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Posts posted by Smeerlap.2698

  1. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

    > > Legendary weapons should be more powerfull, period.. heard many excuses on why they are not.

    > > I made the Shining Blade.. nice sword.. but this will be the last one, its simply not worth it.. don't care how "shiny" it is.

    > >


    > Sounds like something that is 100% your fault for failing to do research.


    No no, i knew what i was getting into, had the mats (most of it) and gold, so why not.. so no fault at all.


  2. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

    > > > > > @"Sithis.3564" said:

    > > > > > > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

    > > > > > > Legendary weapons should be more powerfull, period.. heard many excuses on why they are not.

    > > > > > > I made the Shining Blade.. nice sword.. but this will be the last one, its simply not worth it.. don't care how "shiny" it is.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > No they should not.

    > > > >

    > > > > Give me a good reason why not ?

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > This game was created as not having a gear grind like others and being more cosmetic. Having legendaries with better stats would shift them from being optional to “required” to many people for some content.

    > >

    > > You can do ALL content with exotics.. so the required argument is simply wrong, ím ""stuck"" with 8 chars on ascended for a long time simply because of the "gear grind" .. maybe and just *maybe* if legendary armour was stronger / better it would convince me to go for it.

    > >

    > > The grind is allready here, and the *required* would only come from the selective few -elistist- who would demand legendary for whatever reason.

    > > People have cleared raids in exotics, don't tell me Legy's for any content is a *must*.

    > >

    > > So this is not a valid excuse, the cost is ridiculous compared to ascended.. yeh yeh the shiny is nice ;) .. but would it really hurt to put a bit of more stats on it, no it would not, you put a crazy amount of gold, materials and time in it and you get a ascended weapon.... in purple.


    > Players will find ways to filter others. If people make such a fuss about meta builds then it’s not that unbelievable that they’d use legendaries as a “requirement” if it offered an advantage. Just look at your example about people having cleared raids in exotics. How likely are you to get a group without ascended?


    > That said, this wasn’t my only reason given in the post.


    Fair enough i get that, but i don't raid.. barely play WvW or PvP, its been a while actually.. just boggles me that in every game i played everyone would be able to do *endgame* content.. if players start to dictate whats *required* or not.. thats just a sad state of things.


    But ill drop it, its not even worth arguing because i suspect arenanet wil *never* improve (stats) legendary's or lower the cost.


    Like OP says, this will be my last legendary, doesn't bother me at all, no change, no more money from me.. thats a fact. B)


  3. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

    > > > @"Sithis.3564" said:

    > > > > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

    > > > > Legendary weapons should be more powerfull, period.. heard many excuses on why they are not.

    > > > > I made the Shining Blade.. nice sword.. but this will be the last one, its simply not worth it.. don't care how "shiny" it is.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > No they should not.

    > >

    > > Give me a good reason why not ?

    > >

    > >


    > This game was created as not having a gear grind like others and being more cosmetic. Having legendaries with better stats would shift them from being optional to “required” to many people for some content.


    You can do ALL content with exotics.. so the required argument is simply wrong, ím ""stuck"" with 8 chars on ascended for a long time simply because of the "gear grind" .. maybe and just *maybe* if legendary armour was stronger / better it would convince me to go for it.


    The grind is allready here, and the *required* would only come from the selective few -elistist- who would demand legendary for whatever reason.

    People have cleared raids in exotics, don't tell me Legy's for any content is a *must*.


    So this is not a valid excuse, the cost is ridiculous compared to ascended.. yeh yeh the shiny is nice ;) .. but would it really hurt to put a bit of more stats on it, no it would not, you put a crazy amount of gold, materials and time in it and you get a ascended weapon.... in purple.

  4. > @"Sithis.3564" said:

    > > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

    > > Legendary weapons should be more powerfull, period.. heard many excuses on why they are not.

    > > I made the Shining Blade.. nice sword.. but this will be the last one, its simply not worth it.. don't care how "shiny" it is.

    > >


    > No they should not.


    Give me a good reason why not ?



  5. Cradfting the Shining Blade.. don't get me wrong its a nice sword.. but i still don't understand why "legendary weapons" in this game have the same stats like ascended weapons.


    The only thin legendary about them is the cost.

    Putting that amount of gold and effort in a weapon, could atleast be worth a 25 damage increase.. maybe,, *sigh*. :s


    Asc 950-1050 ==> Leg 975-1075 ;)


  6. Many reasonable comments and i can slot in with many arguments that are being said, Raiding isn't impossible in GW2.. i think its just *how many effort and time * you wan't to put in it.. and for what pupose.

