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Posts posted by Belorn.2659

  1. > @"lummuss.6850" said:

    > The strange thing is that the exotic backpack is next to the rare backpack (they have the same chance of being dropped because they are in the rare tab). And even after opening almost 2000 Red Lucky Bags, I didn't get any exotic. NO EXOTIC !!!!


    I used about 70 stacks of 250, or about 18k in total. I also just opened them directly with no magic find boosters (a bit of mistake but w/e).

    Outcome was 3 exotic backpack, and 2 of the Golden Ox Figurine, and zero Ornamental Golden Trophy.


    It was 100% worth it over droobert!

  2. Since no one else has suggested it, here is a legit guide to farming a Gift of Battle without having to do any real wvw.


    Step 1: Setup. set the reward track to Gift of Battle Item Reward Track. Pick a character you are familiar with and feel skilled enough to kill npc's without much problem. Pick skills and traits that give you survivability and aoe damage (aoe blinds helps). Click on WvW and enter any zone.

    Step 2: Look for camps that is next to one of the starting waypoints of the 3 maps marked as borderlands. You want to find a camp that is of an other color as the zone around the waypoint, as that mark it as belonging to the enemy.

    Step 3: Go there. If there is a enemy player near it, run back and select a new camp. Enemy players are likely geared and build to kill other players so just keep your distance and find a camp without enemy players in it.

    Step 4: Once you find a camp with just 5 npcs and no enemy players, kill them all and stay in the circle until capped.

    Step 5: Once you have taken down a camp, look at the progression tab above the map. It is likely going to say something like +60 participation and have a timer that is ticking down. You want to repeat step 2-4 until it says +195. In raising this number you can also take down guards that is marked by a flag.

    Step 6: Now you should have +195, and if you reached this point by taking down a camp the timer should say something like 9m 50s. At this point waypoint back into the starting area and leave the game alone for 9m. Read a book, watch a youtube video, catch up with work.

    Step 7: Once the timer get below 2m it will start to turn yellow. This is the game telling you you need to grab a new camp following step 2-4. Once you done that the timer should again be at 9m and you can go back to your book/video/work. if it goes into red you will start to loose participation, which is fine as long you don't let it drain to much. Killing anything hostile as soon you can and it will stop going down.


    This method allow you to get your gift with you only killing npc's and waiting. It work best on time zones where there is few players online, and on computers with dual screens so you can keep tabs on the timer. It is also likely boring to most people, so if bored you might want to look for a tag and just follow them and see what happens.

  3. "Ensolyss of the Endless Torment's defiance bar can no longer be broken twice in a row during phase transitions."


    The way anet implemented this is that if you break the second break bar still pops up but breaking it has no effect on the boss. While I understand the intention behind the nerf, having a second "fake" break bar will now be something which not just old players need to learn to ignore, but new players need to be told that it just a fake one and to avoid wasting skills on it.



  4. > @"kaidort.6947" said:

    > Unfortunatly it is my (almost) everyday experience :/. But sometimes it is just a guy who leaves after telling the team is garbage, (not threatening the whole team you know), or ragequits after they missed one mecanic, in raids its like that in EVERY group i go with, each time, one guys goes into fury because he thinks one the DPS or one of the supprot is not doing great according to his standards. This is why im asking, if im juust VERY unlucky, or if this is "normal" :/


    I have never seen that kind of behavior in a training raid, and I have join quite a few in order to help (and train rotation). That should be a very unlucky event for groups marked training in the party search.


    CM (non-training) Fractals it is a bit different story, especially when there are 100-200 KP requirements. A smooth run should only take about an hour or less depending on the daily rotation. Retrying multiple times, failing mechanics, all those make it feel like wasted time for what is essentially a farm when you done the fractal several hundred if not thousands of times. Carrying people is also very tiresome in having to pick up mechanics that outside ones own role. With those kind of KP requirement there is also a somewhat expectation to skip mechanics through dps, and if dps or support fail in their roles, the work needed to get through the daily farm goes up. The result is a higher level of frustration and lower tolerance of failure.


    For regular raid clears, the normal behavior I see in groups is that people simply get silently kicked out if they fail mechanics or do not fulfill their role to a point where others have to step in and do it for them. No drama, no insults, just instant kick. With higher KP requirement I see a more strict enforcement of those rules. Some groups will even state a one-fail-instant-kick policy in the squad message, which I think is pretty fair. Some raid mechanics also gets on peoples nerve, like people who step in Deimos black circles and causing party wipes. Failing that mechanic carries a risk of being put on people block lists as a reference for future runs.


    That said, people who go around threatening people or suggesting that players should commit suicide should be banned. That kind of behavior is not acceptable. Report, take screenshot, and send in a ticket directly to anet support team.

  5. I am not too disappointed.

    1) For the 200g, ie around 500 gems, you get 10 scraps, a key, a mount skin, and a bunch of minor black lion stuff. Its not a great value but it is not a big deal.

    2) The balance change... let see what the new meta brings. It looks bad but you got to be optimistic that the community will find a interesting meta.

    3) the armor box is anets way to provide new wvw rewards every 6 months that takes about 6 months to fully complete. This one is trying to both encourage veterans to continue (those that are completionists will have to continue playing wvw for 18 more months), and it gives new players a early reward each week. It also enable people to work on skins that you get from skirmish tickets at the same time as the new armor.

    4) queues happens at every wvw update. At least we get 100% wxp bonus and 25% reward bonus.

  6. High KP groups (100+ kp) expects so much more than just skills.


    A experienced player need to know hidden mechanics which new raiders perceive as random but in practice can be controlled.

    They need to know where the group is going to be before the group goes there. No follow tag.

