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Amanda Whitemoon.6173

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Posts posted by Amanda Whitemoon.6173

  1. im all for the idea that anet has already thought of a new storyline for after the dragons, and is slowly dripfeeding the game with tiny clues about this new enemy, the darkness in the new fractal, mist warrior outfit


    about shiro's deadwail, the cinematic showed it as a giant black mushroom cloud with purple lightning, i know the lore says its dwayna's magic in a corrupted form and thats why does the opposite of what you expect from dwayna, removing life (petrified) instead of giving life, there could still be some other force from the mists at work here


    didnt anet once mentioned that they use purple ro show of evil?, wich can explain the purple lightning

  2. what about if the proposed leaders here come togethers and together break and destroy the Claw of the Khan-Ur, no united legions, they are each their own, they can work together, but stay their own legion seperated from the rest, the United Legions will only show up again if their is a common thread to all the charr, bit like United Nations on our little earthly planet

  3. 1, i know officialy there is no lore tacjed to hunted and they just needed it, but i do see some relation between the 3, maybe not intentional.

    2. for the cantha coast we have to see with EOD.

    3. well, maybe some new map will have npc's spaeking with a french accent.

    4. im not trying to combine the gregorean and nouvalian calender. wintersday is end of the year, the very last day of 1325, and zhaitan seemingly has been killed after it, in 1326. its that we had a wintersday for each year ingame, including one for 1325,

    btw im not so sure on the snowing in winter, isnt kryta suposed to be a bit tropical, and isnt all the snow magical?, as in not real?

    but isnt season1 and lost shores supposed to take place after zhaitan? even if they added in extra dialogue for if you havent finished the story, they still do that now, as with hearts and minds with adding in trahearne if you havent done the order stories.

  4. for a whole now i have been thinking about some things, coming down to 4 questions, now i wanting to know what your thought here is about it.


    1. Ascension. In gw1 we had ascension, closer to the stars and Hunted! who all basicly had the same function ingame, but lorewise its different, now i recently saw a video that had all the nightfall cinematics . one of the lines in it , near the end is "we are all touched by abaddon, even who opposed him".

    Now this god me thinking, what if ascension is just being touched by the gods? Ascension in prophecies basicly is it, Closer to the Stars is it maybe in a way and with Hunted! thta happens right after you get pummeled by abaddon's demons and maybe his energy, and then purify that sanctum wich if im right has something to do with melandru, your basicly touched by the gods too , specifically Abaddon. so all 3 are all just about being touched by the gods.


    2. Cantha palace coast, recently in the guild hall i looked at the globes you can have there, and on it, it looks like the northern coast of cantha is all shattered into little islands and lakes. It seems on the big we have of the world its also that way.

    made me think, did maybe the tsunami caused by the rise of Orr shattered the coastline and foundations of the Raisu Palace and it collapsed?


    3. Whats with all the french named food dishes in the world, where do they come from, as so far we know there is no france on the map, but looked at food there is a france-inspired region somewhere that makes alot of food, where do you think it is?


    4. and last a big one about the timeline. We know the personal story starts in 1325 and ends around 60 zephyr 1326 with zhaitans death. Also i think a norn mentions that the Great Hunt takes place in winter as he got held up by a winterblizzard. Wich makes me think the whole personal; story starts at the beginning of winter.

    Now, we got the very first halloween and wintersday in 2012, wich is supposed to coincide with 1325, we also got a halloween/wintersday every other year. So the very first wintersday we got is supposed to take place in 1325, sooo during the personal story, as zhaitan died in 1326.

    Makes me think the personal story starts right after the very first halloween, then the prologue and (as human noble story seemingly continues right after the prologue)

    racial step 1, and then after the first racial step we have the first wintersday, could also be after the second step, before you go play with the orders in your race.

    What do you think about this idea?

  5. thats if teh DSD actually cares, what if it doesnt care that the world falls apart, or it knows exactly what happes when another dragon dies and knows how to benefit from it.

    i still like this idea of the dsd destroyinga weakened jormag, maybe even using primordus tunnels to travel underground

  6. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > Jormag's strategy unlike the other dragons so far is to seduce it's minions into it's corrption rather than overwhelm them and corrupt them by force.. I.E branded/risen.


    > Even if you just take the trailer dialogue alone and that dialogue is aimed at the commander the message is very clearly "join me or die"

    > Other dragons have made similar claims in the past, Mordremoth pulled a similar trick on Sylvari though it was more aggressive, domination rather than persuasion.

    > Zhaitan too had it's minions demand submission from the living on occasion but never give them a second option.


    > Jormag seems more the kind to hide it's true power and forces, perhaps even being willing to confront us face to face and speak to us directly which will be a first for an Elder Dragon and I seriously hope Anet does this in a really flashy environment like on top of a cliff in a blizzard, with Jormags face or features like it's eyes occasionally coming into view.. just enough that we know it's actually there but Jormag intentionally remaining elusive in the blizzard so that we never truly get a good view of the Dragon until we reject it's offer to join it and it reveals it's full face emerging from the blizzard to get very up close and personal, displaying it's massive size and dominance over us, showing just how easily it could kill is right then and there if it wanted to.. before it remarks at our foolishness or how much we'll regret this decision later before it retreats back into the blizzard and disappears.


