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PeerlessArch.6547's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. You can try mix/matching too. I run berserker armor, marauder trinkets/weapons. Gives a bit more damage without being complete squish. For WvW that is.
  2. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said: > lmao **go to gods of pvp, 1st sentence in power spellbreaker is " Unfortunately warrior/spellbreaker just isn't very good in the current meta**". Players who have trouble against warrior or just dislike the class be like " warriors op" lmao. Since post feb patch warrior and its specs were widely known as the now bottom tier class and then a viable build comes to light via healbreaker and in the gw2 community if a few select classes have a build thats meta its automatically op, although its fine for the other classes of the roster to have such. I would understand if healbreaker received a small nerf to its spacific build but nerfing FC also effects builds like power splbr which was already struggling. > I can see why anet devs avoid the forums though as its literally 98% useless bias nonsense and 2% useful feedback. Congratulations. You must be a platinum rank player. News Flash: Devs don't balance classes based on how they perform/underperform soley in Platinum ranks...
  3. Nerfed speed runes (good), yet trapper runes still exist. Desperately in need of a cooldown on those if not completely removed all together.
  4. > @"Yasai.3549" said: > Whirling Axe hands down. > > Thief is pretty vulnerable to any sort of Ranged pressure because it forces the Thief to spend resources for gap closing. > > Being able to reflect projectiles like this can instantly negate or deter any form of Ranged suppression. > > My most memorable usage of this was when some Gunflame Zerker was being gungho and pulled me off my mount for a cheap attempt to Signet > Burst me but I just Stole to him and Whirling Axe in his face and he offed himself. Lol yeah. The times that warriors have jumped me, I steal, throw down blackpowder, and whirling axe away as they get blinded, downed, then stomped. Very satisfying.
  5. Some interesting ideas. > @"DeceiverX.8361" said: > I'd also like to mention CnD's damage is just strictly lower than backstab's. If they're hitting 11k and CnD, and 9k backstab, they're front-stabbing you and would be hitting otherwise for 20k. > > I can guarantee you that no thief is hitting you for 20k without a literally perfect scenario with its current numbers. 20k+ was already fairly hard to pull off before the Feb. patch and absolutely required assassin's signet, which since Feb. such a build has had its damage nerfed by quite literally 50% with everything factored in. That's what I thought too, but --argh, I wish i took a screenshot of it. I was off to the side of our zerg waiting for a wall to come down, no condis on me and no boons either (so its not like i was suddenly stripped by something else and got nailed) -- but still like you said, if CnD is lower than backstab, how was it still that high. I get there are buffs when near owned keep or whatever, but 11k is quite high. I might deliberatly find one of those two thieves next time we're matched and just stand there and record them killing me lol. Are there any known instances of getting hit with the same skill simultaneously and it showing up as one hit in combat log?
  6. Thanks guys! I actually run the pvp d/p build which suits me fine in wvw, I was more looking how in the world I could be hit like that from a core thief. Was more or less just playing around with trying to recreate a hit for that much on CnD. I can't ask the player(s) -- there are 3 that have done it, 2 in the same guild; because they are anonymous offline. :)
  7. > @"LionZero.3479" said: > You know someone doesn't play ranger when they say OWP works on barrage lol You know someone doesn't play ranger when they say OWP DOESNT work with barrage. It does work, however it chooses one target at random to proc on instead of procing on all aoe targets
  8. > > yep, this is thiefs problem. they have LOADS of builds, but they are all gate kept, not by other classes but by enemy thief, kind off ironic Lol@ LOADS of builds. Gut SA and you'll have 2 dead trait lines (hello acro) and a traitline thats basically mandatory for all builds (trickery). Where will these loads of viable builds come from?
  9. LOL, yep Heartseeker 4LIFE now...
  10. > @"Avatar.3568" said: > The saltiness is extremely high in gold and low Plat, everything above und below is pretty pma and full of nice people , idk why but this region is rly a toxic behavior The saltiness comes from the gold players that can't quite make it to Plat and think they should, and the low Plat players that don't want to be knocked back down to Gold because they don't think they belong there. =) Poking aside, I have noticed less toxicity this season and I've played the last 3. I don't have anyone on block, so its been refreshing to notice it less.
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