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Posts posted by mixxed.5862

  1. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > @"Aza.2105" said:

    > > snips


    > you could've picked a better option for your argument, no one in their right mind is going to use hammer anymore if anyone even did. I get what you're saying but you're the one who doesn't understand. so op things get nerfed, some up things that didn't get nerfed become more attractive options. except too many of those options are still unusable because of how bad they are. they could follow up in the future with buffs to these useless things which I hope they will.


    > > Hammer

    > > - Autoattack Chain: Reduced power coefficients from 0.9/0.9/1.2 to 0.6/0.6/0.8

    > > - Fierce Blow: Reduced base power coefficient from 1.8 to 0.77. Reduced power coefficient vs controlled foes from 2.16 to 1.82. Reduced weakness duration from 4 seconds to 2 seconds. Reduced cooldown from 6 seconds to 4 seconds

    > > - Hammer Shock: Reduced power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.7

    > > - Staggering Blow: Reduced power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.01

    > > - Backbreaker: Reduced power coefficient from 1.5 to 0.01

    > > - Earthshaker: Reduced power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.01


    No, hammer won't be nerfed. It's about to get the BIGGEST BUFF it ever got! Yes, it'll do less damage however its CC will be a LOT more valuable. Hammer will be all about control. So the pertinent question to ask is whether after the patch your opponents will eventually run out of stunbreaks.


    Most stunbreaks will be on a 40+ second cooldown, every trait that allows for frequent access to stunbreaks (Rev, Necro, Druid etc.) will be straight up deleted from the game, passive stunbreaks will get their cooldowns adjusted to 5 MINUTES. Stability durations will be reduced, access to stability cut and some builds will even lose their access to stab altogether. Mirage will only have a single dodge, Rev's dodging will be neutered. On some builds disengages and mobility will be reduced considerably.


    Once you've caught your enemy in a CC chain you swap weapons and follow up with a burst. But will you be able to? I think so! However it'll all depend on the new meta.

  2. While I think the concept behind the shade rework is fine, it won't have the positive effect you wish for. **Basically it will nerf Scourge slightly in PvE, hit it very hard in PvP and even buff it in WvW while promoting a ranged meta.**


    It will go counter to all your objectives!


    **Don't increase the target caps in WvW (only) and you have a harsh enough nerf that could finally bring some overdue change to the WvW meta!**


    Later on you can rebalance both the CD and duration of shades to buff the spec until it is in a good place in every game mode. You'll end up with a Scourge design that is harder to play and more fair to play against.

  3. > Sand Savant: We've wanted to address the target cap issue with this trait in WvW for a while, however it is an incredibly gnarly problem because this is a large functional change that would need to be preserved between game modes. This was why the cooldown split was made on this trait originally. We hear you that the trait is an issue and we're working on it. This is a tough case to crack in a manner that does not leave one mode suffering due to the changes made for another.


    I'd suggest increasing the target cap only on the supportive Shroud skills/aspects (F2, F3, Desert Empowerment trait, barrier application on Harbinger shroud) while the offensive ones/aspects (F1, F4, F5, Path of Corruption trait) stay at 3 targets. All of them still get the radius increase.

    Alternatively just remove the target cap increase in WvW only and be done with Scourge.


    The rest of the changes look fine. But it will depend on how you handle Sand Savant whether they'll equate to much.

  4. > @"Mesket.5728" said:

    > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > The normal burst removal is so irrelevant. You never used any F1 anyway besides Longbow outside of Berserker mode. Simply having removed the option to do so causes you to *think* you're missing something, but it was largely inconsequential.


    > that's the biggest BS I've read so far in the forums. I don't care for your meta build or perfect rotation. The class is not fun to play anymore simply because it works on a timer. I've been playing warrior for almost 7 years and this is the worst ive seen it. Like others, I also went back to core warrior and removed berseker from the traitline.


    Yeah I agree, it's not fun. Sitting at 30 adrenaline for 10 seconds with nothing to spend it on is stupid. If they follow up on it, reduce the cooldown to ~8-10 seconds it could end up being a good change for berserker. It makes the spec slightly more distinct from core warrior and probably facilitates balancing. But the long cooldown on Berserk funnels it too hard towards spamming rage skills or waiting on a cooldown 50% of the time.

    For PvP and WvW the reworked spec seems to be better already so that's a plus.

