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Posts posted by VocalThought.9835

  1. > @"Ultramex.1506" said:

    > While it look cool with all the shape-shifting and totems, i prefer they add elite spec for ranger that isn't about magic like a rifle

    > Also isn't merging with your pet is the same as shape-shifting into your pet but without the ability to use your weapon skill (which is to me is a big downside). Totems act like Warrior's banners, do we need another 1?

    > Also also "replacing your **weapon skills**. Being in this form and using the **weapon skills** drain from your “Sustain” energy pool." the second "weapon skill" you meant pet skill right?


    Thanks for saying it looks cool. I really can't see a class like this using a rifle. Plus I really can't see a ranger using a rifle or pistol. I know "Totems" seem like Warrior's "Banners", but I guess you can say the same for Wells and Traps. The main difference is that totems will support extending the duration Ranger's can extend their Animal Form while in it's radius. Merging with your pet like SoulBeast is different than Shaman, because SoulBeast retains your true form whereas Shamans adopt the form of their pet. While in Animal Form Weapon Skills are replaced with pet skills. F Skills, except F5 are inactive. F5 will change you back. The weapon/pet skills are referring to keys 1-5 while in animal form, not F1-F5. Actually looking at it, I don't think that' a good idea.

  2. (I also been waiting to post this till I came up with the trait system, but... I bad with creating traits. )


    I give you the Shaman, the Ranger's version of a Necromancer. This is an elite specialization for the Ranger that's professional mechanic allow them to transform into their pet, replacing their weapon skills with their pets abilities and (maybe their pet archetype ability) new skill. It also has a Sustain bar that's like the celestial meter or Necro's Life Force, which determines how long you can stay in Animal form. They also use the focus in the off hand and conjure Totems to buff their allies and rejuvenate their sustain ability while their in the Totems' radius.


    Prof. Mech.: Shape-shift: Transform into your pet gaining the abilities of the pet, replacing your weapon skills. Being in this form ~~and using the weapon skills~~ and taking damage while in this form will drain from your “Sustain” energy pool.

    Weapon: Focus

    Skill 4: Slumbering Breeze: Daze foes and curing conditions on allies.

    Skill 5: Forest Guardians: Summon Wisps to a targeted area, damaging foes, while confusing them.

    Skills: Totem- Objects summoned that pulses out buff to you and allies. When tapped on again, it unleashes an animal spirit that grants some additional buffs on allies and/or conditions on foes, destroying the totem. All totems pulse Sustain to the Shaman while within range.

    Healing Skill

    Totem of Life: Summon a totem, regenerating health.

    --Releases the “Eagle”, granting swiftness to you and allies in the area, destroying the totem.

    Utility Skills

    Totem of Destruction: Summon a totem increasing Critical Damage and Condition Damage to you and allies in the area.

    -- Releases the “Serpent”, poisoning foes in the area, destroying the totem.

    Totem of Protection: Summon a totem, granting Protection and Retaliation to you and allies in the area.

    -- Releases the “Wolf”, stunning foes, destroying the totem.

    Totem of Wisdom: Summon a totem, pulses the area, increasing Boon Duration and Condition Duration to you and allies in the area.

    -- Releases the Owl spirit, giving aegis to allies.

    Totem of Power: Summon a totem, increasing grants Resistance to you and allies in the area.

    -- Releases the Jaguar spirit, that improves Direct Damage and regains endurance to you and allies in the area.


    Totem of Honor: Summon a totem, pulses the area, granting Fury and Stability to you and allies in the area. Recharges “Sustain” while in range. Tapping on the skill again releases an animal spirit, Bear, granting Might to you and allies while knocking down foes, destroying the totem.


  3. (I've been trying to wait to release this idea until I have finish the entire concept, but... I'm bad with coming up with a trait system.)

    I give you the Warden.


    It's a Ranger Elite Specialization that focus on Defense (say if the Guardian and a Ranger had a baby, sort of).

    The Professional Mechanic allows for 2 pets at the same time. They use a Shield in the off hand, and their skills set is called "Wards" summoning animal or control plants in their favor.


    Prof. Mech.: 2nd Pet: Have both pets available while mainly controlling your primary pet. Use F5 to use your Secondary pet’s attack. Secondary pet only attacks enemies near player except when using the F5.

    Weapon: Shield

    Skill 4: Shield Drum- Used to taunt enemies and grant might to allies in the area

    Skill 5: Shield Block- Block incoming attack and counter attack if when blocked.

    Skills: Wards

    Healing Skill

    Healing Brush: Hide in the underbrush, granting stealth to you and allies in the area, while healing yourself.

    Utility Skills

    Murmuring Flock: Summon a Swarm of Birds to Absorb Projectiles, cause damage and confusion to enemies in the area.

