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Posts posted by Deimos.4263

  1. > @"Ziooo.8932" said:

    > I'm (for some reason i'm yet to understand) currently sitting at freaking 1.2k+ of them (probably bought several years back) and I personally don't really have any use for them (not gonna donate to guilds either -.-) and will probably just delete them if they keep on clogging my bank/inv space.

    If you don't want to donate them, I would recommend putting up an LFG to *sell* them before just deleting them. There are lots of decoration-intense guilds out there without the members or will to grind these coins.


  2. So I was writing up a completely different post and came up with an idea. Maybe a bad idea, but whatever I'll share.


    While some people do revel in attention, most don't really want to end up with a horrible wide-spread reputation for being a raging lunatic. Mostly, they just want to rant at a few people and deflect on them. This near-anonymity enables inappropriate "toxic" behavior. Blocking them helps the other players ignore the issue, but it in no way addresses that behavior. Reporting....does not seem to do much at all.


    A rating system does not work because it is subjective and open to abuse. But if *everyone* could see what was actually said in a match...that's objective and fair. Maybe viewable match transcripts? (or streams, but that's a lot of data to store) Your conduct then becomes your reputation.


    Of course, this is technically "naming and shaming" but done objectively and without comment. You have said what you have said, and here it is.

  3. > @"Apocalypse Azza.5734" said:

    > There are a lot of escort events, especially in lower levels zones like Kessex Hills. Escorting Doylaks and merchants between outposts are very popular events with players and I enjoy them even on higher level characters. But why don't these guys use waypoints? Waypoints are part of the lore, they also cost to use (though not for the player). I don't think it can be explained as "the cost is too much" because merchants would actually be quite well off.


    The best explanation is that it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It's a video game and we need 'em.

  4. I wouldn't use the boosts unless you just want to unlock the shared slot they're taking up, or want a character to get gliding/raptor mastery so you can get some mobility on your main.


    If levelling to 80 is taking too long, look for a good guild and/or friends to make it go by faster.


  5. > @"spectrito.8513" said:

    > I assume If you call yourself a roamer you have to be geared properly and ready to fight If a enemy is taking your camp in a class you consider a bad matchup and run away, you are completely useless.

    > You are just making excuses to not engage.


    > Thats why i blindly attack everything in sight

    > Because bad players like you who will only engage if you have more numbers, deserves to get a free trip to spawn.


    Sorry but you have no idea how to roam. Calling me a "bad player" because I disagreed with you on something and tried to help you? Wow. Good luck you'll need it.

  6. > @"spectrito.8513" said:

    > > @"Deimos.4263" said:

    > > If you're solo-roaming in WvW, you are not trying to "get good". I was talking about being a good *roamer* not a good *fighter*. These are completely different things. Fighting everything that moves just isn't wise if your goal is to capture and hold smaller objectives, which is what a roamer aims to do.

    > So people been playing It wrong for 6 years thanks for clarifying.

    If you mean blindly attacking everything in sight without assessing the situation, then yes, a great many people over the years are "playing it wrong". That just gets you a free trip back to spawn. But most skilled roamers don't do that. You have to pick your fights, and that's as true in WvW as it is in PvP.


    > > > Yeah its a lot faster but the 10 enemies coming to defend their objectives are even faster

    > > Thus the ability to disengage rapidly if you see them coming. Nothing wrong with tying up and harassing 10 enemies.


    > How will you get out of combat while someone is hitting you(a npc in your case because youre too scared to fight players) before mounted enemies come to kill you?

    First off, knowing when to fight and when not to fight is not the same thing as being "too scared to fight".


    In the original scenario, I was building a cata, so I'd just stop doing that mount up and get out of there because fighting 10v1 is obviously pretty foolish.


    Now if I'm midway through taking a camp and 10 people show up... if you're paying attention, you *still* generally have time to get out of combat. You either finish off the NPC(s), or just run for it keeping the gap as far as possible, then mount up. The only time you'll get in trouble is when you *don't pay attention* and they close the distance. Then of course you're dead.

  7. > @"spectrito.8513" said:

    > > @"Deimos.4263" said:

    > > I guess I could call myself a roamer. I don't find most zergs very fun, so I usually end up running solo unless I find a small group.

    > >

    > > Picking those fights carefully makes you a better roamer, and you really need to pick those fights carefully, especially because disengaging will be harder when they also have the warclaw.

    > So you think you'll get good by fighting only people you judge worse than you ?

    If you're solo-roaming in WvW, you are not trying to "get good". I was talking about being a good *roamer* not a good *fighter*. These are completely different things. Fighting everything that moves just isn't wise if your goal is to capture and hold smaller objectives, which is what a roamer aims to do.


    > > What people don't seem to get about the warclaw: it is a *flanking mount*

    > I'd rather say it's a *ganking mount*.

    The damage on it is fairly minimal, and it exposes you to getting bursted down before you can even dismount. Not to mention the obvious telegraph that you're going to attack. That's a horrible ganking mount.


    > Yeah its a lot faster but the 10 enemies coming to defend their objectives are even faster

    Thus the ability to disengage rapidly if you see them coming. Nothing wrong with tying up and harassing 10 enemies.

  8. I guess I could call myself a roamer. I don't find most zergs very fun, so I usually end up running solo unless I find a small group.


    I disagree with the OP about the Warclaw. The thing is with a roamer, you *don't* want to fight everything you see. You want to pick objectives you think you can win, and fight opponents you think you can beat. The warclaw makes it very handy to avoid enemy zergs or groups (or even single players that you *know* you can't beat). Picking those fights carefully makes you a better roamer, and you really need to pick those fights carefully, especially because disengaging will be harder when they also have the warclaw.


    What people don't seem to get about the warclaw: it is a *flanking mount*. It's essentially the horse people have been asking for. You don't charge it into a group of enemies. You don't charge through a group of enemies. You charge *around or past* a group of enemies, flanking them, and then either attack from another angle or access a camp/tower that you couldn't without the mobility and immunity to CC. For low-mobility classes like core guardian, it is definitely an equalizer and a blessing when a higher-mobility class is blocking your access to an objective. Keep it out of 1200 range and go around if they're not mounted as well.


    With the additional speed, it's also easier to run supply to a catapult I'm building, so soloing towers is a lot faster. Soloing multiple camps/shrines/guard points in rapid succession is easier. And charging up runes like bloodlust is a lot faster too, because of the additional speed boost warclaw damage on mobs.


  9. > @"Palador.2170" said:

    > No sets, just all the stat points in one stat. Every stat gets a version.


    > Yes, this means that someone could put ALL of their stat gear points into just one stat. More power (heh) to them if they wish to. But it would also make mixing and matching simpler. Just decide what items will carry what stat to get the mix you want.


    Or flexible stat point assignment in some multiple (maybe 15 points). Some stats might need to be weighted differently for balance.

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