    > And introduction like that albiet with far better writers and talent behind it could be one hell of a memorable introduction to this Dragon.


    > I loved those face to face encounters with Kralkatorrik in PoF and living world 4, so I hope Jormag at least gets one moment like that.


    you mean a bit what they did with Mordremoth in the trailer, with rytlock throwing that wyvern over the cliff and Mordremoth coming up from it "who dare stands against me?"

  7. it also may explain why hear nothing from cantha, its probably flooded partly too, meaing that sewerwater is now everywhere in the city.


    i know its probably a case of the defs didnt know any better, same with the searoute from Lions Arch to the festival of four winds and Amnoon, that searoute goes through the small bridges build in the straits of devastation, im not sure those big lion's arch ship can pass through that safely

  8. something that always bothered me, is that its being said that after Orr rose from the depths, Lion's arch and other areas got flooded.

    But looking at lion's arch it looks like the entire sealevel rose 10 meters and never went back down.

    Orr isnt that big compared to the entire oceans, so how come the waterlevel didnt get back to normal?

    Makes me wonder if something else happened at the same time that caused the entire sealevel to rise up this much.

  9. the story about kaolai is maybe then oldbalthazar (who came from the mists with the head and who we fight in gw2) and that seems to take place a 1000 years before gw1, year 72. still trying to figure out when it should have happened, looks like somewhere between 72 and 1070.

    when was the zaishen order created?

  10. i know that last part is crucial, thats the whole point of thinking here, for how long have the zaishen been worshipping balthazar, dont the zaishen have that honor code since their beginning?, i dont know when the zaishen order was established, but its before nightfall for sure, as sousuke and jin in early nightfall are zaishen too.


    are we sure balthazar's objection wasnt before abaddon's defeat?, reading this dialogue that kormir has in POF, it could very well mean this whole angry balthazar event happened between 0AE and 1070.

    is it possible maybe they imprisoned abaddon, years later they learn of the elder dragons and want to leave, but balthazar objects, but this time they have a replacement for balthazar, and actually know how to make that 'gift' they gave kormir to absorb the power, so they stripled balthazar and replaced him, and this new Balthazar2 is the one the zaishen refer to.

    and kormir is just telling a second hand story of balthazars angerpoint but wasnt actually there when it actually happened.

    hmm, the scriptures of balthazar look honorable and date from before abaddon's fall, but wasnt it mentioned somewhere that the shackles of abadon that balthazar made where painful, so the balthazar that created them was evil, so balthazar was replaced after the fall.


    just trying to find some evidence for the idea that the balthazar we face in gw2 is not the same as the one from gw1 and that the gw1 balthazar was his honorable replacement and the one in gw2 was the original one

  11. this gives an interesting insight, so we have BalthazarGW1(replacement, honorable) and BalthazarGW2(OldDestructionManchild)

    when was balthazar replaced?

    if the zaishen of gw1 worshipped the replacement, did that mean balthazar was imprisoned before gw1 and kormir is only telling a secondhand story about how he was imprisoned?

    Seeing as how he entered tyria holding his fathers head, the one arriving was probably BalthazarGW2.


    i would have to look through all the information, but some of you here may know some details from memory.

  12. I know the releases of the should correspont , so 2012 is 1325 ingame and 2019 is 1332 ingame, same as 360 days on tyria and 365 days for us.

    but recently in one of the threats here, it was said that Zhaitan was killed around day 60 Zephyr 1326, but Flame and Frost was added on januari 28 2013, wich should correspont with day 28 zephyr 1326. does that mean that Flame and Frost happend during the pact assault on Zhaitan?

    or is S1 just a bit inconsistent with dates


    with Wintersday being the end of the year and peaking at januari 1, seems to mean the tyrian spring starts in januari, not in march as for us on earth.


    anyoone has some more insight in this?



  13. For example;

    Chilled inside the volcano in Mount Maelstrom would be physically impossible.

    Burning underwater would be physically impossible.

    Crippling a worm would be physically impossible.


    im not sure if crippling a worm would be impossable, damage to the body would probably impare its movement

    and you can burn underwater, its just very difficult because of the water constant lowering the temperate needed for burning. look up magnesium

  14. im still always under the impression than when the dragons eat magic they grow, and when release it they shrink. i still consider the model of zhaitan we see in cinematics the body is he woke up with , then during the story we starve en wound him and he shrinks to the way we fight him in arah.

  15. while i was running around the new map, i noticed the Burning Forest, taken from the fissure of woe, has menzies's army run around.

    But, there are no balthazar eternals around, why not? offcourse we do not know from what time the chunk comes but it still raises questions (for me at least)

    is this an old time where balthazar was not battling yet?

    Did balthazar maybe lost, and thats why he was so angry?

    is Menzies's army taking over now that balthazar is gone?

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