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Posts posted by Deimos.4263

  1. The overall plot was ok, but I didn't care for a lot of the writing.


    * Braham's apology seemed forced and fake; it felt more like the writers themselves were apologizing indirectly to the players

    * Dude getting squashed suddenly after making speech to the contrary -- funny but totally cribbed from Deep Blue Sea

    * Too many returning NPCs making cameos, it just felt lazy after a while - Glint, Eir, Snaff (plus all the hallucinations)

    * Aurene being strange and wandering off, why have her there if she does nothing

    * Because we needed a reason to hate Deadeye


  2. If you have several alts, the way to do this quickly is to spend a couple hours game time to do map complete and all three hearts on each alt.


    Do the Poster Child achievement on your main to get the Sun's Refuge portal scroll; put that in a shared inventory slot and bring all of your alts over.


    It takes maybe 30 mins to do map complete on mounts if you just rush through and avoid combat. Add 10-20 mins to run through all the hearts per character, once you've figured out the optimal methods/paths. Add in whatever you get from nodes and mist-touched caches and it is about 1 mistonium per minute or maybe a bit faster. I got it down to about 25-30 mins per character after a few runs.


    If you do this close to reset, you can then rerun the hearts on each alt for another 15 mistonium per alt. If you've got 10 alts...well you just farmed 550+ mistonium over maybe a weekend.


    That's what I did. It's boring as heck to rush through and repeat many times. I don't actually like playing alts and I was happy to be back on my main when that nonsense was done.

  3. I'm sorry but this "solution" just plain isn't good enough.


    I'm not in the USA. I have plenty of American friends that could get me a code, and have offered to do so. I'm quite tech savvy enough to spoof my location and you'd never know. But I'm not a liar, or a cheat. I wish this company could say the same.


    But you know what? I no longer want the damn t-shirt with *your logo* on it. You've lost a customer today, because I won't be treated like a second-class person because of my location. You *could* have fixed this, easily, and you chose not to do so. So say goodbye to $150 USD in revenue I fork over each and every week. I'm not leaving the game but I'm done giving you my money.






  4. > @"Plautze.6290" said:


    > I really, really hope that something will happen from ANet's side, because otherwise they are literally duping all of us non-US players.

    > And if that's the case... I can only say 'GG, ANet. If you don't value your non-US players, maybe another company does?'.

    > And before some of you say 'Dude, it's just a T-shirt.' - I know, and it's not about this shirt. I'll probably never wear it (or that profane armor) anyway. This is about feeling like second class despite non-US players representing a fair part of GW2's whole playerbase.


    I agree with all of this. And the saddest part is, I *would* wear that t-shirt. I'd parade it around like a fangirl. I've wanted it for *years*. Instead you wasted my time, and made me feel like crap. Congrats on that one.


  5. > @"Menadena.7482" said:

    > I fail to see how this could be anet's issue to fix.

    I was with you right up until this part. Anet has a major customer satisfaction issue on their hands, somewhat comically over a free virtual t-shirt, and it is very much their issue to fix. We're their customers, not KFT's (especially now). ANet told us about this completely botched promo; most of us had never even heard of KFT before. They need to put things right.


  6. > @"Jimbru.6014" said:

    > > @"Absconditus.6804" said:

    > > I'm upset over feeling deceived into giving my private details and past post history to a third-party company for absolutely nothing in return, but I am willing to let ArenaNet take their time to figure out how to best resolve the issue they've been part of creating.


    > This. I really feel like we've been scammed -- data mined and left empty handed for it.


    Same. No point getting upset. No point feverishly hitting refresh in a broken app. No point staring at the forums waiting for an official announcement.


    I'm just going to wait the month out and see if I get what I was promised by the end of the promo. If they don't make it right, I'm not going to storm off. I'll still play the game. But I'll be done giving them money.

  7. > @"Lord Filofax.1206" said:

    > @"Deimos.4263" Well I don't want to split up my creative plans and the bunch of gold you need to craft all the decorations into more than one hall. Especially not with the maximal guild cap of 5. 8 halls, does that mean you left some of your projects? I could never do that ...

