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Posts posted by Deimos.4263

  1. Maybe I'm a dummy, but I can't figure it out.


    I got the same letter everyone did, but Grandmaster Hobbs is pretty enigmatic on the subject. The Master Crafters don't have much to say either. They are just selling receipts for lucent motes, which drop satchels every three receipts....but these just contain generic materials.


    How does one actually get one of these new purple shinies? Is it just RNG? Can someone explain how it works and/or point me to a link describing this process? Or is it a mystery?



  2. Many songs that cannot be ordinarily played in the original key can be transposed to C Major or A minor.

    Definitely check out gw2mb.com for somewhat standardized notations for these songs, and consider joining a music guild for group play which is a lot of fun.


    (There are several, MGT or Musician's Guild of Tyria being one of the more prominent ones. They usually hang out near Minister's Waypoint in Divinity's Reach.)

  3. Adding *new* core-only things would not be the right approach in my opinion, the core classes are meant to be generalists and the elites are meant to be specialists. The problem is elite specializations are elite, but not specialized. They're just better in most cases. I think that's the problem we're trying to solve; how to buff core without buffing them too.


    Some random spitball ideas below. I'm a guardian main so that's why my examples are about guardians. (Sorry I don't really speak necro.)


    1. You could just give elite specializations one less trait line altogether. There's nothing wrong with a trait line being "elite", ie. better, but a specialist class shouldn't be flat-out better than a generalist. It should be a trade-off; greater effectiveness in one area vs. flexibility.

    2. You could tie groups of existing core utilities to specific trait-lines. eg. Meditations utilities now require the Valor trait-line. With elite specializations forcing you to take one specific trait-line, this reduces their flexibility compared to core in terms of utilities available.

    3. You could do both of the above.

    4. Or you could change the way elite specializations work entirely. Instead of an elite trait-line, make it an elite trait-line slot. Make a standard and elite version of them all, and let the player decide which trait-line goes in the elite slot. You want to play an Elite Honor Guardian with a side order of firebrand *and* dragonhunter? Go ahead. That's probably far too much of a rework to ever happen, though.


    My personal favorite is #1.

  4. > @"Hornet.9305" said:

    > i have 2.7k toughness but enemy players strike on me min 6k damage !!!!!tank class not active pvp !!!Only pve effective?_?ppl say me this game no have tank class!!!power precision and ferocity this game have it!!!!!toughness just a name there?_?if you are dont know how to tank class in pvp pls cheack other mmorpg game or chance the gw2 team !!!!!!no longer get toughness as it should be!!!it is enough we bored this !!!!!!


    DPS creep has made toughness fairly useless on builds that used to rely on it. You're forced to go all-in on damage to survive instead, to try to burst your opponent down first. It's also a massive bonus for those that already have significant DPS without maximizing it. The solution is lower DPS across the board, to make toughness matter again.

  5. The Skyscale is nice, but i don't think it was "worth it" so much as "necessary". If you want maximum masteries or to get Vision, anyway.


    I wish they had designed it a bit differently. Grinding for the mount by running around old maps and content took a lot of the excitement out of acquiring it for me. Here there's this new mount, and this new map, and I'm running around doing boring old content. And pressing F a lot.


    I wish they had flat-out given us the Skyscale at a very base level, like they did with the first four mounts. (For a very nominal fee, sure.) That model was better than the Beetle/Skyscale one, because you actually got to use the new mount on the new map specifically designed for it *before* you got bored of the map. And you can play whatever grind they want to throw at you by using it. Instead I had to level 3 masteries *after* that, and there wasn't really any new content to level with at that point. It could have been fun, but just felt like more useless grind this way. I didn't even do the masteries in Dragonfall, i hopped on my bunny and did Choya Stampede.


    Yes, they had the temporary skyscales everywhere but you spent more time looking for one than you did on it, because it vanished the moment you fought or farmed a node. So you wasted a lot of time, or you passed up a *lot* of nodes which you needed...to get the Skyscale. It just seemed at cross-purposes the whole way.


    If they had done it differently, i might've fallen in love with the map and the Skyscale. Yeah, the mount is "worth it" in the sense It's definitely much easier to move around with the Skyscale fully upgraded.


    As for rewards, maybe make a 4-dye channel version for completing the quests, because people are always asking for in-game mount skin acquisition and it wouldn't really affect sales. It'd just look slightly nicer than the 1-dye version.


    TL;DR: The base mount itself never should have been the big shiny. (And it still isn't; that's Vision...but...yeah.)

  6. We're trying to do it as a guild thing but with 25 members (and fewer active ones) I suspect we'll fail miserably at farming enough candy in only a couple weeks. Not to mention jorbreakers are incredibly valuable at the moment and few will want to part with them. As the one who decorates/scribes the most, I suspect i'll be buying up cheap jorbreakers on the TP sometime well after the festival, when the price tanks. A zhaitaffy node would help considerably to farm it during the year.