    As a guy who played MANY Mmo's and allways wanted to get the most and difficult content *done* like WoW raids for example.


    What at the least avoids me from doing raids in Gw2..is simply, i feel its to much becomes a *professional* thing.. get your build from website X or X.. watch hours of Youtube video's for raid boss(es), use THIS or THAT build.


    I don't want to do that, sure can take a 5 min peak for a certain boss, but changing my build that work fine in PVE.. or even PvP when in rare cases i just change 1 0r 2 traits.

    The difference is minimal.. maybe going from 99% efficiency to 90% who cares.. maybe there are other players having a bad day or have no food buffs or whatever.. or got their build from website X and think that they are playing *optimal* but in reality they are not... its the same thing.


    If i *would* start raiding.. i don't want to be *forced* to play Chrono on my mesmer.. why can't i go in as a Mirage with X or Y specialization.

    Thats why i say Proffessional, this is a GAME.. and it's suppose to be fun.. not a nail biting uncomfortable experience.


    I would suggest to arenanet to make Raiding lobby's where there is for example..


    1/ training group lobby.. where 10 players automatically are grouped, can have a go at Boss X, with the emphasis on training.. so wipe after wipe would not really matter, everyone needs to learn right... right.


    2/ normal group lobby.. where 10 players are grouped automatically who have knowledge of the raid encounter - experienced players.


    Now go look for a raid group,, *we want THIS class with X amount of LI's* etc etc .. what ??.


    So automated raid grouping takes care of that, and takes away the *barrier* of so called elitists who basicly decide if you can not raid with them just becouse you come dressed in pink.. :) jk.


  7. I use Renegade shortbow & dual sword - Renagade elite skills and sometimes switch to Ventari (for healing) cleanse.. myself & others.

    Yes there are movement increase skills in other legends Shiro - Revenant, but i don't use THAT build .. so saying *hey use this and this skill or use a staff for a quick dash forward*, no just no.


    Renegade Skill 5 sword has a dash attack, Just like skill 2 sword from Guardian.. but my guardian does not use Traveller rune and has a better basic running speed, if its from trait i can't remember.


    Shortbow and Dual sword.. that's what i use.. why am i so slow? why isn't there a bit more basic (10-20% more running speed) in this build, without Traveller runes .. thats all.


    Revenant feels like a half baked Komali.. even underwater skills are very limited compared to some cool stuff other classes have..time to get to work on Revenant anet.

  8. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

    > > Renegade running speed is slow compared to other classes.

    > > Running speed while wielding Sword or Axe is slow.. running with Short Bow is just horrible... its feels like 10% faster of being crippled.

    > > If not for Rune of the Traveller (stats +25 run speed) i would have stopped playing this on long ago, but theres better runes out there as we know.

    > >

    > > And while i'm at it, there is no skill to transfer conditions (poison, burn, bleed) or *shake it off* .. there is just no way to get rid of them while other classes seem to be way better with this.

    > >

    > > Ranger , Necro have pets that pull conditions or stances that get rid of them.. just to name a few.

    > > Renegade..nada, ziltch.. nothing.

    > >


    > I don't get this complaint ... Renegade runs the same speed, regardless of weapon they have. That speed is the **same** as any other class' base run speed.

    > I don't even get the complaint that you HAVE to use Traveler's Runes now that mounts exist. Before PoF that would have been worth considering but now, it seems like you are joking.


    Nope just no, equipping a shortbow has a lower runspeed, compared to Sword+sword.. you have no clue what you are talking about.

    I use Traveller runes becouse the renegade is SLOW, are you truly blind to read.. yes i can mount.. but in a fight you will be even slower, do you get it now ??.

  9. Im not sure if it is a bug, but i run 5 characters allmost on a daily basis for Iron, Platinum, even some Silver.. just for the sprockets.

    Just now i got NOTHING, no sprockets from Iron 150pcs, Plat 60pcs, Silver 46pcs mined... and this is just 1 character... whats going on ??.


    Have tried another character, and got no sprockets either.

  10. > @"Joxer.6024" said:

    > Did you play Warrior before, with the trait that gives speed when equipping melee weap? And/or Necro with same thing only with dagger? Any other toon moves the same speed, albeit Norn and Char do FEEL like they moving slow, they are not. And we have Pain Absorption, which gives resistance, and Soothing Stone which Heal yourself and remove conditions. Gain retaliation.

