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Posts posted by PeerlessArch.6547

  1. > @"Endilbiach.4132" said:

    > So. I heard that there was a new mount skin. I was excited. So I went to take a look, whereupon I had a few thoughts from run through my head. Here are a few:


    > "It looks like a unicorn with microcephaly mated with a hippogriff."

    > "It looks like someone looked at The Dreamer and said 'You know what would be awesome? This. But worse.'"

    > "I feel so terrible for the devs, because somewhere out there a small team is feeling very kitten upon for something they worked very hard on. I think what happened is they worked so hard on the individual bits, that they forgot to step back and look upon the whole before burning it."

    > "I can do better than that. Hey, you, pick up a nearby object. Cool, see? I just did better."


    > I may be a mean person, but at least I didn't bring this abomination into existence, that's just pure animal cruelty.


    Wow, someone read my mind! Ugh! LOL


    Its a cross between a horse, griffon, cow, unicorn, peacock -- oh my... LOL



  2. > @"flog.3485" said:

    > Please no.

    > I mean, at this point it is sheer laziness. Take a look at what they have been doing to make legendary armor more accessible over the recent years:

    > -they made legendary armor accessible to all game modes

    > -they created 10 man easy content for players just so that we can have an easier time getting into 10 man content

    > And taking into account all of that, they also made the effort to create the build templates which actually made legendary armor even less relevant.


    > I think it is enough.


    Why do you care? I mean congratulations you're an elite player who can snooze through raids. Does it really matter if others can obtain it and how its obtained? I got mine through WvW but again....why do you or anyone else care how its obtained? I'll never understand it lol...


    > >

    > > Unfortunately not available for Tomes of Mentorship, which are lucky enough, quite rare.


    > Ah, yes, Knowledge. That would only add to my 10K + spirit shards.


    You are sitting on a gold mine if you have 10k+ spirit shards. You should google on how to convert spirit shards to gold. :)


  4. > @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

    > Normally you can say that an increase in power leads to better direct results than an increase in critical-rate (precision) or critical-power (ferocity). The reason is rather simple. Precision and Ferocity require a critical hit to be effective. Power improves normal & critical hits. Most power-builds try to reach a critical-hit-chance of 65-70 % (group-play), as there exist group-buffs (Spotter & Banner of Discipline) and Fury, which can boost you up to almost 100 %. The closer you are to 100 % cirt-rate, the more you can think about investing additional stats into ferocity.


    > There is another thing to keep in mind, your survival. It depends a lot on the game-mode you play and your level of skill with your class. But if you happen to die a lot, you may never reach the full capacity of a stacking sigil. So a sigil with fixed stat-increase might be more helpful. Stacking sigils can be useful in Open World PvE or in WvW. If you use it in WvW, charge it up on NPCs (ambient yellow creatures & guards) only. The bonus on NPCs is 10, the bonus on players is 5. It takes a while to charge it up, but the boost will be significant.


    Pretty sure the bonus stacks from NPCs/creatures is 1 and players is 5.

  5. > @"Kitta.3657" said:

    > the fattest no i can give you


    Seconded. The endless CC spam is bad enough.

    Although, I could be in favor of buffing the NPCs on one condition:


    Remove all the other trash mobs that have no place in WvW. Or make them green and just there for ambience.



    > @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

    > Aaah, so it is definitely an in-game advantage that you can buy with gems. Gotcha. SMH.


    Ahh, so it is definitely an in-game item (just like the Candy Corn Gobbler) that you can buy with gems to support the game you play. Gotcha.

  7. > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > > The best thing I do on my Ele is exactly this to thieves, and then they rage at me, because I am "running from the fight", but when thieves do it, they are "resetting CDs". Like, really dude?


    > I find it impossible to believe that **A)** there is any instance Ele needs to run away from Thief and **B.)** Any thief would rage at anyone that they are running away.


    LOL? -- I eat Ele's for breakfast.

  8. > @"wey daw ming.5784" said:

    > Maguuma Wastes Reward Track to finish the Ambrite Weapons mostly for 50 AP's that come with completion and ya do get a Ascended Armor chest not that I need another one but eh.


    Wait -- you get a selectable Acended armor Chest at the end of this track?? Do you mean a choosable chest, or an actual chest piece?

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