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Posts posted by zionophir.6845

  1. you effin forgot the crits (that varies) and the base damage/noncrits (that also varies). so yea, you have to like get the average of the damages (with proper bounds). you don't have to just sample a damage from your first hit. and then fucking go to wvw/pvp and get your first whip.


    and i think still think and am certain that your number is wayyyyyyyyyy far off, like the distance of earth to andromeda. fail precision, as usual.








  3. > @"Eme.2018" said:

    > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

    > > pve damage = 20

    > >

    > > 75% of 20 = .75 of 20 = 15

    > > to

    > > 25% of 20 = .25 of 20 = 5

    > >

    > > what's the difference? 10.

    > >

    > > 10 is 50% of 20.

    > **BUT**

    > 10 is also the 66% of 15, which is what actually matters and what describes the actual difference you will experience.


    > If FC was hitting for 1000 damage it will now hit for 333 which is a 66.6% nerf.







    you don't start with 15. you start with 20. 20 is 100% pve damage... if you want to get the difference of 75% of pve and 25% of pve, get the numbers, subtract and the difference is what percent of the 100% pve damage...


    and what have i been saying.. "From 75% of pve damage, they reduced it by 50% OF PVE DAMAGE."


    if pve damage is 20.. "From 15 minus 10 equals 5"...


    and 5 is 25% of pve damage, which is 20..


    and what is 10? 50% OF PVE DAMAGE.

  4. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

    > > > @"Eme.2018" said:

    > > > @"gimo.3281"

    > > >

    > > > 0.5 equals to 0.75 * 2/3 (in other words if 0.75 is the 100% then 66.6% is 0.5)

    > > >

    > >

    > > pve damage = 20

    > >

    > > 75% of 20 = .75 of 20 = 15

    > > to

    > > 25% of 20 = .25 of 20 = 5

    > >

    > > what's the difference? 10.

    > >

    > > 10 is 50% of 20.

    > >

    > > yo, in what 'effin trash bin do you pull out your kind of "math"? you don't even need a kitten high school diploma to pull this off..


    > I am in awe that people cannot do simple math. Please, the following message is for future "wannabe mathematicians"


    > Please, please, please refrain from posting if you have no clue on how to calculate **percentage lost.**


    > what is the percentage damage lost of going from 15 to 5?

    > (5/15 - 1) * 100 = - 66.66%


    > Jesus Christ, it is enough with the mathematician wannabes if you don't know what you are talking about please do not post!


    > In hopes that everyone will understand, I am going to attempt a final example that even a tortoise can understand.

    > Suppose you have 75 cents (0.75 dollars) in your pocket. But your pocket has a hole and later when you check you only have 25 cents (0.25 dollars).

    > How much money did you lose? obviously 50 cents (0.5 dollars)

    > What percentage of money did you lose?

    > Since you start with 75 cents and you end up with 25 cents, the percentage of money lost is (25/75 - 1) * 100 = -66.66%


    > That means you lost 66.66% of your money!

    > and to corroborate that the math is right:

    > (75 cents)(-0.6666) = -50 cents


    > So please, do not let me down, i have higher hopes for humanity.

    > Stop with the "mathematician wannabe."

    > Throughout high school I heard many "why do i need to study math if I am never going to use it in real life..."

    > Well now you know...



    going from 75% to 25%, you know, get the actual numbers. get the difference. and that difference is what percentage of 100% pve damage? coz if your base is 15 which is 75% damage, then the process is borked...




    either suck that, or go bork bork again...


    and can you please state what kind of math are you using? is it localized? is it like australian math? or canadian math? or some usa math?


  5. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Limodriver.4106" said:

    > > > funny its ok to 1 shot ppl with ur mesmer and thief and a warrior no no no not ok.

    > >

    > > it's the other way around. it's ok for warrior to 1 shot people because warriors are a ' damage all around profession', so why not give them game breaking damages that over exceed them but it's a big game breaker if mesmer and thief to 1 shot people


    > There is not a single warrior build that gets remotely close to oneshot anyone. Dont throw around blatant lies, give me proof, that anyone with fully equipped gear got oneshot from warrior on the recent patch, proof it dude, dont just throw a tantrum for no reason. And NOBODY on a full tank build will get oneshot by ANY class. Especially not by warrior.

    > Pics or it didnt happen.



    > > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > >

    > > > Great, good thing Kill Shot is not an auto hit is it? Problem solved.

