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Posts posted by Gabbynot.2654

  1. > @"Sylvyn.4750" said:

    > Good luck...even on Mag there has been a distinct lack of good commanders lately.


    put it like this mag is more pve and does not give a penny about commanders or mentors they are just a joke anet put into the game. all these new guilds that been trying to come to mag has been noting but major unneeded problems . with all their ideas of things like you need to taxi people in for a good teq map . or how to get to other world events by spamming map chat. which good thing anet has a blocked list for all these types. hope fully they all will be leaving mag server for good soon . and let us pve people do our thing with out being bothered by them :# :# :#

  2. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > @"Gabbynot.2654" said:

    > > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > > > @"Offair.2563" said:

    > > > > Anet should put restrictions on how many polls one account can start. Like 1-2 per weeks tops so it wont get flooded with stupid polls like if you have your scythe yet or not.

    > > >

    > > > It's an interesting idea. We have an **expectation** that someone will not post multiple polls, but that they will want to / should focus on one at a time. We've expressed that to people who have posted multiples, so they're aware of what we set as an expectation. I don't really want to start handing out infractions about this, but I also believe that the forums should not be too heavily biased in the form of polls -- which engender less conversation -- and that they host far more discussions that surveys.

    > > >

    > > > That said, I'll see how things settle over the next period of time to determine if we need to formalize a limitation on polls by the same author. I intend to review the Forums Code of Conduct after the New Year to determine if there's anything we need to add, detail, or explain more clearly.

    > >

    > > but still this is something that would be very nice qol for the forums to have. just like ingame. so this way for what ever reason it be any one that feels the need to use it could do so their for saving them from getting infracted or banned from the forums themselves . this way it saves you time banning people and having to give out infractions in the first place . the persons can just put that offender on their blocked list and move on . really would be a win win for all .


    > No, it's not a win-win for all, and there's a good reason that people should get infractions and(very, very rarely) banned, it's because they never learn. Most people that get infractions will learn from their mistakes, those that don't will continue to get infractions up to the point that they're banned from the forums either temporarily or permanently. If you have a block function this will never happen.


    the very reasons you just made make it more clear why their should be a block function on this forum for all users to use. !! thus putting a end to infractions and bans :# :#


  3. > @"Franken Beans.5738" said:

    > would this issue be game specific? when i play gw1 on same computer it looks/runs fine


    YES this is the only game i ever found my self that has these many problems but all other games run just fine as they should from wow to eso to pubG.


    but when you play guild wars 2 noting but problems and lag . it is called bad coding the game runs on .


  4. the way i see it anet devs should post here only . making this really the official forums and not called the so called forums . if the devs wish to post on reddit honestly they should do it on their own time. and put more energy into this forums . other wise this is just what it is called the so called forums .

  5. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > @"Offair.2563" said:

    > > Anet should put restrictions on how many polls one account can start. Like 1-2 per weeks tops so it wont get flooded with stupid polls like if you have your scythe yet or not.


    > It's an interesting idea. We have an **expectation** that someone will not post multiple polls, but that they will want to / should focus on one at a time. We've expressed that to people who have posted multiples, so they're aware of what we set as an expectation. I don't really want to start handing out infractions about this, but I also believe that the forums should not be too heavily biased in the form of polls -- which engender less conversation -- and that they host far more discussions that surveys.


    > That said, I'll see how things settle over the next period of time to determine if we need to formalize a limitation on polls by the same author. I intend to review the Forums Code of Conduct after the New Year to determine if there's anything we need to add, detail, or explain more clearly.


    but still this is something that would be very nice qol for the forums to have. just like ingame. so this way for what ever reason it be any one that feels the need to use it could do so their for saving them from getting infracted or banned from the forums themselves . this way it saves you time banning people and having to give out infractions in the first place . the persons can just put that offender on their blocked list and move on . really would be a win win for all .

  6. > @"Lady Lozza.9670" said:

    > I'd like the ability to turn this stuff off for my own character, I'd also like the option to turn it off for other characters without having to resort to "basic" models. Visual clutter during meta events is getting bothersome.


    i fully agree with you on this even when i do events for gold and mats like teq and have every thing turned off and set to low. the lag i been getting as of late. seams to get worse with these things in the game . and we all know anet will never fix them but we all sure wish they would fix them .

  7. > @"SirPuddlesworth.6783" said:



    > But it's a year old, sure things have came strides since then

    > Trust me, been building my pc up and always upgrade when possible, i'm ready for this ^^


    > x2 msi gtx 1080ti founders w/ +400mhz oc on each card with a block for each

    > intel i7 7700k oc'd to 4.8ghz with it's own block too, 64gb corsair 3400mhz ram, mobo for ocing is asus maximus xi hero , i've been at enthusiast level for whenever i can, i would go for more gpu's but i don't believe in sli in over 2 as you get bad diminishing returns for my budget.


    you really should and NEED to read the TECH SUPPORT part of this forums . in doing so you will find why this game will never be fully run on VR. or can even handle it . unless you just happen to be in a lucky 5 second break between bugs . and that video was done about 2 years ago . so it is really out of date.

  8. i love open world content in this game for pve. to a point . what makes it bad for me unlike guild wars is all these whole map meta events . so called mentors and commanders running all over the place. toss in group boss events that can mess up ones pve flow runs. topped off with spam chat of people need to be here people need to do this . yada yada yada . then add to that all the other meta events on pve maps . sigh times it is really more of a kitten pain in the potatoes . than it is worth the way i found to fix this at times is having to turn off all chats. from time to time.


    other things i noticed in pve players who think you need help or escorts getting in the way which makes the kitten potatoes go booms. and if your doing map completions and come across a meta even and so forth that is right where you need to do map completion . well your forced to leave the map or try to do it. or try to change maps 2 or 4 times to get done what you need to get done.


    but despite them problems pve is ok but can be made far more better . but knowing anet will never do it. so just keep finding work around done helps a lot of the current problems . in pve .

