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Posts posted by Deimos.4263

  1. Boosting the health pool might help, but we're already trying to do that indirectly with vitality/Valkyrie builds. It's an ok workaround, but just ok.


    IMO the real issue is that toughness just isn't all that effective given the amount of power creep and damage. You don't need a huge health pool if toughness is an effective option to diminish unblockable bursts. Armor/toughness used to be a secondary "block" -- absorb what you cannot block. What we really need is toughness that works well enough to be a solid choice again.


  2. I run two different sets of utility skills, one with lots of breakbars and one without. I've been known to temporarily retreat and switch them quickly when I'm not running them and happen upon a boss. (It's usually not enough if you're running around solo though.) Breakbars are fine; what would be nice is a faster way to switch builds.

  3. > @"Glider.5792" said:

    > Hellfire Cuirass is still in there ? If it is its a bug and should be reported. AFAIK it was a bug and was fixed ages ago.

    Well it may well have been patched and no longer an unlock option but the wiki still lists it as an available unlock, and it's still present in my wardrobe. I don't know if I'd call it a bug but it certainly is a curious exception. Perhaps they don't want to remove it from those who did unlock it already?


    If someone wishes to report it as a bug, go ahead, the devs can make that determination and I won't lose sleep over it either way. I just hope I don't get yet another wardrobe unlock refunded!

  4. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > @"Glider.5792" said:

    > > > Just keep them until the next update, once unlocks get updated, use them instantly.

    > >

    > > I can't ever use them. They only unlock regular armor sets of rare quality and below. There are none of those being added to the game.


    > Interesting, since the ones I've used have unlocked some of the Exotic armor skins available...are you 100% sure it only unlocks skins or Rare or lesser quality?


    I'm not sure I but think there are some exotics in the wardrobe unlock list. One really odd inclusion is the Hellfire Cuirass, which is normally only obtainable by a massive amount of achievement points (30k or 36k). I don't wear that one much because those who acquired it the harder way get noticeably distressed, and rightly so, when they see me with it.


  5. I realize I'm an extreme edge case, but I have nothing left to unlock. The last time unlocks were updated, I think I was able to use 7. So I'm acquiring unlocks at a far faster pace than things to actually unlock because I am trying for some of the other BLC-only items and inevitably get ever more unlocks. I recently hit a milestone of a full stack of (currently) completely useless unlocks. Not even counting the armor/weapon specific ones, I've a bunch of them too.


    So some sort of exchange system, or a dramatic increase in the number of available items to unlock, or the ability to immediately "reroll" them for another BLC item if they aren't usable (similar to when you got two keys when you hit a duplicate rare drop) would be helpful. I would like it to be applicable and equitable to everyone though.


    Even if they threw open the gates and allowed absolutely everything to be unlocked with these...that's still large enough a pool I couldn't obtain them all by a wide margin -- I've about 1300 skins to go. And everyone could get some really nice skins by pure chance.

  6. A friend who has never had graphics issues in the past suddenly had weird horizontal lines, and after troubleshooting all the hardware, etc, to ensure it wasn't something broken or overheating (the problem only occurred in GW2) we turned on Vertical Sync, and the problem went away. Strangely enough I also had the same problem suddenly appear today, so I don't know if Anet has changed something or not but it's...weird.


    Anyway, if you're experiencing something like this, try enabling Vertical Sync in the Graphics Options tab of the F11 menu and see if that makes it go away. Anet if you're listening...did you change something?

  7. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > The requiem set is not an equipable armor; just skins. That was the “upgrade”.

    My original Elegy armor is ectoplasm already, and I suppose I'll be sad if you *can* upgrade it later. (ie. craft or forge it into something better). Requiem is no more an upgrade than any other skin you can apply with transmutation charges. You don't even get a second exotic set to salvage.

  8. > @"Michael.9403" said:

    > Yeah, I needed 50. Started mid afternoon with 3, did 5 hearts for 25, ran part of somebody's chest route, got 6 more. After reset stumbled over 2 chests while doing 3 repeat hearts, had my 50, got the last item for the roller beetle, then the beetle itself. Not too hard, even allowing for inattentiveness being maxed.


    You can do these hearts *per character* although I believe some of the in-game wording erroneously states *per account*. So break out your alts and grind hearts if you are in a hurry for these.


  9. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > @"Deimos.4263" said:

    > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > > > @"Deimos.4263" said:

    > > > > An easy fix for this would be simply to hand it over to people with a thousand chak gerent events. Sure, you could get super lucky and get one early. Or you could grind for literally years and get it. There's no reason for it to be one or the other, and it would still be extremely rare because most of us won't grind a thousand chak gerent events.

    > > >

    > > > 1000 chak gerent events is nothing as a singular player, the droprate is estimated between 1 in 50k and 1 in 100k. So with 100 people present at each Chak Gerent map, you are looking at one in 500 maps dropping one infusion for a single player and the rest leaves with the regular junk.

    > >

    > > I'm not suggesting a drop rate. I'm suggesting a reward. It's not everytime *someone* does the 1000th chak gerent event. It's everytime *each player* hits 1000, and I don't think that's even close to often. Have *you* done 1000 chak gerent events? Yes, here's a thing. No? Keep on grinding see you in 3 years.


    > Doing 1000 chak event is much faster than earning 25k gold though (at least if you are not a TP baron or credit card hero)


    Well 1000 was just a number I threw out there for discussion, it could be any suitably large number. (Though it is my opinion that 1000 is more than sufficient to secure one of these things.)


    The point being it makes sense for someone like the OP to get this through his obvious dedication to actually doing the meta. If he lucks out sooner, that's great. He deserves to have one of these, or sell it for good money. He put in the effort.


    I wouldn't remove the ability for someone to get the infusion via luck as well, but these things probably should've been account bound in the first place expressly so you *can't* cash out for thousands of gold after putting in little or no effort. But that ship has sailed.

  10. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > @"Deimos.4263" said:

    > > An easy fix for this would be simply to hand it over to people with a thousand chak gerent events. Sure, you could get super lucky and get one early. Or you could grind for literally years and get it. There's no reason for it to be one or the other, and it would still be extremely rare because most of us won't grind a thousand chak gerent events.


    > 1000 chak gerent events is nothing as a singular player, the droprate is estimated between 1 in 50k and 1 in 100k. So with 100 people present at each Chak Gerent map, you are looking at one in 500 maps dropping one infusion for a single player and the rest leaves with the regular junk.


    I'm not suggesting a drop rate. I'm suggesting a reward. It's not everytime *someone* does the 1000th chak gerent event. It's everytime *each player* hits 1000, and I don't think that's even close to often. Have *you* done 1000 chak gerent events? Yes, here's a thing. No? Keep on grinding see you in 3 years.

  11. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > @"Deimos.4263" said:

    > > For whatever it's worth, Mini Springer Ramona is not a *Kit*. So for that reason I don't think it is forged from the Mini Springer Kits.


    > It just looks like a retextured springer kit, not sure if not having kit in the name is relevant.


    > But more interestingly the wiki says "Was removed from the miniatures panel after the 2 October 2018 update."


    > So maybe we are not supposed to know about this mini. Which would mean that it could indeed be some kind of dev giveaway (via gemstore code)


    It looks more like the regular Mini Springer to me. Doesn't have the kits' larger eyes. But yes that's my conclusion as well, we're not supposed to see this mini (at this time).

  12. An easy fix for this would be simply to hand it over to people with a thousand chak gerent events. Sure, you could get super lucky and get one early. Or you could grind for literally years and get it. There's no reason for it to be one or the other, and it would still be extremely rare because most of us won't grind a thousand chak gerent events.

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