    > > >

    > > > Kill shot is one of the most telegraphed attacks in the game with a very obvious visual tell, a very long cast time and a hefty requirement which leaves the warrior without any adrenaline (and the rifle occupies one weapon slot).

    > > >

    > > > Sorry but this is absolutely a learn to play issue if there ever is one.

    > > >

    > > > You can sum up a ton of skills which would be on the "should dodge" list. My only question in this case is, what are you actually doing while you are letting someone else just pummel you and free cast all their skills?

    > >

    > > It is a problem. It's an ability that is able to kill a full toughness build in a single action. And in case you missed it. GW2 isn't a duel arena where all options are available 100% of the time and there is the issue with "culling" of skills existent. It doesn't help at all that in theory you can see "the warrior kneeling down" if he doesn't because the animation is bugged or the server decides to hide that information from you.

    > > This gets even worse when stealth classes are involved.

    > >

    > > Just cut the damage, delete damage modifiers and balance out the game between glass cannon builds, tank builds, condi builds and healing builds. At the moment there is two things that work. Massive power creep from glass cannons that aren't because they have access to invulnerables, stealth, etc. and one tank build with great damage aka boon ranger.

    > >


    > Show me proof of a warrior oneshotting anyone, especially one with full toughness, happens NEVER.



    i play warrior rifle in PvP alternately with another warrior build on my free to play. and i saw another rifle warrior which can go up to 25 might and maintaining it by himself...


    so the WvW scenario of 20k kill shot is not far fetched, especially with ascended/food and other stat buffs... and probably what i saw in pvp is that kind of rifle warrior talked about in this thread.


    if legit, yeah, its good. but if hax, yeah, still trash..

  6. > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

    > > indeed. it is not arcdps, but the users of arcdps.


    > Touche! But as mentioned, probably #notallusers.


    yeah. a gun, by itself, can't do sh@t. give that to a morally upright and responsible owner, he'll use it accordingly and most likely, sparingly. but give that to an effin you know what, cnn will have another news..

  7. > @"Eme.2018" said:

    > @"gimo.3281"


    > 0.5 equals to 0.75 * 2/3 (in other words if 0.75 is the 100% then 66.6% is 0.5)



    pve damage = 20


    75% of 20 = .75 of 20 = 15


    25% of 20 = .25 of 20 = 5


    what's the difference? 10.


    10 is 50% of 20.


    yo, in what 'effin trash bin do you pull out your kind of "math"? you don't even need a fucking high school diploma to pull this off..




    so i think what happened to FC from pre-Dec 11 to patch is this: They equalized the PvE+PvP/WvW damage prepatch, equated it to 75% PvE damage and reduced it by 50% PvE damage...


    it doesn't matter how low it became.. the purpose of it is for you to suspect sh@t software users in PvP/WvW by noticing the mega-inconsistency between the highest average damage you do in PvE vs the damage you do in PvP/WvW. or maybe there is a layer on your client that is reducing your actual damage, when you are pvp/wvwing...


    so yea, i think a.net is playing with your head and make you wear a tin foil hat, i think. they are headquartered in bellevue anyway.. (google: bellevue new york city)



  8. vpn? improving latency?


    well my wifi is slightly slower than wired direct connection. 1 hop should be faster than 2 hops (traceroute). lel.


    this is akin to layering GW2-64.exe and playing it in a non-Windows OS and effin claiming "iz good, bruv."


    VPN is for spoofing ips so you can get in on a gateway with a set of allowed ip addresses based on location. that's about it.

  9. that means get the 75% of FC damage in PvE and subtract 50% of FC damage in PvE. so the scaling of damage is based upon PvE damage. so the damage of FC is @ constant and settled at that. 25% PvE damage should be the base.


    check the history of FC if it was split game mode wise [PvE ~ PvP/WvW]. then go from there to get the numbers.


    A.NET just wants you to effin go to PvE and do damage. and that damage is the baseline and you can even hit the hardest PvE mob. and if you go PvP/WvW and if you notice mega-inconsistency, like if you hit the hardest PvE mob at 1k damage and you hit a sh1t player at 200 damage, most probably that your enemy in PvP/WvW is using some sh1t software or there is some sh1t layer in your effin game client. either of those.


    meaning sh1tters in the internet, sh1tters in the outernet.



