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Posts posted by Deimos.4263

  1. > @"UglyMonkey.7250" said:

    > Currently you can only use one Elite specialization at a time, would you like it if you could use them both at once?


    Not unless they were scaled to be roughly the same level as all other trait lines. Then we'd just pick any 3 of 7 lines.


    Wait..why stop there. Why not just ditch classes, and we can pick any three trait lines from all...63? trait lines.

  2. > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

    > MO'B told us that selling lower-ticket items is no longer working well enough on its own to fund development. He told us that selling larger-ticket items does.

    This in a nutshell is what's going on. Someone at ArenaNet or their parent has decided that they need more money, and that the best way to get it is an average higher price on their offerings. Along with various marketing techniques to make those offerings seem worthwhile at a higher price point.


    We've been seeing a gradual uptick in the price of items offered since well before mounts were released and it is continuing to trend upwards. Not every item of course, but more and more items in the 1k+ range than previous. I'm not sure I agree with the strategy here, but that's their error to make as a company.


    I didn't buy the first set of skins on principle because I didn't want to support the RNG plan, which certainly seemed to be screwing over the little guy. I thought that was the right decision at the time to try to support the community. They made it sound like they wouldn't do it again without actually saying they wouldn't, then of course they did a very similar thing but most people are now accepting it as a compromise. Brilliant, well played.


    I'd rather they just went subscription at this point; they'd get their money and gem store cosmetics could be cheaper again, without all the shenanigans.

  3. (Full Disclosure: I've opened many thousands of these.)


    This isn't the first "I'm going to open X chests" video I've ever seen, but one thing missing is the excitement of opening each chest. It looks like you're just clicking through the whole stack as fast as you can, not really caring about the stuff, and just hoping to make a profit. I'd advise you (or anyone) not to do that because the vast, vast majority of the time you're going to be very disappointed.


    Butif you do it for the excitement of opening the chest, the thrill of gambling, and the joy of getting something cool/useful/amusing, and you'll be far less disappointed.

  4. A tanky self-sustain core guard like the PVT builds of yore isn't really a thing anymore, much to my dismay as it's my preferred play style as well. (It'll still work in Central Tyria, and in a PvE group setting you can still pick up your friends when the fights are over, but solo it's quite weak in the new areas.)


    A general-purpose build I've found that does well is based off the Conquest (PvP) Radiant Hammer build. I swap out the hammer for scepter/shield and move the hammer trait back to Absolute Resolution. You can tinker a bit from there to adapt it, but it's solid enough to take anywhere.


  5. When I first logged into game that day, guild chat was filled with friends who normally don't curse freaking out about that golem boss, and loudly so. Now that we know the mechanic, it's pretty straightforward and "easy". (Having 3-5 people certainly helps over trying to solo it, too. Everyone tries to solo new story content.)


    That said, why does new content always have to come with new "tricks" like mechanics, one-shots, etc? A little is fine, but I want to use the skills I trained and practiced for 80 levels plus all those masteries. I don't really want to have to learn new tricks constantly for each new fight. Some may find that appealing, but many of us do not. There must be other ways to make things challenging without changing the rules of the game.

  6. Let's be real: keys have never been great value and never will.


    That said I buy a *lot* of keys, and I'll likely keep buying a lot of them. I'm wary of each new set, and do a test run of 25, because sometimes they tweak things and the overall drop rates suck. It's not really about RNG if the chances themselves are reduced and I have to agree with the OP; lately it seems worse so I've been buying fewer keys.


    I think Anet could do some simple things to improve the drops, and they probably should -- so we buy more keys. But there's a fine line between keeping us happy, and giving us too much. They'll do the math.

  7. (Spoiler: super lame attempt at humor below)


    Maybe they need a "fashion" track for Legendary Armor? I don't care about the stats, so I'd salvage it for a couple ecto (I enjoy ecto gambling) or just throw it away if it's worthless after being unlocked. But I do want to complete my armor skin collection someday! I mean why should I have to fight things to look good, when you don't have to look good to fight things? This ain't right.


    Also, it's *weird* that raid/PvP/WvW enthusiasts suddenly care about having exclusive wardrobes. I think you like the exclusive part more than the wardrobe part, because I've seen the things most of you people put together and it definitely isn't in the fashion meta! Yeah, you. I've seen your mismatched common dyes and noob skins and you're killing our pretty-per-second. If I see Stone/Jalapeno chainmail again you're getting kicked.

  8. You're both right and wrong. I think it's too simplistic to say "Increasing cooldowns = Bad".


    Some skills are intended as massive single hits, and these should have a high cooldown to avoid being unbalanced. Sometimes that cooldown is found to be not long enough, so it's increased a bit (or decreased at bit).


    Unfortunately, as damage in the game creeps up overall, it can get to a point where the massive single hits turn into unintended one-shots. And then you're correct, the damage should be reduced instead.

  9. > @"Neural.1824" said:

    > The best greens I can find are Crisp Mint, Sprig, Green, and perhaps Limette, but none of them seem to approach something like a genuine Chartreuse (#ADFF2F), Harlequin (#3FFF00), Pure green (#00FF00), or Malachite (#0BDA51).

    I did a little tinkering with GW2Efficiency dyes (on leather), and I have to agree you have a strong case for a strong green.


    Given the Crisp Mint, Sprig, and Green dyes as a base, (Limette proved to be a bit of an outlier) I found the following had similar brightness, but more saturation:

    Avocado, Fresh Green, Green Apple, Limette, Limonite, Olive Oil, Sour, Spring Leaf, Spring Moss, Toxin, Wasabi


    To shorten the list a bit, the following have similar contrast as well:

    Avocado, Fresh Green, Limette, Olive Oil, Sour, Spring Leaf, Spring Moss, Wasabi


    However, *no* dyes had a similar brightness, greater saturation, and a similar hue to the three target dyes you listed originally. Those are as good as you'll find.


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