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Tibicia.8315's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Tempest was nerfed into the dirt, years ago. My tempest is a crafter, now-a-days.
  2. This update just buffed the 1-1-1-blob meta, again. Why bother with builds? Why bother learning skills, or rotations. Just run in a massive blob like a noob, hitting 1 and w. Every stinking update lately, has been horrifying. Who is balancing this stuff?! Do A-net devs only only play PvE? Are you afraid your avatar will die? News flash, it's a temporary death and doesn't hurt IRL. Damage should be OK, and one *should* be able to take the enemy by surprise and have some level of strategy (like you know, builds, damage...coordinated gameplay...I know that sounds crazy and all...). PLEASE, A-net, ask your regular WvW players! Check ranks before you take ideas from the level 1's who are afraid to leave spawn, because what you're doing is causing the long-time WvW players to migrate away. Or is that the goal? If that is the case, it's working because I ran into several former WvW players last night, while we were playing another game. We all talked about how WvW just kept getting slowly strangled. That was last night, before today's latest WvW strangulation event.
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