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Posts posted by Deimos.4263

  1. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > Basically, you're asking whether ANet should punish people for being rude; they don't and they won't.


    They can and they should, at least according to their own ToS. You can inform a player their DPS is sub-par without being rude about it. It is possible.

  2. Transmutation charges are annoying.


    If you're new and don't have any you feel like you can't customize things without dropping money. It's bad enough not having a large selection of skins in the first place, you should be able to freely swap between your limited options (like you can with dyes).


    They're also very expensive to purchase. At present with the largest volume discount, it works out to about 8 gold per charge. To completely change your look, that's 50-60 gold to farm. Farming the charges themselves is easier. Now if they were cheaper, it might make newbies happier, stay longer and end up being positive revenue-wise.


    If you're not new, you likely have so many that using one barely crosses your mind at all. I already have more than I can possibly ever use. The count is at 2400 and ever growing. I'll never buy any for myself; there's never going to be a need.


    Anet does make some money off me -- I gift them to friends on occasion. That said I don't think transmutation charges as gifts or otherwise are a major source of income. I really wish I could just give away some of my excess transmutation charges (and other convenience items, for that matter).




  3. Take my salty generalization with a grain of...salt.


    GW2 is known for having a friendly community, but it feels like the community as a whole is getting more combative. I won't speculate on why it is the case but it does seem lately that whenever somebody makes any suggestion people tend to rip it to shreds and don't really give new ideas much thought.

  4. > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > @"paShadoWn.5723" said:

    > However, what SHOULD have happened is that you should have stayed and capped close while all your teammates should have disengaged Mid in time when they see it's lost, but that would require all of team-mates knowing what to do and that's highly unlikely.

    > So yeah, sometimes you can resolve to this not-optimal tactic, but you gotta be sure that your Team won't be clever enough to disengage and that you WILL make it in time. (time it takes to run from node to node, etc.)

    Yep. It totally depends. And it's not all on you.


    If mid is going to be lost and you're not confident you can save it, cap close and regroup. If mid is going to be lost and you're confident you can save it, leave close and help cap mid. Either way you'll get one of the points.


    What you don't want to do is leave close, and still lose mid. Or stay close, watch your team wipe, and then get destroyed alone there undoing all your work.

  5. These all have some utility/convenience, and as I have tons of them I don't think once about using them. They're not difficult to obtain in game, but the price in the gemstore is really, really out of whack for what they are. If they won't lower it, and I doubt they will, I hope they just remove them so some poor newbie isn't ripped off.


    The worst offender is the revive orb; we all got one free and that's great but I would get quite the chuckle if they added "a 180 gem value!".

  6. > @"Staynair.8073" said:

    > lol, you can still allow the user to pick all the choices they have now without picking gender. Maybe you want a more "feminine voice" with a more "Male body".

    For better or worse, they don't have a super-detailed character customization process overall. It's not perfect, but I would say it's better than most games.


    You can select facial features and hair, and choose an overall body type, but you don't get to tweak individual body components (leg size, arm size, etc.) or choose a voice.


    Limiting these options is partially a balance between realism and speed; all of this needs to be rendered. Most people don't care and just pick a default face, but there are at least some options for those who do care.

  7. I think the shortest and most respectful answer would be because gender exists and is prevalent in the real world. If you are non-binary person, or want to play a character who is, that may become awkward given the choices presented...but no more awkward than in real life. It does have some effect in game -- the character models are binary, as is the selection of voice actors. I vastly prefer this approach over limiting a character's actions/abilities based on gender, as some games do.

  8. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > Because it is a Learn to Play issue, there should be a lesson dedicated to fighting a mirage. A little birdy can float around as you are about to activate skills and say things like "no, no, no, I wouldn't do that if I were you" or "wait, don't use your burst, it's a trick"


    I would kill that bird so fast. Stupid talkin' know-it-all bird. Clearly a mesmer trick.

  9. > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

    > @"Lizdeath.5143", you are right, toxicity is growing and it is not fun at all. Yes, some people obviously enjoy such behaviour (for whatever reason), but I too don't.


    > Just try to stay positive, be a good example and forget these people as quick as possible. I'd love more incentives from Anets side, but I try to give a lot of positive hints and compliment people. It starts with little things.


    > Just don't lose your spirit. :smile:

    I think you're absolutely right.


    I'm fairly thick-skinned, but my armor doesn't stop toxicity. (It's condi damage, clearly.) More often than not, it's coming from your own team not the opposite side. I like PvP, but it wasn't worth the frustration dealing with so many obnoxious players. I just stopped mid-season last time around. Maybe I lost my spirit.


    What can be done? Turning off map/team chat is a solution but...not a great one. Rate limiting team chat might work, but the rate suggested by the OP seems a bit low. Magically infusing a sense of comradery and sportsmanship into an ad hoc internet team that doesn't crumble at the first lost skirmish? Seems....unlikely.

  10. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > The other part which is concerning to me is needing to block someone in a guild I am in..


    > I guess i view my guilds differently. I can't see being in a guild of 500 people.. I tend to know the ones in the guilds I am in.


    > If I feel the need to block them, I would need to reevaluate why I am in that guild.

    If this is happening within a guild, and depending on the reason for wanting to block a fellow member, this may be an issue you can bring up with the guild leadership.


    If one of my members was actively stalking/harassing/trolling another, as an officer I would take that seriously and I'd definitely help put an end to it. Nobody wants to police these things, and reporting is always preferable and advisable if sometimes ineffective. But I look out for my guild members and I wouldn't tolerate actions that clearly break the GW2 Code of Conduct within my guild, either.


    If it was merely an annoyance or personality clash...well guild members don't have to like each other. That *is* what the block feature is for, and in my opinion it works well enough for that purpose. If you feel the need for zero contact...well no, it doesn't do that and I doubt they'll change it. You should probably contact support and see if they can assist you.

  11. > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > I do join in events I stumble upon during normal play, and very rarely this includes a world boss, but it could just as well be any other event on the map.

    Yeap. I don't know if I've ever done one intentionally. I just tend to see a lot of downs on the map and rush over to see what's up, and then get sucked into fighting whatever.

  12. > @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

    > As a stop-gap solution, you can disable player chatter, and just shout things like "I could outrun a centaur!" every time your player character gains swiftness, etc. You can even correct some errors, e.g. by shouting ~~"Come on Fhqwhgads!"~~ "To the limit!" instead of "I will avenge you!" when you use "To the Limit!" This doesn't work for story dialogue outside of Living World Season 2 though.

    I just turn the game sound off and shout my lines into the discord channel at every opportunity. I'm sure my guildies appreciate it.

  13. If she's scrambled and drooling...she might not be coming back in any meaningful sense. But it's still worth keeping her alive, so that Joko can't Awaken her.

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