    Thorny Thicket: Create a thorny grove that cause cripple and bleeding to enemies who enter the area

    Wasp Hive: Toss a Wasp hive in area, pulsing out damage, blind, and poison to enemies in the area.

    Webbed Path: Create spider web along a path, so when enemies cross it they’re stunned and slowed.


    Stampede: Summon a Stampede of Moa in targeted direction. Enemies caught in the stampede will be lunched and pushed away. Allies will be granted swiftness and protection by the stampede.



  4. I'm not feeling the theme. I guess when I hear Mechanist, I don't think of this.


    This concept seems jumbled and forced. I'm not sure what you are going for. I there any fictional character that would be a close example.


    Just think, core engineer is a gadgeteer/alchemist that uses an of kits and has disposable turrets. Scrapper is up in your face with an electrically charged hammer with tinkered, automated, gyro that provide aid at player's command. Holosmith is a creator and manipulator of hard light, and knows how to use their holograms as a weapon along with their sword.


    Mechanist, a bow welding, light projecting, head seeking missile firing, combatant. Doesn't work for me. Maybe if I saw the animations... just maybe.


  5. > @"JohnWater.5760" said:

    > > @"VocalThought.9835" said:

    > > Most people, when they think of Bards, they visualize an musical magician with a lute or a flute. I rather not see that in the thief, but more so with a Mesmer. In fact, my Enchanter could fit the role of a bard/dancer/entertainer, etc.


    > > I really like the Scepter being an offhand weapon and Focus and Shield being able to be used in the main hand, especially with the professions that I assigned them to. Seeing Warrior with dual wielding shields is do-able, and your right, they could add more weapons via Tomes, conjures, tool kits, and physical skills, like they did with warrior and thieves (ex. bola and throwing knives).


    > I only saw bard suggestion with Mesmer, it really does not make sense to be thief.


    > I never saw a Dual Shield. Any movies, games, books, never. The animation will be so strange, cause have no space for 2 big shields. Herald shield is so big to make a animation with 2 of them.

    > It's too awkward to me.

    > Scepter to me is like a wand, Harry Potter use only one wand. Same as Dual Shield, never saw anything like this before.


    > (Sorry my bad English)


    Dual wielding shields may not be commonly used, but it is a thing. Here are some examples.





    The great benefit of having dual wielding shields is that there can be skins that look like cestus. This would go perfect with the Warrior Prof., since Warrior already uses the shield as a block and melee weapon. Examples:





    As far as the dual wield scepters go, If you can hold a mace in your offhand, you can hold a scepter, and here are some examples.





    So I hoping that now you know it's a thing, maybe you can let your imagination guide you to see how this could be played out in the game!



  6. Most people, when they think of Bards, they visualize an musical magician with a lute or a flute. I rather not see that in the thief, but more so with a Mesmer. In fact, my Enchanter could fit the role of a bard/dancer/entertainer, etc.


    The Juggernaut would be able to dual wield shields, not just use a shield in the main hand.


    Rift Slayers can be tanky too!


    Mystics having scepter for offhand would not grant anything more than giving them a warhorn, but I don't think scepter being only a main hand weapon makes any sense and Guardians make the best sense to me, using it in the offhand.


    Shadow Mage looses Dual Skills to give it a new playstyle, allowing players to focus more on being a mid range spellcaster, while using the skills that are already in the game, but under used, and not having to come up with dual skills for an offhand focus..


    Arcane Archer 5th Attunement doesn't necessarily have to be like 30 new skills , but it could be 5 non-elemental weapon skills, almost druid or shrouds, or maybe I'll change it and add 5th Attunement to Warlock.


    Technomancer…, the point is to have a spec that merges the technical with the magical.


    Machinist, yeah, I'm thinking Iron Man, or actually any futurized military armor, like Master Chief. Ideal traits could tweak you to be a Dps, Tanky, or Supportive.


    Psionics and Enchanters could switch their prof. mech., but their themes are drastically different. Enchanter would be more about CC where as Psionic would be more about DPS.


    > @"JohnWater.5760" said:

    > I don't like the idea to add weapons in a different hand or able to both hands, you did it with some classes.

    > I like focus main hand, Focus main hand and shield two-handed I think the most possible weapon to happen but is complicated to add a new weapon or a new form to use. Because who will use that? Only that spec?

    > The easiest is add a temporary weapon like Tomes, Conjures, Tool Kits etc.


    I really like the Scepter being an offhand weapon and Focus and Shield being able to be used in the main hand, especially with the professions that I assigned them to. Seeing Warrior with dual wielding shields is do-able, and your right, they could add more weapons via Tomes, conjures, tool kits, and physical skills, like they did with warrior and thieves (ex. bola and throwing knives).


