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Posts posted by ReV.6097

  1. I am actually surprised there is not as much of an outcry here as there was on one of the large GW2 facebook groups.

    Given how you can't unlock them all any other way (yet), and most people won't pay 2000 for a package that may have an outfit they don't neccersarily want, just to get 1 weapon type(2skins) out of many...


    I (believe you'd be sensible enough) sincerely hope it does get added to BLC or other methods of obtaining them (gems, gold, or reward tracks etc), otherwise there's next to no reason why you wasted effort making them.


  2. Lovely. Enjoy the Sword.

    Not so found of the other 2. Still. Great work making them.

    I also hope whoever made number 5 will do that again on the next contest because it looked great for Rev/Daredevil combat... but hell.. I'd be happy with any new staffs shaped like a spear or polearm/Halbeard/glave etc.


  3. "Broken Mirror: Balthazar's mirror lies shattered and sapped of its magic.

    Examine the mirror more closely

    - "The markings on it identify it as powerful mesmer magic. The design contains Lyssa's signature sigils, indicating that it was hers. ""She must have helped Balthazar for some reason known only to her"" <---




    Why do you think she helped him? What has Lyssa got to gain from aiding him, even with one minor thing? You guys have mentioned her dual sided nature, one side loving chaos. Is she like a Jekyl/Hide goddess? Lyss/Ilya. One side, compassionate and loving, the other, spiteful and desiring drama?

    I just hope we find out soon...

  4. I paid sub and bought store stuff in SWToR: and I regret it. Too much cash wasted.

    I do love GW2, but I spend a good enough amount eeach week on gems, which would be far more than any monthly sub. I'd probably do away with my account if it got to that point. Either that or they'd have to reduce store item prices, to keep customers because a monthly sub + the money on store items together would just be taking the piss.

  5. > @"fizzypetal.7936" said:

    > The dredge have machines to travel in. With that in mind, can we have a Harley Davidsonesque Trike Beetle Skin? The Beetle being the fat 'front tire' so to speak? Harley Beetleson would be a pretty epic mount in my world... :D


    Yes, please.

    We need a tire where the beetle is. Anything to get that Bike look

  6. After 80, once you level in an expansion you will start to get levels different to core Tyria.

    Mastery Levels 1 to 200(guessing it has reached 200+ now?)

    Which are more aimed at character content that you progress in. It often levels your level bar but also adds things like gliding, mounts etc.

    There are no stat boosts for masteries.

    There is no reason to feel left behind, no matter what expansion you join.

    People still frequent the HoT and PoF maps, but as easier that PoF is, HoT seems to attract the more meta fans.


    Personally I kinda dislike HoT in comparrison, especially story length. I reccomend trying both. They are different enough to form a love/hate relationship...

  7. > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > 1- Nobody on this forum knows the details behind these two employees, only that “they are no longer with the company.” There’s a big difference between that, and, “we had to let them go” or “they have been fired”. Don’t assume anything.

    > 3- The only mistake MO made was to make the announcement that they are no longer with the company. It should have simply read “This issue has been resolved internally”.


    Pretty sure they were fired. While this post has been going on, more was shown in the aftermath from interviews. And twitter, yesterday.


    ![](http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii609/dbarnes1011/fries_2.png "")


  8. > @"ThePolarTitan.4025" said:


    > - Umbrella Glider: It would be cool to see a person gliding down using an umbrella, would be quite classy. You could have several different types as well. ;)

    > - More armor that is more modern/town clothes in nature. I would love to see more suits and trenchcoats as options in the game. I know there are a few, but its a little disappointing for me since I would love to see more classy looking characters on the battlefield. I want to make a mesmer that wears a suit that is a trenchcoat piece, but there is not many options or terrific ones on the market.

    > - More housing options for instances: There are many areas on the map that are instances that would be great to have as personal home instance. Many people want a place they can call home in their game and if you can have something more customization then that would be great. I know for the guild hall you can place down decorations and I would love more of that for the home instance because I would be willing to buy more.



    These would be great. Not sure they'd have time to work on Armor

    An outfit would probably come out.... although the outfits are crap specificly because they only have 4 dye slots and it often makes suits/shirts/jackets have to match the pants. I hate that you can't always find a nice outfit where the pants are different color to the rest of the clothing. Makes it overly dull.

  9. I haven't been overly supportive with this in truth...



    I am honestly happy to have so many players feel welcomed and safe to express themselves, here in GW2 over the years.


    Glad you all had a great time and had reason to feel loved within the community.


    Maybe it's the recent turn of events with everyone in the community sticking together to fight bigger causes.

    The LGBT+ people are a big part of us, and, just like in Tyria when everyone respects and accepts each other, our true strength and unity, shines.



  10. Is that the last battle? I remember I had to dodge behind that dark wall (of tar?) that hurts you (if you're not in the middle), just as he cast it towards the rest of the room.

    Spent 10 mins with a guildie, tryna dodge it and kill scarabs over and over.. wondering why he kept taking longer to come back to the fight each time.

    We waited ages for him to come back, so i ended up rolling behind the black wall of w/e the hell that wall was, just before he finished casting it, and before he sent it towards my other guildie. I spotted him there casting it, and attacked him, which made him come back to the fight.

  11. > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > > > Elf-ear skin for next wintersday and all is well. --> [HoHoHo](https://www.google.com/search?q=elf+ears+christmas&client=firefox-b&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi7nNWj2O_bAhUKD5oKHXTBDCgQ_AUICigB&biw=1680&bih=913 "HoHoHo")

    > >

    > > i actually see this happening


    > Give it the hat as well, i don't care. As long as no resources are put into cramming a plain high-elf race into a game it doesn't fit in and where other races are available.

    > Can this thread end now?


    Yes it can end, so long as the hat/ears come with hair, too! :P

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