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Posts posted by Smeerlap.2698

  1. I would like the WInter's Presence to be obtainable with a maximum gold input of 100-200gold (do the winter events 1 week 2 weeks doesn't matter).. the cost of 1000Gold is absolutely RIDICULOUS, for a once a year event/skin.

    I don't know what Arenanet was thinking, but the only present will be for them, people spending real money to buy gems and gold.. just to afford 1 skin.. ONE SKIN !

  2. Agree with OP, I made my second and final legendary recently and to get the GOB was very very frustrating for me.. I don't like pvp or wvw period.

    But to be fair even I managed to get it in about 5+ hours so it isn't much of a deal.

    When i said goodbye to people in WvW map some random player showed me he/she had over 120 gifts of battle, crazy!

    So you see 5-6-7 hours is not that much of a big deal, it's just i personally do NOT enjoy the way WvW is setup in GW2.. i had 1.5 million player kills in WoW .. weirdly enough i did enjoy battlegrounds (wvw) in that game (2007-2013).

    I just don't like the way WvW goes, running in a huge blob / train and zerging from A to B to C etc.. but to each his own i guess.


  3. > @"Dante.1763" said:


    > If they had any kind of stat advantage over ascended they would become mandatory for all end game, meta groups, raids, fractals, dungeons, etc and as the qoute @"ProtoGunner.4953" provided states, thats not what they want.


    You can do ALL of these things in Exotics.. and as far I know ascended isn't mandatory now in all of these things so still not good enough.


  4. > > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

    > > Legendary weapons not being slightly stronger then ascended.. example ascended Sword 950-1050 --->> legendary *must* be 975-1075 OR 950-1075.

    > > After 3 years I still have not heard a satisfying answer why they are not *better*.. legendary armor is better then ascended (defense), ascended is better then exotic.

    > > Basically legendary weapons are just purple ascended and the only thing *legendary* about it is the cost to craft and the skin/effect.

    > >

    > > I got this from the internet - **A full ascended berserker set gives you a 12.5% increase in damage over a full exotic berserker gear set with power infusions. This is the maximum increase in damage obtainable with ascended gear. The ascended weapon gives the biggest increase for an individual item at 5.9%. Ascended armor only increases damage by 1.8% over exotic if you already have ascended back, trinkets and weapon**.

    > >

    > > So why are legendary weapons not better then ascended. :o


    > Once upon a time before ascended was a thing legendary weapons matched exotic weapon stats, when ascended was added ANET upped it to ascended levels. Anet doesnt want people to be forced into getting legendaries if they dont want them. The *only* reason to get a legendary in this game is because of stat swapping, and sigil swapping.


    My friend, this is still not good enough.. nobody forced me to make Khan-Ur or The Shining Blade.. I made them purely because I felt like it even knowing they have the same stats.. i had a good amount of materials (even I still needed to buy a ton of gold from gem store) .

    From what I know you don't need legendary' s for raids or fractals or any other content.. making them is just not what you do very easily on a sunday afternoon, that's why i think it's a good thing to give them a *slight* stat boost, because they are legendary!

    Personally I don't care for stat swapping or sigil swapping, that's not the reason I made them.


  5. Legendary weapons not being slightly stronger then ascended.. example ascended Sword 950-1050 --->> legendary *must* be 975-1075 OR 950-1075.

    After 3 years I still have not heard a satisfying answer why they are not *better*.. legendary armor is better then ascended (defense), ascended is better then exotic.

    Basically legendary weapons are just purple ascended and the only thing *legendary* about it is the cost to craft and the skin/effect.


    I got this from the internet - **A full ascended berserker set gives you a 12.5% increase in damage over a full exotic berserker gear set with power infusions. This is the maximum increase in damage obtainable with ascended gear. The ascended weapon gives the biggest increase for an individual item at 5.9%. Ascended armor only increases damage by 1.8% over exotic if you already have ascended back, trinkets and weapon**.


    So why are legendary weapons not better then ascended. :o

  6. > @"orfeoulis.4325" said:

    > @"wanya.1697" hmmm so you are telling me that the fact that core 0 and 4 are at 80% is the problem here? Doesn't seem I can to much about it :( Quite disappointing tbh, really wanted to come back to gw2, but playing at 40fps ruins it.


