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Posts posted by Deimos.4263

  1. Most "retaliation" guardian builds don't even care about the retaliation damage itself, which is fairly minimal. It's just there because the boon provides a bonus to crit chance on those builds, and we need that because we're running Valkyrie. You're dropping an AoE on a *group* with retaliation. I would suggest you should not.

  2. Valentine's Day is nearly upon us again. Make a perfect balloon heart for Valentine's Day, quickly and easily!


    You will need:

    * a guild hall and decoration privileges

    * two basic crates

    * three balloons (red is best but white also looks nice if you don't have the scribing level to make red balloons)


    1. Place the two crates about a half-crate width apart, leaving a small gap. They don't have to be perfect, you'll remove them later.

    2. Place the first balloon between the crates, in the gap.

    3. Place the final two balloons atop the crates, roughly centered.

    4. Remove the crates.

    5. Wait for the balloons to settle. Keep waiting.

    6. That's it! A perfect balloon heart. Enjoy!


    Thank you for watching and Happy Valentine's Day everyone!


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/tolx8po.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/tj5N9he.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/HVQlABH.jpg "")



  3. > @"kent.4193" said:

    > I bought the two DLCs HoT & PoF

    > and sadly found that it's unfriendly for a newbie player

    > 1. It's too difficult to finish a HoT & PoF mission alone even I have all orange weapons armors...etc

    > 2. No one join my team , because they all finish the missions

    > 3. No one join the initiate FOTM, because they all finished the initiate scales

    > 4. There should be a data to reveal how a newbie played could get help or teamwork so I can consider should I buy the DLCs

    > 5. SO...can you refund?


    I agree that some missions can be challenging solo, depending on class, build, skill, and gear. But generally there are *lots* of people to help with this (many of us run multiple characters/accounts). You just need to find a good guild/group of friends to play with! The same goes for fractals, and there is a handy LFG tool for finding people as well.


    Best of luck, but they won't give you a refund for this reason. I would be very very surprised.


  4. The move from 1000->2000 total decorations improved the ability to decorate entire halls significantly. It would be nice if they increased the local limit to something higher than 20 as well. It's time.


    Too many decorations does increase the time they take to load in when you first enter the guild hall, but it's generally not a big deal. You're also in a relatively safe place where you're not going to get killed by a fire drake. FPS just isn't that critical in the guild hall.

  5. > @"Exedore.6320" said:

    > 50% crit chance with Retaliation active trait is too strong. It allows high damage while still being somewhat tanky (valkyrie amulet). Needs a nerf or ramping benefit. Probably just a straight nerf setting how over-budget it is.


    While I understand that sentiment, "you shouldn't be tanky and do high damage" core guardian is far from the worst offender in that regard. Running valkyrie (to keep your health at a moderately high level) puts core guard at a level footing, it's hardly OP. Consider they have only the base heavy armor and no toughness, and the base health pool of guardian is quite low. If you *don't* run vitality you will fall over very quickly and your dps is moot.

  6. I realize this may not get much attention as musicians are a fairly small subset of the GW2 community, but the current state of instruments is a big deal to us.


    Full disclosure, I'm one of the more prolific creators of these scripts, and I really enjoy making sharing and playing them. But I'm certainly not going to bother creating new material if it can't actually be played, so I'm taking a bit of time away from it for now.


    Hopefully the recent changes were an unfortunate error and an untimely one at that. (Who doesn't enjoy playing music at Wintersday?) Even the most mildly complicated script is a train wreck and even manual players are struggling. It's sad.


    Now if this is working as intended they should've just said "we don't want you to make scripts". That's fine, I'll deal, but let us know. The general consensus in the music community is that it is welcome and there are years-old posts to that effect from ArenaNet employees.


    From a functionality standpoint, note skills should have minimal cool downs (not zero, to avoid spamming notes), and octave skills should have as low a cool down as is programmatically possible. The cool downs prior to this recent change were limiting, but manageable. The current ones are a complete mess.

  7. > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

    > Even if you will not be successful. It is your moral duty to try and rez him. If you fall so do you. You are to treat him like a wounded soldier in battle. You do not leave him behind so you face your foes and be destroyed in a blaze of glory. You do not leave a man behind. Let's discuss. Do you agree?


    I admit that I usually do this, and it's usually a horrible trap. Do not run into a 1v3 to rescue a fallen comrade. You will just hand over 5 more points. Falling back and regrouping may seem less honorable somehow but tactically it's usually the better move. Keep in mind this is a battlefield where people respawn.

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