    After all if I trusted the devs to do the right thing in a timely fashion I'd be quite content with the changes. Sadly the skills team addresses balance only infrequently, most of the time they just ignore current balance issues and do unrelated stuff. So expect to be waiting for a long time...

  5. > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > > > The current design includes rewards for defense as well. I probably misspoke on stream. We we want to encourage combat at objectives, both defending and attacking.

    > > > >

    > > > > it would be nice if defenders could actually stand on walls and shoot at the attackers without getting pulled/ aoe'd to death in seconds ;-).

    > > >

    > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > > > > The current design includes rewards for defense as well. I probably misspoke on stream. We we want to encourage combat at objectives, both defending and attacking.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > it would be nice if defenders could actually stand on walls and shoot at the attackers without getting pulled/ aoe'd to death in seconds ;-).

    > > > > I would still argue that the purpose of GW2 walls is **not** to provide a platform for defense. Its merely a delay mechanism for combat inside and outside the objective, keeping the objective safe from people just running in to cap. They arent useless as such and you can stand on it, but if you stand in circles, you get killed by circles.

    > > > >

    > > > > IMO there is no problem there. The only problem is lingering necro AoE marks allowing zergs to light up walls for a long time with no effort, which has nothing to do with walls themselves.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > I would argue only that the same option was provided to both: if you can be hit on a wall, you should be able to hit from the wall.

    > > >

    > > > Same class, same weapon etxc.

    > > >

    > > This conflicts with the idea that AoE is... well, AoE. The circle will always hit things the LoS projectiles cant.

    > >

    > > Besides, its not a false statement that you can hit people from the wall just as good as a they can hit from below. Just reverse the scenario. If 50 people are standing on the walls and say 3 people are below with a cata, are those 50 people going to be unable to hit the cata and die to AoE from those 3 people?

    > >


    > put 50 on the wall and 50 down. The 50 on the wall are screwed. They can't defend against the marks&wells, their eles can't drop meteors and lava on the zerg below, because of broken LoS. They can be pulled down and killed one by one, the 50 down don't need to worry about that.


    50 on a wall vs. 50 down doesn't exactly sound like a fun game. I rather the defenders need to make a sortie to create a distraction while their archers rain down hell from the battlements! Oh this is GW2 in 2019, whoops, let's all just run through that gate then while our Scourges gloriously press through all of their buttons faster than the enemies'. Do you have your wood planks ready? Charge my ~~fearsome~~ ~~Warriors~~ Scourges!

  6. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > As I see it there are two "exploits" for it: going out of combat and quickly swapping for something better with fighting your targets *or* swapping quickly right before combat (ie zerg->roamer). The former is easy to stop - just add a 1-2 minute cooldown after exiting combat or something. The later... trickier. Restrictions like only being able to use it in spawn makes it fairly useless. What if you just want to use it inside garri or something? Wont do with spawn.


    > What I would imagine it working is like an actual skill. It takes 20s to channel and get interrupted by combat, plus say that 2 minute cooldown upon going out of combat. That would solve both sides of the "flipping" build to gain a quick advantage over the enemy, but it doesnt really have any restrictions to where you can use it. Still an easier way to flip between preset builds than doing everything manually.


    > Buuuuut I'm fairly sure Anet wont do anything like that. Prolly cause there is no place to put that skill lol. I do believe just an instant unrestricted build template flip will be heavily exploited by people setting up condi/power/bunker/dps counter-builds.


    I don't see a big problem with swapping builds on the fly. Everyone can swap to a roaming set-up while alone and be back on the zerg load-out once they've catched up. There's nothing unfair about it. It enables more flexibility to adapt to fights of varying size and encourages swapping out your build on the spot so you can engage that player you'd otherwise need to run from (on your warclaw...).


    I don't think counter picking for every 1v1 will be a big thing. When you roam on your core warrior you don't want to play spellbreaker. Furthermore, most builds can already adapt for condi/power just by switching out a utility skill and maybe a trait. Even if some experienced roamers end up using the system to their advantage, if they come prepared and adapt their build correctly to every situation - it's just another skill to master! Though a short cooldown upon leaving combat sounds reasonable.

  7. OP has a good point although core necro isn't really the worst offender balance-wise. Cast times, visibility and tells definitely need a pass across the board. I'm not totally against instant cast CCs altogether, in some cases they make the game feel more fluent and there are stun breaks/condi clears after all. Although when they're on short cooldowns it just feels cheap.