    They need to know what roles and builds is effective for every boss, and have enough characters geared so they can swap between bosses.

    They need to know what mechanics can be skipped through dps, and know how to handle the mechanic if the dps check fails.

    They need to know how to do other roles mechanics when someone responsible for it dies unexpected.


    On top of that they need to know their own role without having things called out, handle mechanics, not die and do rotation. If you can check all those boxes then go ahead and fake KP, but experience tell me that will happen in reality is that you will mess up and the leader of the group will block you, name you something like "KP faker", and then instant kick you if they ever see you join their squad again. Skill is not a substitute for experience.

  7. I would need to gain something in order to find it worth using the cumbersome template system, and one missing use case was clear when we lost the old build system which changed automatic when you entered/exited wvw. That was useful. Thus having a mechanism to tell a template to autoload when entering wvw, a raid wing, fractals or some other granularity of location would add some value to the system.

  8. For people who has finished diamond rank each week, this patch should have hit about the same time as they finished all the skins (not counting that initial "bug" that allowed unlimited tickets during the first week).


    An other 16 weapons, an other 16 weeks of rewards. I doubt we will see an other update in 6 months but its a possibility,

  9. The balance between condi and power looks to have shifted. It used to be that power and condi was optimal each for half of the bosses, but now I fear condi bs has lost and will be deprecated as a build.


    The way they are going with warrior, it would be better if they changed berserker so it could not bring banners. That way it could be balanced as a dps class with the theme of short burst of very high dps. The current build for that is dragon hunter.

  10. From last night raiding, I would say that any skill during the aftercast of the banner will cause it to not spawn. Queuing two banners will then naturally cause one of them to not spawn, but it is exceptional annoying if you have auto attacking turned on. I had to used cancel action key, face away from the boss, and wait for the first banner to visually spawn before using the second banner.

  11. Look at that, I don't think the votes actually resulted in what OP wanted.


    Anyway, I like the mount. It makes small crew defence easier and more action packed. Havoc teams quicker and more havocy. Zerg play is much faster when loosing or out manned. Scouting more safe. PiP farming faster and safer. That basically cover all aspect of WvW that I do.


    The mount really hurt the small subset of WvW player who went into wvw with a PvP build in order to gank people on a zerg/pve build. I don't have much love for them as there is already a PvP mode for PvP players on PvP builds, and it is called PvP. "I cant dismount a player with backstab + steal combo common" is a bit of a giveaway.


    People claim it hurt small groups but when we run small groups it has only been a boon. When we defend a map we can faster go from objective to objective, saving one keep only to run and save a tower/keep on the other side of the map. Taking down walls, lords, doors or capping circles take just as long as before, but running to them is faster with mounts. Same is ironically true for the attacking havoic side. While it is easier for active defence, it is also easier to do a lightning attack and take down a tower or even a keep on lightly defended maps.

  12. For technical reasons I don't think they can create account bound mats. It would clash with the bank material storage which are not account bound.


    But I would love to see a new token in reward track that could be combined into different forms of gifts. Like 5x reward tracks equal one gift. It would also give people something to spend reward track points on after unlocking all the dungeon skins and wvw skins.

  13. > @"JaddynnStarr.5201" said:

    > no one here will give you an exact price as it would limit their potential to scam you for as high a price as they think they can get from you... your best bet is to ask multiple sellers ingame and choose the lowest you find. And remember... if the yask you what you think you should pay, just walk away.... they are trying to take you for a high priced ride....


    If you look next to the avatar you see a account name. The reason people don't want to post prices is that a price is an advertisement directly linked to an account.


    But since people are so pressing for a specific price, let me describe the numbers a bit by giving what I as a individual seller might expect from a run. For a single boss, I would personally expect at minimum 10 gold to be bothered, preferable 20. For a wing, at minimum 30 gold preferable 40-50. If particular harder for some reason, add 10-20g. If you have 9 sellers and one buyer, multiple it and you get a number. If its 8 sellers and 2 buyers, assume a bit higher per seller price but divided by 2.


    Many times we went lower in the past, but then it was full clears on all wings so the time investment was still worth it.


    From there you should have a relative clear idea of bottom price, mid price and overpriced price. Also in order to try avoiding going against the rules on the forum, please do not contact me. This is not a offer and only a personal example.

  14. PvP avoidance is a good thing when we have a situation where a player on a PvP build optimized for 1vs1 is fighting a player on a Zerg support build optimized for support. Those two builds has no reason to fight each other, and I will take up anyone on a 1vs1 duel if I can pick their build and mine.


    Roaming however is much larger than just people on PvP builds killing people on non-PvP builds, and I have seen little proof that the warclaw is harming those other aspects of roaming.

  15. Let see here:

    Anet create guild missions for different modes. One mode for PvE, one for PvP and one for WvW.

    Anet created tactics which is object upgrades created by guilds.

    Anet created guild siege.

    Anet created "GvG" arenas on WvW maps.

    Anet want to create alliances which make servers based on guilds.


    To me that is a rather strong design indication about where anet is going with WvW. It also match the community on the server I am on. WvW players are not there for the rewards, and especially not veterans that historically spent gold on upgrades. People go to this content because having the server fight other servers create a community bond between players, which is very different from the sPvP experience most player seem to have. The impactful moments in WvW is when your friends, team, guild or even whole server managed to achieve something impossible. An impossible defence against uncountable foes, a daring sneak attack against a keep, a several hour tug of war over SM. Back in the days when I recruited people to try WvW those were the things that got people hooked.


    What is not as fun is karma trains and unbalanced matches, mostly because it doesn't have any of those remembable moments.

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