  10. use third party apps, get third partied. and even you're not doing anything risky, they gonn still get in like disabling your sound or hijacking your shutdown button (on windows 10). if that happens, that means you're a big deal to this nubsh1tters. all you have to do is let them be and f@cking watch their "movements". and how do you trap? you effin let them in. and effin who is the CEO of Microsoft? so yea.


    so indeed, there is the famous, and the meta-famous.

  11. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

    > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

    > > > > > > > @"DerJoker.9081" said:

    > > > > > > > Afaik, all the playerrelated stuff is handled by the cpu, so it would make sense that u can get 40fps with the integrated GPU...

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > but a GPU is still better. All I'm saying @ integrated graphics, the game is still playable.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > He is saying that the quality of the GPU does not matter as much since the main bottleneck for this game is and will be the CPU.

    > > > >

    > > > > when i play on my GPU, there is a massive difference. i get 90 fps on wvw roaming and as i've said, 40 fps wvw roaming on integrated graphics.

    > > > >

    > > > > so what i say still stands. a stand alone GPU is still better than integrated graphics. but that does not mean that integrated graphics is bad. it can still run a playable GW2. Depends if you're hungry for more FPS or you just play because you're lazy plugging a wire.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Integrated graphics card means the CPU takes over duties of the otherwise outsourced GPU.

    > > >

    > > > Obviously throttling your CPU will have a tremendous performance effect on a game which is very CPU heavy.

    > > >

    > > > That does not change the fact that GW2 is very CPU heavy versus GPU heavy. A less powerful GPU will not have that big an effect.

    > >

    > > k. i dare you to remove all of your graphics cards (standalone and integrated) and run GW2 and let's see if GW2 runs.


    > Yes because that's how you show were the bottleneck in performance is...


    > Read what I wrote:

    > The GPU is not of major significance.


    > Notice that is not the same as:

    > The GPU is not required.


    not a major significance = can be thrown away.


    so yeah, what's the purpose of a standalone GPU? Add 2 FPS?



  12. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

    > > > > > @"DerJoker.9081" said:

    > > > > > Afaik, all the playerrelated stuff is handled by the cpu, so it would make sense that u can get 40fps with the integrated GPU...

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > but a GPU is still better. All I'm saying @ integrated graphics, the game is still playable.

    > > >

    > > > He is saying that the quality of the GPU does not matter as much since the main bottleneck for this game is and will be the CPU.

    > >

    > > when i play on my GPU, there is a massive difference. i get 90 fps on wvw roaming and as i've said, 40 fps wvw roaming on integrated graphics.

    > >

    > > so what i say still stands. a stand alone GPU is still better than integrated graphics. but that does not mean that integrated graphics is bad. it can still run a playable GW2. Depends if you're hungry for more FPS or you just play because you're lazy plugging a wire.

    > >

    > >


    > Integrated graphics card means the CPU takes over duties of the otherwise outsourced GPU.


    > Obviously throttling your CPU will have a tremendous performance effect on a game which is very CPU heavy.


    > That does not change the fact that GW2 is very CPU heavy versus GPU heavy. A less powerful GPU will not have that big an effect.


    k. i dare you to remove all of your graphics cards (standalone and integrated) and run GW2 and let's see if GW2 runs.

  13. > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > and then you will have to deal with all the windows problems? thanks, but no thanks. Why dont you troll elesewhere?



    look at the thread. how many linux bugs do you see? over 9000.


    try running GW2 on windows XP and most likely you'll see under 9000 bugs or yeah, close to 0.


    MacOS is certified UNIX-like by the Open Group. and where did Gates base the proto-Windows? upon finishing an Apple Demo Tour.


    Now see why Linux is not supported.

  14. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

    > > > @"DerJoker.9081" said:

    > > > Afaik, all the playerrelated stuff is handled by the cpu, so it would make sense that u can get 40fps with the integrated GPU...

    > > >

    > >

    > > but a GPU is still better. All I'm saying @ integrated graphics, the game is still playable.


    > He is saying that the quality of the GPU does not matter as much since the main bottleneck for this game is and will be the CPU.


    when i play on my GPU, there is a massive difference. i get 90 fps on wvw roaming and as i've said, 40 fps wvw roaming on integrated graphics.


    so what i say still stands. a stand alone GPU is still better than integrated graphics. but that does not mean that integrated graphics is bad. it can still run a playable GW2. Depends if you're hungry for more FPS or you just play because you're lazy plugging a wire.



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