    On the other side of the spectrum there's too much dodge/defensive spam on some builds. When you run two Sigils of Energy you can dodge every 5 seconds, with some kiting, defensive weapon sets and utilities you'll have plenty to waste. It's too forgiving! Plus it leads to spam of offensive skills as you won't manage to save your impactful skills for when your opponent's out of defenses anyways. So spam away and hope for your opponent to mess up!


    * Work on cast times, tells, visibility and at least reconsider cooldowns on instant skills/procs

    * Decrease defensive creep by removing Sigil of Energy, Rune of Earth and Rune of Sanctuary

    * Rebalance the constant high pressure on some specs (e.g. 33 might power herald)

    * Rebalance availability of active defenses accordingly where it's necessary (e.g. firebrand's triple AoE stunbreak elite mantra)

  8. Come on, qualifying one raid and a fractal a year as "focus" on Anet's part requires some really heavy mental gymnastics. It's pretty obvious that most of their resources go into their LW content - including a new map each release.


    > @"The Ace.9105" said:

    > Unless the focusing on open world content brings us some kind of separate 10-man instances where you clear the map and get completion from it like vanquish in gw1 the full on focus is just disconnection from the community.


    I really love that idea! Although I'd prefer 5 man content... With more players your personal contribution just becomes less and less significant.

    I don't think it's a case of disconnection from the community. They're just entirely focused on making a laid-back game for their casual playerbase.


    (edit) I mean look at the people complaining: "You betrayed your manifesto! Why are there exclusive rewards locked behind raids?" When in reality all these people run around in full ascended best-in-slot gear and there's nothing keeping them from getting into raids but their own lack of motivation or interest. All they'd need to do is put in some effort and look for a training guild or ask some friends in game whether they're up for the challenge.


    > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > As much as I love new maps and stories, I just don't see a point in running around in them after the initial exploration/map completion, neither am I interested in brainless gold farms or zerg events where individual contribution and game mechanics don't really matter, after the initial experience of them.


    > Without Fractal CM's and Raids and to some extend WvW and PvP, there just isn't anything that could keep my interest for an extended amount of time, as nothing in open world requires any investment or understanding and interaction with, of the mechanics in the game. Which is a shame, since they are great.


    > In the original Guild Wars, the "open world" in form of it's mission instances tended to be a lot more difficult, especially after offering features like hard mode.

    > The fact that they were also all coop on top of being challenging at times meant there was a reason to come together and form communities, as well as to engage with the game mechanics, and to create and adapt builds to overcome challenges.


    > Guild Wars 2's open world being reduced to pressing F on nodes, nuking mobs in half a second, or holding down 1 in laggy Meta event zergs, due to lack of challenge, as well as story missions being a completely free ride means it's play once and forget for me, as it barely qualifies as gameplay.

    > Never once did I consistently fail in Open World or Story content and had to stop and engage with the mechanics, asking myself what to do different to beat it.

    > The fact that you can even nuke big story bads with a decent build/rotation before you even see the mechanics that are supposed to challenge you (but also fail to do so if you deliberately hold back every 25% HP, just to check if they do anything before nuking them into oblivion) is a shame.


    > If they were to exclusively focus on that type of content they either would have to massively reduce power creep while drastically increasing the difficulty in open world and story missions (as well as offering even harder and repeatable coop versions of them with meaningful rewards), or the game would probably lose my interest very quickly as main game, even after being with this franchise for almost 14 years.


    > I guess it comes down to if they want me to keep playing daily, or for a day every 3-4 months, if I don't forget to keep up with it after a while.


    > As it is now, CM's, Raids and WvW are the only types content in this game, even after being critical of some of them myself before trying them, that made me want to form or be a part of communities to overcome that content with together, and to keep doing so at a regular basis.


    Amen. :)

  9. > @"Valeryk.3547" said:

    > I got a question for long standing players : seeing as characters don't have an energy bar for the abilities my worry is that you just end up virtually spamming most abilities off cd without any consideration or limitation I've been playing for a few h and at one point just set my abilities to autocast and the character was 100% effective just mashing out whatever comes off cd. This kinda put me off since I'm used to TBC wow private servers and ESO where resorse management is key so I was wondering if this changes in high levels ?