  7. Even without the 1h cool-down, how long does it take to do this? You've still got to go through the initial story and run around the whole map...20 minutes?


    I might just try it out to time it using regular teleport to friends, of which i have far too many kicking around and wouldn't mind monetizing. But i suspect i'll get bored in a hurry for a chance at a single key. I just don't see how this is a significant exploit. The timer is too long on that device anyway.

  8. I don't have a problem with down state. I kinda like down state. You've got a chance to rally, you've got a chance to get picked up (though ressing while in combat in WvW is not really a thing now. I would actually bring that back so people could attempt a truly heroic res, and as DeadlySynz suggests impose a debuff to the person attempting it....but perhaps not instant death on hit. -500 toughness, maybe? Something.) So down state seems like a fun second chance to survive to me, but I could do without it too.


    The state I have a problem with is "defeated". You shouldn't be able to hang around, scout, waste enemy siege, watch enemy dances, or be ressed if you're *defeated*. You're *defeated*. It should port you instantly back to spawn when you die. Even during "no down state week" (I could be mistaken here) the winning team could pick people back up after the fight when they should be running back. There's no sense of attrition if you can literally come back from the dead.

  9. I have at least 3 thousand charges and I enjoy the freedom to change my look at will without even thinking about it. It really sucked when I couldn't do that. I would be happier if everyone had this freedom from the start.


    Goodwill and quality of life contribute significantly towards revenue and player retention, and nobody can say with confidence if removing these charges would be a net gain or loss. Even Anet's marketers *with* the current numbers don't know that. It just hasn't been tested. It *would* be a gamble, and they're probably not willing to risk it.


    No-transmutation charge weekend, anyone?






  10. The biggest problem with the walls is that the battlements don't really work *anything* like real-world battlements. Standing on them is a death sentence, whereas standing right under them *should* be a death sentence. Where are the machicolations? Why is there nothing shielding defenders standing on these walls?

  11. I had this issue last week and clicked past it to login. As of this morning, it is now requiring me to enter a code (which it did send promptly via email), but still...I've had this account for years and now it's suddenly doing this. They've changed something.

  12. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > The thing I don't understand is why one account gets them and the other doesn't, when both are signed up to all 3 options.

    They probably try to send more than two mails at a time, then get blocked for excessive messaging.

  13. The issue is in the presentation. You're experiencing sticker shock because you *thought* you had it all, but you didn't, and now there's something else you need to buy for the full experience.


    I believe some of the expansion options offer gems along with the purchase price; if you chose one of those options you can purchase the LW stories with those gems. But an "everything" option up front would be good.

  14. > @"Holy Hallidor.3067" said:


    > I also found out that with right hand strength trait I also gain 15% crit. chance. Maybe that is also considerable when switching to sword, and I do not need fury boon from focus of the monk/meditation skills after all.


    Yes, sometimes I do that as well. It's quite appealing when you're using only one-handed weapons.


    The basic Radiant GS/Hammer builds are very well synergized, but also very flexible. You can change one or two things and adapt them for nearly any mode of play, and it'll still stand up as a solid build. (Ironically the first thing I tend to throw away is the GS or Hammer).


    The trick comes in not changing too much at once, knowing what you are giving up, and knowing why you are making the change.

  15. > @"Holy Hallidor.3067" said:


    > The basic idea is to still have RI but also rely on fury boon to get 100% crit. chance. Source of fury is focus of the monk.


    > So what do you think, I am looking forward to your feedback. Thank you in advance.


    Ok, so the original Radiant GS builds already did that first part because it used Valkyrie stats, and base crit chance was very low. If you want a similar play style to the old Radiant GS build and just need to tweak the crit chance back up, try marauder's, or try running one half valkyrie, and the other half berserker or marauders. Going full berserker is a bit overkill in my opinion.


    The Virtues trait line is very important to the core guard version of the Radiance builds because of the Virtue of Retribution trait, which applies retaliation whenever you use a virtue. While this obviously has synergy with Righteous Instincts, it *also* has synergy with Renewed Justice. Renewed Justice resets Virtue of Justice when you kill a foe, which is incredibly powerful in PvE against groups of weaker foes. It allows you to continually re-apply retaliation, and also allows you to stack might.


    Honor/Staff is generally used as a support, so if you're soloing in PvE I wouldn't go that route. If you're playing in a small group, it's a bit better. But if you're just taking Honor for the Vitality boost because you're at 11k running full berserker, there are better ways to do that.


    If you want a set of weapons with both ranged and melee options, try sword/focus and scepter/shield. It works quite well for me.


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