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Posts posted by Deimos.4263

  1. > @"Gallows.4318" said:

    > > @"Ardid.7203" said:

    > > AFAIK, there are still some core builds in the meta. Also, some of the Elite Specs get nerfed time to time. Also, more importantly, the Elite Specs were not advertised as "better builds to win in PvP" but as "different ways to play your profession". So, technically, It isn't exactly a P2W issue, but an unfulfilled promise of balance one.


    > Presicely. The elites specs should be balanced, but it has nothing to do with P2W. They should be balanced even if they were open to everyone.


    Yep. Could easily be tweaked by identifying core classes that are weak, and promoting the most prevalent trait line in each up to an "elite" trait line.

  2. Anet has been doing a pretty good job killing some of the higher-ticket trading post items over the last year. (Karka minis, jetpack, iron node, etc. It's a trend.) Might be time to "adjust" the insane prices of permanent contracts by putting them in the gem store. People that paid too much already got plenty of use out of them, so open the floodgates. As for complaining...there's ALWAYS complaining.

  3. Just some rambling questions.


    Right now guild membership is account-based, and guild representation is character-based. How would that work with the selection of a "WvW guild"? How often could I change which guild that is, and would it be for an account or a character? If I wanted to play on a different team in WvW, could I represent (or join) another guild? What about players who don't have a guild at all?

  4. Being able to play with your guild is very promising. Many casuals get put off of WvW because they picked some random world when they got their account, and then joined a guild primarily elsewhere...or just plain scattered.

  5. Well I'm *not* a burn guard, because it just feels weird, but I sure hope people think I am. I use judges to hammer smash your face when you don't think I can reach that far and I don't really care if you cleanse the condi or not. Radiant Hammer is so fun!

  6. The same things that keep me from dungeons and to a certain extent fractals. I don't like one-off mechanics. I'd rather use the full set of combat skills I've spent thousands of hours practicing in PvE and have them mostly work. I am not particularly interested in hiding behind a pillar, or standing in a colored circle, or not standing in a colored circle, etc. just because "that's the mechanic". It doesn't feel heroic, just algorithmic.


    I do fill in with guild teams if they just need one more warm body, to help out my friends. Generally our leaders are willing to accept this filthy casual over the toxicity that happens more often than not whenever they look beyond the guild to find someone more competent/experienced from LFG. That said, I do have a full set of ascended and a "meta" build, and I understand it. I'm just bored the whole time. I'd rather be in the guild hall.

  7. I love this community and I feel RNG is a very poor road to tread. No point re-hashing how to fix things at this point though, as they've made their decision. It's been a real challenge to come up with the right answer for me personally.


    I would say roughly half of the mounts are worth 400 gems, and half 800 gems. That averages out conveniently to 600 apiece. While I would call the premium jackal skin overpriced, I can say I'd grudgingly pay that much. So that comes to 20,000 gems all-in, or $250 USD before any discount. Right now, I could snap it all up for 11,600 gems ($145 USD). 42% off sounds great, right? Decent bundled savings.


    But I don't need the discount. I don't buy all this stuff because it's on sale. I buy it to feel good about supporting the community while working on my fashion wars collections. It's been said countless times that these are cosmetic items and that they are optional. What is not optional is the feeling good part.


    Now I won't say anything rash like I'll never buy from the gem store again, or that I'm going to remove my account or delete the game. I'm going to be a lot more selective about what I purchase now and that equates to less revenue from me. Unless there's another method of acquisition down the road, I'll have a permanent hole in my mount skins collection. This removes all the incentive to collect/maintain it.


    For me at least, it can be said ArenaNet gambled here and lost. I would hope they are looking into the purchase histories of those who are upset, tracking the changes, and doing the necessary calculus.

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