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Posts posted by Gabbynot.2654

  1. Quality of Life need for guild wars 2 to keep going tbh will never happen . the game in current state is just not able to handle what the game needs like hardware and system support upgrades compared to other and more newer game standards. tbh it is nice to see these posts but knowing full well anet will never do or say they thinking about it. well pretty much means it never happen at all . thus the game will be like many other games that have died off into gaming history

  2. tbh a 5 year old game that has seen its hay day come and now gone fully. what op suggests is a waste the game honestly these days is just old filler content when your bored and waiting for your newest game to update or add new content depending on that case .


    players who left the game and never coming back tbh made the best move ever. giving their have been no new systems updates or hardware support add at all. tbh by anet not doing that really drove a lot of players away for that reason and others for other reasons. as well as lack of new content for long periods of time.


    case in point todays filler content will offer not a new thing at all. just the same rehashed broken stuff at best. oh they might be able to add something small new in maybe but tbh not looking for it at all. even tho this filler content for other games makes a good at best holding spot for it. while waiting for your newer games to add or do server work . tbh no matter what anet or any one suggests for this game will do it no good at all . to be even more tbh like i said this game has seen its best hay days come and go and never coming back,. tbh best to enjoy the game best one can while it is still able to be enjoyed .

  3. > @"DakotaCoty.5721" said:

    > > @"Gabbynot.2654" said:

    > > > @"DakotaCoty.5721" said:

    > > > > @"Gabbynot.2654" said:

    > > > > raids was the worst thing put in to this game by anet. next to tying stuff to raids that should never been hooked to raids at all !!

    > > >

    > > > Like what? Raids need to have rewards and incentive to play, otherwise they will be empty content.

    > >

    > > i did not make my self clear enough i see so . let me try this . raids should and need to be removed from this game fully . and never put back into this game ever . you want to raid fine their is wow for it . and that is on top of the stuff anet tried to these foolish raids . like armor pieces and so forth . now i do hope i made my self much more clear on this topic so even you can get it . :# :# :#


    > You seem so hostile, you talk to people like they're beneath you - raids are a great way to keep players busy and entertained weekly - something that should definitely not be removed from the game.


    not sure why it is you are trying to keep this going. at all and quoting me into some type of argument . i think i made my self very clear on this topic . raids must be removed from the game . maybe a mod will happen by this topic . :# :#

  4. > @"DakotaCoty.5721" said:

    > > @"Gabbynot.2654" said:

    > > raids was the worst thing put in to this game by anet. next to tying stuff to raids that should never been hooked to raids at all !!


    > Like what? Raids need to have rewards and incentive to play, otherwise they will be empty content.


    i did not make my self clear enough i see so . let me try this . raids should and need to be removed from this game fully . and never put back into this game ever . you want to raid fine their is wow for it . and that is on top of the stuff anet tried to these foolish raids . like armor pieces and so forth . now i do hope i made my self much more clear on this topic so even you can get it . :# :# :#

  5. for me it is this likes



    No monthly pay-to-play fees


    Mostly Soloable worlds to explore.

    +++ (non HoT) Open world maps.


    environmental art style



    now to the things i dislike the most about this game altogether

    meta events


    Jumping "puzzles".



    Content hidden behind raids.

    Repeatable Hearts.

    bad not enough lore

    visual effects not fully good enough

    bad living story writing

    bad living story acting

    bad living story lore

    open world, pvp, wvw

    limited skill bar customization,

    limited UI customization,

    streamers and youtubers they are not able to really speak their minds and be honest when doing videos . with out anet slapping them back in the face for what they said

    elite spec

    No true controller support.

    Gimmicky boss fights

    Community elitists and perfectionists Dps benchmarks are everything for them.

    Locking legendary items behind raiding

    Graphics and animations

    WvW open world PvP system

    open world event system


    Invisible walls

    politics talk in chats

    religion talk in chat


    Account bound items

    soul bound items

    Metas and event chains





    add ons like arc dps taco gw2 lunch buddy . anet can add them to the game if they wanted too.


    broken reporting system

    pets and guilds with improper names . like bdsm

    CC stuff

    spam fight gimmickry

    hardly any lore

    24 28 32 slot bags not able to be crafted

    scribing being a guild to just use scribing

    guilds noting at all for them and no rewards

    anet never talking to the players

    honest feed back

    anet employees only speaking over on reddit only . and not here on the so called official forums


    multi core cpu support

    ryzen and intel support

    no 4K support

    no HD audio support

    Balance cadence

    patch cadence

    security patching lack of that .

    no anet in game mods

    no reply to in game reports to anet

    people trying to help you but getting in the way


    no IPV6 use or support

    bugs since the game came out in 2012 still not fixed

    followers ie stockers list

    4 K monitor support

    internet networking very bad

    950 to 1080 ti video card support

    no vegas video card 56 or 64 support

    maps that get laggy from meta events

    mapps that get laggy from zergs and zerg events

    world bosses put into pve maps

    bug reporting

    gem costs to move to other servers

    severs that are locked

    gem cost to move to low end servers

    gem store

    2000 gems for mount skins

    700 gems for skins

    400 gems for skins

    not able to craft all dyes

    not able to craft all skins

    can not sell all items on the trade post

    precursors not dropping enough

    2000 gems for a skin

    black lion chest rng

    nodes for home not able to buy them off the trade post at a good fair price so every one has one

    timed crafting

    waiting 24 hours to craft a item every day







    logging into multi accounts


    edit to included two other items i just remembered


  6. pros

    nice big maps

    no meta events



    Path of Fire feels more like a quarter of a finished product. or more of a half content patch at best then it does feel like a new expansion pack

    4 to 5 days of sever problems . the player base should be compensated with a 8000 gems for such a bad launch .

    new bag upgrades are a gold sink

    new griffon mount 250 gold sink

    bad story writing felt like bunch of high school kids

    jumping puzzles

    no new hardware/software upgrades

    mini games

    ectoplasm gambling

    will not recommend this game to no one at all

    running into walls you can not see till you hit them



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