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Posts posted by ThatOddOne.4387

  1. No, it's a very sensible interpretation of what we are actually told and using a shred of logic.


    Unlike the entire theory of an Elder Dragon eating a God, which is a very inane interpretation and doesn't utiltise a shred of logic.


    Mostly due to the fact if an Elder Dragon had eaten a God then there would be no more GW2 because that Elder Dragon would have won.


    I'm honestly baffled as to where this line of thought has even come from.

  2. Braham is entirely correct and the Asura are being stupid.


    Also I really hope they don't get rid of the whole balance thing. Kind of takes away the oomph from killing Balthazar and given how stupid that story already was, making it even MORE pointless is just going to be another gut punch to the God narrative.


    It needs to be cleared up pretty quickly or people need to at least QUESTION what will happen if they kill Primordus given the knowledge of what will happen to Tyria if too many Elder Dragons die.

  3. I think it's the other option for Primordus and the other Elder Dragon magic - He's had the time to convert the magic he's absorbed into his own kind of magic. The same theory has come up before RE Balthazar and his magic. He also consumed Elder Dragon magic but did not show any visual change to his fire, or indeed used other types of magic other than fire and (probably) arcane - The theory was he had converted the magic he consumed to 'his own' magic.

  4. > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > Obviously the god story isn't done if Lyssa comes back. I said the gods wouldn't be returning as a whole, as in all of them. Also the book that claims they are looking for a new world was written by a crazed fanatic. If the gods were actually doing this one would think they would have told people instead of just leaving Tyria, their realms, and everyone who follows them, without saying a word.


    That is still a 'suggestion' as to what they are doing, and in the absence of any others, it's as good as any we've received, don't be obtuse.



  5. > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > I doubt the gods as a whole are going to renter the picture. Balthazar is dead, and we have direct confirmation that Kormir, Grenth, and Melandru, have left, and have abandoned their followers and realms, with zero suggestion there is anything else at play for them. That just leaves Lyssa and Dwayna, and we know Lyssa is up to something.


    Whilst I also don't think the Gods are going to be involved in this expansion, this is still not accurate. ArenaNet have said we still haven't seen the last of the Gods, and there absolutely is a suggestion as to what they are doing - Looking for a new world.



  6. Or Aurene simply isn't omniscient, can't tell the DSD's power has changed hands, or does not deem it as something she needs to bother Tyria with to say. I still think distance is a massive factor in detecting anything. But yes, the DSD being killed 'shortly', relatively speaking, and not already dead is a solution.

  7. I don't agree. There's only so many iterations of the same story that can be done before it's boring and predictable, and we're even going through the unpredictable options at the moment with already existing Elder Dragons.

  8. Because it wasn't defeated before that sequence was shown to us?


    I don't think anyone was suggesting that the Canthans could 'easily' defeat the DSD, more that they took a while to do so and likely suffered catastrophically in the process, but ultimately succeeded - "Testament to Mortal Resilience" - Maybe around the time Kralkatorrik was defeated. It doesn't necessarily have to have been around the same time as or before Zhaitan was defeated.


    I also don't think the All is really fully understood yet and the image we were shown with the 'orbs' does not have to be taken as gospel.


    And besides, if the DSD was immediately replaced by Kuunavang and/or Albax, there wouldn't have been disruption to the All, at least visible from Tyria with the means available to us.


    Whether the DSD fight would be interesting or not is irrelevant to me. I'm far more interesting the story, and the fact remains another "Defeat the Elder Dragon" storyline would be rather bland.

  9. I do really like the theory that Cantha has already defeated the DSD. It's a nice twist. Plus avoids retreading the same old 'defeat an elder dragon' story steps.


    If both Kuunavang and Albax have taken portions of the DSD's power, then it could quite well be a set-up for a Yin and Yang story.

  10. > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > Don't really want another human centric storyline personally.


    This whole "X-race centric storyline isn't/is required" is just boring to me now, honestly. Just tell a good story and expand on the lore regardless of what races are involved. The whole drive for 'narrative balance' between different races/factions all but killed World of Warcraft's story.

  11. The screeching on the previous page about 'colonial attitudes' to the charr culture and how it needs to change is absolutely hilarious. You're wrong, it's nothing to do with colonialism, the narrative is that the charr system is broken, get over it and move on.

  12. > @"Taril.8619" said:

    > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > TBH, I don't think humans have been ever used as plot devices in GW2.


    > Uhh... Did you miss like the entirety of LW3, PoF and LW4?