  7. > @"Bashi.8902" said:

    > Instead of adding new ones they should rework and balance the existing ones to make bloody sense. 5 out of the 9 classes dont have a spot in pvp compositions right now. 1 of them doesnt even have a role to fulfill anymore (thief) and people literally forget that renegade is a thing that exists in this game. Balancing is a mess where every class has access to everything and its basically flavour of the season vs flavour of the season. If they add another expansion it will just skyrocket the powercreep to 10k autoattacks or 1v5 levels of sustain doesnt matter what they do. Legit instead of adding different specs they should at max give every class a new weapon with 5 new skills rework/rebalance the rest and add some Immersive role play lore whatever the kitten pve stuff for you guys. If u dont want to oneshot raid bosses next you will want the same.


    I thought the whole point of adding new elite spec was to add a sense of the secondary class from GW1 and to create a new playstyle within the same archetype or theme of the profession. I didn't think anyone was against the idea of profession's roles crossing over each other's.

  8. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"VocalThought.9835" said:

    > > they can't have 10 more.


    > Why not? There's no reason they can't re-use weapons, other than some players don't want them to do so.



    I figured that there is no need to have different weapon skills when you can have skills, like kits, or prof. mechs, like shrouds, that change your weapon skill bar. Re-using weapons on new elites and having new weapon skills, maybe possible but, may not be worth creating that many elite specs.

  9. > @"JohnWater.5760" said:

    > I guessing they might have 2 more to have a total of 4. So gw3 will come.

    If they start working on gw3, I hope they fix gw2 so people can play Living World 1 beforehand. I hope they don't make GW3 anything like the New Adventures of He-Man. The timeframe they would be in might be too advance for my liking.


  10. I find that we all have a different idea of what the next elite specs should be based on our previous experience with GW1 or other game or stories in the medieval/fantasy genre. I know I have a disgust for Bards being Thieves or Warlocks being Elementalist, although, it quite possible that they could create these elites with these professions in mind. It just won't be to my liking. I would rather see something like a Bard associated with a Mesmer and a Warlock associated with a Necromancer. I was really disappointed when they came up with Dragon Hunter for the Guardian, but to me, it would have been better if they named it Seraphim or Seraph. I know can understand why they didn't, but based on the skills and the appearance of the role, I think Seraph is more fitting than Dragon Hunter.


    My idea for the next Elite Specs would be:


    **Juggernauts**- Protective burst, main hand Shield, and Punishment Skills that weaken foes or;

    **Warlords**- Field Commands, Melee Staff, and Solider Recruits (Summon) Skills



    **Rift Slayer** - Great Sword with control abilities and dimensional magic.

    **Mist Walker**- Dual Pistols and skills that focus on deception and defense.



    **Champions**- Attune to their Virtues with Off-hand Sword, and Glyphs.

    **Mystics**- Summoning enchanted animal guides with each virtue, off-hand Scepter, and Mysticism Skills.



    **Warden**- 2 active pets, with offhand Shield, and Warding skills.

    **Shaman**- Shape-shift into it's pet, use offhand Focus and Totems skills.



    **Inquisitor**- Intuition abilities based on their amount of Initiative, Dual Wielding Maces, and Stances.

    **Shadow Mage**- Looses their dual wield abilities, but replaces their steal with a Shadow Thief abilities, , has an off-hand Focus, and uses Shadow Magic.



    **Technomancer**- TechnoMana, with Staff, and Cybertronic/Metallokinesis skills.

    **Machinist**- Mech-suit, with an offhand Focus, and Gear (Conjures/Glyphs).



    **Arcane Archer**- 5th attunement, Long Bow, and Rune Magic.

    **Warlock**- Elemental Avatar, main hand Focus, and Mantras .



    **Enchanter**- 2 more clones, Short Bow, and Enchantment Skills.

    **Psionic**- Merge illusions into a Shatter Beast, Dual Daggers, Psionic abilities. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/1/12/Mesmer_01_concept_art.jpg



    **Diabolist**- with Demon Shroud, Hammer and Tricks.

    **Death Stalker**- with Spirits Force, Rifle, and Traps.

  11. With all the elite specialization speculation, I wonder how many elite specialization GW2 will have for this game. We know they can't stop at 2, but also they can't have 10 more. I guessing they might have 3 more to have a total of 5, and they could have one elite spec that roughly caters to each core spec in the game.


    What's your thoughts?

  12. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"VocalThought.9835" said:

    > > It's funny that I never noticed that Renegade was Char Skill 2.0. lol. I don't know if they could pull that off with the next revenant elite spec though. Maybe with other Professions, but Rev needs to expand. The only one I could see them getting away with is probably the Norn Skills.


    > They cannot pull that off on other professions. Revenant is the only profession that base it's skills on historical characters that can represent a race. Rev might need to expand but ultimately each e-spec will be tied to a character and skills that are representative of this character. It can be anything but It won't be much different from what I suggested with my example.