    In open world it changes a little bit in the expansions, in a few areas. The thing is in order to deal optimal damage you'll just want to use your best DPS abilities in a rotation, or really just in any way you like because the game is mostly very easy. The gameplay is only exciting when you're required to alternate between your offensive and defensive moves. And there is little PvE content that requires you to use your skills smartly, where you can't just spam everything off-cooldown.

    If you're looking for a challenge and a good combat experience I'd recommend giving PvP a try! That or just play naked through HoT...


    Edit: When the game provides a challenge (HoT hero points, PoF bounties) combat is really fun and the lack of resource management makes for a different experience but isn't an issue at all.

  10. There's only little challenging group content. While raids and fractals are fun, they're also a bit gimmicky and one new raid wing a year just isn't cutting it for anyone. Then there is an entire open world filled with content of trivial difficulty. It's tuned so you can play it solo in a laid-back manner and that's alright but also pretty boring in the long run. There'd be so much potential in a challenging, instanced version of it for guilds/groups - a hard mode like in the original Guild Wars. Ideally it'd be balanced for groups of 5 including a healer and even so all the events should be plenty challenging...


    Guild Wars was just such a good, social game designed to be played as a team! With Guild Wars 2 it seems like they've mostly buried that concept and made it a single player focused game that allows you to hit the same mob as a friend on occasion.


    Back to the roots! :o

  11. It's pretty funny, there's always lots of people complaining no matter what the devs touch. They want to make looting and inventory management less of an annoyance but as soon as players perceive their loot might be nerfed ever so slightly in the process - brace yourselves for the hysteria.


    Have you guys considered that market prices of materials will be affected by the MF nerf in the same vein? Magic find on unid gear never was a fun mechanic. Stack all of your loot until your bags are full, then pop as many MF boosters as possible and spend an hour salvaging. I'm sure I won't miss it...


    This is a major improvement to convenience coupled with a small re-balance so players that don't have MF maxed out no longer need to sell all their loot at the trading post. So in turn a couple of veterans that enjoyed buffing themselves up for a round of hardcore inventory wars could buy it and turn a profit. Capitalism at its finest :dizzy: but not exactly a fun system for a game.

  12. I like the nobility theme with "of the Mists". Nobility with "of the Arena" just doesn't fit as well imo. Thematically "God, Demigod, Champion, Legend, Master, Veteran, Soldier of the Arena" fits way better. But they aren't as sweet for RP purposes (and it's well known most PvP players are really into RP).


    > @"cryorion.9532" said:

    > WvW needs those military ranks as titles now! Pretty please :)


    > My suggestions for PvP:

    > 1st: The One Who Beat Them All

    > 2nd: Not the Best One in PvP

    > 3rd: Not even the 2nd Best One in PvP

    > 4th-10th: Experienced in PvP

    > 11th – 25th: Somehow Experienced in PvP

    > 26th-100th: Try-hard of PvP

    > 101st – 250th: Expendable and Forgettable


    Best suggestion. I don't get why this isn't getting more traction. Although I think "Try-hard of PvP" is clearly the best one and should be the top 10 title instead...



    1st: God of the Arena

    2nd: Demigod of the Arena

    3rd: Champion of the Arena

    4th-10th: Legend of the Arena

    11th – 25th: Master of the Arena

    26th-100th: Veteran of the Arena

    101st – 250th: Soldier of the Arena

  13. > @"NeroBoron.7285" said:

    > Stealth gyro is pretty useful and great it's basically a better shadow refugee and that's all right.

    > I think an increased cool down up to 60sec and a reduction to 5 pulses would be fine.

    > I could also imagine an initial invisible for 5 sec and then a pulsing blind in an aoe instead, on the current CD.


    That's an interesting suggestion imo.


  14. > @"Rusty.9348" said:

    > > @"mixxed.5862" said:

    > > Remove Rune of Earth and Rune of Sanctuary from PvP. Good start already and maybe duels are slightly more likely to not go on forever.

    > Scrappers often use Herald or even Leadership, but alas it doesn't help poor PvPers to kill them


    Wasn't meant to be targeted at Scrapper in particular but more the general state of sidenoders. The two runes offer too much resustain and make duels more boring than they need to be. Of course it won't magically solve the issue but it'd be a first step.