    > Where there was White Mantle (Humans) shenanigans, Shining Blade (Human Secret Society) stuff involving Lazarus (Who was notable due to what he did to Humans), Human Ministers and their treachery (Caudecus), a Human God going to destroy dragons to get more power to destroy more Human Gods and then an ancient pestilence that wiped out an old Human civilization being used again to try and eradicate more Humans.






    That's not plot devices.

  13. It's quite fascinating that questions continue to be asked about the Gods. It's almost as if people find them interesting and worthy of a bit more exploration.

  14. I'm far more interested in just how gutted the Charr are militarily now.


    A majority of Iron and Blood joined Bangar, after all.


    I also really liked the Seraph coming to help them - making a difference, and how they showed they could be versatile - Able to help both in the forest and the open ground. With magic and regulars.

  15. I don't think promotional material is going to accurately reflect the lore. They can't go "he's a rogue god but not really a god because the other gods stripped it from him" in the promotional material because that's a spoiler, and intended as a reveal within the story.


    Alternatively, he is a rogue god from the perspective of TYRIA who know him as a god from all their history and lore so naturally they are going to continue to refer to him as a god even though that is not strictly accurate because they do not know any better.

  16. We already know that centaur are probably going to be involved in the story from the trailer, and the human slaves that were also seen.


    Bangar and his army are going into the Woodland Cascades next update, the only logical explanation is that he’s going to ally with the centaur and is aiming to attack Kryta.

  17. But if you believe that the Gods have similar designs for all of humanity, why limit their schemes to one human kingdom that was already scoured? Genuine question because it seems a massive hole in your theory that they'd want the Foefire to happen and "show their hand" in such a fashion when the Charr were about to win and kill all the humans anyways.


    Cantha is by far the most populated human nation. If the Gods somehow wanted to 'Foefire' or equivalent all of humanity, they would have started there, and there is absolutely no indication that has happened. The closest is the Jade Wind, but that was caused indirectly by Abaddon and his grand revenge plot.


    I probably wouldn't no, not because I don't find the take interesting, but because there's no lore to support it. The Mursaat are responsible for the White Mantle, not the Gods, and the Mursaat certainly don't have a connection to the Gods.


    The Foefire happened long after Orr sunk. Abaddon was dead before the Foefire happened, and if you mean the Searing, then Abaddon also engineered that so being 'horrified' by it would be bizarre and not at all supported.


    And all this still doesn't take into account that the Gods had ready, permanent access to human souls and lifeforce regardless. They go to the Underworld and the Gods realms when they die, so the Foefire still defeats the purpose you yourself are theorising the Gods have because Foefire Ghosts do not go to the Underworld.

  18. But how does the Foefire save humanity? More to the point, why only Ascalon? Why wasn't there a Foefire in Cantha or Kryta, in that case? It's certainly within the Gods power to engineer such. Whilst interesting, there is nothing to suggest that humanity will only lose wars without a God of War able to intervene. That's not really how the Gods work, mechanically speaking.


    The Foefire was a feat of magic performed by a desperate and mad human king, using an extremely powerful magical sword, the chances of it having anything to do with the Gods is very slim, and as stated flies in the face of the Gods stated reason for withdrawing from Tyria.


    I agree that humanity is the Gods chosen race, my reasoning behind that is much simpler though: The Gods filled a similar role to the Elder Dragons on the humans (and Forgotten's) old planet, and something went badly wrong which caused that planet to be destroyed, thus the Gods vowed to protect the remaining race of that planet out of guilt and a sense of duty.


    As for them continuing to hang around in some capacity, that's because they are quite clearly sentimental on some level. Lyssa did not want to leave at first, and was the last to agree to do so, Grenth specifically fought Dhuum to stop him consuming the souls of dead humans (A fact that makes the assertion that the Gods require human lifeforce in some manner all the more strange), Kormir doesn't require much explaining, Dwayna and Melandru have not been at all shown to have a bad bone in their bodies from the scant information we have on them. Balthazar was always the odd one out in the "angry uncle" sense, and that seems to have been a conclusion the Gods drew themselves when he had his fit at the prospect of them retreating rather than fight the Elder Dragons and cause yet more seas to turn into deserts and ultimately doom Tyria regardless, because even winning against the Elder Dragons means Tyria is destroyed. The Gods knew that, which is why they withdrew to avoid needing to fight the Elder Dragons.


    Furthermore, in terms of the Gods having 'grand designs', well, they do. It's Glint's and the Forgotten's plan for replacing the Elder Dragons. From Glint's memories we know that the Gods are involved, and certainly knew of the plan at the very least.

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