    > That said, I can't help but imagine how disappointed everyone would be if they ended up giving us a dredge as a legend (earth themed skills, riffle and probably partial immunity to blind), a grawl (I'd love it but that would be ridiculously hillarious. The legendary scavengers :) ), a Hylek (Legendary Nahualli/Tlamatini/Cuicani/Amini, with skills based on poison) or the kraith (legendary slaver (lol) )


    I guess I was more so thinking the Asura skills could be done by engineer and Sylvari could be done by ranger, if it's not all ready. Maybe Rev could take on human and norn skills, but at least the other races could be captured by the other prof.

  13. Reverent and Guardian both use melee weapons with a magical vibe to them. Guardian uses Protective magic and Revenant uses Rift Magic. I don't see why people would not think great sword would be magic inspired especially after seeing Great Sword being used by Mesmer and Revenant use of the Hammer. I think Great Sword would be great with Revenant because the Devs could make any skill they want magical or melee and it would still work with the Rev.

  14. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > Renegade seemed pretty easy thought...

    > ANet took charr's racial elite skills and divided them into kalla's skills and F skills. _Warband support_: Utility skills. _Artillery barrage_: F3. _Battle roar_: F2/F4. _Charzooka_: bow.


    > If you go along with the trend, you could have:

    > - Sylvari e-spec (difficult to justify due to ventari but still possible): _Take roots_: Utility skills summoning various turrets and a defensive upkeep skill. _Grasping roots_: F control skill. _Summon sylvan hound_: F skill minion type. _Summon druid spirit_: Melee weapon skill set. (Greatsword/Legendary dreamer Riannoc)

    > - Asura e-spec (It's all about golem assistant): The spec would gain a misty spirit that cannot be damaged but can't attack on it's own, controlled by F skills (ranger like thing). _Radiation field_: utility skill which make the spirit release a toxic cloud, _pain inverter_/_technobable_: Control utilities using the spirit as a medium. _Power suit_: weapon skills. (Scepter/Legendary synergetist Oola)

    > - Norn e-spec (I'd rather not have a transform...): F2 skill grant access to an extra skillset that replace the weapon skillset (Could be "become the [insert dead norn totem animal]"). Use skills based on different "totem" as weapon/utility skill (example: different kind of animals "roars" for utilities and claw/bite move for the weapon, which suit well MH axe) (Axe/Legendary totem Owl)

    > - Human e-spec (Pretty tricky since the gods are leaving but not totally out of the picture): For convenience, the spec would channel the legendary heretic that used to go against the will of the gods, created it's own religion/cult and have access to skills pretty close to the human racial skills. Somehow, Verata could probably be used as a legend for this. (Off-hand Dagger/Legendary heretic Verata)


    It's funny that I never noticed that Renegade was Char Skill 2.0. lol. I don't know if they could pull that off with the next revenant elite spec though. Maybe with other Professions, but Rev needs to expand. The only one I could see them getting away with is probably the Norn Skills.

  15. I think the biggest problem for theory crafting a new Elite spec for Revenant is coming up with utility skills. Those that know the lore may be able to come up with some good ideas for upcoming Legends. People who are interested in particular weapons might have weapon skills in mind. But trying to think of utility skills is difficult then other classes because of the source of the Revenant's power.


    The Revenant use the mist, so a lot of it's abilities lay with classical ideas like Dimensional Travel, Rift Magic, Communion Spells, Summoning otherworldly beings, and possessions. I have to say, Anet did a great job with creating the Legendary Skills that they have. Every thing from summoning a mystic relic like the Ventari's Tablet, being possessed by Shiro phasing from in and out of dimensions, conjuring otherworldly hammers, chains, and roads through Jalis, and Transforming into a Demon and using it's demon powers. I really love the Herald abilities summon a Dragon powers from the mist and the Renegade abilities to call upon the warriors of old, but what else is left.


    What other dimensional spells or abilities are there to cover. I can't see Anet coming up with more of the same abilities. They would have to create something new, but I can't think of any other area of this Rift Magic or Communion Magic that has not been covered. Any Ideas?

  16. I think Great Sword would be a great weapon for Rev. I can see them have a combination if close combat and ranged attacks. Imagine the Rev holding the point of his sword to the sky, opening a vortex rift above their enemy launching them into the air and dropping them. That'll be a skill 5 ability! :)

  17. I love the idea of having Asgeir Dragonrender with Great Sword as a Legend for the next Elite Spec. Instead of having skills that grant aid of the Spirits of the Wild, it should be magic from the Jotun scroll that he used to hurt Jormag!


    Another idea as an elite would be have a the Revenant have Dual Pistols. I know their is no legend of the past, but maybe this Revenant can channel a legend of the future. They could use the mist in creative ways due to further advance knowledge of the mist it's self.

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