  9. the game was better when you left. now pvp wvw pretty much doa . no balance or patch's for them . they put a new 100 fract but a lot of people have left the game as well too and never have come back . raids hardly any one does them at all as raids are not worth doing at all with all the elitism and so super pro player groups not letting you join them if you not the right class or so called build . about the only game mode despite its problems is pve. the rest of the game modes your more better off playing league of league of legends or something close to it

  10. > @"Erasculio.2914" said:

    > > @"Alga.6498" said:

    > > I mean, it can't really be **THAT** hard to create a new race? Take a look on WoW for an example... what's the difference for GW2?


    > Money.


    > WoW was a massive success for Blizzard, which was already a juggernaut in the gaming industry. They became so successful that they could afford to do a lot of things in their game.


    > Meanwhile, ArenaNet is a small (if not in number of employees, in the amount of resources they have) studio surviving on a single, niche game that is five years old.


    > Which means, ArenaNet is not going to do a lot of things they could do (nor, IMO, a lot of things they should do). Apparently their revenue is now based on focusing on new content (living world releases and expansions) and on monetizing things on the Gem Store. Which means:


    > * ArenaNet will not go back to the core game and rework content that is outdated/aged poorly/was poorly implemented in the first place. WoW reworked their core game in one of their expansion, but this is way out of reach for ArenaNet.

    > * ArenaNet will not fix dungeons; and by "fix" I don't mean reworking old mechanics, I mean fixing years-old game breaking bugs. They cannot afford it.

    > * The Gem Store will always have more weapon skins than the real game. ArenaNet will never invest so much on rewards available in-game as they do on things displayed in the Gem Store. ArenaNet has to do this to survive.

    > * Likewise, don't expect things like glider skins, outfits and mount skins to be made available in-game for the majority of players. I'm sure ArenaNet would love to, but they can't afford to not monetize those things.

    > * ArenaNet will not add a new race, because this requires redoing a lot of the old content that they are not going to address again. Voice acting for the old content by itself would severely push their limited resources.

    > * ArenaNet will not do big changes to core game mechanics (like removing stats from items and turning them into attribute points for players to assign). They can't afford big changes like this when they have to dedicate everything to new content and to the Gem Store.


    > In many ways, ArenaNet feels like half a developer making half a game. It's fun to speculate and discuss things like this topic, but in reality Guild Wars 2 is not going to have things like this; they can't afford it. ArenaNet needs goodwill of their players, low expectations and people willing to accept subpar support for everything other than the newest release because, well, that's the best they can do.


    the real truth be told it is more like this half a quarter developer making half quarter a game. the game could be so much more but. we both know that will never ever happen in this case. no matter how they want to put it . :# :#

  11. > @"Davin Miler.2810" said:

    > > @"Kiza.5630" said:

    > > Sorry but no thanks. I hope we will never again see open world content that is tuned up so much that dedicated and tightly-knit communities form around it just to play it. I love the current concept where I can decide to organize an event just by putting up an entry on LFG and gather people for it. Some of them will still fail if you don't organize players. And that is how the majority of people in the game play.

    > >

    > > All of them vary in difficulty already. Palawadan is not easy per se. It's just that the game can't scale it high enough. It's a complete joke with 1.5 full squads on the map where everything will just melt in AOE fields.

    > >

    > > Serpents' Ire has become quite difficult as mostly newbies play it these days. I've done it recently and it failed once and was very close to failing the other times. If you tune that up, even more people will get frustrated and never attempt it again.

    > >

    > > TL;DR: please keep designing open world content for rag-tag crews gather via LFG rather than communities who play it together regularly. Make 50-man raids if you must.


    > 50 man raids is basically what I'm going for. That's something you need to coordinate and be skilled for. Currently our community is really falling apart due to the fact that anyone can just set up a squad and win basically any event. Our community was built around completing difficult content as a team and it is really sad to see it slowly die when people would rather not even commit to joining us on TeamSpeak and set up their own squad.


    no thank you thank you no!!! to any of this at all pve does not need or want 50 person raids at all !!! not only that but pve is not meant to be ( team ) pve is best done solo with no help from no one at all. only time you need that many people is for world events to win at the very best . which them should been put with wvw or pvp or guild halls at best . :# :#

  12. > @"RebelliousChyld.6427" said:

    > > @"Gabbynot.2654" said:

    > > tbh guild wars 2 will be far more better off . if anet shut down and closed PvP and WvW and raids and dueling . tbh wvw was never in guild wars thus it has no place at all in the game !. pvp and spvp is noting but problems and more work than it is worth .


    > Kind of was - WVW is the baby of Alliance Battles in the original (at least in my opinion).


    Alliance Battles had to do with guilds only in guild wars and not the rest of that game tho . so in my opinion them 2 are not the same things at all. :#

  13. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > @"Gabbynot.2654" said:

    > > Quality of Life need for guild wars 2 to keep going tbh will never happen . the game in current state is just not able to handle what the game needs like hardware and system support upgrades compared to other and more newer game standards. tbh it is nice to see these posts but knowing full well anet will never do or say they thinking about it. well pretty much means it never happen at all . thus the game will be like many other games that have died off into gaming history


    > So, every time we've received a QoL feature that wasn't announced previously by the Devs (oh, say Key Ring, Consume All, etc., for example) means the game has died off and gone into game history? Odd, feels very much alive to me.


    the suggestions you make are not by any means software or hard ware support related at all. also does not by any means add anything at all to the game. cases in point multi core cpu support Vegas 56 980 1080 ti video cards or 4K support ., is what i am talking about.

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