    > Only valid point you make is that yea, we do suffer from lack of handy condi clears...but "slow", nope, not a thing, especially with mounts now. ;)


    Got all classes except thief, and that one suppose to be capable of speeds over mach 1.

    But whats the use of a mount in a pvp fight ?. whats the point if someone dances around you while you bleed to death? and have nothing to counter it.. let alone run away.


    like i said, renagade is SLOW.

  11. Revenant is a huge improvement with running speeds..actually i would expect some of those perma buffs to be on Renagade.

    Legendary renegade's are not that mindblowing tbh, and the elite skill drains you stamina bar so fast you will be stuck with pressing 1 only.


    But okay nvm that, running speed needs to be better for starters.. really.


  12. Renegade running speed is slow compared to other classes.

    Running speed while wielding Sword or Axe is slow.. running with Short Bow is just horrible... its feels like 10% faster of being crippled.

    If not for Rune of the Traveller (stats +25 run speed) i would have stopped playing this on long ago, but theres better runes out there as we know.


    And while i'm at it, there is no skill to transfer conditions (poison, burn, bleed) or *shake it off* .. there is just no way to get rid of them while other classes seem to be way better with this.


    Ranger , Necro have pets that pull conditions or stances that get rid of them.. just to name a few.

    Renegade..nada, ziltch.. nothing.





  13. I am running a 7 year old Intel i7-960 - 3.2Ghz - Radeon R7- 370 (2Gb GDDR5) .. and have 6-16 fps when doing the meta in Istan.

    The Istan map in general feels sluggish, and sometimes laggy.


    My cpu is overclocked to 3.6Ghz.. even had it running a while on 4.3Ghz but got anoyed with my cpu fan trying to be a helicopter.


    My cpu benchmark on CPU-Z isn't the best 1500 ~ i know, but i have never had any problems running DS, TD or AB meta's with huge crowds.

    I have tried everything, updated everything.. Domain of Istan is just a disaster.


    In some Tyria areas i used to get 120-140 fps a few weeks ago, and usually test this in an area in Maelstrom.. now when i get there it is around 80fps.. i am no PC expert, but something has changed, and its not good.

  14. > @elrin.4750 said:

    > I'm a solo PvE player, but I enjoy activities with other people, and these activites are the "pugable" kind (world boss, hot meta, etc). I don't like anything in game that involves seriousness.


    > I'm also a casual player. I play whenever I want and leave whenever I want. I usually cannot play more than 2 hours straight because it bores me. I'm also casual not just in how I spend time, but also how I play the game. A lot of stuff in the game I don't care about (ie: what you wear, your title, your weapon, game lore, whats in the gemstore, etc). Hell, I finished PoF story and got the bird, and I still don't know who Joko is.



    What?! ..the insolence, Praise Joko!

    Yup this is exactly .. me.


    > @Majic.4801 said:

    > I'm old, tired, bitter and cynical.


    > In other words, typical.


    I would like to add angry to that list, the times i want to throw keyboard around when dealing with inventory (meta's - opening chests in Bitterfrost) in this game is significant.. minor sigils - globby gloop anyone?.




  15. Hate, absolutely not.. PoF maps are beautiful just like HoT maps.. tho i admit im not to fond of Tangled Depths.

    Pulled a few hairs out in the days of exploring and map completion.


    The reason im not going to PoF map is...the *rewards*.. there are some of the strongest creatures in the game and navigating isn't like a walk in the park with highly agressive mobs.

    Did bounty's for a while, those *epic* chests *vaporize* into nothingness, spend 2 hours on bounty's and you make what..3 gold?.

    Go gather ore/wood in Sparkfly Fen and Maelstrom for 20 minutes, you make more gold and then 2 hours of bounty's.


    If these bounty's would give some exotics or rewards that would keep you interested.. then maybe it would be worthwhile.. for now you can spend 100 hours doing them and still get nothing exiting.

    The thought of getting that queen bee thing in TD kept me occupied for months, and just like LordWaffles..i hhhaaaate tangled depths. B)


    For example there is a Achivement, *Exotic hunter*.. after 2 years im still missing 4 exotics.. all priced 20 to 40g.. sure i can buy them from TP if i really wanted the achievement.. but why don't these drop from creatures in the first place.

    HoT meta's are still fun, but the inventory management is still most annoying.. with all the junk and sigils etc... but okay.


    Sure it isn't Always about getting stuff, and just enjoy the game.. but there are so many things i havn't done after allmost 2 years of Gw2.