    As for Scrapper in particular, here are my thoughts:

    * Bulwark Gyro should only pulse barrier depending on the number of allies affected, add an aegis at the start to make up for it a bit (and so in a 1v1 it requires at least a tiny notch of brain to use effectively). Plus barrier duration in general should be reduced in PvP! At 5 seconds it's too easy to get the full value out of it - which completely undermines its design.

    * Superspeed duration on Shocking Speed could stand being reduced by a second (or maybe two).

  15. > @"Prinzsecond.4863" said:

    > > @"mixxed.5862" said:


    > > * Bulwark Gyro currently is overperforming in 1vX situations.

    > >

    > > * The new Stealth Gyro isn't a well designed skill. It now is but a very long stealth without specific counterplay to it. Plain boring!


    > Yes, Bulwark is very strong right now with 7.5+k barrier every 20s without a cast time. On the other Hand, if you have a block skill for 2s with 20s cast time it can easily mitigate the same amount of damage even in 1v1 (e.g. tool kit skill 4), the addition you have is a nice toolbelt skill coming with it.


    > Stealth gyro is not hard to Play, yes. However, there is a lot of counterplay to it, you have revenants, engis, Guardians that can either prevent you from stealthing or reveal you, and it can be interrupted. Additionally you have the marked mechanic etc. However, IF your stealth gyro Comes through, it is an easy escape. So it probably could make sense to make the stealth gyro itself visible, but not attackable.


    The diffrence is currently that you need to time a 2s block right to mitigate 8k damage. With the bulwark gyro that isn't really the case because the barrier lasts very long.

    Yes, you can reveal the Scrapper the moment he enters stealth or with Detection Pulse later on. Like with every other stealth skill in the game. But still that doesn't justify stealth for 18 seconds on a 45 second cd. If they don't rework it to give it more counterplay they'll eventually nerf it hard, I'm sure of it.

  16. > @"Manuhell.2759" said:

    > Regarding the bulwark gyro suggestion...if the allies come inside when it is already activated since a few seconds, you're still getting the damage from all of them. Without the barrier they should have provided before. That said, if you want to complain about the barrier in 1vsX situations, it's not like making the scrapper susceptible to death due to other people' errors is a good design either - since the scrapper can die if some allies are burst down (and in WvW it happens). Let alone the bugs associated with that damage sharing (you share damage from walls and gates, too). Also, while the amount of barrier provided is high...we're talking about builds with high healing power, of course it is high, it scales with that.


    > If they want to make it less good in 1vsX situations and don't kill the engineer for other people' errors, just make it pulse barrier to both engineer and allies, and change the amount of barriers provided according to that.


    > Regarding the Sneak Gyro, i just can't understand the complaining. It's strong? Yeah, well, it's an elite skill, it sure should be. What's the point of comparing it with Shadow Refuge as i've seen many people do? That's an utility skill, not an elite.

    > We could compare it with Mass Invisibility, at most. The amount of stealth of this one is quite shorter, but given in a single pulse (and can be extended via a trait, that also provides boon for every seconds spent in stealth). Cooldown is higher, but can be lowered via a trait (bringing it to 72s). Covers a larger area and, most importantly, targets 10 people. More suited for WvW, rather than PvP, but that doesn't mean it's less good.

    > I've seen many suggestions for Sneak Gyro. Most of which boil down to "make it so you can see the gyro so that you know there are people there". You even suggest to make it destructible to reveal people.

    > You want a stealth that gives away your position and that can be easily nullified. It worked like that before and no one bothered with it...because it was a terrible idea to start with, let alone for an elite skill. It's stealth, enemies are not supposed to know where you are to begin with. It gives no counterplay? Well, that's what people complain all the time about thieves or mesmers using stealth, and both are still there.


    > Don't like stealth? Fine, obliterate that gyro and just give a different skill then. Just don't ask to make it useless yet again.



    First off: Your completely missing the point. This isn't a complaint about "op kitten". It's simply two ideas to make the use of these two gyros more interesting, skillful and provide counterplay to the stealth gyro specifically. It needs counterplay because otherwise such a long invisibility duration on a short cooldown isn't consistent design.


    I strongly disagree with the notion that stealth gyro was useless before. Only it wasn't always keeping up. Same thing would be true for the new stealth gyro I suggested btw. It wouldn't give away your exact position because I agree that'd be a little stupid. It'd only give a general direction, indicate that the scrapper is in the vicinity and roughly where he is going and it'd serve for counterplay. The reveal part is just an idea and yeah... in WvW you'd often be revealed very fast. Alternatively the field would just stop pulsing once the gyro's gone. (I edited the op.)