    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/pktyOlO.jpg "")





    I am not a PC wizard by far, but Animations, Reflections, Textures and Shaders have a huge impact on FPS.. i have tinkered for days to find a balance also with character model quality.

    I really think GW2 can't handle these settings on high, doesn't matter if you run a Uber PC.

    My suggestion is keep Animations (low) <--- has a HUGE impact (flashy effects ghost infusions for example etc), Reflections (low or off), Textures (low-medium), Shaders (low-medium).

    I got a Ryzen 7 -1800x (8core <--- don't think this matters in GW2) + GTX 1060 (6gb) and after some tweaking and trying different configurations I have between 40(50) -140 fps depending on how crowded it is.. and didn't have to sacrifice a lot of the *good looks* in the game.

    Meta's never give me stuttering of fps problems for example.


    If you want my settings just message me in game, good luck.

  7. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

    > > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > > > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

    > > > > > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > > > > > Rest assured that they do have a phenomenal Support team. As long as you politely and clearly explain your problem and timely reply to their responses, they will work with you until the issue is resolved (or it's deemed impossible or inappropriate to fix, but they will tell you so and why). I've only needed their help a handful of times over the years but have found each and every time to be stellar.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I took it for granted until I had a game-killing issue in ESO and discovered that over there Nonsupport is a better term >< Please bask in the greatness of ANet's Support :)

    > > > >

    > > > > Gimme a break, in 2 years have contacted support several times.. NEVER ever got any reply .. like OP says in WoW it's a whole different ball game (have not played in 6 yrs) my account got hacked once, and within 2 days I got everything back and the person that hacked it was perma banned... Anet is not even in the same league as Blizzard.

    > > >

    > > > and you pay for that with your subscription. If I had to pay for something and support was not top, I would be extremely... dissatisfied.

    > > >

    > > > But gw2 is pretty much f2p. So of course it is a different league.

    > >

    > > No, I actually put around E50 in this game every month buying store items (sometimes more), and know for a fact I've put more money in this game then 4 years of WoW. I'm not dissatisfied, if that was the case I would have deleted and uninstalled long ago, just stating that support isn't that great.

    > >


    > I've contacted the support team more than a dozen times (probably a lot more) over the six years I've had the game and I've NEVER not gotten a reply. I've never even had to wait more than a week to have a situation resolved. They did have a backlog recently but times have moved to more normal for most things.


    > You not getting a reply multiple times, just a guess here, is an issue on your end. Too many people get replies for this to be anything other than an outlier.


    Sigh, good for you, but I didn't end of story.

  8. > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

    > > > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > > > Rest assured that they do have a phenomenal Support team. As long as you politely and clearly explain your problem and timely reply to their responses, they will work with you until the issue is resolved (or it's deemed impossible or inappropriate to fix, but they will tell you so and why). I've only needed their help a handful of times over the years but have found each and every time to be stellar.

    > > >

    > > > I took it for granted until I had a game-killing issue in ESO and discovered that over there Nonsupport is a better term >< Please bask in the greatness of ANet's Support :)

    > >

    > > Gimme a break, in 2 years have contacted support several times.. NEVER ever got any reply .. like OP says in WoW it's a whole different ball game (have not played in 6 yrs) my account got hacked once, and within 2 days I got everything back and the person that hacked it was perma banned... Anet is not even in the same league as Blizzard.


    > and you pay for that with your subscription. If I had to pay for something and support was not top, I would be extremely... dissatisfied.


    > But gw2 is pretty much f2p. So of course it is a different league.


    No, I actually put around E50 in this game every month buying store items (sometimes more), and know for a fact I've put more money in this game then 4 years of WoW. I'm not dissatisfied, if that was the case I would have deleted and uninstalled long ago, just stating that support isn't that great.


  9. As someone who played a lot of MMO's, I get what you are saying OP.. but playing GW2 you have to change this progress mind set.. trust me I was there for a long time.

    I play for little over 2 years now and after 1 year had my 8 character full ascended, even the underwater weapons and crafted every weapon ascended that that class can use, trying to gem all characters now with +10 and ghostly infusions even tho I barely play Fractals lol.


    So after that time I felt *stuck* but there is off course Legendary armor and weapons you can go for, not my cup of tea because it's too expensive, but to the point.. there is not a moment I was *bored* and i'm not even in a guild.


    There is really so much you can do, go for achievements for example, this will keep you occupied for a long long time, get skins (of that's ur thing), Events, Dungeons, Fractals, WvW, PvP, Meta's etc etc.