    Still trying to make a legendary, started on a few, then noticed my gold and materials dissapeared like sunshine before a storm.


    I just feel i have to keep working to pay the rent in the game, it should be.. play the content and get rewarded.

    And whats up with all the leathers anet, prices a ridiculous... see back to geting more gold.. again.

  16. Let me humbly put my 2 cents in, GW2 is a great MMO.. i have played MANY over the years.

    I have been playing for allmost 2 years and only have a few hours in PvP - WvW, here is the reason why.


    PvP - to me its more like a 5vs5 arena fight - can't say there is something wrong with it, but Arenanet should make 2vs2 - 3vs3 and 5vs5 competitions with ranking, yep like that *other* game.

    I am not a ranking guy, but this would make it more interesting.


    WvW - now here is where i do think there is something not right, its 2 zergs running from place to place, this is NOT fun.

    Anyone who remembers WoW *arathi basin, Alterac Valley, Eye of the storm* maps, just to name a few would *probably* agree how much fun that was.

    I just find the maps are to big and complicated to get anywhere fast, unless there are ways to fast teleport to certain area's.

    Simply put, a zerg train won't work.

    Im not the fastest runner, and when you find yourself dead and abandoned :'( you have to run ALL the way from spawn point to the Comm, this takes to much time and takes away the *flow*.


    The whole idea should be faster rounds, not runs that take hours.. more spreading out of players that cap different area's.

    When certain area's have been capped, only then there should be a *boss* and when defeated this area counts as *conquered*.

    Maybe work with tickets, 500 ticks per game, player kill = 1 ticket, boss kill = 50 tickets, something like that.

    I really liked the homebase bosses you had to defeat or defend in WoW, made the game so much more fun.


    Just a suggestion, this zerg train we have now is just no fun, en will allways clash in a huge skill spam trainwreck.





  17. PoF maps are glorious, rewards are not.. i even got attacked in a *safe* zone selling the amount of rubbish i got from *rewards*.

    Globby gloop or rusted pitchforks (16copper??), why should i go out there with some of the strongest mobs in the game and break a sweat..really.


    Yup i say rewards because this is what keeps me away from the PoF maps, doing bounty's for weeks, best thing i got was a exotic worth 1,5 gold.

    Explored the POF maps 100% on 1 character, not to exited to do it with the rest of my chars .


    So back to mining for few hours a day , and log out.

  18. Ranger, its horrible as it is (soulbeast skills are nice tho) but i would change the long/short Bow skills, all of them.

    Get angry every time i use Rapid shot, pewpewpewpewpewpew.. great you just removed 10% health of the thing you shot, pointless.

    Could for instance make it a 3 shot with 15% chance to blind, 15% chance to Stun (2s) or 15% chance to Knock back.. something like that.

    Give ranger 8 different kind of shots at the least, with some real cool effects, 6 for DPS and 2 for utility / support like the Renegade has his summons.


    I am using a Axe and torch now, just becouse the longbow skills are so boring and ugly, skill 1 is like throwing darts.. Oooone huuundred and eeeightyyyyy.


    Ranger should be 70% ranged and 30% pet management/skills.. the only time ranger should go melee if he has to.. with some life steal and *last stand survival* skills - jump back and leave 2 clones for example, or drop a smoke bomb ninja style and teleport like the Jackal mount.


    It made me laugh at first when using a GS on the ranger.. not that the skills are bad but its kinda weird.. the axe throwing could use some nice animation also.. the character making jumps or turns while throwing for example.


    Thats my 2 cents.


    ![](https://imgur.com/Qomo0pg.jpg "")


    Now make it happen or this guy will shoot you in the knee.. twice =)





  19. Its clear many players are annoyed by those sigils and runes, i just don't want them period.


    If some people do want them thats fine also, just let me *mark* them as junk, and sell them to vendor, if i get 10+ different kinds i need to manually click drag and click *delete*.. that alot of clicking.

    HoT maps, silverwastes, bloodstone fen, bitterfrost, sirens landing.. its an endless click disaster, i like playing these maps (besides TD) but really avoid (play these maps less then i would like) them because of the frustrating inventory management.


    I really don't understand why these runes/sigils are part of rewards in lvl 80 zones anyway, there are a billion on the TP and they don't have value..i also delete the major ones btw.


    Now im on the topic of rewards, this also can be better.. there are a ton of exotics worth 5 to 60 gold.. this could also be dropped on occasion.

    Opening 10 *epic* chests and getting 1x exotic worth 1 gold isn't exiting and you can do better Arenanet.. you really can.





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