    As for the bulwark gyro: The aegis is meant to make up for part of the loss of barrier. Aegis is best used reactively to negate big hits. Because with the way the gyro currently works there's no reason to save the cooldown for later in a 1v1. All there is to this skill in a 1v1 is pressing that button off cooldown for maximum efficiency. That's not fun...

    My suggestions simply aren't about flat out nerfing. Heck compensate for it with a larger initial barrier on top of the aegis and increase the barrier tick per ally to 1k per second for all I care!


    I just want utility skills that are best used in a skillful way. In a way that provides play instead of just being a button pressed every 25 seconds. I like the new blast gyro for example. You can play around the charge up to lock your enemy into it and knock them off point. If you pull it off you get the decap.


    **Tldr**; My issue with Scrapper isn't that it's op, I dislike that these two gyros are kitten boring to play and play against.

  17. > @"Duckota.4769" said:

    > > @"mixxed.5862" said:

    > > > @"Duckota.4769" said:

    > > > > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

    > > > > Many classes mobility is op for years, stealth is op for years, but the amount of mount issues that "suddenly" coming up baffles me. Let's fix the issues with stealth and mobility aka balancing first and leave the mount as it is? Deal?

    > > >

    > > > The thing is they are only issues if you don';t have to give up anything for that mobility. So since we all have mounts and all have mobility we gonna give core thief damage and sustain back? I highly doubt that is something people would want to do. Some classes didn't give up anything like condi mirage. However that needed to be fixed (kinda was this past patch to be fair). Not everyone needed mobility to make up for the few classes that lacked it when they excelled in other areas.

    > >

    > > Your mobility advantage in combat is just as big as it always was. You can still beat every build you could previously. You can't mount up while in combat! So the mount didn't change a thing in that regard. Plus you can disengage a fight even more easily than before. Just use your mobility or stealth to get out of combat and then mount up.

    > > Thus your argument seems rather weak.

    > > The only diffrence is that for example thiefs can't get out of combat to heal up anymore to then rengage for a second chance. They can't sniper unsuspecting squishies from stealth any longer or oneshot with a malicious backstab. I think that's a healthy change and I prefer roaming on thief myself.

    > >

    > > But it should still be easy enough to catch a mounted player in transit to engage her/him in a fight. That needs some more work. Because otherwise roaming in a map filled with zerglings gets boring quickly.


    > Right but all of those disengage tools I have to burn just to engage a mounted player. That is a balance issue. If I have to do that I should get something in return since my mobility once in combat is severely limited. However the more sensible thing to do is like you said. Bring mounts to a more reasonable level.


    I agree with you on that part!

    A few resources spent on dismounting a passer-by isn't necessarily a bad thing as long as it doesn't get too annoying and is doable for most roaming builds.


    I meant to argue: I believe mounts aren't inherently broken or bad for roaming. The Warclaw needs a couple of tweaks and it will be pretty great even for small scale.

  18. > @"Duckota.4769" said:

    > > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

    > > Many classes mobility is op for years, stealth is op for years, but the amount of mount issues that "suddenly" coming up baffles me. Let's fix the issues with stealth and mobility aka balancing first and leave the mount as it is? Deal?


    > The thing is they are only issues if you don';t have to give up anything for that mobility. So since we all have mounts and all have mobility we gonna give core thief damage and sustain back? I highly doubt that is something people would want to do. Some classes didn't give up anything like condi mirage. However that needed to be fixed (kinda was this past patch to be fair). Not everyone needed mobility to make up for the few classes that lacked it when they excelled in other areas.


    Your mobility advantage in combat is just as big as it always was. You can still beat every build you could previously. You can't mount up while in combat! So the mount didn't change a thing in that regard. Plus you can disengage a fight even more easily than before. Just use your mobility or stealth to get out of combat and then mount up.

    Thus your argument seems rather weak.

    The only diffrence is that for example thiefs can't get out of combat to heal up anymore to then rengage for a second chance. They can't sniper unsuspecting squishies from stealth any longer or oneshot with a malicious backstab. I think that's a healthy change and I prefer roaming on thief myself.


