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Posts posted by Gabbynot.2654



    > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

    > > @"Fluffball.8307" said:

    > > Why would he have to get his own content approved by anet? You can make a video saying anything you want with no approval from anyone.

    > >

    > > On topic, people will watch anything as long as it's entertaining or useful. Wooden Potatoes makes hour long videos just discussing his thoughts on the game.


    > Yea I am compiling a short list, but wanted to ask the community just in case there is something that I might have overlooked or has been asked for but creators haven't gotten around to yet.


    he might want to be like all the other you tube content makers like peachy and potatoes mighty tea pot and inks for one !!


    second the only thing i can think of at all video wise that has not ever been done or covered at all is how the game is not optimized or hardware support

    in other words their is no hard ware videos at all for guild wars 2 !!


    other wise the current content makers have covered every thing old and new that comes out honestly . and this is coming from a vet mind you so even tho the game is 5 years old already !! the only one video no one seams to want to do or even talk about at all is hard ware and software for the game . other wise it is all just a repeated video

  2. you will have to get ahold of anet to get it approved first and you really should look at the current content makers on you tube and see how much content they made in the last month . that will tell you a lot as well as also tell you that this broken 5 year old game . their is not any thing new that can be done or add to it to make it more better


    the game is far more better off with any new add ons or other wise . not sure how long it last even given the game has been out since 2012


  3. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > >

    > > > > Game will be better with this. Just like dps meters made it better.

    > > > That's a very subjective point of view.

    > > >

    > >

    > > That's what anet thinks currently.


    > Really? Anet thinks that DPS meters made their game better? Hmmm


    ask me i think he is or wants to get the player base mad and kittened off again . like back in the day when anet tried to force us all to watch sl e-sports flashing across our loading screens and logging into the game its self . ;/

  4. their is no such Top builds for solo PvE/Exploration at all !!! despite what other posters might tell you . it is pve not too hung up on things like that like the raids and pvp and wvw are all hung up on . making them elitism :# :# :# it is pve you just put something together that works for you and enjoy the open pve world .

  5. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > In case anyone's unclear the serious answer is that every year Anet is closed for about 2 weeks around Christmas and New Year so the staff can spend time with their friends and families.


    > As a result the update schedule is disrupted. The last update is generally the Wintersday one in mid-December (unless there's bug fixes for that) and then it doesn't start again until mid-January, when they've come back from the break and had time to complete or review whatever they were working on.


    > But since the official release schedule is once every 2-3 months, with only bug fixes and maybe balance patches in between we don't miss any releases as a result of this.


    thing is no kitten one ever remembers these things at all !! thus they run off foolish post chases like this !!


    no one gets anet is closed and not in the office till mid-January :# :# you think after all these 5 years or so they would gotten it by now

  6. > @"costepj.5120" said:

    > > @"Gabbynot.2654" said:

    > > after the changes now some times i do daily's if i like them but most of the time these days i hardly bother with daily's at all!! more so if they have any thing at all to do with pvp wvw or raids or jumping puzzles !!! then i just never do them at all and only do my normal pve content only .


    > Just curious if you've ever tried the WvW dailies? There are usually one or more that are basically PVE content. And very quick to complete. Kill an enemy dolyak, kill an enemy sentry and claim the flag, claim a monument, kill some guards, kill a veteran creature.


    thank you no thank you not interested at all in any way shape or form of wvw !!! even if you put lipstick and a big pink bow on it . never will do wvw thank you but no thank you i will stick to my pve stuff. :# :# :# bad enough getting map chats flooded with the spam for it their even .

  7. > @"Gaellus.6081" said:

    > > @"Gabbynot.2654" said:

    > > no thank you to this at all in any way shape or form !!!!!!!!!!!!! the player base has made it very clear over the years . they do not want this at all !!!

    > >

    > > anet has come out on reddit many times and said they will not do it at all !!!

    > >

    > > op is super spoiled !!!!!!!!!!!! :# :# :#


    > haha I guess I am :) I will stick to asking the player!


    now if you do it nicely well then maybe that will work best maybe =) . it sure would make things more easy as well if the player says no them their be no harm i see that way long as you ask nicely =) . . but the other way well just reminds me so fully the time anet got kitten foolish and tried to get us pve to watch SL e-sports . that one did not end at all very well . logging in or changing maps and seeing hey we got this e-sport thing going on and we want you to see it . well that put a super bad taste in the player base mouth one of the beginning stages of putting the game into the bad shape it is now .

  8. no thank you at all not interested at all !!! and want a way to turn it off and not be bothered at all with World events with zone-wide alerts at all !!! that reminds me when anet got super foolish with the SL E-SPORTS games !!! and the player base made it very clear fully to anet about that idea !!!


    anet gets that foolish idea to put this back into the game as op suggests well it be time to really stop playing this game fully more so with 3rd party add-ons and api keys that can be easy hacked


    thanks but no thanks at all in any way shape or form :# :# :#


  9. after the changes now some times i do daily's if i like them but most of the time these days i hardly bother with daily's at all!! more so if they have any thing at all to do with pvp wvw or raids or jumping puzzles !!! then i just never do them at all and only do my normal pve content only .