    Well...at present I lead a team of six max-level scribes and we reclaim our guild hall every 6 months, on a rotation so that everyone in the guild gets to see all three of the different halls. It keeps things fresh; nothing is permanent. We also have a sister guild so that we have two halls running at one time. And I've also done some off-guild work for friends here and there.


  8. > @"brunoam.7391" said:

    > So far they have not said anything?

    The last *official* response I can find is Gaile saying she would provide more information as soon as they have it. That was on Monday but I don't know what time. (If I'm wrong and there's been more official info provided, please correct me but I believe that is the current state of things.) Hopefully more information will be coming soon.

  9. > @"koxsos.6258" said:

    > Thank you for whatever input.

    Sadly, nothing you say will de-escalate the situation. Your best bet is to simply refuse to engage them, and block if necessary for your own sanity. I prefer not to block, because I like to be aware of what's said. If they say anything abusive report it, and hope that they eventually receive enough reports that an involuntary vacation clears their attitude. There's nothing more *you* can do.


  10. I thought about this a little bit more last night. While you *can* get a guaranteed wardrobe unlock with a single key, a more likely expectation is one per 10 keys or thereabouts, as an average. Your mileage can and will vary, but that's a reasonable value for unlock expectation over time. Which makes an unlock worth about 900 gems; the discounted cost of 10 keys. For that reason, I see no reason *not* to include mount skins, even the premium ones.


    Assuming mount skins are now in the unlock pool, that still doesn't give you a mount skin. That gives you a chance at a mount skin, based on what else you may or may not have unlocked already. Which is quite difficult to calculate, but not very high for most. There's too much else out there. The vast majority of the time, you're going to get something else.


    On top of all that, even if you get a mount skin there's no guarantee it'll be one you're after. So if your goal is to get a specific mount skin, this gets economically unwise in a hurry. You could just pay the gems for the one you want. It'll be much cheaper on average.


    Like anything, you *could* luck out and get a premium skin (2000 gems) for only a single key you got from completing a map..but that's no worse than any other item obtained via an incredible stroke of luck in the game.

  11. > @"Rococo.8347" said:

    > > @"Deimos.4263" said:

    > > > @"Rococo.8347" said:

    > > > Can someone give me a very clear breakdown of EXACTLY where the rewards show up? I go into Social rewards from the lines icon on the left top corner - I have Rewards/Activity/Profile options in there - when I go into rewards there is nothing there - am I doing it right and its just not processing it? It was the profile tab that i originally got the option to link to Instagram ( it was the only way i could get it to pop) The button for linking is switched on.

    > > >

    > > > For the love of God please someone feeling generous give me a code i would be forever grateful( but will settle for a clarification on if its the app or im not looking in the right place.

    > >

    > > It seems the app will get stuck in the following places:

    > > 1. Logging in

    > > 2. Connecting to FB/instagram

    > > 3. Showing you the Rewards after it has connected.

    > > 4. Clicking on the reward will then crash the app

    > > 5. The reward will get claimed and disappear but the message with the code won't show up (this is as far as I've gotten; no reward anymore, no code yet).

    > > 6. Opening the message itself? I think?

    > So can you tell me exactly which tab/page etc I actually will find a reward and what it will look like? is it a box I can click on in social rewards that says gw2? which tab is it in? Rewards/Activity/Profile ty!

    It *should* appear on the Social Rewards page, under the Rewards tab, with a GW2 logo.

  12. > @"Rococo.8347" said:

    > Can someone give me a very clear breakdown of EXACTLY where the rewards show up? I go into Social rewards from the lines icon on the left top corner - I have Rewards/Activity/Profile options in there - when I go into rewards there is nothing there - am I doing it right and its just not processing it? It was the profile tab that i originally got the option to link to Instagram ( it was the only way i could get it to pop) The button for linking is switched on.


    > For the love of God please someone feeling generous give me a code i would be forever grateful( but will settle for a clarification on if its the app or im not looking in the right place.


    It seems the app will get stuck in the following places:

    1. Logging in

    2. Connecting to FB/instagram

    3. Showing you the Rewards after it has connected.

    4. Clicking on the reward will then crash the app

    5. The reward will get claimed and disappear but the message with the code won't show up (this is as far as I've gotten; no reward anymore, no code yet).

    6. Opening the message itself? I think?

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