mechanic and only because of the delay of registering orbs... otherwise it would be one of the best and most enjoyable raid bosses. There is no challenge nor fun in dying up there just because it takes 0.5-1.5 seconds to register orb and rng can be sometimes pretty shitty.

    As Krzysztof pointed out, the only thing needed is to change it from server side to client side so the orb is registered instantly. Problem solved.

  12. Very insteresting. I like these changes. Although, I don't think Shake It Off needs any additional effects, it works very well now. What about merging Phalanx Strength and Powerful Synergy traits instead of some new grandmaster trait? As both warhorn skills will probably be blast finishers, it can be pretty good for 4 blasts if traited and some nice might generation, too. Also, what about Empower Allies trait? Maybe merge Empower Allies with current Empowered trait or move it into Strength traitline.

  13. Consistent inconsistency. Welcome to GW2. ANet probably just wanted to clarify that it blocks normal projectiles and unblockable ones can pass through. In reality the mechanics hasn't changed so it still works as before, as projectile absorber. I was asking the same when this change came out, it would be awesome if it reflected projectiles if traited with shield mastery, but also most likely op given the size of WoD bubble. I think I suggested shorter duration and also shorter CD so with that, maybe the reflect wouldn't be that much op if it lasted only for e.g. 3 seconds or so. Welp...

  14. No other mmo with combat as good as GW2 mostly and some great QoL stuff GW2 has. During LS3, GW2 felt so dead, all my friends quit GW2 at that time and I felt like I was the only one playing. So I left too, played BDO for around 2 years with some breaks and returns to GW2. I feel the similar is happening right now (can't go back to BDO since it turned out to be disgusting P2W cash grab with some big issues not being fixed/resolved for years), but there are some friends still playing, so that keeps me from quitting for now. Unfortunately, the daily fractals and weekly raid clears is all what we do together before they go offline again. So not sure how long will this last.

  15. This could lead to more support-oriented builds, in both WvW and PvE, which is nice. However, I would welcome fury and resistance boons on warhorn as baseline to encourage warhorn usage also in small scale/solo encounters (in all game modes). Tactics trait could increase target cap from 5 to 10 and provide adrenaline per affected ally, as it is now.

  16. Uhm... so when hardcore players (the ones that haven't quit the game yet) in maxed gear with near-perfect rotations refine their strategy around something, some random player finds it too strong and wants nerf? Can you or 99.9% of playerbase pull this off? This is something that requires a lot of practice, coordination and of course, effort. Beyond disgusting.

  17. **Warrior**


    * Charge: This skill would only removes movement impairing conditions and then increases the damage of affected allies' next 2 attacks by 25% in addition to its previous effects. Increase swiftness duration from 10 seconds to 15 seconds. This skill becomes a blast finisher.

    * Call to Arms: Removes 3 conditions from affected allies instead of specific conditions. Grants barrier in addition to vigor.

    * Sight Beyond Sight: Increase the radius of this ability to reveal hidden enemies up to 600 range away.

    * Quick Breathing: Thinking of kicking re-working it a bit to pair with the warhorn skill changes so they feel more cohesive. Continues to increase number of targets for warhorn skills from 5 to 10 and causes warhorn skills to grant an additional boon instead of reducing the cooldown (Fury for Charge and Resistance for Call to Arms). Grant +120 Concentration.


    It is very nice to see some communication especially about balance update! :)

    What if fury/resistance boons were baseline for warhorn (non-traited, for 5 people) and Quick Breathing would increase target cap to 10 in addition to adrenaline for each affected ally (as it is now)? This would encourage warhorn usage (both in and out of combat) also outside of WvW and in solo/small scale fights.

    Sight Beyond Sight is defintely welcomed change to deal with those pesky enemy thieves...

  18. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > Fatal Thrust: Impale your target stunning them for 1s (damage scales by 1.0 power) then kick them away (knockback 200) while pulling out your sword (1.0 power scaling) and deal 4/8/12 stacks of bleed for 12s, 2/4/6 stacks of torment for 8s, immobilize for 2/4/6s based on amount of adrenaline spent? Initial hit should be a 1/2s animation with the kick hitting another 1/2s after that for a 1s total cast time.


    I can imagine that sweet animation, I would love something like this. Savage leap would be also more usable to combo with this skill and get reliable hit.

  19. > @"Rodrick.1942" said:

    > Then I must ask you .. Your definition of "fun gameplay" ?


    Fun gameplay is something that doesn't have its difficulty "increased" by adding annoying, frustrating and/or lazy designs. Also, fun gameplay doesn't necessarily have to be challenging to be enjoyable.

    Shattered Observatory and Nightmare fractals (their CMs) are great examples of challenging and fun gameplay content with well done mechanics. Those are highest quality fractals we probably won't get anymore, which is disheartening.

    That is also why instabilities are important to bring breath of fresh air into older, especially non-cm fractals. Current instabilities, however, are far from that.

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