  10. oh they might put out a super small trailer for the next 2 or 3 months at best . but what in the kitten game are you playing ????????? anet does NOT PUT PATCHES OUT EVERY OTHER TUESDAY !!!!! never have NEVER WILL !!!!! yes they put out new gem store stuff but that is not a patch or update at all to the game !!!


    i really sure like to know where your getting that idea from and what in the kind of game you are playing that they put out update patches EVERY TUESDAY :# :# :# cause i am, super sure the player base would have said something about a update every Tuesday by now after this many years guild wars2 has been going :# :# :# :#


  11. > @"Rhyse.8179" said:

    > That ship sailed in 2013 when they eliminated their dungeon dev team and started the LS instead.


    > One of the many reasons that GW2 is not the game it could have been.


    not only that but anet has come out many many times on reddit and said no more dungeons at all . and never look for them to be updated or fixed .


    not sure why it is the player base can not understand these things or get the kitten concepts . :# :# :# :#

  12. > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > I'm expecting a new patch late January, maybe first week of February. In the meantime we'll have mini patches every other Tuesday i guess


    that is still too early unless it was a new living story and that is not happen . not looking for new patch till the end of February if then even and anet does not put out patches at all every other Tuesday or mini patches at all every other Tuesday :# :# :#

  13. been their done that all in wow/ world of warcraft sure not interest at all in doing it in this game . anet can tie all the collections to it that it likes to do still will not do any raiding at all in this game ever !!! like i said done it in wow not doing it here at all. not only that but it breaks a lot of things from the first guild wars which i played since beta . guild wars never ever ever had any raids or even close to raids at all even !!


    no to raids in living storys as well too !!! not sure why it is every one and his brother and dumb uncles need to raid .. bad enough with the elitism in this game and the dps meters kitten crap to make the game easy hacked . no matter what they tell you . and if



    i wanted to do raids i would go back to playing wow and dump this game !!! but i just happen to really love the pve in this game !!


    edit to add some more to this

  14. > @"yanniell.1236" said:

    > > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > > > @"yanniell.1236" said:

    > > > Nah, I'd like Anet to stream the monthly. Right now we got Sindrener's streaming it, and as much as I like his streams, his team is full of try hards and the matches are boring af.

    > >

    > > Boring games? We had 2 good games this monthly and sorry if the other games was a pure stomp but we would have to turn off our monitors for them to even score a point


    > Well, maybe it will be better with the Swiss system. I don't remember correctly, but would be nice if the semi-finals were better of 3 as well, not just the finals.


    dang Swiss play this game too ???? or are they under the EU banner ?????

  15. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > I just wanna add First Person support.


    > Can't go first person mode on mounts, also would like to see my Pistols when running pistol/pistol thief. Make this a hybrid game.


    that would be nice got to think how them poor Vegas56 and Vegas64 video card owners feel that they can not use them video cards in the game at all with out a lot of problems . but the same can be said for the 1080TI and some of the 980TI and so forth video card given the posts i read on the so called tech support part of this forum .


    you think anet would want to be a step ahead of these things but nope . hell lucky the new Ryzen cpu,s work with the game .

  16. > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

    > > @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

    > > This month didnt work out too great as I’m currently hanging out with my family for the holidays. I should be able to throw something together for january though so stay tuned


    > That's would be great, the monthly can get +500 viewers with regular stream.

    > and last month when helseth streamed the monthly it did get a lot more.

    > and i hope now with the official ANET channel streaming it it will get more and more good luck with that ^^.


    not going to happen at all you eu peeps really do not get it when it comes to these things . i still remember back when anet tried to force ESL E-sports down the player base mouths . the player base stopped playing every time they did and that is part of the reason as to why ESL Esports failed and walked away from this game never to come back ever again !!! same thing will happen again with those that try it the player base will make it very clear to anet. ;/

  17. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > @"Gabbynot.2654" said:

    > > thing is no one gets is anet will never do these things at all . they not done them in 5 years pretty safe bet they will not do them at all in the next maybe new pack at all with this 5 year old game . if they really was going to do this they would done some of this stuff the player base been asking for long time . with pof :# :# :#


    > You mean like add Mounts? Expand Material Storage? Give Shared Inventory Slots? Take us to Elona? Added new content to Halloween? Etc., etc.


    good joke !! thanks for the laugh seriously tho please do tell us all how long it took for them things to come into the game tho ??? and what new Halloween stuff the 2000 gems for the mount skins joke ?????????????????

  18. > @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

    > This month didnt work out too great as I’m currently hanging out with my family for the holidays. I should be able to throw something together for january though so stay tuned


    this will make the player base rage quit the game . cases in points ESL E-sports and unity gaming . that is trying to shove this stuff down the player base throats that is still left , when anet tried this the last time the player base stopped fully playing asp every time it happened :/ . not only that but their are a few things to take in to point and understand that all streamers never get this idea at all !!!


    that is this right now in the usa its football and nba and hockey time which lot of the usa watches and is far more interested . to back that point up if you was to look at that guy jebro or what ever his name is that is trying to do this unity gaming junk.


    well you see his streams in the last year does not have that many views and honestly is not worth the watching at all !!




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