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Isle of Stars.3049

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Posts posted by Isle of Stars.3049

  1. As what the title says, kindly put a system where it allows us to skip cutscenes/dialogues during claiming of achievements. It is no longer necessary for us to watch these scenes over and over when we are repeating these chapters for the sake of collecting achievements. This happens especially when an achievement fails and we have to repeat the same thing all over from the start.



  2. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > > > > @"Altion.9576" said:

    > > > > > I find the collection to get this mount stupid and a chore, not only it requires a stupid amount of time, but you also need to spend gold AND a kitten of materials to get it? It feels like im trying to get a kitten legendary!! Hell no.

    > > > >

    > > > > What?!?! You'd rather throw money at a problem than overcome it? Should they also put legendary gear in the BL shop?

    > > >

    > > > if they did, I would buy quite a few Gen2.

    > > >

    > > > Id rather work for one hour and buy something with that wage that would have otherwise cost me days in man power hours of grinding.

    > > >

    > > > Anet are missing out on a lot of money by not allowing them to be purchased but I guess they have made enough money from mount skins not too warrant selling them outright.

    > >

    > > Lol, ANet is avoiding the player loss that comes with P2W games. Of course people would buy that stuff, and people that actually want to play games, and disagree with P2W, would find something else. There is no P2W game in existence that doesn't have problems keeping players, because no one wants to play wallet wars. What is the point of even playing a game if you can literally buy everything you could possibly want?


    > i dont understand how buying a cosmetic is pay to win?


    The convenience of a flying mount and changing stats of a weapon by fly is a cosmetic to you?

  3. Lmao you guys are calling the shots for a Rev damage nerf, and exactly here during this bunker meta where everyone doesn't seem to die.


    Just get the Renegade rolling. Of all the specs available in the game I see that one spec in sPvP like a dying breed.

  4. > @"TheBravery.9615" said:

    > 1. Character combat voice packs


    ^ This. I like that Largos voice where there's a feedback sound effect (I don't know what they call that) which fits armors with mystical/diabolic theme to them.


    I do not like to wear a full Zodiac set and then my character speaks in a Wall Street accent. lol



  5. > @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

    > > @"Isle of Stars.3049" said:

    > > it is difficult to tone down the present power creep without hurting the original specs


    > Nerfing elites and not core is difficult? Hello?


    Indeed, some of them proved to be challenging as their mechanics are ingrained with the designs of the classes itself. Toning down the numbers these elite specs generate isn't enough to get rid of the power creep.


    Meanwhile, I am also interested in your input on how we can address the power creep issue on this game. All views are welcome.

  6. > @"will de grijze jager.6594" said:

    > > @"Isle of Stars.3049" said:

    > > Sadly, the powercreep won't be removed. Simply because this is their market strategy, somewhat like how Apple intentionally slows down their iPhones with updates so that people will be forced to buy a new one. Cannibalizing the game is bad if it can't capture new clients and current clients (like your friends) leave due to this reason.


    > If that is the case the game will die in the next couple of years. More and more people are leaving the game becuase of power creep. I'm playing this game fore more then 5 years, from beta tests. Even i am getting annoyed because of the power creep. The skill is getting removed more and more from the game.


    I could be wrong with that, so take my opinion with a large sack of Himalayan pink salt.


    If I may add, another possible reason why there is an inevitable gridlock in power creep can be traced on their introduction of the specialization classes when HoT came about. From a business's perspective, it may appear cheaper to introduce sub-specs from pre-existing classes with weapons that were not previously available (i.e., rifle on Thief, Shield on Mesmer, etc.) than introducing a new class into the game (after rev).


    This is where the power creeping eventually came, as the designers create more complex specs for the game, it renders other previous specs obsolete. There is a slight chance that the power creep that we have now may be the result of lack of foresight in terms of development.


    Introducing a new class, rather than giving all pre-existing classes new specs -was- detrimental in controlling the power creep in this game. The devs should have seen the success of the original Guild Wars for this reason and took it as a lesson. Simply because a new class can be designed to be countered by some of the previously existing classes, or be toned down with nerfs immediately when needed without hurting its intended design (in GW2's case, the core traits/specs).


    With the status quo that we have, it is difficult to tone down the present power creep without hurting the original specs (Core). For instance, they nerfed Lead Attacks with an initial intent of lessening the burst of Deadeye, but then again it's not only Deadeye that was affected, as almost every Thief build requires Trickery traitline. But then again, why make all Core builds too powerful, or at least included in the meta when they are f2p, right? Hence, why you see very limited Core builds in play.


    What we can only do is wait for ANet to throw small bones that we can gnaw. In reality, removing the power creep by nerfing/buffing the numbers these specs generate is just a band-aid solution towards the problem. A huge rework is needed. But, judging by the company's business model, I don't see that happening until the game bleeds out.


    When you take the red pill you'll go through this game pleasantly surprised.


  7. > @"Caedmon.6798" said:


    > > @"Isle of Stars.3049" said:

    > > I would say that Backstab from dd/core is fine as it is. The one that needs to be checked is Malicious Backstab and other gimmicks of DE.

    > >

    > > If you are advocating for a tuning down of Backstab, then the balance team should also consider a slight tune down of sustain from bunker classes. This way it will still be viable without buffing it.


    > De needs to build up,DD/core can oneshot you without the need to build up.


    Not anymore post LA change.

  8. > @"spectrito.8513" said:

    > > @"Isle of Stars.3049" said:


    > > If you are advocating for a tuning down of Backstab, then the balance team should also consider a slight tune down of sustain from bunker classes.

    > You should be new.

    > Balance team doesnt take anything into consideration when balancing pvp modes, changes are nearly random.


    > I just want this BS to go




    I am playing since 2014. If that is new to you then that's fine.


    " I just want this BS to go"


    but then again:


    "Balance team doesnt take anything into consideration"



  9. > @"Jumpel.3972" said:

    > > @"Isle of Stars.3049" said:


    > > He's not asking about the efficiency of Binding Shadow though. It may be a "noob killer" but regardless it shouldn't outclass something that is an Elite. Sindrener and Vallun mentioned about Binding Shadow being too much for a utility skill and that I cannot disagree.




    > In pvp it can be admit that binding shadow outclass the elite but in my opinon it's only because the "sharing" aspect of the venom doesn't fit with the roamer roles of thief and the ranged aspect of deadeyes


    No, it outclasses BV in sPvP simply because its function is superior. For a utility with a 3/4 cast time at 1200 range with a cd of 30 sec vs an Elite with 45 sec cd. The stun aspect of BV is lackluster compared to the 3s knockdown + 2 sec immob that Binding Shadow can provide you. This is the main reason why, DE or not, BV is often set aside for a more superior Elite which is Dagger Storm. The issue therefore is not the "sharing" aspect of it, since you can share it one way or another, but more of its purpose.


    The more rational step for ANet to do is either tune up BV from 1.5 s of stun to 2s or simply nerf Binding Shadow to make the comparison more justified.






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