    This is not WoW, from what I can remember where you got 216 armor rating then 246, 288 etc.. that's not GW2, and I'm fine with that now.. think it's a good thing.


    So saying with a set of lvl 80 gear and a metabattle build is the end game is really shortsighted and silly, I have had some rants and tantrums over here but GW2 is a beautiful game and deserves more credit then this 9 step *okay I finished the game*.



  10. > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > Rest assured that they do have a phenomenal Support team. As long as you politely and clearly explain your problem and timely reply to their responses, they will work with you until the issue is resolved (or it's deemed impossible or inappropriate to fix, but they will tell you so and why). I've only needed their help a handful of times over the years but have found each and every time to be stellar.


    > I took it for granted until I had a game-killing issue in ESO and discovered that over there Nonsupport is a better term >< Please bask in the greatness of ANet's Support :)


    Gimme a break, in 2 years have contacted support several times.. NEVER ever got any reply .. like OP says in WoW it's a whole different ball game (have not played in 6 yrs) my account got hacked once, and within 2 days I got everything back and the person that hacked it was perma banned... Anet is not even in the same league as Blizzard.

  11. 2 games I played longer then 2 years (WoW and Gw2) so the game must be GOOD - 7/10.

    Satisfied is a big word, still play from time to time in the last couple of months just to kill time, PvP and WvW don't care, it's not exiting like WoW battlegrounds for example.

    Fractals is okay but can't do it for more then 1 hour, raids don't care .. there is nothing in there worth the tox.. effort to do them, not even for legy armor.

    Still Gw2 is a good game, if only the loot system would improve meaning.. get rid of trophy, junk, sigils, runes, bags within bags click click click click.. you know what im talking about.. the pointless stuff that frustrates the %^$#$^ out of you while playing meta 's for example.

    While i'm at it, if the WvW would improve, like WoW battlegrounds I would play that, but the way it's played now.. huge zerg blob isn't fun, changing the mechanics for this would be a good thing.

    I remember having great fights with about 4-8 players just capping and holding a tower in WoW, where skill and cooperation would be a factor, zerg spam isn't skill or fun.

    Anyway satisfied, no.. will gw2 do for the moment, yes.



  12. Looks like a good tool, nothing *gaining an advantage* about it.. havn't touched GW2 in weeks after 2 yrs of playing.. trash, trophy's, sigils and runes and all other junk should be disposable (selectable) in the game in in the first place.

    There have been many posts about this, but they simply refuse to answer or change it.. whatever.

    Will use this 100%.. if its ban-able, so be it.


    Tbh I'm hoping for a NEVER pickup loot button, and I mean nothing at all including event chests, just want to play the game without sorting the inventory every 15 min.

    Got 8 characters all 20 slot bags, so no.. inventory space isn't the problem .


  13. > @"Nokomis.5076" said:

    > Problem with online banking always has been:

    > If there is any problem at all, and even if it's caused not from you but your bank, ANet won't receive the money and they will suspend your GW2 account, more often than not permanently, because you seem to be a fraud.


    > With other payment options, they can immediately check, if there is money available (like with debit/credit card), or are very sure, that they will get the money from the financial institute (like with Paypal) anyway and the institute will come back to YOU if there is any problem.


    Sorry this is not true, with Ideal (direct bank payments) you pay directly from your bank account, if you don't have enough money you can't even finish the transfer.

    Ideal transfers you automatically to your bank, where you can see if you have the funds or not.

    If you did make a payment, and received the gems, you can NOT take back your money by any means.




  14. Hi maybe i missed it somewhere or it has been explained somewhere, but why is gemstore payment with IDEAL gone ?.

    Closed my PayPal long ago, don't have a Credit card, don't need it when im poor as a basement rat and don't like fishy gemcard shops online.. Arenanet don't you want my money ? ;)

  15. i5 and max settings.. no can't do, even with a gtx1080 it would be 20-40fps max.. with high crowds.

    I suggest get a i7-6700 - DDR4 1600+ memory (16gb) and a gtx1050.. this is what i got ( i consider my PC slow for GW2 ) and run mostly low settings .

    Don't really care for nice and beautiful, just want 60-100 fps allways.. only placed my CPU starts to whine and moan (60%to80% cpu usage) is at Palawadan Istan area with many people.

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