    But it should still be easy enough to catch a mounted player in transit to engage her/him in a fight. That needs some more work. Because otherwise roaming in a map filled with zerglings gets boring quickly.

  19. The changes in general are good and now gyros are more valuable in all game modes and better suited for situations where there's lots of cleave damage.

    But bulwark and stealth gyro are really problematic right now and they aren't as interesting as they could be in my opinion.


    * Bulwark Gyro currently is overperforming in 1vX situations. While in teamfights you need to use it carefully, when you're on your own it's an easy big barrier for an extended amount of time. You need only click it off CD and you're fine. That's a real flaw with it's current design. I'd prefer if it applied a barrier and an Aegis initially, while the pulsing barrier only happens according to the number of allies around you. If you're by yourself there are no pulses, per ally it pulses ~300 barrier per second and if you're surrounded by 5 allies it pulses for the maximum amount of 1.5k.


    * The new Stealth Gyro isn't a well designed skill. It now is but a very long stealth without specific counterplay to it. Plain boring! My suggestion would be to combine the best of both designs: You spawn a stealth gyro (that can't be stealthed and follows you) on use, but the stealth pulses on you instead. And when the gyro gets destroyed you're revealed. (edit) Alternatively the field would just stop pulsing once the gyro's gone without you being revealed right away.

  20. The changes in general are good and they're more valuable in all game modes. Only bulwark and stealth gyro are rally problematic imo.


    * Bulwark Gyro currently is overperforming in 1vX situations. While in teamfights you need to use it carefully, when you're in your own it's an easy big barrier for an extended amount of time. You need only click it off CD and your fine. That's a real flaw with it's currently design. I'd prefer if they applied a barrier and an Aegis initially, while the pulsing effect only happens according to the number of allies around you. If you're by yourself there are no pulses, per ally it pulses ~300 barrier per second and if you're surrounded by 5 allies it pulses for the maximum amount.

    * The new Stealth Gyro isn't a well designed skill. It now is but a very long stealth without counterplay to it. Plain boring! My suggestion would be to combine the best of both designs: You spawn a stealth gyro (that can't be stealth and follows you) on use, but the stealth pulses on you instead. When the gyro is destroyed you and every ally nearby is immediatly revealed.

  21. I'd like to know as well. The longer leap was so much more fun, I hope it's only a temporary fix until they've addressed the exploits.

    Of course it was very easy to escape with before and the burst speed was pretty high with 3 dodges but I rather they reduce the number of dodges to 2 (with mastery) instead of making it feel worse.


    A few more ideas I've picked up:


    * Maul dismounts enemies hit.

    * You're revealed while mounted. (There's enough ganking from stealth in the game already.)

    * Reduce the health a bit for the sake of solo roaming.

    * Cripple, chill, immobilize slow the warclaw by ~33% and also reduce the leap's length. (Doesn't stack.)


    But overall I think the Warclaw is a good addition to the game mode. It's something fresh and fun and makes movement across the big maps far more enjoyable.

    I just wish they put in some more work to balance it a little better for roaming, and revert the leap nerf eventually!

  22. > @"Silver.2076" said:

    > New patch, new opinion.

    > After reducing the leap by felt 30% I have to say, you have pulled the claws of the war claw with it. Feels sluggish and doesn't allow you to break through into zerg fights anymore. I wish this would just be an stop-gap solution to give more time to fix the many expolits. But I'm afraid that too many players will be pleased with it, because it retains the existing strategies.

    > Still, the war claw still feels very good in the WvW for me.


    I feel the same way. The longer leap was so much more fun, I hope it's only a temporary fix until they've addressed the break-in issues...

    Of course it was very easy to escape with before and the burst speed was pretty high with 3 dodges but I rather they reduce the number of dodges to 2 (with mastery) instead of making it feel worse.


    A few more suggestions I approve:


    1. Maul dismounts enemies hit.

    2. You're revealed while mounted. There's enough ganking from stealth in the game already.

    3. Reduce the health a bit for the sake of solo roaming.

    4. Soft-CC (cripple, chill, immobilize) slows the warclaw by ~33% and also reduces the leap's length. (Doesn't stack.)


    But overall the Warclaw is a good addition to the game mode! It's something fresh and fun and makes movement across the big maps far more enjoyable.

    I just wish they put in some more work to optimize it further, and revert the leap nerf eventually!

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